The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 234, Emergency Meeting

PS. Thanks to book friends "Crying Beans", "BenjaminWbj" and "MADMAX" for the 10,000 rewards. There will be two updates today, and the second update will be in the evening.

In the conference room of the Baron Castle, Ryan was sitting in the main seat. All his subordinates, including the two witches and his brother Angron, all arrived. Everyone was watching the explanations of rangers Dais and Estelle. .

A huge map of Chalon Forest and Mousilon was hung on the wall of the conference room.

"A few days ago, I entered the interior of the forest, looking for traces of the Bergerac Bandits." Ranger Dais still wore a green hood and a white scarf as always. He was wearing a heavy deerskin coat and pointed. Looking at the interior of the Chalon Forest: "The traces of the Bergerac Bandits were not difficult to find. I found them quickly, but they were moving deeper into the Chalon Forest."

"I tried to catch a thief. I learned from the thief that the vampires in Mousilon have been moving recently. The Blood Red Duke is working hard to organize an army of vampires. This process is very slow, but the Blood Red Duke's attitude is very... Resolutely..." The ranger kept talking, but Ryan interrupted him: "What happened to the thief?"

"...I killed him, and then used drugs to turn him into a puddle of pus." Dais paused for a while and said nonchalantly.

"It's better to use less killers in the future. Of course, I'm talking about humans, elves, and dwarves. Okay, you can continue." Ryan added, and then motioned for Dais to continue.

"I understand, ahem... We just said that the band of thieves are evacuating deep into the Chalon Forest. The reason is that the Red Duke is gathering a large army. At the same time, a large number of blood knights appear and attack various sentries. , the sentry guards responsible for preventing vampire movements suffered heavy losses. According to some guards who escaped, the blood knights were dressed like... Holy Grail Knights, and some guards even said that these blood knights call themselves 'Black Holy Grail Knights' '." The ranger was a little unconfident when he said this. He hesitated and said: "Although it is impossible to confirm the authenticity of the matter, it is also true that blood knights continue to attack the sentry and the villages near Mousilon, so Bergerac The thieves have decided to move."

"Knight of the Black Holy Grail?!" Hux yelled, "What is that?!"

"Black? Holy Grail? Is it possible? A Holy Grail knight has fallen?" Olivier said in disbelief.

Everyone focused on Ryan, only he was the Holy Grail Knight.

"The vampire desecrated the tomb of the Holy Grail Knight. It used vicious undead magic to resurrect the remains of the Holy Grail Knight." Ryan frowned: "I once defeated a Black Holy Grail Knight and prayed to the lady about this. Her Highness Morgiana took out the Holy Grail remains and brought them back to the Holy Grail Cathedral or the Lady's Cathedral for burial, and the subsequent flood... but more than a dozen Holy Grail remains had been desecrated, and they became the Black Holy Grail Knights."

"That's it." Butler Katzenberg nodded, and he had a deeper understanding of the Baron's strength.

The atmosphere in the conference room was very solemn. Only Angron tasted the venison jerky sent by the wood elf indifferently.

"Go on, Dais." Ryan motioned to the ranger to continue.

"Yes, my Baron. After learning about this, I simply walked through the Chalon Forest from south to north and came to the junction of the Principality of Bordeaux and the Principality of Connaught. Sure enough, the Red Duke was Slowly building a vampire army, so I hurried back here to report this matter to the Baron." Dais finished his words.

Knight Errant Lops stood up, walked to the huge map, and said in a deep voice: "My Baron, the flood at the beginning of the year brought huge losses to the undead in Musilon. According to the scout's report, a large number of Trading posts, residences and various tombs were destroyed by floods. In this case, it will take a huge effort for the Red Duke to gather an army of vampires. My Baron, will this be a temptation?"

"I don't know. Yes, the flood summoned by the lady almost set back the entire construction of Connaught by twenty years, but... don't forget, everyone, the kingdom has not recovered from the war. The Knights Road more than a year ago During the war, the kingdom lost thousands of knights and tens of thousands of troops. Until now, many principalities have not recovered their strength." Ryan sat in his seat and said calmly: "Yes, the Red Duke and his Musilon want to It takes a lot of energy to gather an army, but isn't it the same for a kingdom? In this case, whoever gets the upper hand will be able to take advantage of the war."

