The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1349, wedding ceremony!

Nur, the pure white palace, in front of the throne of the Imperial Emperor and the Savior Ludwig.

Karl Franz, the promoted emperor of the empire, witnessed this grand ceremony. Except for the Eternal Peak, almost all the remaining forces of order in the old world came to witness this grand wedding. This was a grand ceremony that could be compared with the ancient Comparable to the glory days of the empire and the golden age.

At the same time, this was also the moment when the Empire officially appointed Frederick as the Imperial Crown Prince.

The pure white palace was filled with troops.

The Empire's Griffin Knights, Reik's Guards, Nur Ironclads and Blackstone Guards.

Grail Knights of Brittany, Old Guard.

Some of the Phoenix Guard, the Black Guard of Nagarond, and the Sisters of Avalon from the Elven Empire.

There is also the Oath Keeper Legion of Norscan Dwarves.

They all lined up to pay respects to the newcomer.

Four fingers supported the crown prince's golden crown. The promoted Emperor Karl-Franz stood in front of the throne. The emperor looked at his designated heir with a complex expression. There was far more kindness in his eyes than vigilance. As Frederick Kneeling in front of the promoted Karl, the emperor slowly lowered the golden crown without hesitation and put it on Frederick's head: "Now, a new era has arrived, and Frederick is the crown prince of my empire!"

Frederick's hands were shaking with excitement. He secretly raised his head and glanced at his godfather, only to find that the emperor's eyes were full of encouragement. Frey couldn't help but the corners of his eyes turned red. His biological father, Ryan, had not been with him for a long time. The eldest son of the Sun King found true fatherly love from Karl Franz. The emperor regarded him as his own son and taught his godson everything he could and could not teach. Without Karl- Franz, there would be no Frederick today.

"Godfather..." The Imperial Crown Prince said a few words with some excitement, then choked up.

"Get up, Frey, this is your stage." The emperor said softly, gesturing for Frederick to get up, and then spoke to all the dignitaries and the admiring citizens of the empire in the entire Nuer Square. Gradually it turned into a high-pitched voice: "May the gods of the old world bless His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Frederick stood up slowly. He took a deep breath and turned around. He was wearing a black robe and golden armor, and the cloak of a golden lion with a black background was swaying behind him.

Thunderous applause erupted in the main square, like waves, landslides, and sunshine from the sky.

"Welcome, welcome to my wedding today." Frederick spoke, and the voice of the Imperial Crown Prince spread through Galt's magic props.

"This is a festive day but also a solemn moment."

"I sincerely thank you all for coming to Noor and attending my wedding. I have a lot to say to you."

"This is a dark age, this is an age of destruction. Most of us have already experienced war. The god of darkness is ravaging our land and destroying everything we have."

"We are forced into war and we have to fight war."

"If Archaon, the Everchosen, and his army of Chaos succeed in their plans, the world's civilized order will be destroyed."

"To defend what we have, Imperials, take courage and let us accept the challenge."

"To this noble end, I appeal to all Imperials!"

"And all allies who regard order as their criterion, please take this as your responsibility."

"I implore everyone to remain calm and determined and to unite in the face of trials."

"The test is severe, and we will face a period of difficult days. War is not limited to the front line. Only with justice in mind can we act correctly!"

"We here pray sincerely to Charlemagne and to Ludwig!"

"As long as everyone has firm belief, we will win!"

"For the Empire, for Karl Franz, for Charlemagne!!!"

The crowds in the square responded with cheers, humans shouted Frederic's name, and even the elves clapped in agreement.

The petals of blue cornflowers floated in the air, and Frederick sang softly an old ballad.

"Ich wei nicht, was soll es bedeuten~"

“Dass ich so traurig bin~”

The imperial crown prince slowly walked down the steps, and the imperial dignitaries came up to greet him. Rick's court ministers were reluctant, Geert was deeply happy, Marius forced a smile, and Haut-Anderson was respectful.

"Ein Mrchen aus uralten Zeiten~"

"Das kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn~"

The Knights of the Holy Grail came up to greet them. Bohemond was very interested, François was impeccable, Kalad looked upright as usual, the rest of the people smiled at Frederick, and the Imperial Crown Prince bowed slightly towards them and nodded. Express thankfulness.

"Die Luft ist kühl und es dunkelt~"

"Und ruhig fliet der Nuln~"

The Kislev tsarina Katalin and her two generals, General Zhukov and General Bagramyan, came to express their congratulations. Katalin's eyes were full of envy and jealousy, and she spoke a fairly standard High Gothic. After expressing her blessings, Frederick could see that she was somewhat sincere and expressed her gratitude with a smile.

"Der Gipfel des Berges funkelt~"

"Im Abendsonnenschein~"

A group of dwarves squeezed out from the gap between the people. The Norscan dwarf king Baldr-The Crimson One and the crown prince of Belegar, the king of the Eight Peaks Mountain, Little Thorgrin-Iron Hammer beat his chest with weapons and attacked Frederic. Expressed blessing.

Frederick quickly expressed his gratitude. Humans and dwarves are brothers forever.

keep going.

