The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 215, trends from all parties

PS. Thank you to book friends 160198170046760, Pan Zunlin, and gladiatork for their generous rewards. Thank you very much. This book is relatively short-lived. I would like to thank everyone for your support to be able to write it till now! I still hope that everyone can come to to subscribe to the genuine version. Your subscription is the greatest affirmation to the author. Thank you.

PS2. More updates today! A chapter! , the next chapter will be updated in the evening.

Opposite the Gray Mountains, the Old World, the Imperial Capital, Braunschweig, the Imperial Palace.

Imperial monarchs and imperial royal families since Ludwig have lived here. The towering palaces and huge walls speak of the glory and greatness of mankind. This is a symbol that the empire is still the master of the continent after countless years. The heart of the empire.

The elected ruler, the ruler of darkness, the guardian and first citizen of the human empire, the holder of the warhammer "Gael-Malaz", the Grand Prince of Reikland, the Elector of Reikland, Brunre The Grand Duke of Gram, the bearer of the Silver Seal and the holder of the Holy Sword Rune Fang, the Emperor of Charlemagne’s all sacred heritage from the sea to the Border Mountains... including but not limited to the holders of the above twenty-three titles. Here, Emperor Carl Franz Friedrich is sitting in the middle of his study, correcting various government orders.

The emperor was wearing purple and gold noble casual clothes. He was sitting behind the desk. The early spring sunshine shone into the room through the colorful glass. The servant brought him coffee. The emperor took a sip of the coffee and stretched himself. Although he had returned to the palace, his mind was focused on recalling the bitter battle two weeks ago.

Two weeks ago, the emperor himself led more than 10,000 imperial troops deep into the Drakwald Forest to annihilate the Goblin and Beastmen tribes entrenched there. Despite all precautions, the emperor's army was ambushed. A large number of beastman warbands appeared and rushed towards the imperial army. The rear was surrounded by Goblin Arachnari giant spiders and groups of Goblin wolf cavalry. The emperor's army fell into chaos for a time. The emperor himself had to join the battle himself.

The one who finally stood up to save the defeat was the great alchemist Belshazer Galt of the Alchemy School Branch of the Royal Wizarding Academy of the Empire who was dispatched with the army. Just when morale was wavering, Galt rode his Pegasus "Swift Silver" Burning golden flames swooped down from the sky, the golden staff waved, and the wind of the Qianmen opened. An entire beastman warband and hundreds of beastmen turned into a group of gold-plated statues, and then the metal torrent summoned by Gelt Crushed to pieces, the pressure was greatly relieved and the Imperial army repelled the attacking Goblin tribe in one go. They attacked from both sides and defeated the Beastman army, and finally returned with a great victory.

This increased the emperor's trust in Gehrt. The current chief wizard of the empire, Dean of the Fire School, Sernus Gehrman, was the treasure left to him by his late father Luitbold, but Karl- Franz has always respected rather than relied on the chief royal wizard.

The current chief royal wizard who specializes in fire is so irritable that his hair will resemble flickering flames during his practice. Other identifying signs include glowing eyes, hot skin, extreme discomfort on rainy days, or a faint smell of sulfur. His temper is like a bomb. He is often chatting and laughing one second, and then explodes with fire the next. This characteristic of the wizards displeased the emperor. In contrast, Galt's calm and rigorous thinking and mind, as well as his various spells that were not easy to harm friendly forces, were more popular with the emperor.

This is all the credit of the High Elf White Tower and Supreme Magister Teclis. When the empire was in crisis, the high elves brought magic and helped establish the Imperial Royal Wizarding Academy. However, the technology for studying magic left by the high elves was not It's the ideal way. After Geert's in-depth explanation, Karl-Franz already understood the pros and cons.

The magic practice methods left by the high elves are the high elves' own learning methods. Humans are not a race suitable for using magic, so Teclis made slight changes in the high elves' own practice methods. Each wizard apprentice only specializes in magic. Being proficient in a kind of magical wind and being bound to it for life allows ordinary wizard apprentices to make rapid progress in their studies and soon become independent qualified wizards.

