The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 250, burning the camp

"Hey~" Several feather arrows flying in the strong wind instantly killed the guard guarding the entrance to the hill.

Ryan and others sneaked into the camp along the sparse forest.

Ryan, Jerod, Theresa, Veronica, and Alfred followed behind. They were not good at doing this kind of thing.

Under the dark night, both Estelle and Dess could see things as if they were daylight. They relied on the cover of bushes and trees to advance slowly. Due to the influence of the strong wind, the voices of several people were almost inaudible.

The camp where the siege tower was built gradually approached, and two low-level vampires were whispering. They stood on a slope behind the hills, monitoring everything that passed by. After a round of investigation, everyone found that the defense here was the strongest. It's weak, and after passing the hills is the inside of the camp.

Estelle held out two fingers, meaning two.

Dais pulled up his green mask, shook his head, and then made a gesture.

Low-level vampires are difficult to kill with an arrow through the brain, and they are in trouble.

At this time, Alfred slipped up.

The paladin took out a kettle from his bag, then put it into Estelle's hand, indicating to use this.

Estelle gently unscrewed the lid, and there was a stream of extremely clear water with a slight light on it.

It’s the church’s holy water! Estelle smiled and gave Alfred a thumbs up. The two half-elves applied holy water to the arrowheads.

You only get one chance.

Full of strength, Estelle narrowed his eyes. He hung the arrow dipped in holy water on the bowstring, and then pulled his recurve bow into a full moon shape. The half-elf carefully identified the angle, direction, wind strength, and... There is humidity.

The strong wind blew through the forest, and the sound of beating leaves through the forest reached Estelle's ears. He and Dai Si all felt comfortable and a little intoxicated. This is the ranger, lonely, and staying with the forest all day long. , they try hard to integrate into human society with the help of Ryan, but occasionally they still enjoy the feeling of being one with the forest.

They are the people of the forest.

"Hey~" Two arrows penetrated the strong wind and pierced into the body of the vampire guard.

"Uh-huh!" The vampire guard could feel his body being pierced by arrows. It was about to shout that there was an enemy. A corrosive feeling instantly filled all its senses, and it wailed in a low voice. , with a ferocious face, a big hole was instantly corroded in the chest where the arrow was hit, the tip of the arrow pierced into its heart, and the holy water burned its black blood.

The vampire guard stretched out his hand hard to pull out the arrow. As soon as his hands touched the arrow shaft outside his body, it had already turned into a mummy.

Another vampire guard was pierced by an arrow in the throat. It tried hard to make a sound. Holy water was sprinkled on its throat, completely destroying its throat and vocal function. The pure holy water touched the vampire guard like It was like the corrosion of concentrated sulfuric acid, burning its body black, emitting a stream of white smoke and a foul odor.

A long sword pierced its chest from behind, and the sacred energy on the sword evaporated its internal organs.

Alfred withdrew the sword from the vampire guard with a fierce look on his face. The paladin was very firm in some aspects, that is, undead, green skinned creatures, and chaotic creatures did not deserve sympathy: "Hey, Esther Mr. Er, your shot is not accurate."

"It's wearing a breastplate." Estelle pointed at the vampire guard.

Alfred smiled awkwardly and extended his hand to apologize.

The group entered the camp smoothly.

Inside the camp, many torches illuminated the interior of the camp. It was late at night, and there were still relatively few construction activities going on in the camp. The vampires were building three siege towers and two siege vehicles.

Building materials are piled everywhere in the camp. A large amount of wood, stone, and clay are piled randomly in the camp. Ryan and others hide behind a pile of hardwood and carefully observe the actions in the camp.

"It's Estalia's mercenary group. They were hired by vampires to serve the undead." Teresa recognized the mercenary group patrolling the camp. She leaned next to Ryan and said softly, female The warlock changed into a black leather suit for combat and held a purple staff in his hand: "These desperadoes don't care who they serve. As long as they have money, they are willing to do anything."

"Ace, can you and Des still kill those mercenaries who are alone?" Ryan calculated the distance carefully.

Veronica will summon a flaming meteorite to completely destroy these siege weapons, but she needs to get close to the siege tower to at least three hundred meters. As for Ryan and others, all they have to do is cover Veronica.

