The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 322, the night after the war

The flames were ignited in the main hall. Anara, the prophet of the lake god, gave Kalad a few final instructions, and then faced a sad smile and stepped into the flames.

"No! Sister! No!" Kalad wanted to stretch out his hand, but was dissuaded by everyone: "Kallad! Calm down!"

"No, sister, you don't have to do this!" Kalad wanted to say more, but Anara's figure had disappeared into the flames, and her white figure withered in the flames.

Before leaving, she leaned over Jules, smiled, and caressed the peaceful face of the Knight of the Holy Grail with her hands. The fire burned, and the prophet of the lake god dissipated the power given to her by the lake fairy, and was burned by the flames. engulf.

"This is her choice, Kalad." Dalhay pulled Kalad's clothes: "You have to respect her choice. In this country, no one can order the Lady's Lake God Prophet..."

"I'm the only one left. I'm really the only one left." Kalad pushed Dalhead away dejectedly and walked out of the auditorium alone.

He also made up his mind to start his own Holy Grail expedition.


After the war, Lyonnais was already in ruins. Except for the inner fort area that had not been captured, the entire castle was actually in a mess. The barbarians snatched things when they saw them and smashed the doors when they saw them. If the army of knights led by Ryan hadn't carried enough of food, the castle may be in danger of running out of food.

Hubbard led 3,000 knights and 3,000 knight retinues to pursue the fleeing barbarians. However, the defeated barbarians from small tribes had already boarded the dragon boat and retreated while the knight army was besieging the Scarlet Guard. He was very panicked and abandoned the old, weak, sick and disabled. Hubbard gave a simple order to these old, weak, sick and disabled, that is, to execute them all.

At night, on the tower of Lyonnaise Castle.

A three-story tower in the inner castle was allocated to Ryan and his attendants. The decoration inside was quite exquisite and luxurious. The hero of Britannia was wearing a bathrobe and sitting on the bed to rest. He had a lot of The area was still bandaged, and a soft quilt covered his body.

In his absence, Sulia is the supreme commander of the knight army. No one dares to disturb the rest of the God-chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake. The countess is handling various affairs below.

Ryan was thinking about the outcome of this war.

Egil's death means a lot.

Aegir is the king of Skarins, the overlord of the Northern Wasteland, the leader of the tribes of Norsca, the chosen champion of Khorne, the hunter of countless terrible creatures and the nightmare of the southerners. His death means a lot.

First of all, the barbarians lost their leaders. There is no doubt that these countless barbarian tribes lost their leaders. Egil relied on his huge prestige and strong personal strength to establish a tribe with the Skarins tribe as the center and surrounded by a large number of people. A kingdom where small tribes pay tribute in peacetime and send troops in war. This kind of kingdom will be very powerful when Egil is alive, but as soon as he dies, everything will be wiped out and this system will collapse instantly.

Secondly, it can be said that Scarins lost all his elites in this war. Normally, this tribe controls a large number of small barbarian tribes, relying on elites and a large army. Now, Scarins's elites are here. Once the battle is over, the pressure on the northern barbarians from the Empire and Britannia to plunder will be greatly reduced, which can be anywhere from three to five years to ten years or more in the future. This is undoubtedly a good thing.

Finally, Brittania has to face her own dilemma.

This chaotic invasion also caused heavy losses to Britannia. Lyonnais also lost more than half despite the mobilization of almost the entire principality. Four Holy Grail knights, including Jules, were killed in the battle, and they were brought from Curona. The reinforcements that came in also lost more than 40%. After this battle, the strength of the nobles in the northern part of the kingdom was greatly damaged. It may take them several years to recover.

While Ryan was still thinking about what he could gain from this war, there was a knock on his door.

"Dong dong dong~ Ryan, it's me, can I come in?" A mature voice came from outside the door.

"Come in." Ryan knew who was coming as soon as he heard the voice. His room was located on the third floor. From the first floor to the third floor, there were many knights. There were also Veronica and Theresa outside. It is impossible for anyone to sneak into the magic circle set up here.

