The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 190, The Wrath of the Lake Fairy

The former Holy Grail Knight named Honoré de Rees passed away peacefully from this world, and his soul could finally rest in peace.

But there was a serious look on Ryan's face. He didn't say much, but immediately said to Veronica: "The matter is urgent. We won't rest at night. Let's go back to the territory immediately!"

"Okay!" Witch of Gloria has always been a woman who understands priorities. Although she had a lot of private things to say to Ryan, she immediately responded: "Then shall we set off now?"

"Yes! Let's go now!" Ryan immediately got on the horse and pulled the witch onto the horse's back.

The ability of the pure-blood elf warhorse is astonishing. Ryan and Veronica first returned to Leji Village to tell the Blood Knight that he had surrendered, and then rushed to his own Baron of Jean overnight, traveling under the stars and the moon.

More than three hours later, the upper reaches of the Chinon River arrived. Under the dark sky, Ryan held up his warhammer and hurriedly hurriedly relied on the light of psychic energy, and finally arrived at the town of Jean.

It was only about four or five o'clock in the morning. In the winter of Brittany, the sun was still early to rise. The gate of the Baron's castle was tightly closed. Ryan had to take the initiative to call the door.

"My Baron?!" Within a few minutes, Katzenberg, wearing linen pajamas and a nightcap on his head, appeared from the tower of the castle. Although the sky was still very dark with only a faint moonlight, Ryan The light of his psychic energy was very bright. He raised his war hammer and signaled Katzenberg to open the city gate quickly.

"Open the city gate!" Ryan's identity, armor, and appearance are relatively special and easy to identify. Even so, Katzenberg still asked Ryan for a few details before shouting for the sergeants to open the city gate.

"Open the gay!" the sergeant shouted in a heavy local accent (?), the heavy iron gates and wooden doors were opened, and Ryan rode the exhausted Grape into his castle with Veronica in his arms. In , Veronica's mount was just an ordinary packhorse, which was exhausted on the road and was thrown aside.

In November, winter, Katzenberg breathed out white mist, but the loyal butler still tried to stand up straight: "My Baron, why did you come back all night? Did something happen?"

"No, I defeated the blood knight, but I learned a surprising thing... Come, bring the grapes to the stable. It's getting cold. Add more thatch and feed to it. Remember to ask for more carrots. And black beans!" Ryan handed the reins to a sergeant, who nodded repeatedly.

Putao was very tired. Carrying heavily armed Ryan and Veronica, the back of the pure-blood elf horse was already covered in sweat. Hearing Ryan's words, Putao nodded, neighed, and then followed the sergeant away.

The intelligence and ability of pure-blooded elf war horses are astonishing. They can understand human speech. The elves even have a way to talk to them. Although Ryan does not understand this way of talking, he can communicate with Grape through spiritual energy.

"Veronica, you can rest in my room first. I must immediately report the existence of the Black Holy Grail Knight to the lady. You can go and rest first." Ryan strode into his castle and came to the third floor of the castle. , Ryan motioned to Veronica to go to her room to rest, and then opened the door to her prayer room.

Witch Gloria opened the door to the master bedroom and said angrily: "You want me and your dark elf maid to squeeze into the same bed?"

On the big bed in the master bedroom, the dark elf Orika was sleeping.

"...There is also a bed on the other side of the room." Ryan glanced sideways at the witch. He reached out to hold Veronica in his arms and kissed her gently on the lips: "Good night, my great witch. "

"Good night, my great knight." Veronica just complained, and she quickly went in to rest.

So Ryan closed the door of the prayer room. There were only a few chairs and a shrine of the Lake Fairy in the small room. The Holy Grail Knight hastily replaced his psychic power armor, then knelt down and prayed: "My Miss?"

Almost as soon as Ryan prayed, the prayer room immediately lit up with light. The Lake Fairy wearing a pink and white chiffon dress immediately appeared in the prayer room. Different from her usual smiling appearance, at this time The fairy in the lake had a very serious expression. She first raised her hand to signal Ryan to get up, and then immediately said: "I already know the matter, my champion, someone desecrated the tomb of the Holy Grail Knight, and they used the art of filth to wake them up, and Made the Knight of the Black Grail.”