"Die schnste Jungfrau sitzet~ (The beautiful girl), Dort oben wunderbar (Sitting in the clouds)" After thanking the dwarf, Frederic continued to sing: "Ihr goldnes Geschmeide blitzet (She is covered in gold and silver) Sie kmmt ihr goldenes Haar (combing her dazzling blonde hair)”

The Crown Prince continued to walk forward until a noble lady wearing an elector's dress stopped in front of him. Emilia, the Imperial Countess, had tears in her eyes. She looked at her son. Behind her was Fernando. Ray's three sisters, Rem, Rita, and Eugenie.

"Mother!" Frederick hesitated for a moment, but still stretched out his arms to hug his mother. He said in Emilia's ear: "Thank you!"

Emilia nodded vigorously. The mother didn't say anything. She glanced behind her. Frey's three sisters got out of the way with a smile. Frederic was stunned. He followed Emily. Ya's eyes looked over.

A tall and thin male god incarnation wearing a black hood, a skull mask on his face, a string of skulls on his body, and a scythe hanging on his waist; and a tall and thin male god incarnation wearing a silk robe of an imperial justice, with bandages on his eyes. The incarnations of the plump female gods who were covered and holding scales in their hands walked hand in hand. Behind them, a team of Moorish knights and a team of eternal light knights stood side by side. Behind them, about forty-two Knights of the Sun held up their hands. The golden sun flag.

Under the banner, the incarnation of the goddess of war, the northern eagle Noelle, is wearing a white wedding dress. Her short gray-purple hair has been braided into a noble princess hairstyle, with dark blue roses tied around her ears, and a white background with gold edges. Underneath the strapless wedding dress are pure white unicorn velvet pantyhose, with bow ribbons on both sides of the pantyhose. Noelle is both shy and determined, in front of her nominal parents, Moore, the God of Death. Under the guidance of Valena, the goddess of justice, she came to Frederick with flowers in hand.

Frederick stretched out his hands to hold his fiancée's hands, and looked at Noelle among the cornflower petals. The two closed their eyes and kissed gently until the end. Noelle then took a step back, Indicating that there is another person.

The Imperial Crown Prince's body froze. He followed Noelle's gaze and saw Malekith, the Eternal King of the Elf Empire, and Alarielle, the Eternal Queen. The Phoenix Guards, Black Guards, and Avalon sisters stepped aside. An elf girl holding Lilith's Holy Emblem of the Moon flag and wearing a full wedding dress gradually revealed her face from behind the flag.

That is a fairy with soft jade and soft flowers. She is like a beautiful white lotus blooming in the sea of ​​flowers. On her waist-length flaxen hair, lace showing the ancient patterns of the Elf Empire fell on her pink shoulders. In the haze, a stunningly beautiful bride appeared from behind the banner.

The retro rose pattern of pure white lace stockings is displayed on the slender legs. Through the surface of the lace stockings, you can vaguely see the bride's delicate white skin, plump thighs, slender calves and two cute little ones. Alisara was so shy that she couldn't help lowering her head.

"Go to Alishara, go." The Eternal Queen Alarielle motioned to Alisala to go over. Her mother's expression was extremely complicated. She knew very well that Alisala could no longer inherit the position of the Eternal Queen. Luckis's temperament and Tyrion's temperament. If Alishara stays in the Elf Empire, it means that an extremely fierce conflict will break out between the two. This is unacceptable, and having such a daughter marry the imperial crown prince will definitely be able to Strengthening the alliance and passing on the news, so Alisala marrying Frey is a good thing from Alarili's point of view, but she knows that she is sorry for her daughter. From any point of view, she is not worthy of being this mother. She can only Deep down in my heart I hope Alisala is happy.

Malekith looked happy. What use could a goddaughter have for nothing?

The Eternal King actually doesn’t know what to do with Alisara, his cheap goddaughter. Kill him? Isn't it worth fighting Tyrion again? Imprisonment? The impact is bad, ignore it? Who knows if Tyrion and Alarielle will rekindle their old relationship because of this daughter?

Malekith was already instructing his secret guards to provide several alternatives. As a result, the god Lilith announced that Alisara would be made a god and married to Frederick. The Eternal King heard the news I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Lilith still supported me. Yes, after all, I am the eternal king now. If Lilith doesn't support me, who else can I support?

The Eternal King was the most relaxed, Teclis remained calm, Imric concealed his hatred, and Aris closely monitored the venue.

In the middle of the field, Frederick couldn't help but hugged Alisala, and the two of them walked a lot along the way.

As for Noel, the marriage was blessed by the gods of the empire, and Thalia, the goddess of mercy, presided over it.

As for Alisara, the host's Goddess Moon Starlight dress looked brilliant and profound against the flowers. The star grains on her hair complemented the twinkling stars above her head. Wang Lilith and Pale Queen and Underground God King Orika hosted the event.