But the drawbacks are also very obvious. The wizards of the empire can only master one kind of magic for life, and after being bound for life, their bodies and minds will be affected by this wind of magic. For example, fire wizards have bad tempers. The death type (non-undead type) wizards are pale and skinny, the light type wizards have all white skin and hair, the amber (beast) type wizards have crazy body hair and like to wear animal skin clothes, etc.

In Galt's words, this kind of cultivation method is to know what is happening without knowing why. It can quickly become a qualified wizard who is not easily corrupted by chaos, but it is difficult to cultivate to a higher level such as the strength of the holy realm.

Only Galt is an outlier. Ever since this guy followed him to the Northern Kingdom of Nord to fight against the barbarian army and get a strange encounter, his attainments in magic have simply made rapid progress, and he has directly transferred a large number of famous wizards to him at an extremely fast speed. What the Emperor liked even more was that during battles, Gelt liked to shout in his special metal accent: "For the Emperor, for the Empire, for Holy Terra!"

Under the leadership and teaching of Galt, the wizards of the Alchemy School all followed suit. Each of these alchemy wizards had a booklet compiled by Galt and studied it seriously every day.

How loyal! Loyalty first leads to loyalty later!

Galt's attitude satisfied Karl-Franz, although he didn't quite understand what the third sentence meant.

What is Holy Terra?

Maybe it's some elven language or magic spell! The world of wizards is really difficult to understand. Karl-Franz decided not to think about it anymore, and the emperor continued with the next important news.

"Thousands of Nurgle's demonic army appeared near Curona, the capital of Britannia. The knights of the kingdom led by the Lake God Witch Morgiana and the Duke of Connet, Laun-Leo Cornwall, appeared. The envoy Elector Boris also led his army to join the war. When the war situation was unfavorable, Lion Malcador, the chosen champion of the Lady of the Lake, paid a heavy price to defeat the Great Demon of Nurgle and win the victory for the knight army. ."

"Hey!" Seeing this news, Karl Franz sighed with regret on his face, and punched the wooden table, causing the Rick guard who was standing guard outside to come in and ask: "My Majesty, What happened? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"It's okay, go down!"


The Rick guards went out, and the emperor showed his angry face again. He really couldn't imagine why he missed such an important talent? A warrior who can win a duel with the champion of the Barbarian Chief, a strong man who can defeat the champion of Khorne in Marienburg, a champion who can knock out the white wolf Yurik with one move, and even a divinely chosen champion who can defeat the Chaos Demon. , was poached by the Knight Kingdom on the other side of the mountain?

Karl Franz thought to himself, forget about baron. If Ryan Macado was willing to come, he would rather give him a viscount!

(There are no viscounts in Britannia, there are counts above barons, there are no marquises in the Empire, there are dukes above counts, and then there are electors.)

Is Nord's redneck brain stuffed with paste and rocks? Did you miss such a talent? What is Archbishop White Wolf doing? Are those wolf cubs only focused on drinking and fighting? Karl-Franz's face was ugly. The Empire and Britannia were both human countries with similar views. They were the only two relatively reliable allies (the other was the dwarves) when the Empire was surrounded by enemies on all sides. Although this alliance It's relatively loose, but at the critical moment all the empire can count on are the dwarf brothers and fellow knights.

Now that everyone is the chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake, can he still make Ryan the chosen champion of Charlemagne?

"That's right." Karl Franz suddenly thought of something, and he called a courtier from outside: "My lord, are you looking for me?"

"Send this message to Griffin Duke Ivan later. I want to meet with him in the near future, is the formation of the new Pistol Cavalry?" Karl Franz then asked.

At the same time, the imperial ambassador, the Elector Boris, was in the mansion of Curona, Britannia.

The Elector is discussing with his confidants, the White Wolf Knights.

"Karl Franz is a cowardly puppy!"

Boris' dissatisfied voice sounded in the inner room of the mansion: "He is afraid, he is afraid that the White Wolf Knights will take away his glory, and he is afraid that we will take away his credit, so he sent us to this place as an envoy, He brought his army, his knights and artillery to win such a wonderful victory, but there was no White Wolf Knight in it. This is simply a shame for the empire! It is one of the biggest shames since the founding of the empire. !”

The elector held the latest news in his hands. He knew that the emperor himself led the army to a glorious victory in the Drakwald Forest. However, the elector not only was not grateful to the emperor, but felt ashamed. For Ulric To his followers, it would be a great disrespect to Ulric to be absent from the war.

