The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 205, White Wolf Champion Appears

"Ugh!" About twenty minutes later, the kingdom knight named Tolan had become the last of his strength. He was struggling to hold on under the fierce blow of Becker's war hammer.

The white wolf knights who believe in Ulric often have a characteristic, that is, they fight more and more vigorously. Tolan can be evenly matched with Becker at the beginning, but as time goes by, the knights of the kingdom who wear plate armor and use swords and shields begin to Falling behind.

The strong war hammer hit the shield violently. The red and blue coat of arms of the Principality of Carcassonne with a long sword in the middle had been beaten out of shape. Becker was sweating profusely: "Happy, happy, come on." Ah, Brittany guy, aren’t you awesome?”

"Knights on the other side of the mountain! Don't underestimate our power! For the sake of the lady!" The knight of the kingdom suddenly exerted his strength, and the shield rushed forward, forcing Becker back.

"Hoo~ho~" Tolan gasped. He stood again, his lungs greedily breathing the fresh air of early spring. Such intense continuous confrontation made him feel very tired. He took advantage of this opportunity to seize the time to recover. own physical strength.

White Wolf Knight Becker was also sweating profusely. His beard and temples were soaked with sweat. His physical strength was also consumed quickly in such a high-intensity battle: "Knight of Britannia, you It’s great that I can persist until now, but I will definitely defeat you in the name of Yurik!”

"I am, for the lady and the king, for Britannia!" Tolan roared angrily and raised his shield again.

On the high platform, Ryan was sitting next to Morgiana. For some reason, the Lake God Witch seemed to have caught him. He had no chance to say a few words to Francois, and was directly killed by Mogianna. Anna pulled him to sit with her.

Morgiana's body, like the fairy in the lake, has the aroma of iris, which is refreshing. Ryan sat next to Morgiana, frowning: "This kingdom knight named Tolan also If he is no match for Becker, he will probably lose.”

A hint of displeasure flashed in the green eyes of the Lake God Witch. This displeasure was not directed at Ryan, but at Tolan. She said directly: "Tolan is already an elite high-level kingdom knight. He is good at horse fighting and Using a lance, his swordsmanship is acceptable, but he is obviously no match for this white wolf knight. Yurik's knight should not be underestimated."

"The White Wolf Knights, the Griffin Knights, and the Holy Grail Knights are known as the three major knights of the old world. In the north of the empire, it is the highest honor for a family to have an heir who becomes a White Wolf Knight." Ryan only said this lightly. One sentence, no more words.

Morgiana nodded, her cold voice finally becoming serious: "This time, let the knights of the kingdom gain knowledge. The strength of the imperial knights on the other side of the mountain is no longer necessarily weaker than ours."

While the two were talking, the outcome was already decided. Tolan's shield was knocked away. The exhausted knight had lost the strength to fight again. He had to raise his hands to signal that he would admit defeat.

"Hahahahaha!" The young White Wolf Knight was also very tired. He gasped for air, laughed loudly, and then said intermittently: "Praise...White Wolf...Urik."

Tolan's face turned red and white from time to time. He really didn't want to admit defeat, but the lady taught the knights to be honest. He knew that if he tried to be strong again, he would probably be humiliated again, so he could only retreat silently.

Richard's face became even more ugly, or the faces of all the great nobles in Britannia became even more ugly. They looked at the retreating knights of the kingdom with reproachful eyes. The nobles knew that things were difficult to handle now.

There are still many legendary level experts among the great nobles present. After all, about 30% of the great nobles in the entire kingdom are gathered here. However, the problem lies in the request of the Imperial Ambassador Boris, a duel between young people.

From the appearance point of view, the White Wolf Knight in front of him looks like he is only twenty-five or six years old, and he is not thirty years old in any case. Since Boris has made the request that it is a duel between young people, the older ones will naturally not end well. .

Francois's face was also very ugly. His son Julius did not come today.

Although the king ordered all earls and nobles above the earl to participate, Francois directly ignored the king's order. Julius was seizing the time to instruct his sister Sulia about the rules of the knights conference and many other matters. A little trick, this was crucial to Sulia's journey to the Knights Conference, so the Duke himself arranged for his children to stay at home, and he was the only one to come.