At the same time, Ryan looked at the map and fell into thinking.

On the surface, the territory of Lane is not bordered by the Duchy of Connaught. Connaught is separated from Bordeaux to the south by the Graysmoray River, and is adjacent to the Duchy of Bastogne to the east. It seems that it is adjacent to the Duchy of Connaught. Lane's territory doesn't have much to do with it.

But as long as you analyze the map, you can understand that there is almost a Chalon Forest between Lane's Jean Baron and the cursed city of Mousilon. As long as they pass through the Chalon Forest, the vampire army can go straight to Lane's territory!

The land legally owned by the Principality is not equal to the land actually controlled by the Duke himself. In fact, the Chalon Forest is in a no-nonsense zone, and nothing can stop the vampires, especially the Knights of the Black Holy Grail.

"Regulate the army and prepare for war. I can't order the kingdom's army. This is the responsibility of the king or His Highness Morgiana, but we must do our own thing." Ryan stood up and began to give orders.

"First, immediately send more scout rangers to investigate near Mousilon. If there are any vampire movements, report them immediately."

"Yes!" Knight-errant Lops and Olivier stood up to take the order.

"Second, speed up preparations for war. As soon as the Winter Veil Festival is over, all troops will be summoned and training will be stepped up."

"Understood!" Hux and Estelle, who were in charge of training, stood up.

"Third, we need to establish a defense system facing the Sharon Forest to ensure the security of our territory."

Tax Collector Gasparton and Steward Katzenberg understood.

"Finally, regarding undead magic, I believe Miss Veronica and Miss Theresa are willing to provide me with answers in this regard. Please do your part and prepare for the war!"

"Yes! My Baron!"


At the same time, the main material world, the orbit of the sacred planet Terra.

The huge Imperial Custodes fleet is on its way back.

Inside the huge Emperor-class battleship, mechanical servants and countless Imperial Guards were constantly coming in and out. A large number of people came and went, including Space Marines from the Dark Angels Chapter, the Imperial Fists Chapter, and the Ultramarines Chapter. A large number of people gathered in Cambridge, and they celebrated another victory. The invincible lord of mankind led a huge army loyal to himself in an almost perfect gang-hopping battle. This campaign was so perfect that it almost Without any effort, the Space Marines appeared in front of the panicked Chaos Space Marines.

A loyal massacre.

It's just that compared to the Dark Angels and Ultramarines who celebrated heartily, the yellow guys of the Imperial Fist were more silent. They looked at the headquarters with expectant eyes.

The Emperor has returned, can our Primarch be far behind?

In the command center of the entire ship, a huge black instrument tightly sealed a fallen original body. Apart from the purple turbid light, nothing could be seen, only the constant screams and the Mechanicum's constant debugging of the instrument. sound.

Beside the headquarters, the Emperor, the Lord of Mankind, was standing in the corner. He was holding a piece of extra-large steak cooked by the Imperial Fist Apothecary. The Emperor was chewing the food gently with an expressionless expression.

Roboute Guilliman, the original member of the Thirteenth Legion, is repairing his skill armor and repairing wounds with the help of a pharmacist. Judging from his grinning expression and lingering fear, he must have experienced a hard battle just now. The First Legion The original body, Leon El Jonson, had a stern look on his face, leaving a thin wound on his face. The Emperor had just helped him expel the poison, but he still felt some pain.

Unexpectedly, Jonson was the first to speak, and the Lion King was the first to say coldly: "This operation went smoother than expected. The invitation signal sent by Magnus made Fulgrim not think that he had been purified, so we were able to Fulgrim is cornered."

"It turns out that Magnus's return has an immediate effect. With him sitting on the Golden Throne, my father can move freely. The signal he sent to invite other Daemon Primarchs to design Guilliman is even more important. We tricked Fulgrim... It's a pity that Mortarion didn't show up, otherwise the encirclement we set up would be enough to capture them both!" Guilliman patted his thigh hard, obviously for Mortarion. It's a pity that I didn't get it.

"Our action to capture the fallen primarch has aroused the vigilance of the evil gods, Jonson and Guilliman." The emperor frowned, and his eyes were filled with golden light, only cold and serious: "Nurgle has felt me It ordered Mortarion to return immediately to the demonic world of the Eye of Terror and not to leave his own demonic world without its permission."

