The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 287, Battle of Helmgart (Part 2)

PS: I received the news early yesterday morning that my grandma passed away in her sleep, so I updated early and rushed home. I may stop updating for a day tomorrow, please forgive me.

PS2: Thank you to book friends "Ax Ax King", "Crazy Ran" and "book friend 160918170046760" for the 10,000 rewards. Thank you very much.

This is a behemoth whose entire body is wrapped in steel. Its body is composed of steel plates and riveted structures. The muzzle of the steam cannon protrudes from the mouth of this war monster, giving the knights and soldiers of Britannia a strong The feeling of fear.

Large amounts of steam erupted from the exhaust pipe of the golden griffon. The steel plate armor shell was covered with church scriptures and statues of golden double-headed eagles. Imperial engineers stood inside the steel behemoth, controlling this incomparable of behemoth.

"For Charlemagne! For the Empire!!!"

Elector Umberto shouted, his voice clear across the battlefield: "Fire!"

Five steam tanks fired together, and the steam cannons shredded the efforts of the Brittanian army. The Brittanian knights who were already close to the third formation were seriously injured by the steam cannons and had to retreat temporarily, almost in the blink of an eye. In between, the balance of victory and defeat turned again.

On the walls of Helmgart, the electors, their heirs and courtiers were watching the war.

"Casfann was too conservative. The imperial army at that time was already showing signs of defeat. If he had devoted all his reserves and led the charge himself, then the imperial army might have been defeated." Francois was wearing full-body plate armor with blue background and white stripes. , with the Unicorn Sword hanging on his waist, Duke Winford said to Ryan, Julius and others who were standing beside him: "At that time, the imperial steam tanks had not yet crossed the river, and a good opportunity for victory was missed."

"Your Excellency Casfan also has his own considerations." Ryan nodded and said. The Fairy of the Lake chose the champion with a little helplessness on her face. Humanity's precious power should not be used in civil war, but many times, there is only one war. Only in this way can everyone calm down: "His Majesty Karl-Franz's elite knights will arrive at some unknown time, and Casfan needs enough reserves to ensure that he will not be defeated by the sudden appearance of the Imperial knights. "

"What Lord Lane said is reasonable." Oleg von Zhukov, the successor of Elector Wolfen, said with great agreement: "The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and there is never an absolutely correct option."

Ryan hates one kind of people the most, and that is people who are smart after the fact. These people always like to collect various reasons for the losing side, and then when others ask, they talk smartly: Did I say it? If he doesn't do this, he will fail.

Or maybe it’s: There are so many reasons, we must win.

However, war is not like this in many cases. The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly. In many battles with similar strength, victory and defeat can happen in an instant. Some options are correct at the time, but they are found to be wrong later. The leader Some generals do make obvious mistakes or are too incompetent. This can be criticized, but in most cases this is not the case.

After Casfan declared war on the Empire, there was an argument among the nobles of Britannia that it was not a wise move for Casfan to attack the Empire when his strength was slightly inferior, but in Ryan's view However, Kasfann was very smart. Duke Palavon's territory was barren, with deficits every year, serious internal conflicts, poor relations with the empire, and long-term friction.

If he doesn't do something, the knights in the territory may target the Duke himself.

As for the remarks about strength, it is even more ridiculous. If the battle is only based on the number of troops, then there is no need to fight the battle. Everyone can compare the number of soldiers. The savior Ludwig was assisted by Britannia, dwarves, and high elves. , integrated all the forces of the empire, and only formed an army of 300,000 people, while the Chaos army was as many as 500,000, and ordinary Chaos warriors can deal with several human soldiers of the same level. In this case, Lu Derwig gave up?

The emergence of steam tanks quickly brought the situation under control. Many of the crumbling imperial troops saw this steel behemoth finally crossing the river to support them, and their morale was boosted. They regrouped at the call of Elector Umberto, and once again Join the Imperial Front.

The morale of the imperial army, which had shown signs of wavering, stabilized, and both sides fell into a bitter battle. After repeated charges, the knights errant of Britannia and the knights of the kingdom began to slow down and were forced to fight in close combat.

The plains in front of the city of Helmgart are filled with figures of human armies fighting.

The battle situation still had an advantage for Britannia, but the imperial army held its position like a rock with the help of steam tanks. The knights tried to attack the front but were driven back by continuous artillery fire and musket fire. The steam tanks were really It is too powerful. Whether it is the swords and spears of infantry, the arrows of serf archers, or the lances of knights, they can only bounce helplessly when they hit the steel plate of the steam tank. Only the Knights of the Holy Grail can have such a strong steel plate. Can be cut open.