The tall and graceful figure of the sorceress appeared behind the door. Teresa seemed to have just taken a shower. Her hair was still moist and shiny, and there was a slight blush on her face. She was wearing a Gloria women's gray fine-line dress. Gradient lapel dress, her long white legs can be seen looming through the slits of the dress.

"You are very free. Your fiancée is still having endless meetings with a group of nobles downstairs." Teresa's silver eyes were bright. She moved a chair and took out a bottle from behind her. A glass bottle and two goblets: "Would you like a drink?"

"Teresa, I'm injured and can't drink." Ryan said complainingly.

"This is not wine, this is fresh orange juice. I also added a little medicine in it to ensure that you can heal faster." The sorceress looked narrowly at the embarrassed Ryan: "You are injured, knight, have a drink. "

"Okay, I took it for granted." Ryan took the goblet, and there was sweet and sour orange juice in his mouth, and there was some deep flavor in it. Apparently the sorceress covered up the medicine under the smell of the juice, letting him Good entrance.

After a glass of juice, Ryan put down his book and started chatting with Theresa: "Is Sulia down there?"

"Well, Miss Sulia...or should I say Mrs. Sulia is having a meeting below. A lot of money was captured in this war. I really don't know what kind of place the northern wasteland is, and why the barbarians are so poor in all supplies. , but all kinds of precious metals are very rich? We seized gold, silver and copper worth more than 30,000 gold crowns in the barbarian camp, as well as countless rare metals. The dwarf you brought... is called Dugan Right, he said he has never seen so many good things in his life." Teresa crossed one of her long legs, and it could be seen that she was very relaxed: "Lidya Su hopes to help you fight for more benefits. .”

"The Northern Wasteland is a magical country, Teresa. The products there are barren. It is blown by the wind of Chaos all year round. It is freezing all year round. Chaos corruption is everywhere. Although the Northern Wasteland is everywhere distorted and changed by the release of Chaos energy, Things, but there are also hidden treasures among the terrible dangers - inexhaustible gold mines, iron mines and other mountains containing precious metal veins." Ryan said with a smile: "Don't look at many At that time, Nord was at war with the barbarians, but trade also continued intermittently. Some small tribes in the south of Norsk used a large amount of ores and metals to exchange food and daily necessities with the Nords. Many trading stations were important to the kingdom. The source of the’s just that no one has brought this matter to light.”

"Yes." Teresa responded absentmindedly. She looked at Ryan, with a somewhat obscure expression behind her butterfly-patterned glasses, which looked like pride, but also worry and confusion.

Ryan saw it, and he took the initiative to speak: "What's wrong? Theresa?"

"It's nothing...have you broken through the holy realm?" The sorceress stared at the handsome man leaning on the bed and asked her own question: "I can feel that your power is stronger."

"Yeah, what's wrong? I've been stuck at the legendary peak for a long time." Ryan took Teresa's cold little hand: "Is there anything strange about my breakthrough?"

"Thirty years old. You have become a strong man in the Holy Realm at the age of thirty. There is no other person except His Majesty Ludwig, the savior 160 years ago... Moreover, Ryan, your breakthrough is different from what I imagined. The difference." Teresa was obviously happy with Ryan's initiative. She held Ryan's hand in turn and whispered: "Do you know how my mother broke through the legendary peak and advanced to the holy realm?"

"Appreciate further details."

"My mother locked herself on the top floor of the wizard's tower for nearly three months. The overflowing frost energy extended the winter for three months. It was not until a soaring light pillar enveloped the wizard's tower that my mother broke through the ice and emerged, announcing that she had entered the tower. "Lean, your advancement to the Holy Realm is just like eating and drinking. Except for the powerful aura that flashed across your body at that time, I almost dare not confirm that you are already a strong Saint Realm." Trey Sha shook her head and held Ryan's hand: "You are really special, really."

The holy realm means the limit of mortals, and advancing to the holy realm means that mortals have reached the limit of life in some aspects. Each strong man in the holy realm is the most precious resource of his own power, and will not use it unless he is forced to.