"Damn it, the Imperial people are well prepared." Francois said to Lawn, who was sitting next to him. The Grand Duke's face was full of caution and thinking: "This elector first asked for an infantry battle. It is also a ploy to weaken our strength and then ask for a competition among young people. He is obviously prepared, but we cannot refuse. Dismounting to fight is indeed a skill that knights must master, and young knights are the king of the kingdom. future."

"The humans on the other side of the mountain are always so aggressive." Lawn also looked serious: "Then, the only way is to let Ryan..."

"No!" Francois flatly rejected the proposal: "Let Ryan go up now? Don't forget, the opponent is just an ordinary white wolf knight, and we Britannia actually want the lady's chosen champion to go up and fight ? This may be the plan of Elector Boris. As long as Ryan is forced out, so what if Ryan can defeat this white wolf knight named Becker? We have already lost!"

Lawn nodded. He was over forty years old, but he still had no children.

"Why, none of our knight allies have a young man who can compete with an ordinary white wolf knight of ours?" Boris said roughly, and the feathers on his head swayed proudly in the air in response to his master's movements.

Boris looked at the several Dukes present with provocative eyes: Francois, Duke of Winford, Dalheide, Duke of Lyonnasay, Raun, Duke of Connet, Richard, Duke of Knights and Le-Angoulan.

Finally, Duke Dalhyde of Lyonnaise could not sit still. He made a gesture towards a young knight next to him, and the young knight stood up with emotion: "Aldreld of Lyonnaise, son of Duke Dalhyde, On behalf of the lady, I accept your challenge!”

This young man has short, flowing brown hair, a pair of slender black eyes and a high bridge of nose. His pursed lips are full of unruliness. He wears a set of shining enchanted plate armor and holds a cross helmet in his hand. Stepped out from the crowd: "Aldreirde de Lyonasse, faithful disciple of the Lady, son of Dalheide!"

"Huh?" Morgiana said strangely. The Lake God Witch was holding the Holy Grail of potion, with an unclear expression on her face: "He's actually here too."

"This knight? Is he the eldest son of Duke Dalheide?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Well, Aldreird is Dalheid's eldest son, but Dalheide was already old when he was born, and he was unable to manage his eldest son... So Aldreird gradually grew up and became an alcoholic. A drunkard and a arrogant arrogant." Morgiana sighed: "Therefore, Dalheid sent Aldreeld to the Principality of Belion, which was at war with Estalia. He hoped that there would be a continuous war environment. And a strong artistic atmosphere can make him change, and he feels that in this way Aldreeld can accept Theodoric's teachings, learn piety and self-discipline, and be able to stay away from his group of drinking buddies."

"It's useless, right?" Ryan laughed.

"Yes, it's useless." The green eyes on Morgiana's beautiful face were full of helplessness. Her beautiful figure changed her sitting position slightly, and the white soft boots under her long skirt were exposed: "Sad It was Aldreeld who immediately found a group of like-minded drinking buddies in Belion and formed a drinking fraternity. He used his status as the duke's heir to gather everyone together, no matter how strictly Theodoric punished them. , they will never get rid of their alcoholism... Despite this, Aldreird's strength is still remarkable, so it's not surprising that he will come out to fight."

Aldreeld walked down the stands and stood opposite Becker. His steps were still a little frivolous, but his whole body was burning with strong fighting spirit: "I accept your challenge, White Wolf Knight, and I will not bully you." You, I’ll give you twenty minutes to rest, and then we’ll fight again!”

"...As you wish!" The young white wolf knight chose to rest under Boris's warning gaze. Taking this opportunity, the older white wolf knights immediately got the wound medicine and potions to treat Baker. You heal.

Aldreeld, who was wearing red silver armor, looked at the White Wolf Knight who was recovering from his injuries with disdain. The red lion on his shield was shining in the sun. The Kingdom Knight was walking around in front of the White Wolf Knight. , the friction between armor and chainmail made a screeching sound.

Twenty minutes later, the battle resumed.

Unlike other knights, Aldreird held up his shield and began to slowly approach Becker. The White Wolf Knight was as brave as before. He strode towards the legitimate son of Duke Lyonnais without a care, and then The hammer was raised as high as ever.

"Come on!" Aldreeld struck his shield hard with his long sword, then suddenly lowered himself, raised the shield diagonally, and used his whole body to bear the gravity of the war hammer.

