The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 147, Summer Night Sky

Early the next morning, the army broke out. The Marquis of Anchi led an army of more than 30,000 people into the Arden Forest from the front. Winford's army joined Bastogne's army and prepared to enter along the circular path. Forest of Arden.

The number of this unit is not large, about 6,000, of which there are about 3,000 combat-ready soldiers, and the rest are accompanying troops and logistics personnel.

Early in the morning, a kingdom knight who looked to be in his thirties, wearing a silver gilt patterned cross helmet with a golden fire dragon statue on the top, and a full set of mithril plate armor forged by the master craftsman of Bastogne came to Lane. In front of him: "Hello, Mr. Lane, Knight of the Holy Grail, I am Gabriel de Bastogne."

"Hello, Sir Gabriel, I am Ryan Macado." Ryan shook hands with him.

"I'm very happy to fight alongside you. If you don't mind, please let the soldiers of our Bastogne Beast Killer Regiment lead the way." Gabriel said seriously: "Soldiers fight with beasts all year round at the edge of the Arden Forest. They are very familiar with the complicated roads in the forest."

"Oh, of course, of course I welcome soldiers who know the way to lead us!" Ryan said very sincerely: "We are an army coming from afar and are not familiar with the forest. Your Bastogne army has been fighting these beasts all year round. We are fighting, and we have to rely more on your performance."

"As expected of the lady's divinely chosen champion!" Marquis Gabriel praised: "Please!"


About an hour later, the army completed its assembly and began marching along the road into the forest.

At the front were more than a hundred kingdom knights, then more than three hundred knights errant, then six hundred serf archers, then more than two thousand serf infantry led by sergeants, and the rest were a large number of accompanying troops. and the logistics troops at the rear. Covering the two wings of the army were more than two hundred rangers.

Ryan, Julius, and Gabriel, the three kingdom knights, followed the front group of kingdom knights.

The third son of the Duke of Bastogne has a resolute face, with many scars on his face, and his eyes are shining brightly. At first glance, he looks like a veteran on the battlefield. He has a faint powerful aura, and he is a legendary powerhouse with very stable strength. By.

There are no mediocre people in the Bastogne family for generations. As the direct descendants of the first generation of knight king Arthur, this family has always had extremely strict family systems and rules. Coupled with good training and excellent guidance since childhood, this marquis is very powerful. Not surprising either.

"This time, the Winford Fugitive Group and the Bastogne Beast Slayer Group will fight side by side." Ryan took the initiative to stir up the topic.

"It is an honor for us Bastogne knights to fight side by side with the famous Knights of Winford, and it is an honor for me, Gabriel, to fight side by side with the lady's chosen champion, Mr. Ryan!" Gabriel also said seriously responded: "Although the troops from Bastogne are assigned here, we do not intend to be spectators."

"Audience? Why do you say that?" As they gradually entered the forest, the originally neat military formation could no longer march so many troops side by side, and the entire army began to lengthen. Ryan said curiously while paying close attention to the movements in the forest.

"Hey, Mr. Ryan, you don't know something. When I learned that Angie Desmond arranged for us to go to the right, I knew that he didn't want us to steal his limelight." Gabriel's tone Some dissatisfaction.

"I would like to hear the details." Ryan and Julius looked at each other. They were unclear about the situation in the Arden Forest.

"The right road is the most difficult road among the three route armies. There are a lot of beastman warbands on this road, and the road is also rugged and difficult to travel, so it is difficult for us to make enough gains, and it is inconvenient to march quickly. ." Gabriel continued: "Your Excellency Ryan, the number of our troops is not enough. My view on our march this time is to advance steadily. Don't overly pursue the results. Just follow the predetermined route and sweep away the beastmen war gangs along the way. Just meet up at the predetermined location.”

"This is also my idea. The forest is not our home field. How can the knights charge in such uneven land and dense bushes?" Ryan nodded.

"We are here to destroy the beastmen, not to play hide-and-seek with the beastmen." Julius also said.

So the strategic policy of the Right Route Army was decided.

The knights of Bastogne have very rich experience in fighting beastmen. Seeing that Ryan confirmed this plan, Gabriel felt very relieved. He was really afraid that the young Holy Grail knight in front of him would fight with those competitive people. Like the knights errant in Hot Blood, they will chase after the beastmen as soon as they see them appear.

In the forest, fighting like this would definitely be over.

