The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 325, Dwarf Tavern (Second update!)

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Falling Yu Ji" for the two 50,000 rewards and the "200 Jin Orange Cat" for the 10,000 rewards, thank you very much! Hereby adds an additional chapter!

The town of Jean in the Earl of Glamorgan is different from other Britannian cities. It is more prosperous and orderly than ordinary human cities. Merchants drive horse-drawn carriages to and fro, and there are many shops on both sides of the street. , bags of grain, spices, sugar and cloth are piled from the shops to the streets. This town is not as smelly as other Brittanian cities. It is relatively clean, and there are many knights errant every day. When they came to this town in search of opportunities, they came for the reputation of Ryan Macado, the chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake.

Lane's family coat of arms hangs on the town gate. Local residents come and go. There are large fields of farmland everywhere near the town. The fields are full of wheat and various food crops. The number of freedmen is increasing. , there are often patrolling sergeants passing by on the walls and streets of the town. They are wearing chainmail, with swords hanging on their waists, shields and hand crossbows on their backs, and gorgeous blouses on the outside. There is a faint murderous look on their bodies, which can be seen When they came out, they were all battle-hardened troops. Occasionally, knights and sergeants could be seen patrolling. Earl Lane led their troops to win one victory after another. They had just returned from victory, and everyone had obtained Many were seized.

Raymond also stayed in a patrol team. After signing up, he went through a long period of training before successfully joining the Halberd Battalion. It is said that the reason why he was able to join the Halberd Battalion was because of his participation in the Battle of Lyonnaise Plains. The Halberd Battalion suffered some losses, so they specially recruited thirty people, and Raymond happened to be on the last train.

Entering Halberd Camp and becoming a soldier of the earl, the salary is quite generous. He can earn close to one gold crown a month. In his free time, Raymond can also work in some shops and workshops to earn extra money. His life is still good. Two daily meals are normal meals, and you can eat some meat every three days, sometimes roasted meat, sometimes broth.

A group of people patrolled the streets. Raymond was holding a halberd. The halberd was exquisitely made and was obviously made by dwarves. However, the dwarf's craftsmanship also meant that the halberd was quite heavy. It took Raymond a period of training to be able to use it well. Halberd, according to the knight, he is still far from becoming a qualified recruit.

"...At that time, those terrifying barbarians were rushing toward us like black river water. They all had pimples on their faces and were wearing heavy armor. Many of the damned barbarians had horns or even extra weapons on their heads. His head... I also saw that boy Ricardo wet his pants in fear, it was so embarrassing!" During the patrol, a Halberdier was bragging to the new recruits about his experience participating in the Battle of Lyonnais.

Because of his heroic efforts in killing a Chaos God-chosen warrior in the battle of Lyonnaise Plains, he was promoted to sergeant by Ryan and rewarded with five gold crowns. It can be said that he turned around and was quite proud, you know. This guy was a runaway slave who could not survive a few months ago. Now he is not only a sergeant, but also married to a tailor's daughter. He is simply a winner in life among serfs.

Envy, the recruits looked at the chainmail and robe on him with hot eyes.

"Is it so scary?" Raymond was with a few recruits. Hearing the senior's description, he felt scared just thinking about it: "Didn't you run away at that time?"

"Escape? Why escape?" The sergeant said coaxingly: "Our Earl was standing not far from us at that time, and there were more than a hundred knights fighting alongside us in our team. , we had no intention of escaping at all, but we persisted in the barbarian attack wave! We protected the count!"

"Come on, I'm obviously afraid of being hanged for escaping." Another veteran said. There was a scar on his face, which was said to be left by the barbarians. It looked very fierce: "We only held on for a few minutes. The knights came to support us from the side."

"So that's it."

"Let me tell you, those barbarians are really powerful. They can beat five or ten of us one by one. If the knight hadn't been commanding us to stand in formation, maybe we would have been overwhelmed in one wave." Another veteran Said: "Also, the cannons of our dwarf friends are so powerful. The four-barreled cannon mounted on the iron cart killed hundreds of barbarians in one salvo!"

In any case, being able to face the charge of the barbarians and survive for several minutes without collapsing is enough for these veterans to boast about.

The group continued patrolling, and they turned around a street intersection. At the end of the street entrance, there was a dwarf bar with a very simple shape.

A statue of a dwarf's ancestor is carved on the outside of the dwarf bar, followed by a large beer mug. The bar is very large and has "Beard Bar" written on it in both Kazhadni and Low Gothic.

The dwarf bar is about five or six meters high, covers a large area, and is built of stone. It is considered a landmark building in the town and is also a paradise for dwarves. The dwarfs sell their own ale inside, and there are also some. The fine ale imported from other dwarf kingdoms is now being produced by a large number of workshops and workshops along the Chinon River. Production is in full swing every day, and various orders have been scheduled for next year.

The patrol looked at a sign standing at the door of the bar that read, "Pointed ears, cats, dogs, and pigs are not allowed. Human friends are welcome (those without pants are not welcome)."