However, Duke Palavon's military operation did not receive the support of the kingdom, nor the support of the Fairy of the Lake. His military formation lacked the presence of the Holy Grail Knights. Although he was still at an advantage in this war, he relied on steam tanks. Without protection and fire suppression, Casfan and his army could only continue their melee with the Imperial army in vain.

Kasfan regretted in his heart that if he had thrown all the reserves into the battlefield at once when the war started, he might have defeated the imperial army before the steam tanks arrived, but the Duke knew that regrets were useless now, and he led the remaining reserves into the battlefield. the battlefield.

Seeing Casfan finally leading the final reserve team into the battlefield, Elector Umberto smiled.

"It's time! Fire the flare!" the Elector shouted towards the Imperial engineers.

"A flare has occurred!" The Imperial Engineer pulled out his flare gun and fired it into the air.

"Boom~" The signal gun pierced the sky.

At this time, the time has come to around 8:30 in the morning. Casfan and Umberto's armies have been fighting fiercely for an hour and a half. The battle situation on the plain battlefield is still inextricable. Britannia's army has a clear advantage of knights. , a large group of knights errant and kingdom knights formed a combat suppression force. The imperial army formed a solid front under the cover of steam tanks, and there were no signs of collapse.

A beautiful rainbow hung in the sky from Mount Doom.

Then, there was the thunderous sound of horse hooves.

The unique cry of Karl-Franz's mount "Death Claw" came from the mountain path of Mount Doom, and at the same time, there were also the neat shouts of Rick's guards.

"Rick Guard! Defend the country! Defend His Majesty!"

"For the Emperor!"

"For the Emperor!"

The emperor's banner was held high in the sky by Flag Officer Ludwig, three hundred Reik guards, more than a hundred demi-griffon knights, and hundreds of imperial knights gradually appeared from the mountain path of Mount Doom.

The morale of the Imperial army was greatly shaken, and the soldiers screamed in disbelief.

"Your Majesty is here! Your Majesty has not abandoned us!"

"His Majesty's knights are coming to our rescue!"

"For Karl-Franz!"

Casfan roared in disbelief: "It's impossible. It's impossible for Karl-Franz to complete the detour on the mountain trail in just one and a half hours. It's impossible, it's impossible!"

On the mountain path of Mount Doom, Emperor Karl-Franz held the war hammer Gael Maraz. He watched the battle on the plains below Mount Doom. After confirming that the imperial army was still holding on, the emperor nodded: "Elector Umberto They are fighting alone, they have persisted until now and created opportunities for us, and now it is our turn to support them."

"Your Majesty, please allow me to open the way for you. The rest is up to you." The great alchemist Belshazer-Gelt appeared from behind the emperor riding the Pegasus "Swift Silver".

It was this great alchemist who used his golden wind spell to transform the countless narrow paths on the mountain road that could only accommodate one person into two horses that could walk parallelly, which allowed the knights to save an astonishing amount of time.

"Thank you for your hard work, Galt. Do what you have to do, and then leave the rest to us." The emperor nodded slowly.

So the great alchemist began to cast a spell. The energy required for this spell was so huge that even knights who knew nothing about magic could feel the harsh tearing sound and the visible golden wind of magic.

"The Qianmen Great Spell! The ultimate alchemy!" After five minutes of long spell casting, the great alchemist Galt held up his golden staff. Thousands of threads composed of mana turned into countless energy of the great spell, and the magic was Weaved, guided, golden light spread across the sky, and the rainbows in the sky were twisted and remelted under the power of the Great Alchemist.

A rainbow bridge composed of golden wind appeared from the mountain road. It built a bridge in the sky and led directly to the battlefield.

Karl-Franz jumped up on a griffin and landed on the bright Rainbow Bridge.

The emperor raised his war hammer, and in the early morning sun, among the mountains of the Gray Mountains, and above the light curtain of the Rainbow Bridge, with all his strength and expectation, his war cry was loud and resounded throughout the mountains.

"For the Empire! For Charlemagne! For the glory!!!"

"For glory! For the empire!"

After saying that, the emperor rode the claws of death, flapped his griffin wings, flew up the Rainbow Bridge, and rushed towards the battlefield. Behind him were a thousand elite knights ready to go. Whenever the emperor and his knights were together, any All powerful enemies will fail before them.

He firmly believed.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty has crossed the rainbow!"

"Follow your Majesty!"

"Forward! Imperial Knights!"

"For Charlemagne, for the Empire!"

Thousands of knights followed Karl Franz onto the Rainbow Bridge without hesitation. Full of courage, faith and determination to win, they rolled towards the battlefield.

The thousand infantry regiments trying to resist the emperor and his knights were frightened when they saw the imperial knights coming across the sky. Their morale collapsed and they threw away their weapons and fled in all directions screaming.