"This is exactly what I want to tell you, my lady, this matter is very unusual. Even if it is possible to recall the soul of the Holy Grail Knight, how difficult is it to drive the Holy Grail Knight? Why Honoré de Reese's Can the dead soul be recalled and transformed into a blood knight?" Ryan asked repeatedly, thinking that the fairy in the lake would give him the answer immediately.

But unexpectedly, the eyes of the fairy in the lake were full of hesitation. Her long golden hair like a waterfall hung straight down to her ankles, and her beautiful face was uncertain. She seemed to be hesitating whether to tell Ryan the secret of this matter.

Ryan only felt a little disappointed, but he didn't force it: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me, my lady, but we must find a way to deal with the Black Holy Grail Knight, otherwise the foundation of the country will be shaken as time goes by. !”

"...My champion, this matter is very troublesome, please listen to me slowly." The Fairy of the Lake sighed softly: "The Red Duke of Mousilon is the last Duke of Aquitaine, and he knows many Holy Grails. The burial place of knights, my champion. Although I am a god, I cannot repeatedly interfere in mortal affairs, not to mention that my opponent is not weaker than me. You know Nagash, the Lord of the Undead, and so do you. You must know about the Battle of the Reik River, right?”

"Yeah." Ryan nodded. He knew about the Battle of the Reik River. Nagash, the Lord of the Dead, and Charlemagne, the Emperor of Humanity, fought a decisive battle on the Reik River. Charlemagne used the hammer Galmaraz to destroy Nagash. He defeated the Lord of the Dead with his head, but that battle was actually extremely dangerous.

"As we all know, Nagash lost his body in that battle and became a ghost, but his powerful soul did not die. For more than a thousand years, Nagash woke up from the black pyramid again and planned his return. Plan." The Lake Fairy sat next to Ryan. She sighed softly: "Nagash's power is beyond your imagination. His weakness is that he is not good at melee combat, but I am not good at it either. Under the circumstances, none of us can do anything to anyone.”

Ryan felt very strange now. Listening to what the Lake Fairy meant, she seemed to not want to be an enemy of Nagash? Did she just decide to tolerate the adulterer like this? Decided to let the dead of Mousilon desecrate the graves of the Holy Grail Knights?

"My lady?" The wavering and dissatisfaction in Ryan's tone were obvious, but the fairy in the lake immediately stretched out her jade hand and pressed it on Ryan's face, signaling him to calm down: "I once had a plan, my Champion, how much power do you think the Holy Grail Knight can retain after being resurrected by the undead?"

"Maybe it can be maintained at 70% or 80%, but that is not important. What is important is that my lady, except when facing Chaos or Greenskins, I am not willing to fight side by side with the dead." Ryan shook his head violently, but he immediately thought of it. Thoughts of the Lady of the Lake: "Wait, my lady, you mean that when a powerful enemy appears, you will resurrect the undead of the Holy Grail Knight as a last resort?"

The fairy in the lake nodded repeatedly: "I used to think so, otherwise, how can mortals face the army of chaos?"

"I don't think this is a good idea! My lady!" Ryan frowned and retorted, but then he froze.

The Fairy of the Lake gently hugged his arm, whispered a series of words in his ear, and then said sharply: "For this reason, I changed my mind. In this case, the undead who desecrated the grave and soul of the Holy Grail Knight Must be severely punished!”

"I am very happy to have reached an agreement, my lady."

"Me too, my champion." The Lake Fairy smiled charmingly. She reached out and gently touched the back of Ryan's hand, and then continued: "I will instruct Morgiana to have the Holy Grail Knights assemble and move the remains and keep them properly. , as for the undead targeting Musilon... My champion, just tomorrow, I will unleash my anger! I will need to borrow a lot of your power then."

"Okay!" Ryan nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, the fairy in the lake stretched out her jade hand towards Ryan: "Then I will go back and prepare. See you tomorrow, my champion!"

"See you tomorrow!" Ryan gently kissed the back of the Lake Fairy's hand.

After agreeing on the big plan, Ryan also felt extremely tired after staying awake all day and night. When he came out of the prayer room, it was already bright outside. Outside the prayer room, Orika was wearing a black and white maid outfit and Sulia was wearing a winter coat. Already waiting outside, when they saw Ryan coming out, the maid and the Duke's daughter almost spoke at the same time.

"Master!" "Lian? Why did you come back all night?"