Currently, they are still about 500 meters away from where the siege weapons are, and they need to continue to get closer.

"No, without the cover of the woods, it would be easy to be discovered by the mercenaries." Estelle shook his head.

"Then it will be difficult for us to get closer than 300 meters." Ryan looked at a small group of mercenaries who were only more than 20 meters away. They were all well-trained professional soldiers, wearing sophisticated equipment. Everyone has chain mail on their bodies, and some people even have the money to equip armpits and breastplates. They have a wealth of weapons, including swords and shields, battle axes, halberds, maces, and hard crossbows. You can tell from their appearance that It is not easy to take them down immediately: "Okay, it is a success to be able to come to this place. Brothers, prepare to fight."

"Please wait a moment, my baron." At this time, the demon hunter Abel had a different opinion.

"Do you have any better ideas? Abel?" Ryan had already taken out the warhammer.

"My Baron, you must have some wine from Wingford, right? Can you lend me a bottle? It doesn't have to be the best wine. I need the best butterbeer or ale." The demon said respectfully.

"Of course, I do." Ryan took out a bottle of fine malt liquor, which is made from the first wort of malt and is a high-end luxury product.

Abel took the malt wine and shook it gently. The demon hunter smiled: "My Baron, the mercenaries from the southern country are indeed powerful, well-equipped, and fearless of death, but they have A fatal weakness is that they cannot resist the temptation of fine wine, especially this kind of fine malt liquor. When seeing wine, no matter how qualified the mercenaries are, they will forget all the rules and tasks."

"It's interesting, let's give it a try." Ryan agreed to the proposal.

The military discipline of mercenaries is indeed different from that of the regular army. They fight and perform tasks never to win honor or seek a higher status. They only care about money and the fun after completing the task.

Abel gently opened the cap of the bottle of ale, and then the witcher placed the ale on the pile of hardwood.

He and Süle hid behind the shadows of the pile of hardwood, and then motioned for everyone to be quiet.

Two minutes later, three mercenaries passed by this place.

"It smells so good! That's...the smell of malt liquor!" A big male mercenary had the sharpest nose. His eyes were shining. Following the strong aroma of malt, a glass beer bottle appeared in front of him: " Look, it’s a bottle of malt liquor! It smells so good, this must be a bottle of fine malt liquor!”

"Oh my god, Fernando, what are you doing? Oh! Oh my God, it's high-grade ale!" Another tall mercenary came up from behind. The rich and pure aroma made his index finger move, and his dry mouth immediately Secreting a lot of saliva: "Who is this, staying here?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a vampire, maybe it's leftover by some guy. Anyway, it's an advantage for me!" The three mercenaries stopped. The big mercenary raised the glass bottle. He tried to use a silver needle to test whether it worked. Not poisonous.

The other two mercenaries' attention was completely focused on the big mercenary's poison testing behavior, and their eyes followed the glass bottle and silver needle.

A big gloved hand covered the mercenary's mouth from behind, and with a dagger, the problem was solved.

"It's really not poisonous. Are you ready to enjoy the extra midnight snack during our patrol today?" the tall mercenary took out the silver needle from the glass bottle and said happily.

No one answered him.

"You people..." The big mercenary felt something was wrong. As soon as he turned around, Abel twisted his head with a fierce look and turned it hard.

"Click." The mercenary Fernando had his neck broken and died. The bodies of the three mercenaries were dragged away.

After a while, another group of mercenaries passed by: "Hey! Brothers, what is that? What kind of fragrance?"


Ten minutes later, seven or eight bodies were piled behind the hardwood pile.

"It's really unethical to act like this. I will never do it." Jerod watched the demon hunter attack the mercenaries continuously. He was really shameless.

"Me too, so we need witchers just like we need serf archers in war." Ryan whispered with a smile.

Jarrod nodded, an explanation he could accept.

Pulling out the bloody steel sword, Abel nodded, indicating that everyone could come out: "One bottle of wine, four patrol teams, this is the limit."

"Very good, let's move on." Taking advantage of the darkness, Ryan and others continued to approach the siege tower.

When she was about 350 meters away from the siege tower, Veronica stretched out her little hand and gently pulled the corner of Ryan's clothes: "My dear? That's okay."