Before Casfan's army could even get into position, the knights led by Karl Franz were like a giant battering ram, smashing into Britannia's army from the side.

The hammer fell, the shield shattered, the waves rolled, the Reik Guards crushed everything, the demi-Gryphon knights rode powerful monsters to tear apart the enemy, using their halberds to pierce any resistance, the Imperial knights followed the emperor Charge, the wave of attacks from the flank completely destroyed the Breton army's chance of victory.

"It's time to counterattack! Knights of the Golden Fleece! Charge with me!" Elector Umberto finally waited for the opportunity he wanted. The Elector held the holy sword and launched a counterattack. The Knights of the Golden Fleece responded loudly, forming a formation The wave of counterattack.

"This is a perfect side charge, the victory or defeat is decided." Ryan said softly while standing on the city wall.

Francois nodded silently.

Enemied on both sides and unable to win for a long time, Casfan's army finally collapsed.

"Lady's asylum is lost!"


"We need reinforcements! We need reinforcements!"

"Lady! Please give us strength!"

The serf infantry regiment was quickly defeated from the right wing that was attacked by the emperor. The rout spread to the center and left wing at an extremely fast speed. No matter how the knights tried to save the defeat, they were unable to do anything. With the large-scale rout of the serf infantry regiment and sergeants, The knights errant also began to be swept away by the rout. They prayed loudly to the Fairy of the Lake, begging her to give them courage and strength.

However, their goddess never favors losers. Only powerful knights who are pious and strong-willed can get a glimpse of her. The knights errant who have been shaken and collapsed are naturally not qualified to be favored by the goddess.

When the time hit nine-thirty in the morning, Britannia was already at a complete disadvantage.

At this time, the army was completely defeated. Only a small number of knights from the kingdom were protecting Duke Casfan of Palavon. The deputy general, Earl Canel, shouted: "Duke! The war has failed! You run away, we will cover you!"

"Damn it! Just give me one more hour, just one hour, and I will definitely be able to defeat Elector Umberto and the imperial army!" Casfan yelled unwillingly.

Just a little bit, the first two formations of the imperial army had been defeated at that time, and only the third formation led by Elector Umberto was still holding on. If the steam tank had not entered the battlefield during the long movement, the stuck Sven and his knights will be victorious.

Even after the steam tanks entered the battlefield, Casfan still relied on the numerical advantage of the knights to suppress the empire. As long as Karl Franz failed to lead the imperial knights to return reinforcements in time, he could still defeat the imperial army.

But this happened, and now, his army was defeated!

After being defeated like a mountain, Casfan knew that he could not be willful now. He had to retreat: "Okay! Give me my order and the army will retreat along the mountain road! Let the sergeants and knights errant take the rear! Those who cannot continue fighting are allowed to surrender!"

"Yes!" The situation has become irreversible. Of the 15,000-strong army, less than 2,000 can still obey the command. The knights errant fled in all directions, and the mountains and fields were full of serf infantry kneeling in surrender. The imperial army launched After a proud counterattack, Karl Franz was leading his Reik Guards and Demi-Gryphon Knights to sweep across all directions. The emperor's bravery really surprised Casfan, because compared to Britannia The knight kings and imperial emperors are often better politically, but inferior in personal bravery and military ability.

The emperors of the Empire changed every twenty to fifty years, but what about Britannia? After the founding of the country for thousands of years, Richard was the ninth king of knights.

Casfan still had a backup plan. He sent two infantry battalions and fifty knights to occupy the retreat road in advance. There was still an army on the mountain road of Doomsday Mountain that could support their retreat.

The imperial army is busy capturing prisoners, especially ordinary imperial soldiers. The ransom of one knight can equal their military salary income for a year. The large group of defeated troops and the fleeing knights have created a great opportunity for Casfan and a few kingdoms. The knights took cover, and Casfan led the knights to retreat along the mountain path of Mount Doom.

The Duke didn't dare to let the Pegasus fly. Obviously, his Pegasus would be no match for the Death Claws.

"Your Majesty! Casfan is escaping! We can't let him go!" Imperial General Curt Helberg noticed that Casfan wanted to escape.

"Guard Reik, follow me!" Karl Franz's body was spattered with human blood. The emperor was not so excited about the victory. The victory of human civil war was not something worth showing off. The emperor just said calmly: "He can't run far, I have already arranged the manpower."

"Manpower? Do we have other reinforcements?" Heilberg asked doubtfully: "All the troops we brought from Brunswick are here."

"Yes." Karl-Franz said calmly: "They will help us stop Kasfan."

"May I ask, my lord, who are they?"

"they are……"

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