The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 268, Leisurely Early Winter

"Yuli, from the first time I met your sister, I knew that I was determined to be your friend!" Ryan held the wine glass and jokingly nudged Julius's arm with his elbow: "Why? , don’t you want your sister to marry me?”

"If I don't want to, do you think you can get engaged to Sulia?" Julius leaned on the railing of the courtyard, holding a wine glass in his hand: "But I still have to say, Ryan, you are really a person with bad intentions. The soul is weak."

"If I can marry Lidya Su, I must have a weak soul." Ryan said with a cheeky smile.

"Can I throw you off the courtyard?" Julius was furious when he saw Ryan's smiling face. He really wanted to retaliate with a punch to Ryan's face that deserved a beating.

But the legitimate son of Duke Winford also knew that Ryan could be regarded as his immediate choice as his brother-in-law. At least Julius could not think of a better partner than Ryan. Unless his sister was sent to To be a nun in the Convent of Saints, otherwise she would definitely have to get married. How could Francois be willing to send Sulia to become a nun? The Duke himself only has this one legitimate daughter.

The countess who became the divinely chosen champion had a good ending. Most of the Duke's daughters had unhappy marriages, because most of the Duke's daughters' marriages were political marriages.

"Sulia... I leave it to you, Ryan. I know that you are the lady's divine champion. Over the years, countless enemies have died at your hands. Chivalry has been perfectly embodied in you. , your feat inspired the knights of the kingdom and pierced terror into the hearts of the ladies’ enemies, but I still have to emphasize that if you treat my sister badly, I will hold a sharp sword and demand a duel with you." You. Lius looked at Ryan and said bravely: "When that time comes, guess who Sulia will support?"

"This won't happen, Yuri." Ryan said seriously, holding the wine, "Never."

Julius nodded upon seeing this, and the two men stood together by the railing of the courtyard, looking at the rich Helen Hilde, the capital of the Principality of Winford. It was already late autumn, and there was a prosperous city under the withered yellow leaves. For his future father-in-law, Ryan is of course willing to open trade routes. The dwarves’ exquisite weapons, the wood elves’ various goods, and a large number of magic potions produced by Veronica’s Dawn Wizard Tower can all be sold in Winford’s market. Seen on.

Julius looked at Ryan with his handsome and cold face for a long time, always making Ryan feel a little embarrassed: "What's wrong? Yuli, you look at me like this, I'm a little scared."

"Unknowingly, I have been pulled away by you." Julius sighed: "I am in urgent need of more training, but the whole kingdom has been very quiet recently, and there has been no war... I heard that you are planning to spend the winter farm leisure time. Is it time to recruit an army and prepare for a new war?"

"A small war aimed at cleaning up the Beastmen and Greenskin tribes in the Sharon Forest. I will regain some lost land, then build villages and cultivate farmland." Ryan held the wine glass: "There won't be too many people. , an army of about a thousand people and dozens of knights, I will not personally participate in this war, my flag-bearer Armand will lead this army."

"Then please let me participate." Julius said seriously: "I need the war to temper myself."

"Yes, yes, but..." Ryan frowned.

"I will follow Lord Armand's command." Julius immediately added.

"Okay, be careful. I hope you live to attend the formal wedding between me and Lidya Su."

"I certainly will."


With several heavy rains in autumn, winter has arrived in Brittany. This year's winter has arrived extremely early. The cold wind is biting the earth. People have to wear thick clothes and animal skin cloaks to resist the cold. , with the winter wheat completely sown, the serfs began to enter the off-farm time again.

In the afternoon of early winter, it was raining heavily. Ryan sat in his master bedroom and read quietly. He looked at the heavy rain outside the castle. Winter was here, and this heavy rain brought a deep cold that penetrated the bone marrow. Here, On rainy days, even the knights would suspend their activities and hide in their rooms to warm themselves up by the fire.

The new Earl was wearing casual clothes. He was leaning leisurely on a soft armchair. Ryan was not very afraid of the cold, so he didn't wear many clothes, but the same could not be said for Orika, who was sitting in front of the fireplace. It was dark. The elf was wearing a thick maid's dress and breathing air-conditioning.

"The weather is really cold, Master." Olica focused her attention on the fireplace. The dark elf carefully added firewood to the fireplace: "The firewood is almost gone. I'll go get some."

The sparks between the fireplaces made a crackling sound. Olica put on her white bear fur coat and went out to get some firewood for the fireplace.

The floor of the master bedroom was paved with fine wood elf carpets. Ryan stipulated that he had to change into slippers when entering his room. The earl breathed a sigh of boredom. Since he and Sulia were engaged, the female knight had the opportunity to meet him. On the contrary, it has become less and less. One of the reasons is that Helen Hilde will close the mountain with heavy snow soon. If there are only a few opportunities to meet, the fairy in the lake will immediately find an excuse to let Sulia go to her tower. "Study before marriage".

She did it on purpose! Ryan thought with his head full of dark threads.

Although they are engaged, Ryan and Lidya Su will not get married so soon. It will take at least two to three years to prepare everything for the entire wedding. If it is another noble, it will take even longer.

"How are Almente's preparation?" Ryan asked towards Olika.

"The army of 1,500 people has gathered, and now when the rainy season is over, she can set off. Miss Veronica is ready." Olika nodded: "Dwarf and wooden elves are already waiting for This is a rare opportunity to combat, and everyone attaches great importance to it. "

"Very good." Ryan nodded, and he laughed: "If you don't guess wrong, she will come soon."

"She?" When Ollica was a little strange, the room door rang.

"Lane? It's me." The voice of the female warlock sounded outside the door.

