The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 311, different oracles

When the knights of Britannia retreated in chaos and haste, Holy Grail Knight Aisen led his remaining 100 knights and more than 2,000 infantry to take charge of the rear.

They were soon overwhelmed by the tide of barbarians. Holy Grail Knight Aisen didn't pay attention. He still waved his sword and kept charging at the barbarian army.

Gradually, the number of knights around him became less and less. The Holy Grail Knight Aisen was surrounded by barbarians. He struggled to kill but was outnumbered. The blessing of the Lake God protected him from ordinary harm. However, a group of knights blessed by the evil god The spear sneakily attacked him from the side and behind. Eisen struggled to pull the spear out of his body. More Chaos God's Chosen Warriors surrounded him, and several halberds pierced into his body. From the Lake God His anger caused the Holy Grail Knight to swing his sword and kill several Chaos God's Chosen Warriors.

Now, Eisen was breathing heavily, and his consciousness began to be a little blurry. He was confused and hacking in the barbarian army formation alone, but his mind was recalling the memories of when he was a child.

He was born in a noble family in Lyonnais, and he has been a devout believer in women since he was a child. From a young age, he vowed to become a glorious Holy Grail Knight.

He spent his whole life in training and asceticism, and finally gained the lady's recognition during the twenty-year expedition and drank the water of the Holy Grail.

Everything was given to me by the lady, and now I will use everything I have to repay her.

A battle ax struck from the side, and the battle ax cruelly interrupted Eisen's memories. The Holy Grail Knight Eisen, who had been injured in many places, still seemed unstoppable. He condensed all his strength into one force, without hesitation. Chanting the holy name of the Lady of the Lake: "For the lady!"

The shining sword was radiant, and he broke through the defense of a Chaos God's chosen warrior, and the sword pierced deeply into his chest.

At the same time, a battle ax also gave him a fatal blow behind him, and Egil's cruel face appeared in front of him.

Then the consciousness gradually blurred until it was far away.

The last resistance has disappeared, and now only thousands of barbarians are left shouting in victory. They occupied the camp in front of the knights' army, and frantically scrambled for the military supplies that the knights had left behind. Supplies, they sang loudly, shouting the name of the God of Darkness, and thousands of heads were piled into a huge altar. They wanted to perform a sacred sacrificial ceremony.

Many chiefs of small barbarian tribes dared not speak out about Aegir's brutal actions. Their tribesmen suffered heavy casualties in today's battle. After this battle, the number of more than 30,000 barbarian troops has been reduced to just over 20,000. Although only more than 15,000 Brittanian knights fled back, there is no doubt that the nearly 9,000 heavy cavalry who fled back are the elite of Britannia.

Egil's vision of completely defeating the main force of the knight army in the wild was not fully realized.

But this is not important. What is important is that the blood god Khorne watched this battle and rewarded his chosen champion. Egil found that his body was filled with more blessings and mutations from Khorne, and his Existence is evolving further.

This is reason enough to celebrate.

Now that the Brittanians have been defeated, he is one step away from achieving a unique feat and unparalleled fame, which is to completely capture the castle of Lyonnais. Egil noticed that Hangest's belly was being repeatedly blessed by the Blood God. It has become so big that as long as the castle of Lyonnais is captured, his son will be born.

He could then lead the army back to Skarins.


The remaining army of knights fled day and night. After spending two days, they finally returned to Lyonnaise Castle. Now, only the high walls of the castle can give the knights a sense of security.

In the castle hall, Duke Leonace's body was covered with bandages. His face was pale and his left arm was hanging on his chest. Lake God Prophet Anara and his court physician had just changed his medicine. The defeated knight army The Duke's medicine storage was almost completely emptied, and a large number of wounded were waiting for treatment. Fortunately, the knights finally retreated without suffering devastating losses.

"Uh~" Sitting on the Duke's throne, Dalhaide gasped hard. The spikes of Egil's battle ax caused great damage to him, but did not hit the vital point. The Duke could still bear this level of pain. It's just that it's impossible for him to fight on horseback and give orders anymore: "Jules, I'll leave it to you to defend the city for this period of time."

"There are two thousand old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the city. Fortunately, we have evacuated enough knights." Jules looked seriously and said to Dalheide: "My Duke, we must request reinforcements immediately!"

