The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 18, Elves, Dwarves, Humans

After Ryan came to this world, he discovered that this world also has a fantasy iron triangle, elves, dwarves, and humans.

However, the relationship between these three is different from the novels such as "The Lord of the Rings" that Ryan has read.

Elves, the darlings of heaven and earth, are born with a strong affinity for magic. Any elf can easily serve as a wizard and other professions. They are handsome and powerful. The elves created an extremely brilliant cosmic civilization thousands of years ago. , then their cities moved in the void of the universe, and their splendid civilization bloomed among the stars.

However, when civilization reaches its peak, it is also accompanied by relaxation, indulgence in enjoyment, and even extreme pursuit of death. When the elves are intoxicated in the void and worship all things, disasters also occur. Some elves Actually eyeing the power of the gods, they fought with the gods in the void, followed by civil strife. The terrible civil war swept all the elven civilizations.

At the same time, according to some dark historical records, one of the Four Gods of Chaos was conceived and appeared during that civil strife.

Hundreds of years later, the elves' former splendid civilization turned into ruins and ruins. Under the huge civil strife and the suppression of the gods, the elves lost 99% of their population, and their magic level and science and technology regressed to thousands of years ago. The remaining old, weak, sick and disabled people had no choice but to settle on the mainland. It was at that time that the last group of elves came into contact with humans and taught them magic.

The dwarves come from the mountains. They claim to be the people of the earth. The dwarves do not understand magic but have advanced technology. They are violent by nature, extremely vengeful and have no mercy. As the aborigines of this world, there is no relationship between them and the elves. After a conflict broke out, the two races were involved in the war. The elves, who were already extremely weak, suffered heavy losses, but the glorious civilization of the past still existed. After thousands of years of war, the dwarves were defeated steadily. And was driven deep into the mountains, and when he saw that he was about to be exterminated by the elves, the then High King of the Dwarves, Kazadni Ironman, had no choice but to send a messenger to a nearby human tribe for help.

The luck of the dwarves and the misfortune of the elves, for the name of that human tribe was the Carolingians, and the name of the chief was Charlemagne.

In the past, the relationship between the dwarves and humans was not good, but Charlemagne still decided to support the dwarves against all opinions. He personally led the human warriors to set off, climbed over the mountains, and suddenly appeared behind the elven army and launched an attack.

Are humans as good at fighting as the elven army? That's impossible. The elven army has a brilliant cultural heritage, and is much better than humans in terms of tactics and formations.

Do humans have elven army equipment? It was also impossible. Human beings at that time only had rudimentary manufacturing techniques and made simple weapons.

However, the bloodshed and bravery displayed by the human army deeply shocked the elves. The elves, who were used to fighting master battles and step-by-step positional battles, faced the army that suddenly appeared from behind. The formation was in chaos. The demoralized elven army was in chaos. The frontline commander was killed by Charlemagne and beheaded in a few blows. The dwarves saw this and attacked from both sides, and the elven army was completely annihilated.

After this battle, humans and dwarves formed the most sacred covenant. Charlemagne and Kazhadni agreed that when dwarves need help, humans will be obliged to lend a helping hand, and when humans face difficulties, dwarves will also Give it your all.

This agreement became known as the "Holy Alliance" and is still in force today.

Combining the high technology of the dwarves with the powerful learning ability of humans, Charlemagne led his army to sweep across the world.

Two hundred years later, the last organized elf army on the continent was defeated by the coalition of humans and dwarves. The Eternal King of the elves also died in that battle. The elves had to negotiate peace with the humans, and most of the elves chose to withdraw from the continent. , went to the island to recuperate, and they called themselves high elves.

Later, the high elves split into the dark elves.

There is also a small group of elves who choose to stay in seclusion in the forests on the mainland, and they call themselves wood elves.

San Lorenzo Forest is the main settlement of the Wood Elves.

The wood elves are indifferent to the world. The only thing they care about is their own forest. There are only a few circumstances that will cause the wood elves to leave the forest, but Estelle is not, he is a half-elf.

The race of half-elves is a beautiful accident.

As we all know, there is no reproductive isolation between humans and elves. Although most elves live in forests or islands, occasionally some elves will travel on the mainland or settle in human settlements. Elves are fascinated by humans. The vitality of the elves, while humans are attracted by the elegance of the elves, so the two occasionally intermarry. For elves, such marriages are short-lived because human life is short. However, they left behind children, half-elf children.

It is difficult for half-elves to live in elf society because they are too premature and will feel out of place in elf society. On the other hand, if they live in human society, half-elves will appear to develop slower. Most Half-elves all live in human society, because human society is more tolerant and easy to develop a sense of identity. There are also a few half-elves who choose to find a place where there are only half-elves to live. Ryan has heard that there is a free city-state in the south of the mainland. The city dedicated to half-elves is called Twilight City.

