The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1379, Bearing the humiliation and bearing the burden of the Eternal King, fighting with dete

In the air, Ryan was observing the battle situation. The rainbow bridge he created was not particularly stable due to the interference of the strong wind of chaos. However, it was already very close to Middenheim at this time, riding his big griffon Impre. Si, Ryan observed the situation in the city.

He saw the Ascended Emperor Karl-Franz and his Imperial Army Quick Lane rushing to the battlefield. Ascended Karl and the Eternal Chosen Archaon said something, but Archaon just shook his head, and the two sides immediately faced off against each other. Kal the Ascended was defeated by Archaon, the Ever-Chosen. The thunderous hammer in his hand, "Gael-Malaz Essence", composed of the pure power of the warp, succumbed to the power of the Kingslayer. , exploding into light and rain.

Archaon defeated Kal the Ascended, but was not completely defeated. Galt, the embodiment of the metal wind, and Tyrion, the embodiment of the light wind, came to rescue the emperor of the heavenly wind. The three winds and their armies moved towards Ulric Castle retreated, and Archaon tried to pursue but was blocked by the golden wall built by Gelt.

He saw a flood of greenskins appearing near Middenheim, pouring out from all over the city. Countless Northlanders, including a small number of Middenheim residents and the army of the Incarnate Parliament were attacked by these. The greenskins stepped on them. In this night of wild blades, although the greenskins were not sure why they suddenly appeared here, there was no doubt that this was a good place for a fight. The greenskins and the big greenskins would The heavily armored Chaos Warriors fell to the ground. The crudely made axes and machetes cut through the seemingly indestructible plate armor of the Chaos Warriors. The saliva spurted out. The previously indomitable Yankees had finally met their opponents. Faced with these battles, The eager and furious new warriors of Chaos were knocked to the ground by the brand new green-skinned army.



There were about 20,000 green-skinned troops teleported, most of them were Orcs, and a few were ogre mercenaries and goblin cubs. Seeing that there were so many cans that big guys could open, The Orcs were so excited that they slashed like crazy. The swords in the hands of many Orcs curled up after just a few cuts. They threw away their weapons and smashed the helmets of the Chaos Warriors with their fists.

There is no doubt an elite force in this green-skinned army. They are all heavily armored and holding giant axes, and they still maintain amazing discipline on the crazy battlefield. Each of them is larger than ordinary green-skinned soldiers. Bigger, stronger and waaagh, these dark-skinned, disciplined guys are followed by a bigger guy, the big black orc warlord is strong and strong, with broken teeth, the huge ax in its hand scrapes among the Chaos Warriors The whirlwind, the solid shield array was torn apart like rags in front of it, and the headless body of a Northland barbarian chief, Chaos Champion, Evil God Chosen and even the Chaos Lord was kicked by the Black Orc Warlord Open, those chaotic beasts were torn into pieces under the giant axe, and their blood flowed into streams.

Grimgor Ironhide, the Black Orc Warlord, the strongest among the greenskins, the strongest, largest and most waaagh greenskin warlord and ogre king, is angry. It originally ended its long expedition to the Far East and is sitting Prepare for the next waaagh of destiny on the throne of darkness! As a result, it appeared here inexplicably with its army. Grimgor didn't like this. It was very angry and the consequences were serious. Its anger made it more powerful, although it did not understand what the power in its body was, nor did it I understand why I came back here, but none of this is important. What is important is that Grimgor never backs down from a fight!

"Grimgor! Grimgor!"

The surrounding black orcs shouted Ironhide's name. They could feel that there was a powerful force in Grimgor. This power strengthened the black orcs with every slash of Ironhide. Ironhide's power shook the mountains. His body split everything in half!

A new waaagh of destiny begins!

"Grimgor! Let's drop super silver!"

"Grimgor! Youyuandi is ready!"

In addition to the Orcs who are crazy about Ironhide's bravery, there are also ogres who have joined Ironhide's ranks. The ogre kingdom was conquered by Ironhide a few months ago. For these mostly ignorant ogres, war is Their purpose was just to enjoy the fun of fighting and bring rich food. Ironhide satisfied them, and they fought for Ironhide.

Then a strange scene appeared. In Middenheim, all the coalition forces of Order fought with despair. Only the greenskins stepped onto the battlefield happily and proudly. They didn't care about injury, death, victory or defeat, they only cared about victory. Can you have a good fight?

