The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 244, Battle of Turis Castle (Part 2)

"It's Your Excellency the Green Knight!"

"Green Knight, Your Excellency Green Knight is here to support us!"

Green Knight, Champion of the Lake God, the most outstanding of the Lady of the Lake's champions, protector of the Holy Land.

Countless myths can be written about his origins. Many people believe that he is the incarnation of the Eight Virtues of Knights, while others believe that he is the spirit of a deceased legendary Holy Grail Knight.

The only thing people know is that thirty years after the founding of Britannia, the Green Knight began to appear on the land of the kingdom. He constantly guarded the shrines and holy places of the Lady of the Lake in the kingdom. He walked among the forests. Traveling back and forth, he appeared in the mountain springs and waterfalls. He slaughtered any enemy who dared to invade the holy land. He split the enemy's head with a long sword filled with rage. After all the commotion returned to calm, he quietly disappeared among the ancient trees.

At the same time, he is also the grand mentor of the Holy Grail Knights. He uses his own way to test the knights. Especially the expedition knights sometimes encounter challenges from the Green Knight without warning during their journey to seek the Holy Grail. If they fail, they may even be threatened. Risk of being killed.

"Forward! Soldiers, don't be afraid of the darkness, I will fight side by side with you!" The Green Knight, who rarely spoke, suddenly spoke. He was wearing a full-body green armor with dense ivy growing on it. His green horse and The long sword exuded a strong spiritual light, and the war horse's hooves were raised high in everyone's eyes: "Forward! For the lady!"

"Forward! For the lady!" The morale of Bordeaux's army was shaken, and the Green Knight took the lead. Any vampire attack had no effect on this knight who had been fighting for hundreds of years. The pain blade in his hand slashed up and down, continuously Two bloodthirsty manta wolves were killed by his sword, and the pressure on the Poseidon Knights was greatly reduced. They fought hard and beat the vampire army back again and again.

Bodrick finally regained his composure. He pulled out his long sword and led the Poseidon Knight in a counterattack. No undead was his enemy wherever the Green Knight passed. He broke through the undead army alone.

A Blood Knight discovered the Green Knight's figure. He shouted loudly, raised his spear filled with dirty energy, and rushed towards the Green Knight on horseback.

"Blade of Pain." No ordinary weapon could harm the Green Knight. Many halberds even passed through his body. Seeing the rushing Blood Knight, the Green Knight raised his dark green sword blade.

The sword shone brightly enough to blind the eyes. The Blood Knight's spear passed directly through the Green Knight's body, but the Green Knight's sword cut open the Blood Knight's flesh. The blade flashed and the Blood Knight's head fell to the ground.

Rushing all the way, the Green Knight slashed several Blood Knights to death. He kept attacking and pointed directly at the Red Duke in the center.

"It's the Green Knight!" The Blood Red Duke noticed that the Green Knight was charging straight towards him.

The memory of the past came to mind again. When he was the Duke of Aquitaine, he had heard the legend of the Green Knight. The Blood Red Duke found that a sense of fear actually arose in his heart. He roared angrily and pulled out the sword passed down from generation to generation. The sword of the Duke of Aquitaine had a face-to-face confrontation with the oncoming Green Knight.

The moment the sword blades intersected, the vampire army was as bright as day. The nearby undead could not open their eyes at all, and the weaker zombies were completely purified.

At the end of the confrontation, the Green Knight's horses kept charging past the central army, and then disappeared into the mist with a flash of green light.

"Hmm!" The Red Duke snorted coldly. A crack appeared on his armor, obviously he was injured.

"Forward! For Mannann! For Bordeaux!" Just as the front legs of the Green Knight disappeared, Bo Derek led the Poseidon Knights and arrived. The vampire army collapsed. The Blood Red Duke felt the huge crisis, and he had to order the Blood Knights. On top of them.

"Ahhhhh!!" Bo Derek's eyes were already red with blood. He raised the golden Poseidon Trident and stabbed it directly into the mouth of a bloodthirsty bat wolf. Poseidon's power spurted out, and the bloodthirsty bat wolf's head exploded. It shattered and turned into a rain of blood all over the sky. Hundreds of Poseidon Knights and thousands of knights errant rushed into battle. The vampires were retreating steadily. The Blood Red Duke covered the wound on his chest and had no choice but to order the army to retreat temporarily.

The war horses neighed, the knights shouted, and the vampire army was severely shaken after being disrupted by the Green Knight. The charge of the Poseidon Knight became the last straw to crush the undead. The undead lost control on a large scale, and then automatically exploded into A cloud of blood mist, the hordes of zombie legions and the tomb guard brigade completely dissipated and turned into dust.

Bodrick led the Poseidon knights to overwhelm two armies and then gave up when they were ready, leading the knights to retreat to the castle.

"The castle is being held." After returning to the castle, Bo Derek's expression finally relaxed a little: "Francois will be arriving tomorrow."

"Yes, my Duke, thank you, madam, thank you Mannann." The deputy general, Sir Howl, was also covered in blood, and his robe was covered with various gaps.

"No, this is all thanks to Mr. Green Knight." Bo Derek shook his head repeatedly, with a sigh in his expression: "If Mr. Green Knight hadn't come to help, I might have... You know, Wolf, I really want to do it now. Leave everything behind and follow the path to the Holy Grail.”

"My lord, Bordreau cannot live without your wise leadership."

"I know... rest, I'm a little tired."


After Wolfe went out, Bodrick raised his head. There was a portrait hanging on the wall behind him.