A heavy blow had no effect. The young White Wolf Knight had to face a strong reaction force. The war hammer was bounced off by the strong shield. Just when the White Wolf Knight stepped back slightly to balance his body, Aldreeld He swung his shield directly and hit the White Wolf Knight hard on the forehead with the upper edge of the shield. The force of the Kingdom Knight was so strong that the White Wolf Knight took many steps back before slowing down.

"What does a truly powerful attack come from? Is it the visible long sword? No, White Wolf Knight, a truly powerful attack comes from places you don't expect. Little wolf cub, today I, Aldreeld, will Let me teach you a lesson!" The Kingdom Knight directly used his shield to sweep away Becker's war hammer attack, and then used his shield to hit Becker on the forehead again.

The White Wolf Knight felt dizzy, and he stepped back repeatedly, trying to distance himself from Aldreir.

The Kingdom Knight didn't give him this chance at all. He strode closer and fired several swords. The White Wolf Knight was left in a state of embarrassment, and the initiative in the battle had been completely controlled by Aldreeld.

Sitting in the stands, Ryan narrowed his eyes and said to Morgiana next to him: "Aldreeld is not rigid at all in the use of shields. He flexibly used the cooperation of sword and shield to seize the opportunity. White Wolf The Cavaliers were given the upper hand again without having an advantage in wrist strength, and Aldreird won this time."

Morgiana snorted. It seemed that the Lake God Witch was still dissatisfied. There was no hint of happiness in her tone: "A mere White Wolf Knight who came out to test the truth sent a legendary junior Duke's legitimate son out. So what if we win?”

"That's better than not winning." Ryan said helplessly.

In the arena, the outcome gradually became clear. The sharp sword in Aldreird's hand was like the sharp teeth of a lion, with the power to tear everything into pieces. With every blow, Becker had to give up the offensive and return to defend. , just after the sharp sword passed, the shield attack came again, and Becker had completely lost the initiative.

In the end, the iron boots of the kingdom knight kicked the white wolf knight's calf, and then the sharp sword narrowly missed Becker's neck. Aldreeld spat and withdrew his sword: "Ms. In my name, you lose, White Wolf Knight!"

"Yes, I lost. In the name of Yurik, the honor belongs to you!" Becker admitted defeat. He just felt that death passed him by. The young white wolf knight gasped for air, and then in front of his colleagues With help, he returned to his side.

Boris patted Becker on the shoulder. An elite middle-level young white wolf knight can fight with a legendary junior duke's legitimate son until now. Even Yurik will not blame anything. We are all human beings. It's necessary to fight to the death.

Next, Aldreeld completed the feat of one through three. He defeated two white wolf knights who came to challenge him.

"For the lady! For Britannia!" The knight of the kingdom who was less than thirty years old raised his shield.

"Yeah, yeah!" There was a revelry in the Brittanian camp. The knights sang loudly and recited the name of the Fairy of the Lake. Duke Dalheide of Lyonnais received a lot of praise. Everyone praised him for having a Excellent legitimate son.

Although Darheide appeared modest on the surface, his smug expression actually betrayed him. The Duke himself deliberately glanced at Ryan, who was talking to Morgiana, and Ryan smiled in return.

The empire could no longer sit still, and Boris Todbringer turned around: "In that case, then... Cornil, it's your turn to take action!"

"Yes, my Lord!" A young man with a gray wolf-skin hair on his head, a very young appearance, and even some fluff around his mouth stood up. He was holding a silver skull warhammer and wearing a huge wolf He walked into the arena wearing a leather cloak and the White Wolf Knight badge on his chest.

"Urick's champion warrior, Captain of the Seventh Company of the White Wolf Knights, Conil Redsfield, accepts your challenge, and may Yurick grant me victory!"

"In the name of lady, I accept your challenge!" Aldereld accepted the challenge. He smiled disdainfully, looked at the fluff around Conil's mouth, and suddenly smiled: "Tell me, little one. Wolf cub, how old are you this year?"

"24 years old, a knight!"

"Okay, then let's get started!"

I saw many readers saying that the protagonist should be promoted to a knighthood. This is indeed my plan, but it will not be so fast. This kind of medieval knighthood is very promotion and often requires the efforts of several generations. The protagonist is already very fast, but We also need to achieve solid military exploits, and there is no need to rush.

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