Due to their special identities, half-elves get along well with various races. Humans, dwarves, and halflings can all become friends of half-elves. They just particularly hate half-orcs, but the latter are basically extinct on the mainland.

"I have long admired Mr. Lane's name. I have been hearing news about your activity in Nord for the past few years." The half-elf came up with a long list of flattery, but Lane did not accept this trick: "If you have anything to say, just say it. Come on, Mr. Estelle.”

The smile on the half-elf's face faltered.

The excellent appearance brought by his bloodline has always been his asset in human society.

"Please speak frankly, Mr. Half-Elf." Theresa also reminded her. For some reason, the sorceress always felt that this person's appearance was a bit intrusive.

"Yes, please speak directly, Mr. Estelle. We knights prefer a direct approach. If you have any requests, please speak directly. I have something else to do next." Ryan was too lazy to argue with him.

"This is the case, Mr. Lane, I am employed by the imperial merchant Matz. Mr. Matz's caravan is now trapped in this town. We want to leave early for Milodenhaven to look for opportunities to go to sea, but we can't see him. Mr. Lord, I heard that Mr. Lane and Mr. Velarde are familiar with each other, can you introduce them to us?" Estelle felt that Lane was not joking, so she directly stated her purpose.

The half-elf's tone is soft and full of elegance, and his handsome appearance can easily make people feel like they are in spring breeze.

"Recommendation..." Ryan touched his chin and fell into thinking.

According to the news from Oliver yesterday, as the half-elf said, several caravans are now trapped in Kalzenhaven. Due to the large-scale deployment of troops by the northern barbarians and the infestation of sea monsters, the port of Kalzenhaven will definitely not be able to go to sea in the short term. , and so on, the road to the north will definitely not work.

The only choice left for the merchants was Mjordenhaven, the largest port in the southern Nord Kingdom.

However, the road from Kalzenhaven to Mjordenhaven is not safe. There are two mountains in the middle, Hordaland Mountain and Skavel Mountain. The mountains are full of dangers, as I have said before.

If Ryan guessed correctly, the merchants might want to pay Velarde to send troops to protect them.

The Kingdom Knight's frown was seen by the half-elf. Estelle thought that Ryan was hinting at something, so her tone became slower and even contemptuous: "Don't worry, Mr. Ryan, there will definitely be a reward afterwards."

"That's not what I meant." Ryan raised his hand to indicate that he didn't mean that. He couldn't deliberately take advantage of others for the sake of two stinky money.

He was thinking about traveling together, because it was possible that he and Teresa were going to Miljödenhaven as well.

Teresa stood next to Ryan with her staff. She had no friendship with Velarde and did not want to get involved. For some reason, her identity as a spellcaster, which was always very popular, had nothing to do with Velarde. use.

"There is a banquet tonight." After a while, Ryan said slowly.


"Yes, Lord Velarde will hold a banquet at his home at 6:30 in the evening. My suggestion is that if Mr. Matz intends to contact the lord, then finding a way to participate in this banquet may be a more ideal result. ." Ryan said: "Due to some things, it is not convenient for me to come forward directly, but I can tell you that if nothing happens, I also plan to go south, so keep in touch."

"I will convey it to Mr. Mats truthfully." It is the best news that Estelle has heard in the past two days that Ryan may also go south. Even so, the half-elf still maintains his gentle attitude, holding his hands He crossed his chest and raised his chin to indicate that he understood, and then gave a salute.

After saying that, the half-elf didn't say hello and just left.

"Let's go to the dock and have a look." Ryan shrugged and smiled at Theresa: "What a handsome half-elf, isn't he?"

"Well, indeed, his attitude is a bit arrogant, but not very offensive." The sorceress followed with her staff. Although the half-elf's attitude was slightly arrogant and distant, it did not make people feel disgusted. Instead, there is a feeling that this is how people get along.

"This is the racial talent of half-elves. Half-elves are born with an aura that makes people approachable. This power comes from their elf blood, and their human blood can easily gain our recognition, so even though he is a little arrogant, , but it’s not easy for us to feel disgusted." Ryan nodded.

This is the racial talent of half-elves. These hybrids are born with a high charm bonus, so they can often act as messengers between major forces. They have the best of both worlds. Their handsome and beautiful appearance and mature and elegant etiquette make them They were popular at high-society banquets and courts.

Half-elves are not like real elves. High elves regard humans as "uncivilized monkeys." At best, half-elves only think that their blood is nobler and they speak a little arrogantly. This is nothing to humans, because of class differences. The chain of contempt between them far exceeds this little bit of arrogance of the half-elf.