"It's the Bearded Bar! Wow, I really want to go in and have a look." A recruit said enviously: "What does a dwarf bar look like?"

"Actually, there's no difference. It's just that the decoration is more exquisite. The tables, chairs, bowls and spoons are bigger and more beautiful. There are many kinds of wine inside." The newly promoted sergeant said proudly: "Last time I went, I just sat down After a while, two glasses of Bagman beer cost me fifty silver coins!"

"Bagman beer!" Several veterans were swallowing their saliva. This best dark beer in the old world was produced from the dwarf Bagman family brewery in the Black Mountains. Its reputation spread throughout the old world. A cup of Bagman beer After drinking it, you can eat a few pieces of black bread and be immune to fear for ten hours. Strong and refreshing, it was the finest drink these serfs longed for.

After returning from the battle, Ryan was very happy that the Halberd Battalion he had trained could survive the onslaught of the Chaos Warriors for several minutes without collapsing. He rewarded each of the surviving Halberdiers with a cup of Bagman beer. During this time, the veterans We are all reminiscing about the taste of Bagman beer. Unfortunately, this beer is very expensive. A wooden barrel of beer costs several gold crowns. It costs about twenty or thirty silver coins to sell a cup of it. The price will fluctuate. Serfs They obviously couldn't afford it.

There were several dwarves at the door of the bar. They must have just finished work in the workshop. They were chatting endlessly and seemed to be planning to have a drink after work.

The dwarves were also bragging: "At that time, those barbarian bastards were about to rush up. The halberd recruits trained by Count Lane were so scared that they wet their pants. It was the powerful dwarves who withstood the pressure. We gave those barbarians a good taste." He fired a round of cannons and guns, and even blew off the head of the mammoth with one shot. Without us this time, Count Lane might not have been able to win."

"That's right, dwarves are the best!"

Several dwarves pushed open the door of the bar while chatting, and then they were stunned for a while.

Inside the bar are neat wooden tables and chairs, as well as a large bar. Behind the bar are wooden barrels of various colors of beer. There are a dozen dwarves inside who are drinking ale and dark beer and complaining about Brittany ale. The quality is poor. There are many candles and dwarf-specific lighting oil lamps in the bar. This kind of oil lamp is available on the market. It has good lighting effect, small smoke and bright fire. It is very popular in the homes of knights and nobles.

What stunned several dwarves was that just in the corner, Earl Lane and his brother Angron were sitting there, drinking Bagman beer. On the other side of the table sat the dwarf rune craftsman Delon Feinson. and the dwarf engineer Dugan Iron Man. They had beer and barbecue in front of them, but their attention was focused on the drawings.

Ryan's little maid Emilia also sat next to Ryan. She seemed very unaccustomed to this environment. She carefully took Ryan's arm, sat next to him, leaned on him, and looked at the dwarf tavern curiously. internal structure.

"Sir Ryan, Mr. Angron, Miss Amelia, do you still need beer? I'll fill it up for you!" The dwarf bartender shook his belly and reached for Ryan's cup.

"Excuse me." Both Ryan and Angron nodded, and the dwarf bartender touched his white beard: "No, Sir Ryan, we all want to thank you. We have a new home here, and this is all because of your help."

After saying that, the bartender took two glasses of Bagman beer and placed them in front of Ryan. He also presented a plate of roast lamb: "This is for you, Mr. Ryan. I wish your beard will be long and beautiful! Haha~ I also wish you a long and beautiful beard." My beard is long and silky.”

"Thank you!" Ryan took the beer: "Brother! Cheers!"

"Cheers~" Angron was very excited. He swallowed the meat pie made by the dwarf in one gulp, drank a glass of dark beer, and then looked at the rune craftsman Deron with expectation and said: "How is it? Mr. Deron , can this be done?”

Rune craftsman Deron Feinson was still staring at the drawings, with a look of deep shock on his face: "I really don't know what to say... The ax you want to make does have something. , I don’t know if I can make it, Mr. Angron.”

"We have a lot of materials, Mr. Delong. I really need a handy weapon, and so does Ryan!" Angron's tone was full of expectation.

"I understand, I understand. In fact, it's not like I haven't made vibranium weapons before." Deron still looked at the drawings. There were two drawings. One was the weapon Angron designed for himself, dual-wielding battle axes - the Flesh Cutter. , there is also a ready-made blueprint that Ryan obtained from the Emperor, the long-handled war hammer-Thor's Hammer. The long-bearded dwarf continued: "But this thing you want me to make is not just a vibranium weapon. And it also requires energy absorption enchantments and energy cutting enchantments, which is difficult to do."

"Then can you do it?" Angron asked still full of expectation.

"If it's just a pure vibranium weapon, of course I can make it, but with this blueprint of yours, I can't guarantee that I can make it what you want, but I know there is someone who can make it." Deron was finally disappointed in Angron Shaking his head in his eyes: "Because according to the effect you want, it must be an artifact comparable to the 'Gael-Malaz' war hammer in the hands of the human emperor."

"There is a person, who is it?"

updated! Second update today! Please vote!

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