"Dear Teresa, please come in." Ryan put down the Mark Cup and said towards the door.

The door of the room was opened, and Teresa's figure appeared at the door of the room. Large lattice dress, the perfect waistline is fully revealed in front of Lane. The skirt is repaired under the long -handed long legs wearing black stockings. I took a look at more.

Seeing Ryan put her eyes on her legs, Teresa's face was a bit red, but she still reached out and pushed her black butterfly pattern glasses: "Lane, find me?"

Lane stretched his fingers to the wooden elves on the ground. Olika immediately sent Teresa's fluffy slippers. Teresa bent down and unbuttoned his tie -footed lace. With the blue nail polish, the careless movement of the female artist shows her endless moving style. Trysa, who is just 30 years old, is in the best time of a female cestion.

"Ollica, go out first, I want to talk to Teresa." Ryan took the initiative to get up to meet Teresa's arrival. The dark elves saw this and exited the room.

"Lane ..." Trysa saw Ryan's eyes all over his body, and the female warlock couldn't help but be happy.

I didn't say it on my mouth. Trysa decided to dress up for a long time when I heard that Ryan was going to see himself.

"Trysa, sit." Lane signaled the female warlock to sit on the chair next to her. Two cups of black tea had been made on the small table, as well as the elves blueberry cake made by Lean and the fairy in the lake: "Speaking of which, since After Nordmine's hotel in Haiwen, we have not chatted in this leisurely for a long time. "

"You know, Ryan, I thought you have forgotten the time when we take risks together." Teresa's silver eyes looked at Lane's smile and smiling, and said happily, "I heard, this winter offensive Are you arranging for Veronica and her apprentice to participate?”

"Yes, this war is not too dangerous. The orc tribe and the green leather tribe in the Xialong Forest have been cleaned up many times by my brother Angron. This cold season, beasts, beasts The combat effectiveness of people and the green leather tribe is very low, which is a good opportunity to get enough practical experience. "Lane put down the tea cup, and he put his eyes on Teresa's body:" Speaking of which, Teresa, taking this time Opportunity, do I want to ask your plans? Do you really plan to build a wizard tower within my territory? What should I do if the Jialan parliament is there? "

Teresa's beautiful eyebrows raised, she knew why Ryan was always worried about him.

Veronica has always been alone. She can put all her all of Lean's side without hesitation, while Teresa is not the same. She is the daughter of Elder Outla for Elderly. Lane is worried about whether she is in three minutes. Essence

"Mother and Maglita have reached an agreement on some issues." Trysa raised her head, shaking the full softness behind the shirt: "Jialan will build the branch here, and I will and I and Wiluni in the future. The card will stay with you forever.”

Isn't Ryoho and Maglita not two factions?

"Lane, you have grown too fast. Parliament has inferred that you should be promoted to the Count within ten years, but this is the third year you came to Britania." Trysa certainly saw Ryan In question, the female warlock said softly, "Believe me, Lane."

"Of course I believe you, dear Trysa, this time I sneaked into Mu Silong. If you weren't for his desperation to resist Manfred, we would all die there, I always believe in you." Ryan shook gently The earl saw Teresa's dedication to him, "But I still won't let you go with the army on this expedition, because I have other arrangements for you."

"What else?" Teresa asked curiously.

"This winter, you live in the room on the third floor." Ryan handed a thick book to Teresa: "In the past few months, I want to teach you Gothic, my female court minister If you don't speak Gaoge, many things will not be easy to do in the future. "

"Who is going to be your female courtier?" The sorceress's face turned red at Ryan's sudden words, but she spoke without mercy: "Before I met you, I always thought you were a gentleman, but you turned out to be a playboy. Guy. "

"Didn't I say before, I have always been a 'gentleman'." Ryan complained: "Don't ask me for the 'universal values' of those church pastors. I must be single-minded and rigid. I am not , I don’t have it~ There are always many people like this in the world. They first create a loyal and honest image for the Holy Grail Knight, and then forcefully use this image to match myself. When they find that it is not the same, they are disappointed, but I have never, never been People like that.”

"It is true that the Knights of the Holy Grail are living saints, but the only standard for our actions and actions is our own understanding of the eight virtues of the Knights. Many people like to impose their superficial understanding on us, but the Holy Grail never lies."

"Pfft~" The sorceress couldn't help laughing. She couldn't help but laugh: "So you repeatedly rejected my partner's proposal during the trip? Now you are single-minded again? Are you going to be engaged to the Duke's daughter?"

"Abide by the spirit of the contract are two different things. Please don't confuse them." Ryan said with a smile: "So, you can stay here with me for the next few months. When you have completely mastered the High Gothic language, we will talk about your wizard. Tower construction.”

"Okay, but I also want to get your full support like Veronica!" Theresa was a little excited when she thought about being able to stay with Ryan throughout the winter, and her beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings shook gently. , she made her own conditions: "With all my strength, without any reservation."

"Of course, I promise." Ryan nodded: "In these few months, I will teach you a lot of things, some you know, some you don't know, and even some things you can't imagine, Theresa, Let me ask you one last time, have you really made up your mind? Once you learn these things, you can only be my female courtier from now on."

"If I didn't want to, I wouldn't chase you to your territory." Teresa said quietly: "You know how much it takes for a proud Congresswoman of Gloria to chase a man's territory. Courage?"

"Is that for you?" Ryan said softly: "I understand, I understand everything."

"And... I want that too!" Teresa's tone changed, and her always proud and cold face was filled with crimson: "Veronica told me that you can give your own woman A kind of 'spiritual pattern' is engraved on the body..."

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