"Future actions will only be more difficult, but we are never afraid." The new Imperial Regent Roboute Guilliman said: "Everything is developing for the better, but...Father, deceiving Magnus like this, Isn’t it a bit…overdone?”

"Look what Magnus has done? Guilliman, you have the nerve to say it too much. The consequences of Magnus' actions are enough to kill him ten thousand times!" Jonson shouted angrily.

"I understand..." Guilliman said painfully. From a rational point of view, he understood that it was very kind to treat Magnus like this, but emotionally, the original Ultramarines still felt that it was such a kindness to Magnus. It was a bit excessive. The Thousand Sons Primarch, who was finally purified, was brought back to Holy Terra, and then was firmly pressed on the Golden Throne by the Emperor, completely losing his freedom.

"I have done my best to Magnus." The Emperor said coldly: "For now, we need him to sit on the Golden Throne."

There is no dispute on this point, both Guilliman and Jonson nodded.

After a series of battles, Roboute Guilliman finally allowed himself to relax his guard a little. He breathed a sigh of relief. The bloody battle just now was still vivid in his mind. After a fierce gang-hopping battle, the Emperor, Jonson, and Kiri The three men led the most elite troops and rushed directly into the Chaos battleship "Emperor's Pride".

This was the former flagship of the Third Legion of the Emperor's Children. During the Horus Heresy, the Third Legion also betrayed the Emperor. Now they worship the evil god Slaanesh and become Slaanesh's lackeys.

Fulgrim, the ascended demon primarch who came over excitedly and wanted to "plot against Guilliman" with Magnus, was horrified to find that he was surrounded by the Emperor and the two primarchs. Despite his strong resistance, he was still He was severely injured and captured, and then sealed in the instrument.

Fulgrim was still cursing Magnus's communication error before he died.

"Father, I am worried about how the Iron Hands will react if Fulgrim comes back." Guilliman suddenly remembered an embarrassing fact. Ferus, the original body of the Iron Hands, died on the fallen Fulgrim. In his hands, he was also seriously injured by Fulgen and lay in the static force field for ten thousand years.

"The entire Iron Hand is not worth as much as one Fulgrim, and Ferus is dead." The Emperor ate voraciously, and the Imperial Fist apothecary outside brought a lot of food: "I will Appease Iron Hand, you don’t have to worry about this.”

Guilliman took the food and took a bite, his face almost wrinkled. Did the Apothecary of the Imperial Fists use a flamethrower to roast this food? Burnt and salty!

At this time, Cato Sicarius, commander of the second company of the Ultramarines, came in from outside with a newspaper: "My lord, this is the newspaper you want, the new issue of "Legion Flag"."

The Emperor reached out and took the newspaper. He glanced at it for a few moments, and then suddenly read it out.

"Congratulations! Soldiers! With the return of the Emperor and the Primarch, we have once again achieved a great victory! After a large reduction in personnel (89%), I have good news to tell you! Because of this great victory If you win, your company will receive extra preferential treatment!"

"You will be able to enjoy the same barracks that several infantry teams used to live in, as well as a double supply of original corpse starch! You will feel like home here!"

"We can be sure that the next war is about to begin. In order to allow you to better bathe in the glory of the Emperor, you will be arranged as a forward force in the next war. I wish you good luck!"

"Think about it every day: To be defeated and frustrated is to fall from the power of the emperor."

The Lord of Humanity put down the newspaper, and what was very rare was that he showed a helpless expression on his face: "It turns out that my efforts failed, and what that bastard Luo Jia wrote actually became your holy scripture. "

Jonson remained silent, and Guilliman could only respond bitterly: "Father, it is this lie that has maintained your empire until today."

"... Putting aside this, I remember that the logistics supplies provided by the Ministry of Military Affairs to the Astra Militarum included vegetables, meat and Reka coffee. Tell me, Guilliman, why did these things turn into Corpse starch?" The Emperor handed the newspaper into Guilliman's hands, and the Lord of Mankind's voice was as cold as the void of the universe.

"This is why I purged the High Council of Terra, Father."

"I think you can clean it again if necessary."

"I will."

Some readers may be interested in what corpse starch is, which is food made from starch reprocessed from corpses.

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