Ryan was about to say that it was not even 300 meters yet. Then, the chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake realized something: "You have become stronger again, my great witch."

"Cover me, Ryan." Veronica stood there and she began to chant a spell.

Ryan had given up hiding. He stood up naturally. Everyone looked at him. The night wind blew the smell of wood and earth: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for your support and support for this mission." Help, the success of reaching this point is inseparable from everyone’s cooperation.”

"Now, my plan has reached the final step. Next, let us go to the end and bring death and destruction to those vampires, spread the glory of the lady across the earth, and bring victory back to Britannia!" Ryan Raising his hammer, he roared: "For the lady!"

"For the lady!"

"For Charlemagne!"

"For the God of Justice!"

"For Kunos!"

"For Asuryan!"

The battle cry from the team was not very neat, but the loud battle cry still alerted the mercenary group and vampires in the camp.

"Who?!" The people from the mercenary group immediately responded: "There is an enemy!"

Too late.

In the sky, a meteorite with a diameter of more than ten meters flew out from the dark night sky, carrying the force of thunder, and fell directly from the sky. The meteorite exuded scorching air waves and shone with a dazzling red light. An arc was drawn in the air and landed in the middle of the camp.

"Boom!!!" The meteorite exploded in the camp. Dozens of vampire guards and a dozen mercenaries, including the leader of the mercenary group, were killed on the spot. The huge explosion shattered the siege tower under construction, and the stones were shattered. Hardwoods burned and billowing dust engulfed the entire camp.

"There is an enemy! It's the legendary wizard of the fire system!" "Help! My leg is broken, my leg is broken!" The mercenaries were stunned by the meteorite attack, and the entire mercenary group fell into chaos.

"Ice cone!" At the same time, the sorceress also began to cast spells. The ice energy continued to circulate around her staff, and the sharp ice cone froze the two mercenaries who were coming towards her.

"Ice Spear Technique." Theresa chanted the Ice Spear Technique again, and the two frozen mercenaries were torn into pieces.

"Fight!" Ryan raised his gryphon warhammer. The warhammer fell from the air. The two mercenaries were smashed into meat patties. Jarrod held up his shield and held a sharp sword. He chanted the name of the fairy in the lake, and the sharp sword penetrated touched a mercenary's chest: "For the lady!"

The steel swords of Demon Hunters Abel and Jule danced, and the Demon Hunter's steps were like beautiful ballet steps, but every blow could kill the fragile mercenary. They specifically picked on the mercenary's neck, which had weak armor. , arms, wrists, and armpits.

"Flaming Skull!" Veronica's spellcasting continued. She chanted the spell, surrounded by flame energy, and a chuckling flame skull appeared in the camp, accompanied by a tooth-piercing scream. Laughter, this flaming skull, which was more than ten meters long, rushed through the camp. Wherever it passed, there was no armor left and everything burned.

The morale of the mercenaries collapsed. They screamed and tried to escape, but the flames completely blocked their way. A large number of building materials in the camp were ignited by the flames. Ryan and his team headed towards the location of the siege vehicle. The mercenaries who failed to escape were all eliminated. The enemy was the enemy. Since they had already served the vampires, Ryan believed that there was no need to show mercy to these people.

Teresa raised her staff, and the frost energy opened a path for them. This burning environment made the sorceress feel very uncomfortable. She complained: "Veronica, you almost burned one of our own."

"Our mission is to burn down the entire camp!" Veronica retorted. Two consecutive large spells made her gasp slightly, but the Gloria Witch still maintained a considerable reserve of magic power.

"Ladies, now is not the time to chat!" Ryan used his war hammer to kill two vampire guards who tried to stop them.

Not far away, a vampire lord led two teams of tomb guards and a group of tomb ghosts, working hard to put out the fire, trying to save the last two siege vehicles that were not damaged.

Ryan was about to signal everyone to attack the group of tomb guards and tomb demons, but a hoarse dragon roar reached everyone's ears.

Everyone looked back and saw a giant zombie dragon appearing on the skyline in the night sky illuminated by fire. It was breathing dragon breath and rushing towards the camp.

It's the Red Duke!

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