The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 156, difficult decision

Only now did Ryan and Gabriel know the dilemma faced by the Chivalry Army.

"What? My Marquis, are you telling us that the Chivalry Army has been surrounded? The Earl of Adelaide has been wiped out? The Castle of Yulson has fallen?" Gabriel's head was full of question marks, and he looked confused: " But didn’t you tell us before that the army just encountered an ambush and suffered heavy losses?”

"We encountered an ambush and suffered heavy losses, but now is not the time to talk about this. The beastmen suddenly attacked Juulson Castle. The left army has been wiped out. Our 10,000-strong center army is now surrounded in a basin. We We need your support!" The Marquis of Anchi said loudly, with a bit of hysterical impulse in his voice: "I order you to return the reinforcements immediately, and you must arrive at Yulson Castle within three days, otherwise the army will be destroyed. danger!"

"The right route army is more than 100 kilometers away from Youlsin Castle. How can we get back to Youlsin Castle within three days?" Ryan said after receiving the magic transmitter. He was still a little unbelievable.

Out of an army of more than 30,000 people, only more than 10,000 people are left?

"That's enough. I asked you to snipe the Beastmen reinforcements at Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks. You have not completed the task at all. Now is your last chance to make a contribution. Come back to me with reinforcements immediately...Ahhh!" A burst of noise came from the magic communication equipment. The last thing Ryan and others heard was the roar of the beastmen and the desperate shouts of the knights, as well as the slowed-down, almost pleading voice of the Marquis of Anchy: "For the sake of the lady and the king, we I need your support! Please!"

Afterwards, the arraignment was discontinued.

Ryan and Gabriel looked at each other and could feel the seriousness of the matter.

As the commander, the Marquis of Anchi could hear screams all around him. This was no longer a difficult situation.

This is already on the verge of collapse!

"Convene a military meeting immediately!"


Five minutes later, in the Chinese army's tent, Baron Jean, Holy Grail Knight Ryan, Marquis Gabriel, Marquis Connery, Julius and Sulia were all on standby in the tent. In addition to a few The veteran kingdom knights also came to the big tent.

A large map was placed in the camp, and Gabriel began to describe the current situation.

The left army was completely wiped out, the beastmen made a surprise attack, and Juersen Castle fell. The center army was trapped in Juersen and suffered heavy losses. Reinforcements are now continuing, and according to Ryan's judgment, the situation is already very critical.

"What should we do now? Withdraw our troops? We are already very close to the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks. It is impossible for the Beastmen to move the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks long distances in a short time! Withdrawing our troops now? It means that we have given up our efforts over the past ten days. We will end this chivalry war in vain." Some kingdom knights immediately retorted.

"But if we don't return reinforcements, the Chivalry army is in danger of being wiped out. What can we do alone in the forest?"

"But if we don't go to rescue now, we are ignoring our comrades. This is not a knight!"

"But the goal of our chivalry war is to destroy the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks. We have already made such a huge sacrifice and cannot accomplish the goal. How can we explain to the lady and the king? Is this a knight?"

Everyone was arguing.

Ryan frowned even more. He really didn't expect that he led an army of 6,000 people to be able to repel the main force of the Beastmen, while the other two armies, which totaled more than 30,000 people, were actually defeated by the Beastmen. Lose or lose?

The entire left army was wiped out?

Julson Castle was breached?

The center army only had 10,000 people left and was then surrounded? Looking for help from yourself in a desperate situation?

He always had a feeling that reality was more magical than fiction. He really didn't expect that Ryan was not a white wolf god of war who could sense every battle of his followers, nor was he a fairy in the lake who could pass through The prophecy sees the future, and he is not his father. He can radiate the star torch to the entire main material universe. Everything is within his perception.

Ryan is still essentially an incompletely grown Primarch. He controls subspace spiritual energy, possesses powerful power and the unique ability to reverse corruption, but he is still far from the strength of a god. How could he know Is this happening now?

The Marquis of Angsi must have concealed the true situation before, otherwise it would not have been possible for the army to be defeated like this overnight.

So what should I do now?

The army he led had reached a crossroads.

Out of chivalry's morality, he should go back to rescue. As a Holy Grail Knight, he couldn't help his allies until death. What he was thinking about was, could his allies really last until three days later?