The first day of march did not encounter many accidents. There was almost no trace of beastmen along the way. Everyone moved forward smoothly and then camped near a creek. The soldiers quickly boiled water for cooking, and the sky gradually became dark. Falling into dusk.

"Hex, arrange for people to patrol that hill! Olivier, pay attention to sending people to guard the upper stream of the creek to pay attention to whether the beastmen are poisoned." Ryan arranged for the army to patrol, and Gabriel from Bastogne also Arranging his army: "Baudouin! Alphonse! You know what to do!"

"Yes! My Marquis!" The knights of Bastogne are well-trained, and the serfs are even more familiar with the camp. These soldiers don't need to be reminded at all. They look very skilled. The Bastogne Beast Killers are not called for nothing. of.

Ryan stood alone by the creek, looking at the flowing water. He noticed the sound of footsteps behind him and some faint fragrance.

Hmm~ It was the scent of jasmine and iris, so Ryan turned around: "Miss Sulia? Miss Sylvia?"

"Good evening! Lord Ryan!" "Good evening, Lord Knight of the Holy Grail, Ryan!" Both girls greeted Ryan. Sylvia was still a little unfamiliar, but Sulia was quite natural: "What are you thinking about? "

On a summer night, the quiet forest, the cool breeze, the chirping of insects, and the two beauties in front of him, Ryan was in a good mood. The two female knights did not wear knight armor when they camped at night. What was unified was that Britannia's standard knight dress, which is a blue vest and white shirt, as well as brown tights and riding boots. Both female knights have very good figures. Only Ryan can identify the buttons of Sulia's shirt. Tighter.

"I'm wondering whether we can achieve our goal in this chivalry war. For now, we have not encountered a strong enemy." Ryan said softly: "The beastmen seem to have disappeared."

"Don't be careless, Mr. Ryan! These beasts might be peeking at us from the dark right now!" Sylvia said subconsciously.

"Sylvia! How could Mr. Ryan be that kind of knight?" Sulia quickly motioned to Sylvia to stop talking.

A beautiful female knight who is quite serious and likes to keep a straight face, Ryan thought, but this maid has a very good relationship with Sulia. The two are like sisters, so he smiled and said: "Miss Sylvia, don't be so serious. , I don’t mean to be lax, on the contrary, I am afraid that the beastmen will not fight us decisively.”

Hearing this, the two female knights came out curious, so Ryan continued: "We knights of Britannia, what are we good at?"

"Well, what we are good at is charging in groups on the plains, and what we are good at is fighting in formation." Sulia thought for a moment and immediately understood: "So, if the beastmen are willing to fight us head-on, we knights will occupy A big advantage.”

"Yes, because of this, the Beastmen will never fight us head-on. We wear strong armor and hold heavy shields. Once a group charge is launched, the Beastmen cannot resist it. We know this, and so do the Beastmen. , Never underestimate the intelligence of these beasts, they may be much smarter than many knights." After saying these words, Ryan raised his head and looked at the army camp.

Several knights errant from Bastogne and knights errant from Winford have already quarreled, and it looks like another knightly duel is about to begin.

"Pfft~" The two female knights looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Compared to the knights errant who want to charge mindlessly at everything they see, maybe the beastmen are really much smarter than them.

"Your Excellency Ryan is absolutely right!" At this moment, Marquis Gabriel and Marquis Connelly joined the conversation between them, especially Marquis Gabriel, a knight of the Kingdom who was already in his thirties, and clapped his hands: "I have been on the battlefield since I was sixteen years old. I have fought with these beasts for more than twenty years. I am deeply aware of their cunning. In this huge and dense forest, our knights are highly disciplined and can defend and attack with force. We are weak, so the beastmen will never give us a chance to fight on the plains and grasslands. On the contrary, dense jungles, narrow roads, and even muddy environments are the favorites of these beasts."

Ryan nodded, and he suddenly said with regret: "I suddenly feel that, Sir Gabriel, you are the one suitable to lead the army."

"Maybe." Marquis Gabriel held the Broken Steel Knight Sword at his waist, with an ugly expression on his face: "But I know that I can't get this position. Even if the Marquis of Anchi is not the commander of this chivalry war, it is reasonable to say that Your Majesty will not give me the leadership of this chivalry war."

"Why?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Because my surname is Bastogne!" After Gabriel finished speaking, he left. Seeing this, Sulia walked to Ryan's side and whispered: "Originally, Richard's position as King of Knights should be Duke of Berhemond. Yes, but he refused."

Ryan understood.