"Yes, many nobles like to have a half-elf lover, and then the end result is that when they grow old, the half-elf is still very young." Teresa also knows many such things, and the Gloria MPs are always haunted. among various banquets of high society.

Half-elves, even at the ordinary level, can live for 180 to 250 years, which is far better than short-lived species like humans.

"But it seems that you are indifferent to his high charm?" the sorceress said curiously.

"That's because..." Ryan deliberately kept it secret.


"First of all, I don't like men, and then... with such a beautiful lady by my side, how could I be confused by an ordinary half-elf?" The knight of the kingdom focused his attention on the beautiful face of the sorceress. , in the middle of winter, the sorceress's beautiful face has not faded at all, her skin is like cream, her eyes are bright and her teeth are white, and she smiles like Li Yan.

The woman didn't speak, but her raised lips and twinkling eyes revealed her mood.

"Of course, in the final analysis, I am not interested in men, and everything else is unimportant." Ryan finally added, and the sorceress's face immediately darkened: "You can say the last sentence in your heart."

"Honesty is one of the eight virtues of a knight, dear Theresa."

"It's not the gentlemanly thing to do to make a lady sad."

"Ha, whether I am a knight or a gentleman does not change based on your needs. A knight is my bones and a gentleman is my flesh and blood. The two are inseparable, but there are trade-offs. Are you right?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, a knight who likes to sophistry?"

"A chattering warlock?"

The journey quickly reached the end with the words of the two people, and they arrived at the port terminal of Kalzenhaven.

In the middle of winter, what Ryan saw was a white sea and blue sky. Unless the temperature in this world was extremely cold, with the blessing of Poseidon, the sea would rarely freeze. On the port pier, there were a large number of fishing boats and A small number of various passenger ships and merchant ships were moored in the port. Fishermen, sailors, and guards and tax collectors on the pier came and went. When they saw someone coming, everyone came together. Sailors and dock workers in tattered clothes thought. To see if they could get a new job commission, some of them wore simple single clothes in the cold weather, supporting their family's livelihood through hard work.

Many of them were dirty, their beards were caked, and their hair was just tied up casually. Seeing them swarming up, the sorceress subconsciously took a half step back. Seeing this, Ryan simply took a half step forward to protect Theresa behind her.

After seeing the knight badge on Ryan's chest, everyone subconsciously stepped back. Only a leader-like person came up: "Excuse me, Lord Knight, is there any job you want us to take on?"

After the ports on the mainland have experienced thousands of years or more of development, the sailors at the docks have begun to have people like contractors, which makes it much easier for Ryan to do things.

He asked in detail about the visitors that night. Seeing that there was no work to do, everyone dispersed. Only the foreman answered the question: "Yes, sir, such a person did come to this dock the day before yesterday. Just like As you said, my lord, he was wearing a set of outdated clothes, but there were some differences. I remember that the man was wearing a turban, and he was not wearing a tall round hat, but a wide-brimmed round hat."

"Then what?"

"He told us that he was very anxious. He had a relative in Marienburg who was seriously ill. He was anxious to get back, so he immediately asked for a fast boat. By that time, it was already very late, and several ship owners on the dock were unwilling to go to sea. And we all felt something was wrong. Although the man was talking about urgent matters, he didn't seem anxious at all. I always felt that he seemed to be smiling, as if... very excited." The foreman said strangely.

"very excited?"

"Well, but you also know, Lord Knight, that we are all rough people and don't understand this. The speedboat fee for sailing from here to Marienburg is usually three to five gold dinars. At that time, he asked about the price. A few ship bosses took the opportunity to offer ten gold dinars, but do you know what happened? The weirdo actually took out fifteen gold dinars, picked the best and fastest speedboat, and left the port. .”

Are you in a hurry to run away? Ryan and Teresa looked at each other, and they already had a vague answer in their hearts.

"There are other... what sounds?!" Ryan was about to ask more questions. At this time, a subtle rhythmic sound sounded from the ground.

"What is this sound?" Teresa also felt it immediately. At this time, some experienced fishermen and sailors also realized that something was wrong. The horses and geldings tied to the dock kept neighing, and a puppy kept neighing. The residence barks.

"This is...not good!" Ryan subconsciously looked towards the place where the strange sound was.

What he saw was the rough sea surface, and countless shadows were swaying under the sea surface.

"Theresa, step back!" Ryan immediately signaled the sorceress to step back, her body had not yet recovered.

"Prepare to fight! Prepare to fight!"

"As the White Wolf Knight, I order all guards on the dock to obey orders!"

"In formation! Archers in front, swordsmen in the back, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Let me briefly introduce the setting, and there will be another update tonight.

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