It was the scene of the first generation Duke of Bordero, Marcus, dueling with the Chaos Champion Svenga. On top of the huge tower, the first generation Holy Grail Knight Marcus was waving his sword and bravely dueling with the Chaos Champion.

The power of his ancestors made Bodrick stronger, and his will became stronger.

My ancestors could become Holy Grail Knights, and so can I.


At noon the next day, Francois arrived with reinforcements. The reinforcements, numbering more than two thousand, greatly eased the pressure faced by Duke Bordeaux. Bodrick personally led the Poseidon Knights out of the city and brought the reinforcements in. .

After a short rest, François and Bodrick met on the city wall in the evening.

The two dukes looked at the army of the undead outside the castle. Even after a night of fighting, the army of the undead showed no sign of decreasing. Standing on the tall city wall, Francois could see just from the blood-stained walls and battlefield. He knew what kind of hard battle he had gone through: "The vampire offensive is amazing, we have to find a way to defeat the Blood Red Duke."

"Thank you, Francois. I'm glad you can bring someone to support me." Bodrick felt a little better after a day's rest. He led the Poseidon Knights to walk on the city wall and headed toward Francois. Francois said: "It's just that our number is still too small. Is there any movement from other Dukes?"

Francois shook his head: "Berhemond's reinforcements are still on the way. They encountered sporadic snipers from undead knights and will not be able to arrive in a short time."

"Ha~ This is our king. I can bet that if Turis Castle falls and I retreat to Bodriux, our king will definitely start preparing to support me." The fine lines in the corners of Bodrick's eyes widened. , he is nearly ten years older than Francois, but Francois is already a Holy Grail Knight. He looks only thirty years old, while Bo Derek's appearance is already close to forty.

"Now is not the time to discuss this, Bodrick." Francois was very calm: "The Red Duke's offensive will not last long. Fighting like this is a drain on us, but it is also a heavy burden on his mana. and……"

"No! Your Excellency the Duke!" Soldiers hurriedly ran over on the city wall: "A new army has appeared! Two siege towers have also appeared!"

"It seems that vampire reinforcements are coming." Francois brought his legitimate son Julius, a large group of blue and white-striped Winford family knights and a group of blue and yellow Poseidon knights along the city wall and arrived. Above the city gate.

In the distance, a group of hundreds of undead knights joined the vampire army. In addition, two makeshift siege towers stood about two kilometers away from the castle.

"It's a siege tower." Bo Derek looked serious and ordered to the sergeant: "Why are you still standing? Use the trebuchet immediately to destroy those siege towers!"

"My Duke, the distance of the trebuchet is not enough, we can't hit those two siege towers!" the sergeant replied.

"No, bows and arrows cannot destroy the siege towers. If we let those two siege towers get close to the city wall, we will definitely be defeated. The soldiers can't stop so many enemies." Bo Derek frowned and pointed at the distant A large group of undead knights and a team of blood knights: "Obviously, this is a trap. If we go out of the city and try to destroy these siege weapons, the undead knights will definitely fight with us."

"The siege tower is too far from here, my Duke, the maximum range of the trebuchet is eight hundred meters." The sergeant said to Bo Derek: "We can't hit that far!"

The huge siege tower is about fifteen meters high. As dozens of zombies and grave guards advance, the siege tower is moving slowly. The surface of the siege tower is covered with animal skins and oilcloth. Defensive rocket obviously.

The two dukes reached a consensus: "This thing must not be allowed anywhere near the castle."

"Dwarf, where is your heavy cannon? Pull it to me!" Francois shouted: "We need artillery!"

"It's coming, it's coming!" As more than a dozen people struggled to carry it, the dwarf's heavy cannon was gradually being transported up the city wall. The dwarf engineer Dugan Tiehan held his beard: "Come, my Duke, where do you want me to hit?" ?”

"Just hit that siege tower? Can you hit it?" Bo Derek was surprised that there were dwarves in Winford's army, but he couldn't care about that much. The Duke tried his best to point to the two towers and advance side by side. He tried to speak clearly: "That's the siege tower! Can you beat it?"

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" Dugan thought that the knights in Britannia were so rude. The dwarf engineer gave a thumbs up towards the siege tower, then narrowed his eyes: "The distance is about One thousand two hundred meters!”

Francois and Bodrick both looked at the dwarf engineer expectantly.

After competing for ten seconds, Dugan shouted: "Okay, brothers, adjust the position! The elevation angle is thirty-seven degrees and twenty-one minutes!"

The dwarf accompanying the army nervously adjusted the muzzle of the heavy cannon. The wooden box was opened, and the round black cast-iron shell inside was taken out by the dwarf's dirty hands, and then put into the barrel of the cannon.

After everything was ready, Dugan shouted: "Fire!"

"Fire!!!" The dwarf's heavy cannon made a heavy muffled sound, and the black shells shot straight away with thick smoke, causing a gust of wind.

"Pa!" The bottom of the siege tower on the right was hit by a cannonball. A huge hole was blown out of the improvised siege tower made of wood and stone. Wood blocks and stones were flying everywhere in the air. Falling like raindrops.

"Creak, creak, creak~" The lower part of the siege tower that had a big hole blown out could no longer support the gravity above and the large number of barren guards standing on the top preparing to climb the city. It made a distorted sound of being crushed, and the tower tilted and was crushed. After holding up many wooden pillars, they collapsed.

"Beautiful!" Bo Derek shouted happily when he saw the siege tower on the right being directly destroyed by a shot.

"Isn't it? The dwarves are always the best." The old dwarf engineer Dugan Tiehan's face was slightly red. He touched his beard proudly, preparing to swallow some secrets.

He was actually aiming at the siege tower on the left: "Let us continue!"


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