Yes, the Principality of Bastogne, the land of dragons in Britannia, the direct descendants of the first Knight King Arthur, the Red Fire Dragon family, their family is the real pure royal bloodline, the dragon skin of the first Knight King Arthur The armor is still preserved in Bastogne Castle, and Duke Bohemond is a glorious Holy Grail Knight and Grand Knight of the Holy Realm.

If the Red Dragon Duke stands up and shouts at the King Selection that I am the purest descendant of Arthur, and that I am also a Holy Grail Knight and a Grand Knight of the Holy Realm recognized by the lady, then there is no need to hold a King Selection. Well, Bohemond could directly be crowned the King of Knights relying on these two points alone.

He refused to be crowned King of Knights, as the Duke himself was not interested in becoming king, so the Kingsmoot continued.

So will the current King of Knights, Richard, be grateful to him for this?

No, not at all. Instead, Richard will be extra vigilant and monitor the Red Dragon Duke closely.

To put it simply, the Red Dragon Duke holds a "strong claim" to Britannia and is also a local power. If this is a game, then the Knight King Richard should do everything possible to replace or assassinate him. Just drop it.

But this is reality, not a game. It is impossible for Richard to do that, but precautions and suspicions are indispensable.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are people, there is politics. Ryan knows that any kingdom has its own unique political situation, just like the elector system of the empire, the principalities of Britannia and the Lady of the Lake. Belief.

Ryan is not a barbarian. He cannot push forward like a barbarian and declare another piece of territory to be under my control after occupying a place. The result of this will be that everyone in the world will be the enemy, and then Khorne and Tzeentch among the Chaos Evil Gods will still be very powerful. Be happy, because they will get a lot of energy from this behavior, sit back and watch humans fight among themselves and wait for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

The road is still long, and Baron is just the beginning.

Ryan raised his head. The summer moon was gradually becoming rounder, emitting bright light and nourishing the dark earth.

Wait, getting rounder?


Deep in the Arden Forest, the same moonlight shines on the heads of the beastmen and beasts.

The Demonic Rock, also known as the Chaos Core, is a sacred totem of the strength and faith of the beastmen. All kinds of materials in the camp are also piled here to appease the gods and exchange favors. The weapons, armor, flags seized from the hands of defeated enemies and those who were dismembered and died Enemy corpses are surrounding these stones.

The Magic Rock always stands where the winds of magic gather, and is usually the place where an ominous meteor falls.

Today, a grand banquet of beastmen was held deep in the forest. The screaming shaman "Heart Eater" Groz, who was more than three meters tall, was presiding over this alliance meeting.

One by one, the captured Brittanian knights were dragged to the Demon Rock with screams, disembowelled, and then generously rewarded to all the strong beasts who came to join the alliance.

"! We...kill! We are strong!!!" The nearly four-meter-tall beastman and beast king "Bloodhorn" Maras has two huge horns and holds a battle ax: "Kill!!!"

After saying that, the Beast King bit into the head of a captured knight, and the brains splattered everywhere.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Thousands of beastmen surrounded the Demonic Rock. At the same time, more beastmen continued to come from afar. Every corner of the black forest was filled with these beastmen. Terrible creature.

The earth is shaking and the forest is crying.

The blazing flames of the Guild Alliance lit up the sky and burned around the Demonic Rock. The shamans threw grass containing hallucinogenic ingredients into the flames, and large streams of colorful fireworks scattered in the jungle.

The light of fire and the smell of carrion attracted the beastmen in the entire Arden Forest to converge towards the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks, gradually forming a huge torrent of flesh and blood. Each arriving beastman leader used the original writing of the beastmen to write in the Ten Thousand Demon Rocks. His name is engraved on the magic rock, and he is loyal to the powerful beast king "Bloodhorn" Malas.

Three thousand, five thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand, the number of beastmen is increasing every second, the first-horned horned beast, the tall giant, the fierce doomsday bull, the chaos warhound, the razor beast, the harpy Demons, centaurs, and the most terrifying Cyclops and the four-armed bull demon.

"The knight... is here! The beasts... kill! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!" The Beast King raised his battle ax and let out a deafening roar: "Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Countless beastman warbands, warbands, and warbeast herds numbering more than 12,000 responded to the call of the Beast King. In addition, there were countless beastmen in the distance who were joining them: "Kill all... the knights! Kill... the false gods in the lake!"

"The season of over...and the season of killing!"

kill! Destroy those stupid knights! Eliminate all non-split-toed people in the world!

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