"Grimgor Ironhide, that's him." Leman Russ looked at the appearance of the green-skinned warlord. The Wolf King's face was a little solemn: "You have to be careful, Ryan, I can feel the rag hair in that guy." Ka’s power, we must deal with him first.”

"No, let's ignore him and let him fight Chaos first." Ryan shook his head and rejected Leman Russ's proposal. The greenskins were indeed very powerful when they first arrived on the battlefield, but after all, there were only 20,000 to 30,000 people. Archaon still has four to five million troops outside the city, and nearly two hundred thousand people have entered Middenheim. No matter how strong the greenskins are, they can't really fight back against Chaos.

Sure enough, Archaon's lieutenants were stunned by Grimgor's greenskin army at first, but these experienced Chaos Lords soon realized that the greenskins were attacking everyone without distinction. Attack, so they pulled Ironhide and let Ironhide kill towards Malekith's army of shadows.

"Teclis's cursed hair doesn't seem to work!" Ryan cursed when he saw this scene: "Why not teleport Ironhide directly to Archaon?"

However, a shocking scene occurred. Ironhide defeated Malekith's army of shadows and beat Malekith to pieces in a close-range 1V1 real-man battle. Just as everyone was watching Just when he thought Malekith would take advantage of his mount's ability to fly to escape, the Eternal King of the Elf suddenly knelt on his knees in front of Ironhide.

Ironhide seemed stunned by the scene in front of him. He stopped moving, as if he was asking something. Malekith immediately raised his head and tried to communicate with his movements and words. After hearing this, Ironhide stopped dead in his tracks. The Black Orc Warlord First, he laughed loudly, raised his human-destroying ax and roared loudly, declaring his victory. However, Malekith then gestured with his hand to emphasize something. Ironhide's face immediately darkened, and then he lifted Malekith up with his hand and signaled He leads the way.

"Maybe we can survive." Looking at the incredible picture in front of him, Ryan muttered silently.

The Brittanian army and the Eight Peaks dwarves arrived at the residential area of ​​Middenheim at this time, and the Sun King immediately ordered to rush to Urick Castle immediately.

It's going to be a race to the death, but it looks like something isn't going to let Ryan get his way.

The most powerful demon of Slaanesh, Shalashi - Demonic Disaster!

Hagroth, the Great Demon Rainfather of Nurgle!

Angras, the most powerful demon of Khorne!

There is also the First Captain of the World Eaters, Karn the Betrayer, and the fifty Chaos Chapters under their command, who have been waiting for Ryan for a long time!

Almost as soon as the Lane Army arrived, a battle ensued.

Leman Russ faced off against Shalaxi-Demonscourge, Diego faced off against Rainfather Hargroth, and Lion Malcador faced off against Angras again.

The battle is getting more and more intense.

.........I am the dividing line in the race between life and death......

Jumping off Seraphim's body, Malekith was left with less than two hundred elf warriors. They were no match for Grimgor's tough boys, but all the warriors decided to protect their king until Last minute.

After Malekith and Ironhide fought for twenty or thirty rounds, the Eternal King knew that he could not be Ironhide's opponent. No matter what blessing the beast had received, it was now too powerful.

If it were before, Malekith would not hesitate to escape and let their soldiers accept death, because the weak are not qualified to survive.

But it's different now. Now, Malekith is the eternal king. He knows that he is responsible for the rise and fall of the entire elves. This makes the personality of the despicable and cruel Witch King in the past different from that of the enthusiastic, brave and faith-filled Prince Malekith. The collision sparked fierce sparks in Malekith's soul.

The arrival of Snorri Whitebeard activated the power of the latter personality. Malekith's long-lost sense of honor and responsibility was awakened from the depths of his soul. He was no longer the Witch King, but the Phoenix King he once was. General, Ambassador of the Elf Empire to the Dwarves, Prince Malekith! He won't let Snorri down again, no! never!

The selfish, cruel and sinister Witch King left temporarily, Prince Malekith fell to the ground, and the Eternal King strode towards Grimgor Ironhide. He came up and knelt down, his knees stained with blood in Middenheim. More than ten meters were marked on the stone road. Malekith gracefully and swiftly slid to his knees in front of Ironhide, lowered his head, and laid the long sword flat with the hilt facing the opponent.

At the moment when the human-destroying ax was about to fall on Malekith's head, the Eternal King shouted in the loudest and most bitter voice of his life: "I surrender!!!"

"???" Grimgor Ironhide was stunned. The tip of the human-destroying ax had almost touched Malekith's helmet. Ironhide forced himself to stop and muttered: "I'm not mistaken, right? ?Pointy ears actually surrendered to me?"