"Reinforcements? Where are the reinforcements? Is there any troops in the kingdom that can be mobilized now?" Dalhaide looked at Jules with a little hope in his eyes. The Duke was wondering if Jules had other troops that could be mobilized.

"In the south, the dukes in the south still have troops to mobilize. I have already contacted them. As long as we ask for help, Earl Lane's army will immediately support us!" Jules showed Lane's letter to Dalheide.

"...Ryan?" Dalhaide frowned subconsciously when he heard Ryan's name. He and Richard were from the same faction, and he really didn't like Ryan very much.

However, thinking that things had reached such a critical stage and that he had been seriously injured, Dalhaide couldn't help but hesitate.

Kalad, who was sitting next to Jules, was secretly worried. He thought to himself, what was Duke Dalhaide still hesitating about? !

If Darheide, who is the Duke of Lyonnaise, does not allow it, then even if Ryan wants to support him, he will not be able to enter the principality's territory. This is called illegal entry and will cause a very serious diplomatic dispute.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now." Dalhaide finally nodded: "Yules, I'll leave this matter to you. I allow Ryan and his army to temporarily enter my territory."

The knights in the castle looked relaxed after hearing this. Ryan's prestige resounded throughout the kingdom, and his army was extremely sophisticated. He also received the support of several dukes in the south. If he led the army to come to rescue, the plight of Lyonnaise Castle would be Get maximum relief.

After a few people talked for a while, the topic returned to the defense of the castle.

Castle Lyonasse is a castle by the sea. It covers a large area. The castle is built of very solid rocks and it also costs a lot of money to hire dwarves for guidance. It is strong enough to resist trebuchets and imperial artillery, but the knights have seen Chaos Hell. The power of the cannon, they knew that the castle was still difficult to resist the attack of the Chaos Hell Cannon.

More importantly, Lyonnaise Castle has not experienced war for nearly five hundred years.

"We cannot be trapped in the city. The firepower of the Chaos Hell Cannon will swamp us. We must find a way to destroy the Chaos Hell Cannon, otherwise the city will also be lost." A Holy Grail Knight whispered. After the Battle of Nanz, there have been The two Holy Grail Knights died on the battlefield, and Siruf's battle flag was cut off. It was a time of panic in the city.

"Yes, the Chaos Hell Cannon is a huge threat to the city wall." Jules's blue eyes exuded the anger from the goddess, and the anger in his heart was like the dragon's fire that would never end. The Battle of Nanz The defeat was considered a huge shame by Jules: "We must find a way to destroy the Chaos Hell Cannon."

"Destroy the Chaos Hell Cannon? But how do we destroy it?" Dalheide was seriously injured and could not move now. He felt that his mind was muddled, so he could only continue to ask the Holy Grail Knight Commander for help.

"Annara's magic will protect us, so... I have a plan." Jules said to everyone: "We need to select the twenty most powerful knights in the castle..."

Jules revealed his plan.



After a brief celebration, the barbarians spent three days continuing southward. They stopped and camped only ten kilometers away from Lyonnaise Castle. After that, a grand banquet was held in a ruined village. The barbarians took out a large amount of captured grain and fine wine stored in the Bretons' cellars, and started eating and drinking wantonly.

Egil sat on the main seat, his pale eyes glowing with blood-red light, and he drank glass after glass of ale. Chaos Champion Kovindev presented him with a roasted leg of beef, and Egil laughed loudly. , the southerners may indeed have some strength, but they have already reached the castle of Lyonnais, and the huge and towering castle has been completely exposed to the sight of the barbarians. Tomorrow, his army will attack the castle of Lyonnais, Completely razing this proud building of the South to the ground and completely destroying this place.

Just as the barbarians lit bonfires wantonly, celebrated wildly under the dark night sky, and held a banquet, mist suddenly began to appear in the barbarian camp. All the barbarians did not take it seriously. They continued to drink and have fun, and even competed with each other. Many barbarian warriors have captured enough heads in this war, and they are evolving into Chaos Warriors. Many Chaos Warriors have been upgraded to Chaos God's Chosen Warriors. Black lumps appear on their bodies. Over time, these black lumps will appear. It will automatically grow into Chaos Armor, so the barbarians never worry about their armor, everything is a gift from the God of Chaos.

As a Chosen Champion of Chaos continues to advance in the Evil God's favor, they all become Champions of Chaos.

