The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 151, Rainy Night Counterattack

Denis swore that he said this sentence in the clearest and most standard way.

"Tomorrow night? Will it rain?" Ryan's face looked a little strange: "Tell me the reason, soldier, it seems you are from Bastogne?"

"Yes, I come from Bastogne and am a hunter from the Arden Forest. It will definitely rain at night on September 4th every year. Mr. Knight of the Holy Grail, what I said is absolutely true. Our family is in Arden. I have been hunting in the forest for decades, and every year at night on September 4th, it must rain here!" Deni added seriously.

Ryan frowned, and then asked: "It's raining in the entire Arden Forest? I haven't heard of it..."

"I never dare to deceive the Holy Grail Knight. I swear, this is true. Every year at night on September 4th, it will rain in this forest, and there will be thunderstorms for a long time, and then the rain will spread to In the entire forest, almost by September 6th, the heavy rain will completely stop, and then the forest will usher in a long period of sunny days." Deni knelt on the ground: "I would like to swear to Sallya that everything I said is true. it is true."

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Denis, Master Knight of the Holy Grail."

"...Tomorrow night, tomorrow night." Ryan patted Denis on the shoulder, indicating that his news would be useful to him, and then asked the knights to take him down: "Go and get him some food. This news may be useful to him. We are useful."

"Yes!" Knight Errant responded loudly immediately. He glanced at the serf with jealous eyes. He did not dare to disobey the Holy Grail Knight's order. The serf got a bowl of broth and two barley breads.

The scene returned to the four people. Seeing that Ryan kept talking about heavy rain tomorrow night, Julius said with interest: "Do you believe what that serf said?"

Before Ryan could answer, Marquis Gabriel's eyes lit up, and he took up the topic: "Yes, every September, the Arden Forest will usher in the late rainy season, but I don't know the exact time. After all, the knights Don’t pay much attention to this.”

Sulia stood up and walked to Julius's side. Her moving sea-blue eyes first looked at Ryan, then at her brother, and then said: "If it rains, it will be very detrimental to us, soldier." They hated fighting in the rain, and knights were afraid of their armor rusting and chose to cover it with tarpaulin."

Ryan nodded vigorously, he had already thought of the next plot: "Then, due to the arrival of heavy rain, the army cannot advance in the mud and soft land, we will choose to find a place to take shelter from the rain, and the knights will put away their armor to prevent Rusty, the serf soldiers would look for trees and caves to escape the heavy rain."

"Your Excellency Ryan is right. If what the serf named Deni said is true, then the continuous heavy rain for several hours will make everyone upset. When we relax our vigilance, the beastman army will appear... …Our army is not good at fighting in the jungle and heavy rain, but the beastmen are fearless." Sulia then said softly.

"Yes! Yes!" Ryan murmured to himself: "Yes, that's it. The beastmen are waiting. They are waiting for the heavy rain. We are still ignorant of these situations. If it weren't for this serf named Deni who risked his life You told us, who knew it would rain heavily tomorrow night?”

"This is the Beastmen's chance, and it's our chance too!"

"Instruct the three armies to rest in shifts and ration food according to pre-war standards!"

"We must ensure that everyone is back to their best condition by tomorrow afternoon!"


After confirming how the beastmen would attack, the entire army began to seize the time to rest. Except for a small amount of defense, everyone got enough rest time.

In the afternoon of the next day, the weather became hotter and hotter, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder. The soldiers began to sort out their weapons, and the knights gathered around the camp. Everyone had a feast of bread and bacon, as well as various vegetable.

By dusk, all the troops in the camp were ready, the soldiers were lined up in several rows, and the knights were all wearing armor.

In the forest, the wind was strong and black clouds gradually covered the sky.

Ryan and others were standing in the middle of the army. The Holy Grail Knight was holding a gryphon warhammer. He suddenly smiled at Julius beside him and said: "This battle will directly determine the outcome of our army. You didn't expect it, right? Maybe this The outcome of a war will be rewritten by a serf. If he hadn't reminded me, maybe we were looking for a place to take shelter from the rain?"