At the end of the banquet, Ryan stood there. He watched the wedding ceremony being held and couldn't help but smile. He held the hand of his wife Sulia tightly. They remembered the wedding ceremony in the past and the blessings of the two in Morgiana. They got married, and the new spring goddess Morgiana took Ryan's other arm. She gloated at Olica's somewhat unsteady steps and flushed face, recalling the revenge at the turkey feast, and endured Not living whispered in Ryan's ear.

The props and various potions that Olica spent a long time preparing were finally used on herself. Lilith, Morgiana, and Sulia now each have a remote control.

"Why don't you go over and bless your son?" At this time, a powerful being wearing a sky-blue cloak and a hood almost cut off the outside world approached from behind, with a touch of sentimentality and a hint of sadness in his tone. comfort.

"It's not appropriate for me to come forward at this time. He is the Crown Prince of the Empire, not the Crown Prince of the Knight Kingdom." Ryan knew who the visitor was. After thinking about it, he motioned for Sulia and Morgiana to leave first.

Morgiana is hostile to any outsider who dares to disturb her and Ryan's relationship, but the spring goddess's body and mind are exclusively for Ryan. She glanced at the visitor with a threatening look, turned around and left to discuss the matter with Veronica.

And Sulia had absolute confidence in her husband's strength. The Knight Queen noticed that her son Devon Hill was sitting between the Twilight sisters. The Baron was complaining unwillingly, and the two were in confusion. The hands of the neutral and neutral evil new elf sisters had already put their hands into Devon Hill's clothes and trousers to eat his tofu. Sulia decided to take care of her two daughters-in-law.

Seeing that everyone was gone, the person who came took off his hood, revealing Alario's super handsome face. Tyrion glanced around him with the whites of his eyes. After seeing that Ryan was always smiling, he finally looked at him. : "Can I have a few words with you in private? His Majesty Ryan Malcador?"

"We can talk directly here." Ryan spread his hands: "There are people within at least five kilometers nearby. This is the only place left for me. No one else will disturb me."

"This is Alisala's choice, and I accept it. I just hope that you can treat my daughter well in the future. I know that your family's blood is noble, and that brat Frey will never be as short-lived as a human being, but I still want to say " Tyrion shook his head. There was no trace of arrogance on his handsome face now, but he looked like an ordinary person. He even showed his teeth when he smiled: "Do you know? Ryan, can I call you this?"

"Of course." Ryan could feel that Tyrion had changed. He was no longer the radiant guardian of Ulthuan: "We are in-laws now."

"Just yesterday, I went to see Malekith, our king." Tyrion chuckled: "Ha, I told him that I forgive him! At the same time, I also asked him to forgive me, Ma Luckis agreed, we forgave each other, and we owe nothing to each other."

"That's a miracle." Ryan thought to himself that Malekith had changed. The former Witch King was trying hard to fit himself into the role of the Eternal King, and Tyrion had also changed. The guardian of Ulthuan was now more like a An elegant and easy-going old father.

"One thing to say, it is indeed a miracle. It can be seen that this guy is pretending to be generous and kind, but I don't know how long he can pretend. If he can, I hope it will be ten thousand years." Tyrion sneered, and he thought for a while , suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand.

Tyrion's action made Ryan instantly alert, but the father-in-law did not draw out the Yang Yan sword from his waist. Instead, he extended his hand to Ryan and made an invitation to shake hands: "So, come and shake hands."

"I'm a little confused." Ryan smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand: "Are you Tyrion, or someone else?"

"Before, I have always disliked you and been very arrogant to you. The trip to Ulthuan was that. What happened next is that I have always been too good and too powerful, so that I can't tolerate someone who is as good as me or better than me. A powerful presence." Tyrion squeezed Ryan's hand and said with a smile: "I apologize to you, Ryan, are you willing to accept my apology?"

"What's the big deal? Hey, who hasn't been young and vigorous yet?" Ryan felt Tyrion's sincerity. He really didn't care.

"Just don't hold a grudge against me." Tyrion also felt Ryan's serious reply, and he nodded: "Okay, it's time for me to leave."

"Are you leaving now? The next step is the banquet. This banquet will last until tomorrow morning. As Alisala's father, don't you stay for a wedding drink?" Ryan made a reservation. He was serious. I don’t know what Tyrion wants to do.

Could this person have changed his mind?

"If I go, the elves probably won't be able to celebrate, right?" Tyrion said lightly. He put his hood back on, his expression hidden in the shadows: "Besides, I didn't think about it either. How to face them, I am guilty, I have sins that cannot be repaid."

"..." Ryan understood. The original body of the Gray Knight paused for a few seconds, and he understood everything: "I have never resented you, and I will never take my anger out on Alishara."

"That's good, thank you, Ryan, thank you." Seeing this, Tyrion walked out of the courtyard, alone.

"Where do you plan to go?" Ryan fully understood, and he asked: "Perhaps, I can provide some suggestions."

"No, thank you." Tyrion whispered, "I know what else I can do."

"Don't worry, this won't be the last time you see me. I know the war is not over yet." Tyrion's back gradually faded away, leaving only his voice:

"The former guardian of Ulthuan has nothing left worthy of my protection."

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