The left army was completely wiped out, and the center army was surrounded by only 10,000 people. Under such circumstances, what could the more than 4,000 people on our side do? This place is about 110 kilometers away from Yulsen Castle. Normally, it is normal to march 20 kilometers a day in the forest. Walking 110 kilometers in three days is the level of a forced march. In three days, the exhausted You The road army did not encounter an ambush and arrived near Yuersen. Can they really repel the beastman army with just their strength?

Again, Ryan could hear the beastman's cry of killing in the magic transmitter, which proved that the Marquis' situation was already quite critical. Ryan had a hunch that the Marquis of Anchi might not be able to last three days.

But if not saved... Ryan covered his head in pain and signaled to everyone: "I need to be quiet for a while."

"Okay, Sir Ryan." Everyone knows that this lady's champion is the one who makes the final decision.

Sulia looked at Ryan worriedly. The female knight's beautiful face was full of tangles. She seemed to want to go up and ask Ryan what his plans were, but was stopped by Julius: "Lian needs to be quiet for a while."

In the spotlight of everyone, Ryan began to think.

Like his father, the Emperor, his son also becomes calmer when encountering bigger things. It seems that there is another kind of bloodline power that helps Ryan think. This power is not as supreme and sacred as the Emperor, but it is Full of wisdom and decisiveness, this bloodline gives Ryan the instinct to come up with several solutions in an instant and find the best solution.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and Ryan knew that any small mistake now would ruin this army.

A few minutes later, Ryan opened his eyes. His voice was full of coldness: "We are not going to support the Chivalry Army. We will continue to march until we destroy the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks!"

The tent became very quiet, and everyone felt conflicted about Ryan's decision.

Unexpected and reasonable.

Ryan first stretched out his hand and pointed to Yulsen Castle on the big map: "There are several reasons why we didn't return reinforcements."

"First of all, we consider the most ideal situation of returning to Yuerson's aid, that is, we successfully return to aid Yuerson and rescue the Chivalry Army... Let's calculate it based on eight thousand people. Then we will join forces and have about ten thousand taels left. Thousands of people, then the outcome of this chivalry war is that the left army is completely destroyed, the center army suffers heavy losses, and the remaining chivalry army of more than 10,000 people withdraws from the forest and returns to their respective principalities to rest."

"More than 20,000 corpses will become delicious meals and sacrifices for the beastmen. After achieving so many results, these creatures will be generously given by the God of Chaos. They can reproduce wildly without any scruples... This year, the knights can If you successfully retreat and retain some vitality, the scale of the beast tide next year will be unprecedented..."

"Everyone, please remember that this is the most ideal result. We did not consider whether we would be ambushed during the three-day forced march. We did not consider how much fighting power the Beastmen army still had, nor did we consider whether the Chivalry army could last for three days."

When Ryan said this, everyone realized the seriousness of the matter. Yes, under the most ideal situation, even if the chivalry army is rescued, will this war be won?

No, failed miserably.

"But we can't ignore friendly forces' requests for help. This is not in line with chivalry." Marquis Connally said hesitantly. This Marquis is not good at military formations, and is more good at business and politics. The gray-haired Connally As Kurt was injured in the battle a few days ago, and he is feeling better today: "This is disobeying orders, and knights must obey orders."

"We did not disobey the order. The goal of the Chivalry War is to destroy the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks. We are moving forward step by step in accordance with this goal. On the contrary, if we return reinforcements, this war will really fail!" Ryan gritted his teeth. , explained immediately.

Marquis Connelly stopped talking, so Ryan took the opportunity to continue: "The Ten Thousand Demon Rocks must be destroyed! Only by destroying the Ten Thousand Demon Rocks, the beastmen will lose their core of faith and totem, and the angry God of Chaos will attack these chaotic creatures. Punishment, so what if they won the victory against the Chivalry army? The core of faith was destroyed, the camp was reduced to ruins, and within a few years, it was difficult for the beastmen to recover. It was very difficult to build a new Demonic Rock. The knights can take this opportunity to rest and recuperate, and the strategic goal of this chivalry war will be achieved."

"If we can destroy the Ten Thousand Demon Rocks, we have still accomplished the goal of this war. After paying so many sacrifices, we must win this war."

"And now is a good time to destroy the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks." Ryan's finger pointed at the place where they are currently stationed, which is already deep in the forest: "Combining the intelligence of the scouts and the intelligence of Marquis Anxi, we can know that the guard The elite troops of the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks have been taken away by the Screaming Shaman. The Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks cannot be moved far, and the beastmen must have hidden them nearby. Now is the perfect opportunity to attack the Ten Thousand Demonic Rocks."