"He is our emperor, Your Excellency the Chosen One!" a cheetah knight said dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, he is our emperor, but he is also a cowardly puppy!" Boris shouted angrily. His red beard made him look very majestic, but after venting his anger, he chose The emperor reluctantly added: "Okay, I admit that he will still fight, but that's it, Yurik is witnessing everything."

The empire is such a system. The great and glorious empire is a country with great geographical differences, and its army clearly shows these differences. In the wealthy areas of the south, modern military equipment, such as cannons, muskets and even war machines, are widely used, while in the cold and barren north, soldiers also rely on spears, bows and arrows and their beliefs, named after the white wolf god of war Ulric. name combat.

The electors have all the military and political power in their own territories. Although in theory all the elector territories are part of the empire, in fact they are almost all independent countries. The emperor will only convene the Imperial Parliament when facing invasion by foreign enemies. When discussing wars, the effectiveness of the emperor's decrees in peacetime depends on whether his personal prestige and talent convince the public. Otherwise, a weak emperor will face the problem of candidates ignoring his decrees, and when his orders are not followed by those directly under the Reik Territory. Condition.

This is not nonsense. Karl-Franz’s father, the late Emperor Luitpold, encountered it. When he was seriously ill in his later years, almost no elector listened to the emperor’s orders. But when the matter came to Karl-Franz, Things were different after Lantz. After taking office, the new emperor conquered the north and south and won one after another. He was unparalleled in the limelight. Therefore, the candidates maintained their basic respect for the emperor on the surface. On the one hand, they had a powerful and talented emperor. On the other hand, he was pleasantly surprised, but on the other hand, he was wary of the emperor's possible interference in his own government affairs.

"This mission to Britannia is not without success. This war with the Nurgle Demon Army has spread the names of our White Wolf Knights and Cheetah Knights to this side of the mountain. The battles in the suburbs a few days ago have even more All races in the world no longer dare to face the name of Ulric, and I can feel that my Lord is satisfied with this battle." A Ulric priest said.

"Well, I finally didn't lose face to my lord, long live Yurik! Praise Yurik!" Boris shouted with satisfaction.

"Praise Ulric!" A roar came from the room. The White Wolf Knight and the Cheetah Knight held up the wine and shouted together. Although the south of the empire is also rich in wine, compared to the wine of Britannia, the wine of the Empire is It's just horse piss.

These are the exact words of Prince-Elector Boris himself.

"The benefits of this mission are not limited to these. I successfully reached a verbal trade agreement with King Richard and Duke Laun of Connet. Britannia can provide us with the high-quality food, wine and olives we urgently need. Oil, cloth, we can export a lot of furs, ores, and the damn wood in the Drakwald Forest that can't be cut no matter how much!" Boris sat on the main seat, and the Elector wiped his holy The sword, the bite of the leg slash reflects the light of the fire: "It's strange to say that this sword has always been restless recently. I always feel as if I am attending the Imperial Council, and its brothers are talking to it, hahaha !”

"Hahahaha! This must be because the Holy Sword drank the blood of the great devil, so it is so excited!" said Conil Redsfield, commander of the seventh company of the White Wolf Knights. The young White Wolf Knight looked very Unfortunately, he missed the battle on the Kurona Plains because he was injured in the duel. The champion warrior of Ulric felt deeply ashamed and helpless. Ulric's teachings emphasized the need to be brave and reckless, but it was also Believers are required to have the cunning of a wolf.

Conil changed the subject, and the White Wolf Knights suddenly became lively again. They loudly talked about how many demons they had destroyed in this war, and how many heads of Chaos Warriors they had chopped off and presented to Yurik.

The imperial ambassador's residence was very lively, and there was also a place in Kurona that was also very lively.

At the Lion Ring Racecourse, the largest racecourse in the old world, tens of thousands of spectators shouted in unison, the Kingdom's military band was playing music, and the drums were beating loudly.

The champion of this Knights Conference was born here.

updated! I chose to briefly write about the Knights Conference. Some book friends may be disappointed, but this kind of conference is a poorly written thing from the starting point. I can write more than a dozen chapters if I want, but I don’t think it is necessary.

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