At this time, Hangest, a woman with a big belly, held up a golden cup filled with clear wine. She appeared at the banquet swayingly, and then presented the cup of wine to Egil. : "My warrior, the greatest king of Skarins, please let us drink this cup full, and wish you and our children good health and long life."

Egil was in a state of triumph at this time. The chosen champion of Khorne looked down upon the woman Hengst, but her toast was at the perfect time. Egil, who had just won a great victory, had no reason to refuse. He happily took the wine glass and swallowed it in one gulp: "I wish our children health and longevity! Hahahaha!"

Seeing Egil drink the glass of wine, a light flashed in Hangest's eyes. She drank another glass with Egil, and then pretended to be too drunk, chose to retreat, and disappeared into the mist.

Egil didn't take it seriously either. He signaled the barbarians to continue eating and drinking, and he also picked up a cow leg and ate it wantonly.

The barbarians sang the song of the Blood Berserker, a barbarian berserker named Gnut who spent endless years using countless heads to bring enough gifts to Khorne's Brazen Throne, and Eventually he became a demon and became a terrible demon prince.

Becoming a demon prince is the dream of all barbarians. Becoming a demon prince means the true transformation from "mortal" to "god". From then on, they will gain great power and true immortality, although no one knows about becoming a demon. Whether the prince will retain the memory and self-awareness of his mortal life in the future, there is no doubt that becoming a demon and becoming a demon prince is the highest reward the God of Darkness gives to his followers. Lowly southerners cannot understand this kind of reward.

Gnut's story continued, but the Chaos Wizard Chakoi felt that the fog in the camp was really unusual. He turned his head and said to Egil: "Father, the fog is so thick, it's a bit strange."

Egil held the wine glass and remained motionless.

"Father?!" Chakoy suddenly realized that something was wrong with Egil. He quickly shook Egil's arm: "Father! What's wrong with you?"

"Well~" Egil struggled painfully, and a lot of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth: " is poisonous!"

"Poisonous?!" Chakois thought about it, and his expression changed drastically. It was Hengst. The glass of wine she presented to Egil was poisonous!

"Come here! Defend the king!" Chakoy suddenly shouted, and he signaled the Scarlet Guards to come up and defend the king in the middle: "The king is poisoned!"

The entire barbarian camp was in chaos. The Scarlet Guards came in the mist. They killed all the barbarians who stood between them and the king, and then defended the king. Chakoy checked the wine glass that Hangest was toasting, and Chaos The wizard gritted his teeth: "It's the Spiral Root! This woman, the Spiral Root she added is enough to poison our entire tribe!"

"Father, just wait, I will prepare an antidote for you immediately!" Chakoy rushed towards the big tent without even thinking about it.

Aegir nodded painfully. Khorne's chosen champion was very tenacious, and the blessing from Khorne ensured that he would not be easily defeated by the poison.

In the wilderness not far from the barbarian camp, the woman Hangest let out a mocking laugh.

The barbarians, Egils, and Brittanians are just pawns in her hands. This child belongs to her and only her.

The great evil god, Prince of Joy Slaanesh, has made a deal with her. The son of darkness in her belly will be sacrificed to Slaanesh in exchange for eternal youth.

This is the oracle she received. Stupid Egil thought the two people received the same oracle, but in fact they were completely different. This is a common trick used by the gods of chaos. They don't care about the life or death of their believers at all. , also enjoying this process.

However, not long after she walked out, she found herself surrounded.

The Holy Grail Knight Captain Jules led fifty knights, and under the invisibility magic of the Lake God Prophet Anara and the thick fog created, he easily sneaked into the barbarian camp and destroyed the two Chaos Hell Cannons.

Things went surprisingly smoothly. Jules didn't know why the barbarians were in chaos and had no decent resistance at all, but he knew that once the barbarians realized what had happened, they would launch a crazy counterattack, so he quickly evacuated.

Hangest's figure fell into the eyes of Jules and the fifty knights. They immediately realized how filthy she was and what kind of monster she was gestating in her belly.

One of the Grail Knights tried to kill her on the spot.

But when the Lake God Prophet Anara and her brother Count Kalad saw Hangest's face clearly, the siblings screamed in disbelief.

"Elizabeth?! Is it you???"

updated! Didn't you expect that? Does anyone remember the relationship between Elizabeth and these siblings?

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