From another perspective, it is not easy for ordinary people to reach the limit in a certain aspect. It is like running a 100-meter race. An ordinary athlete can run for thirteen or four seconds, the school team or the provincial team can run for twelve seconds, and the national team can run for ten seconds. One second, time seems to be shortening second by second, but the effort and price required have increased geometrically.

But Ryan is the son of the Emperor, and he does not have such shackles by nature. The threshold of the Holy Realm may be out of reach for mortals, and it may require a long period of accumulation, from quantitative change to qualitative change, but for Ryan, these do not exist , when his strength is reached and he has grown enough, he will naturally break through.

"Every situation varies from person to person, Teresa, don't force yourself." Ryan's tone was very soft: "Just be yourself, we are partners."

Teresa heard that Ryan was deliberately changing the subject, but she liked the count's current attitude. The sorceress no longer cared about this issue, and her tone became a little complaining: "Are we still partners? The one you are with now There are so many women, including a fiancée, a partner, and two personal maids. The contract between us has ended in Marienburg. I am just an expired partner now, oh, I am still an old woman in her thirties~ "

"Don't say that, Teresa, thirty is the beginning of your best years. Since you came here to find me, our contract has continued and made new progress." Ryan changed his position slightly. He made the down pillow behind him more comfortable: "I never break my promise."

"Also, my sorceress, don't underestimate your charm." Ryan closed his eyes and deeply inhaled the fragrance from Theresa: "The lavender smell on your body is so fragrant... You are like the snow on the mountains. Like a lotus flower, it’s not easy to see your beauty, dear Theresa, you are so beautiful tonight.”

"Lian~" Teresa's eyes flickered. The sorceress felt that Ryan's words were tickling her. Obviously, she deliberately took a shower first, changed into a beautiful dress, and specially applied perfume. Come to see him.

The sorceress carefully inspected Ryan's wounds and said angrily: "Are you going to use such sweet words to fool me from beginning to end? I'm not a little girl like Emilia. You can make her happy with just a few words of praise. I was happy for several days.”

"Miss Teresa, sweet words have to be divided. Obviously, facing you, I just subconsciously said what I felt from the bottom of my heart. I am a knight, and honesty is a virtue." Ryan then smiled and said: "And you, let me fulfill it easily With this virtue, you are simply my lucky star.”

"..." The expression on Theresa's face changed again and again, and finally she hung down helplessly: "I really lost to you."

Cold lips pressed against Ryan's mouth, and the room became quiet again, leaving only the sound of tongues intertwining.

"Dong~" A few minutes later, the door was knocked again: "Honey? Can I come in?"

"Please come in!"

Veronica, wearing a pure black dress, pushed the door open. She noticed Theresa's face was flushed and she was smoothing out the wrinkles on her clothes. The Witch of Gloria laughed a few times with interest: "Haha. Haha~ It seems that I disturbed you, Trovik, maybe I should quit and give you five more minutes?"

"Veronica!" Ryan shouted dissatisfied: "Come up now, I want you to understand!"

"That's not okay, my dear, Mrs. Sulia, I and Trovik have all emphasized that you are injured now, so we should not spend the night at your place." Veronica shook her head quickly. Ryan kissed on the face: "But obviously someone wants to come over and steal some food."

"No, I'm just worried that Ryan will be lonely, so I came here to talk to him." Teresa looked very calm on the outside. She arranged her clothes: "You must have something to do when you come here, right?"

"There's good news, Ryan. Didn't you always say that you want to make a handy ax for Brother Angron, but you don't have the raw materials?" Veronica still had a smile on her face, and she leaned on Ryan's shoulder. : "Now there is."

"Vibranium?" Ryan became more energetic now: "Have you found vibranium?"

Because now not only was Angron out of weapons, his hammer was also broken, and he also needed a new warhammer.

Ryan also needs vibranium.

"Yes, not only did we find a lot of vibranium in the barbarian camp, but... dear, guess where else there is vibranium?" Veronica deliberately let it slip.

"Could it be...?"

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