"Father has always taught us that serfs are an indispensable part of the country. I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it." Julius nodded slightly with a straight face: "Ryan, I understand why you won The lady has favored you, is this the Knight of the Holy Grail? If it were me, I would never have the patience to listen to what the serf has to say."

"Knights have things that knights are good at, and serfs have things that serfs are good at. In this country, knights determine the strength of the entire country, but serfs determine the foundation of the entire country. Knights cannot exist without serfs, and serfs also need knights. Protection." Ryan could feel the strong wind blowing in the forest making him almost unable to open his eyes, and bursts of dead branches and leaves were flying in the huge oak forest.

There was a rumble of thunder in the distant sky.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sun gradually disappeared into the dark clouds.

"Boom!" A white lightning flashed from the clouds to the ground. A few seconds later, the sound of rolling thunder tearing through the earth resounded throughout the valley.

The serf soldiers stood on the spot with their spears in hand. There was worry and fear in their eyes. They were not professional soldiers in the first place. Many of them were even worried about whether their fields would be affected by heavy rain.

Maybe their morale is not high, maybe they are not good at fighting, but they all know that this battle is for their own lives and to protect their country.

The more elite sergeants lined up in a tight formation. They wore chainmail, smocks, and helmets. Most of them held up long swords and carried shields on their backs-halberds were difficult to use in the forest.

They are more glorious freemen. Their land does not have to pay extremely high taxes. Their families enjoy houses and food rations in towns and even castles. They enjoy double salaries, and therefore must show sufficient combat effectiveness.

Then, there are the knights.

In the forest, the knights gave up riding horses and chose to dismount and fight on foot. They wore fine armor and held swords and shields in their hands. They were well-trained and had high morale, just like those beautiful knight stories and mythological epics. Similarly, all knights errant hope that they can make contributions in war and win supreme glory.

The Kingdom Knights are different.

They have woken up from their dreams, witnessed the cruel reality, and completed their transformation in blood and fire, but they still tenaciously embarked on the path of knights. They are the fighters of Britannia and the heroes of this country and people. Guardians, they are elites formed from the blood and obsession of dozens of brothers who are as close as brothers.

The war is approaching, and they can feel that the long-lost blood in their hearts has been awakened. In this tense atmosphere, the flames in the hearts of the knights are burning again, and they can feel the call of the lady.

"Didi~didi~" Raindrops like pearl beans fell on the ground and also fell on the knights' armor.

"Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding~" Amidst the sound of rolling thunder, heavy rain fell from the sky. The rain did not fall on the ground as they expected, but fell on various armors, making bursts of crisp sounds. sound.

That's not the sound of raindrops falling on the land, that's the sound of rain hitting gold and iron.

"Ding ding ding~ clang clang clang~"

The hair was wet, the clothes were wet, and in the dark forest, a deep sense of oppression spread in everyone's heart. Coldness, irritability, and fear suppressed everyone's hearts.

The wind was fishy, ​​and the faint sound of the beastmen's horns appeared in the distance, and the morale of the army was somewhat shaken.

Until Ryan showed up.

The Holy Grail Knight wearing silver-gray plate armor walked in front of the army formation. The rain wet his hair and ran down his face, but it could not hide his face that contained light and hope. There was no way to hide the gleaming Grail Knight emblem on his chest.

Even the waterfall-like rain could not cover the eager eyes of the soldiers and knights.

Ryan put down his war hammer and pulled out a one-meter-three-meter-long one-handed sword from behind him. Under the enthusiastic gazes of the soldiers and knights, Ryan spoke.

"Soldiers, my men, tell me, how do you feel?"

The army was in an uproar, and many knights errant shouted: "I don't feel good, Lord Lane."

"Hahahaha!" There was a lot of laughter from the military formation.

"Yes! Yes, I don't feel good either. The forest, the heavy rain, the darkness, and the damn beastmen." Ryan laughed loudly, completely ignoring the rain on his face: "But, my soldiers People, are you afraid? Are you timid? Have you surrendered to the darkness?"

"No! No!" All the knights and soldiers shouted loudly.

"Tell me, has this little rain extinguished the fire in your hearts?"

"No no!"

"For our country, we advanced here, to protect our people, we fought hard, now, let us shout together, for victory! For the lady! For Britannia!" Ryan raised the goddess of revenge.