"But, if this is the case, we will abandon the 10,000-strong Chivalry Army. Such a sacrifice is just to destroy the Ten Thousand Demon Rocks. Is it worth it?" Sulia said worriedly. The kind-hearted female knight was not convinced by this decision. I really don’t understand.

"Sacrifice more than 20,000 people and then retreat in vain, allowing the Beastmen to win an epic victory, leaving endless trouble for the future, or sacrifice 30,000 people to win a tragic victory, leaving the Beastmen's victory without any Meaning, Sulia, how will you choose?" Ryan retorted, the Holy Grail Knight's eyes were full of calmness: "Sacrifice is the cornerstone of human beings standing on this land. The knights shed too much blood, and we paid It's too much, and it's time for the Beastmen to pay the price."

Ryan knew he would likely face the consequences of his decision, but so what? He didn't care, Ryan forced himself to tell himself, he didn't care, there were always some things that were more important, that was the long-term future, that was the country's security, and... he still had a trump card.

"I have no objection." Julius agreed. The rejection of his previous request for help left a deep impression on the kingdom knight. After weighing it, he knew that in the long run, this was the right choice.

"The war has reached this point. We must not retreat, otherwise the beast tide next year will submerge the entire country. Sir Ryan, I support you." Gabriel, the most experienced knight of the kingdom, also nodded.

"ready to go!"


The Holy Grail Knight's eyes were firmer than ever before. He immediately gathered the knights and then announced his decision: "We will not go back to support the knightly army. On the contrary, we will continue to march and go straight to the Ten Thousand Demon Rocks. Only in this way can we Save the country in a real sense, not the army in the forest.”

"But..." There was hesitation on the faces of many knights. Out of chivalry, they felt that they should rescue the chivalry army.

"No but! My soldiers, more than 20,000 of them have their bones buried in the forest here, and countless loyal knights have fallen. But I ask you, what is our goal in this chivalry war? "Ryan said loudly, with fire burning in his eyes and his expression as stern as a stone on a cliff.

"Destroy the Demonic Rock!" the knights roared loudly.

"Exactly, if the Ten Thousand Demon Rocks cannot be destroyed, next year, an unprecedented wave of beasts and beasts will sweep across the entire kingdom. Your hometown will be plundered, and your relatives will be in danger. After killing more than 20,000 human soldiers and After becoming knights, beasts will be able to breed and advance unscrupulously. These beasts can give birth to more than a dozen at a time! They can reach adulthood in three to six months. They can eat our corpses and sacrifice our souls. This forest is rampant, and no creature can stop them in the future!" Ryan stood in front of all the knights and said seriously: "I can tell you that the chivalry army has failed, and there is only one thing left in the dark forest. We are left, the hope of destroying the Demonic Rock and the hope of protecting the entire kingdom fall on us!"

"Are you willing to follow me, go straight to the Demonic Rock, completely destroy the lair of these Chaos Bastards, destroy these totems of Necrosis of the Earth, and dedicate your victory to the lady and Brittania?" Ryan raised his hand. He picked up the war hammer and roared loudly.

The knights were silent, they had realized the seriousness of the problem.

The first knight errant came out and shouted: "We are willing to follow you, Lord Lane!"

"Yes! We do!"

"Please give me your orders! Sir Ryan!"

"It was you who brought us victory!"

"Please give the order!"

"Ryan! Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!" The knights shouted, the sound shook the forest: "Please give the order!"

"For the lady! For Britannia! My soldiers, are you willing to finish this last journey with me? We will go straight to the base camp of the beastmen! Destroy the Demonic Rock! Tell me, my soldiers, Are you willing?" Ryan yelled.

"We are willing! We are willing!" the knights shouted with the most passionate voices. The beastmen will pay the price for their atrocities!

"For the lady! For Brittany!"

"Du~wu~duwu~" At this moment, a burst of horn sounds came from outside the right army camp.

Ryan turned his head and narrowed his eyes.

The sound of the horn is clear and loud, the sound is distant and full of vitality.

This is not the horn of the Beastmen!

Are there any other armies in the forest?

Updated, I’m late, please forgive me, I’m going to watch the World Cup~

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