"On behalf of myself and the Elven Empire, I surrender to Grimgor and his boys." Malekith repeated.

Ironhide was stunned. It confirmed again, then curved its lips into a smile and raised the battle ax above its head.

"Grimgor is the most powerful!" it roared and laughed, turning its back to Malekith and slamming an iron fist into its breastplate.

The battle cry echoed through the ruins of Middenheim, sparking a thousand little cheers. The greenskins of the Black Orcs Chapter unanimously praised the name of the war boss.

"No, Grimgor is not the strongest!" Malekith immediately shouted. The voice of the Eternal King interrupted Ironhide's joy, and it growled impatiently: "What if Grimgor is not the strongest? Then Who is?"

"I came to lead this city to defeat a big spiked bald warboss!" Malekith immediately said: "This big warboss is the strongest and most waaagh. None of us can defeat him, even Lian Ge. Neither can Rimuge!”

"Impossible! Grimgor is the most powerful! Grimgor is the most powerful!" Ironhide shouted impatiently: "Others are pinching you?"

"Right over there!" Malekith immediately pointed in the direction of Archaon: "I can lead you, Grimgor will prove that he is the most powerful!"

Ironhide was silent. For the Black Orc warlord, thinking was really a troublesome and unnecessary thing, but Ironhide had to think. It easily came to a conclusion under the guidance of Malekith: "You bring Shall I go? Pointed ears are very weak!"

"So we will not steal your glory. We will use every opportunity to prove that we are worthy of your rule." Malekith immediately pretended and hammered his chest with his sword: "Wow. Ahhhhh~”

The pointy ears made all the greenskins happy now, and Ironhide wished that I was leading a group of pointy-eared guys together to waaagh! Doesn’t this just prove that Grimgor’s waaagh is the most waaagh waaagh? This is so old waaagh!

So the Black Orc warlord helped Malekith up: "Come, take your boys and follow me waaagh!"

A smile appeared on Malekith's face behind the mask. He sacrificed his pride, but the hope of victory remained. Oaths against such races are worthless anyway. If these greenskins survived the rest of the battle, he would settle the score with them.

Pretend to surrender to the greenskins first, and then regret it later.

In an instant, Malekith seemed to have transformed back into the diplomatic ambassador he once was, a master of diplomacy who was well aware of the ways of doing things and the thinking logic of every force in the world. The Eternal King was proud of his talent and bitter about his failure.

The Eternal King can expand and contract!

Snorri, did you see that? That black orc super warboss Ironhide from the East has a whole chapter in your book of hatred. Isn’t he cruel enough?

I chatted and laughed with it!

It's embarrassing, but I won't let you down again, Snorri, my brother.

Although the surrounding elven warriors all looked at Malekith with contempt and condemnation, they also knew that they had no choice now. Under Ironhide's order, this small group of elven warriors followed the greenskin's footsteps and headed towards Kill Archaon wherever he is.

Ironhide and his tough boys are still far away from Archaon for the time being. They may still have dozens of Chaos warbands to deal with along the way. The Everchosen does not need to consider the threat from the east for the time being. Archaon is bored to find that it seems that something People came to stop him.

The Eternal Emperor Settra has come to kill. At this time, Settra is very aware of the threat of Archaon. Through Kapu's persuasion, the great king knows what the Eternal Chosen wants to do. Settra orders that no matter the cost or loss, let his The War Eagle Legion led the way, and Khemri's funeral rites and the royal chariot guards personally followed Settra in the charge.

This reckless charge caused devastating losses to Nicohara's army.

When Settra was about two hundred horses away from Archaon, less than twenty of the one hundred war hawks were left.

When Settra was about a hundred horses away from Archaon, the royal chariot guards fell in front of the halberd array and shield wall of the Chosen Warriors of Chaos.

When Settra was about fifty horses' distance from Archaon, the Tomb Princes, the great Tomb Kings, and the Mortic Priests themselves joined the battle.

In the distance, when there were still twenty horses away, Petra's blessed blade burst out with the bright light of the sun god, burning the souls of the Chaos warriors. The brooch on Settra's chest came from the gods of Nicohara. The powerful blessing of Usilian, the god of the underworld, helped him avoid all magical attacks.

"The Eternal Chosen of the Dark False God! Settra is here!" The solemn declaration of the Immortal Emperor reached Archaon's ears: "Either surrender, or die!"

The Everchosen impatiently raised the Regicide.

The dead want to die again?

Satisfy you!

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