Even in the heavy rain, the white flame on the Fury's sword showed no sign of weakening. On the contrary, the light blue light exuded pure light in the dark rainy night, illuminating everyone's hearts.

"For victory! For the lady! For Britannia!" the soldiers shouted in unison, with the Holy Grail Knights with us, what are those beasts to be afraid of?

"For victory! For the lady! For Britannia!" the knights roared loudly, tapping their swords on their shields. Their courage could not be extinguished by the heavy rain, and they were ready.

"Fight! Fight!" Olivier and Hux under Ryan's command have become drowned, but their morale is high. The knight errant clenched his sword, waiting for the moment to fight side by side with his baron!

"For the lady!" Julius drew his sword first and shouted, and his sister Sulia also raised her sword high into the sky: "For the lady!"

The beastman's voice came from far away, and many people could already see evil figures flashing in the dark depths.

"Now, soldiers, wave your weapons and show your courage. I, the Holy Grail Knight, Lion Malcador, am with you. Let us fight side by side to eliminate evil! Everyone! Look for my glory !" The goddess of revenge was held high in the middle of the military formation, with white flames and light blue brilliance. In the dark rainy night, everyone's eyes were fixed on this sword.

Then Ryan turned around, took steps, and rushed towards the darkness.

The morale of the army was greatly shaken. Marquis Gabriel de Bastogne, the third son of the Red Dragon Duke, waved his sword vigorously and shouted: "Follow the Holy Grail Knight! Follow the Holy Grail Knight! Charge! Charge. Ah!"

"Come on!"

The troops of Britannia seethed.

"For the lady!"

A huge tide swept through the beastmen's army.

While the beastman warband leaders were still gathering their troops and preparing to charge, the Brittanian army was already rushing towards them. This unexpected situation made them stunned.


"For the lady!!!" Ryan rushed ahead of everyone and chopped off the head of the beastman war gang leader with one sword.

"For the lady! For Britannia!" The knights followed Ryan and rushed into the beastman's formation. The swords swept across and blood was everywhere on the ground. The beastman was caught off guard by the knights. When he reacted , the knights have broken through the first row of the beastmen, and the sharp swords are harvesting the heads of the beastmen.

This is revenge from the knights.

On the thousand-meter-long battle line, there are figures of humans attacking the beastmen everywhere.

"Kill!" The serfs raised their spears and stabbed the horned beasts and the inferior horned beasts through each other. Chaos began to appear in the beastmen's military formation. The beastmen behind wanted to rush up, and the beastmen in front wanted to They retreated, crowded each other, trampled on each other, and suffered numerous casualties.

In the center of the beastmen, the beast king "Bloodhorn" Marath and the screaming great shaman "Heart Eater" Groz looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief: "The surprise attack... was discovered... humans... are counterattacking !”

"Steady...I'll...restrict humans!" The screaming Shaman waved his bone staff, and green energy spurted out, forming a large swarm of locusts.

Swarms of locusts appeared on the battlefield, and many serfs had locusts attached to their faces. They screamed and tried to get rid of the bugs, but were immediately killed by the nearby beastmen. The knights could also feel that a large number of locusts were getting in. The inside of the armor was chewing on the flesh, and many knights were bitten to pieces.

"So many bugs!"


Ryan cut a big horned beast into two pieces with one sword. Seeing this, the Holy Grail Knight raised the Nemesis: "Group dispersal!"

The sacred light covered the entire battlefield, and all the locusts touched by this light were turned into ashes.

"Long live Lord Ryan!" "Follow the Holy Grail Knight! Follow the Holy Grail Knight!" The army resumed its offensive and charged towards the Beastman's center.

The first row of horned beasts and horned beasts were overwhelmed by the knights, and the remaining inferior horned beasts and chaos war dogs were also crushed by the serfs. In the heavy rain, the front army of the beastman army began to collapse.

The Beastmaster and the Great Shaman began to feel bad. They retreated slowly under the cover of the great horned beasts and the giant minotaur battle group.

"The Holy Grail... is powerful and invincible."

"In the rainy season... look for another... opportunity!"

Updated, today’s update is a little late, it’s a new week, please vote.

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