Ryan's expression eased slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "I solved the Blood Knight, but I discovered an amazing secret. I have prayed to the lady and got her response. I will not talk about it for the time being, and you will also No need to ask, you will get the answer after tomorrow."

The Duke's daughter is a very measured person. Seeing that Ryan didn't want to talk, she didn't ask any more questions. After confirming that Ryan was safe and sound, Lidya Su said goodbye: "Then I'll go back to Helen Hilde first. Welcome, Ryan." You can come to me anytime."

"I will, goodbye, dear Sulia." Ryan gave the Duke's daughter and her maid, and even Emilia reluctantly followed the Marquise back to Helen Hilde - the college's courses were still It's not over, the college won't start vacation until two weeks before Winter Veil in early December.

"Master." The sound of high-heeled shoes sounded, and the dark elf Orika walked behind Ryan: "I have put the hot water. Master has returned from the battle. Take a good bath and rest!"


The next day, Britannia, Duchy of Connaught.

This is a cursed place. Surrounding the entire duchy are a large number of Brittanian troops, sentries and rangers. Even in the coldest winter or the hottest and most arid summer, the people here are The army firmly guards the various passes on the border of the dukedom, but rarely takes the initiative to attack. In addition to the fact that the armies of the dukes are not subordinate to each other and are extremely difficult to command in a unified manner, the strong defense of the undead army is also one of the reasons.

Only today, things are slightly different.

Under the gloomy sky, with dark clouds and thunder rolling, the guards were whispering.

"It's really rare to have such thunderstorms in the middle of winter."

"Yeah, I wonder what's going on?"

"Perhaps the lady is angry and wants to punish these undead bastards?"

While the guards were still chatting, the Grismery River, a river originating from the Arden Forest, suddenly began to experience some terrible changes.

In winter, the water that has dried up is becoming gradually more rapid and turbulent, and then, with the gloomy weather, heavy rain pours down from the sky, watering and beating this cursed land.

The Grismery River began to overflow.

The anger of nature, the huge river water hits the edge of the river bank, the trees make way for it, the water flow continues to rise, until it overflows the river bed, until the dam collapses, regardless of the laws of nature, the clear river water gradually turns into one The rush of stocks breaks through everything, and the bubbles of big stocks rise into the sky.

It's a lady! It’s lady power!

The river banks collapsed, the embankments shattered, and the terrible torrent swept through the entire lower reaches of the Grismeri River. Even the hardest boulders were washed away by the torrent. The unspeakable flood broke out, filling the earth and rolling towards Mousilon. And go.

The floods rushed into the Duchy of Connaught, rushed out of the forest, and rushed towards the crisscrossed fields. Countless farmlands were washed away by the floods, and countless houses were swept away on the spot. The villages that the escaped slaves had worked hard to build, The checkpoints defended by the undead, the rich trading posts and various villages were completely submerged by the floods. No matter how sturdy the houses were, they were crushed to pieces. No matter how strong the stone towers were, they collapsed. The floods in the sky killed dozens of undead and humans. The achievements of hundreds of years turned into history, destroying everything that the Red Duke worked hard for.

The surging water level continues to rise, rolling over the fragmented earth. The emerald green energy belonging to the fairy in the lake is tilting crazily. The land that has been corrupted by vampires touches the clear flood and emits a burning smell. This It was the confrontation between the divine power of the Lake Fairy and the midnight nobles. The cemeteries and tombs inhabited by a large number of undead were completely destroyed by the surging flood. The undead inside were burned to ashes as long as they touched the flood, leaving nothing behind.

The water level rose higher and higher, even the tallest ghoul king was washed away by the torrent, and the undead screamed and fled in all directions.

The flood rushed past the Brittanian army post, but did not harm the Brittanian army at all. All the knights and infantrymen knelt down, singing the name of the Lake Fairy and praising the lake. The greatness and supremacy of the fairies.

The flood did not stop abruptly until it reached the huge high wall of Mousilon. Even such a terrible flood could not affect the high wall of this cursed city, but the entire Dukedom of Connaught had almost no impact except this city. Completely flooded.

A woman's sharp and crazy laughter was left in the air, which has never faded in the hearts of humans and undead.

updated! Occasionally, the lake girl should be allowed to come out and show off her skills.

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