The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 331, do me a favor

"Duggan? That bastard, he refused my order on the spot!" When it came to Dugan - Tiehan, Belle didn't even bother to mention it: "Yes, it was him. At that time, he clearly opposed my expedition to the Eight Peaks Mountain. See I led a group of people away without listening, but I didn’t expect him to come here? I have a score to settle with him!"

"Belega!" Queen Cormanic said angrily to her husband: "I think Dugan was right! You didn't have any confidence in this expedition from the size of the army to the victory. At that time, Dugan and You spoke very plainly! You just didn’t listen, and in the end you lost the battle, and all the decades of accumulation were used up by you! Everything has to be started all over again, and I don’t talk about you, are you very proud?”

Seeing that his queen was angry, Belegar's tone immediately changed. He said with a guilty conscience: "Komarnik, I didn't mean that. What I meant was... I want to go to Dugan and ask him what his opinions are. My suggestion is that recovering Bafeng Mountain is the mission of everyone in our clan, and Dugen will definitely be willing to help us and give us some advice."

The King of the Eight Peaks Mountain has always been a little afraid of his wife. This is not because he has done anything wrong to his wife, but because his queen has suffered with him for decades and the family wealth has been scattered. Belegar feels sorry for her. She felt very guilty.

"That's pretty much it." Komarnik stopped being angry. She paused and then said, "Belega, you should send someone down the mountain to find Dugan in the territory of the famous human hero, Count Lion Malcador. , for the sake of our ancestors, he should help us, at least give us some advice, and... maybe he can also introduce us to Count Malcador. If we want to regain the Eight Peaks Mountain, maybe the dwarves' power is not enough. ”

"No! Dwarves will not turn to weak humans for help!" Belegar began to save face again. He blushed and said, "This is a dwarf's family matter!"

Queen Angrond immediately asked: "Bellegar, let me ask you, can you deal with the Great Demon of Nurgle?"

"I... I should be able to chop off its tongue!" Belega said with some guilt.

"Then can you kill 'Red-Eyed' Egil?" Komanik continued to ask.

" least I won't be knocked down so easily!" Belega was still insisting.

"Then you still think you can beat Count Ryan Macado?"

"Of course I do!... Uh... Okay." Belega subconsciously wanted to say that he was definitely better than Ryan, but after he said the words, he realized that he had fallen into his wife's trap: "I... I know, I sent Someone go get Dugan over.”

No matter how depressed Belegar is, he is still the king of the Angland clan recognized by all dwarves. His status is noble and he still has to show off his airs. In any case, he cannot go to see Dugan. He must issue an order to let him go. Dugan comes to see him.

An sworn bodyguard left Carrack Breeze Castle with Belegar's letter, came to the Earl of Glamorgan, and delivered the letter to the dwarf engineer Dugan Ironhan. There was no mention of " Regarding the content related to "defeat" and "Eight Peaks Mountain", Belegar only wrote in the letter that your king has arrived at Breeze Castle, and you should come to see your king.

The dwarf engineer Dugan didn't say anything after getting this letter. He immediately put down the work at hand and took his friend Sven Novigreen, the iron-breaking warrior, and twenty or thirty dwarves to borrow seven or eight from his human brothers. A carriage carrying a large amount of food, goods, and many "pointy-eared" goodies came to Breeze Castle to meet Belegar.

After showing Lane's customs clearance documents, Dugan and his party successfully passed the checkpoints of Bastogne and the Principality of Montfort, and found their way into the mountains.

Although the relationship between Britannia and the dwarves can be described as okay, the relationship between the Principality of Montfort, the Principality of Palaon and the dwarves of Breeze Castle is really not good, especially the Principality of Montfort, which is inherently Relying on the customs of Axbite Pass to maintain balance of payments, for Duke Fourcade of Montfort Principality, the existence of dwarves in Breeze Castle is actually very strange.

Fourcade's understanding is this. This is the Gray Mountains, the dividing line between Britannia and the Empire. This side of the mountain is Britannia, and the other side of the mountain is the Empire. It is clear and clear.

Why is there a dwarf territory in the mountain?

Fourcade has tried several times to negotiate with the dwarves of Breeze Castle, asking these dwarves to surrender, or at least become his servants, because since the founding of the country by the first knight king Arthur, the Brittanians have undoubtedly belonged to this area. The owner of the land, the Gray Mountains along the central line to the west have been a sacred and integral part of Britannia since ancient times. The Duke of Montfort launched a strong diplomatic protest towards the dwarf king Lorek of Breeze Castle.

The dwarves told Forcade that we settled here five thousand years ago. Breeze Castle has been a sacred and integral part of the dwarf kingdom since ancient times. We have an inscription set here by the dwarf expedition seven thousand years ago. Are you interested? see?

Or if you are really dissatisfied, use force to resolve it. If you have the ability, use your fists to speak!

The Brittanians looked at the steep mountain roads and the dozens of cannons on the dwarf fortress, then looked at their trebuchets, and decided to continue to protest strongly.

Therefore, the relationship between the Principality of Montfort and the dwarves of Breeze Castle has never been good, and the same is true for the Principality of Palavon. When Casfan was at war with the Empire, these Breeze Castle dwarves also chose to help the Empire.

Things became complicated like this. The two sides were obviously in a hostile relationship, but neither dared to use weapons rashly.

Sitting on the carriage, the dwarf engineer Dugan Iron Man touched his long beard: "I can bet that Belegar must have failed, and then came to Breeze Castle to ask for help and avoid the limelight. I can guess that he came to me, First, he asked me to lead my tribe to gather with him, and then he asked me again to help him recover Bafeng Mountain."

It was summer and the sun was very bright. Sven Novigreen put his helmet with wings aside. He was wearing an enchanted mithril plate armor and there was sweat on his forehead. Since he came to Ryan's territory, he and his people Finally having a home, a team of Novigreen Ironbreaker Warriors and a team of Novigreen Thunder Gunners joined Ryan's team. He was obviously not interested in regaining the Eight Peaks Mountain: "So, Dugan, do you want to agree to him? "

"Who?" Dugan was wearing chain mail and a blue turban on his head. He was carrying a long-barreled firecracker, a shotgun, a hammer, a tool box, a saw and many other things on his back. He was sorting out his ammunition box. .

"Bellegar Hammer!" Sven Novigreen is a clan leader. He doesn't understand technology. It's interesting to think about it. The three dwarf leaders hired by Ryan happen to be the clan leader, the rune craftsman and the engineering master. .

"Oh! Of course not!" Dugan shook his head: "No, I finally found a new home. My idea is that if Belegar can find enough troops and gather enough tribesmen, then maybe I will consider it. The situation is that he just came with his own bodyguards and a team of rangers. Can he recover the Eight Peaks Mountain? Even Granny doesn't believe it."

"Well..." Chief Swain also nodded: "The Earl has been very kind to us and built our own community for us. The tribesmen no longer have to go hungry. We can ensure that they are fed and clothed. I have five hundred people here now. You How many people are there?”

"I have more than 300 people here, and I think there are only a few who are willing to go on an expedition with Belegar to the Eight Peaks Mountains."

Along the mountain road, the carriage gradually slowed down. Dugan and Swain were very patient. They chatted all the way, and they walked and stopped on the mountain road for nearly a day before arriving at Breeze Castle.

At this time, Belegar was inspecting his tribe's camp.

Belegar is currently followed by hundreds of Angrond clan sworn guards composed of iron-smashing warriors and hammer warriors, a ranger force of about a hundred people, a team of more than a hundred miners, and a small number of people who are not participating in the battle. Female dwarves and underage dwarves.

The King of the Eight Peaks Mountain brought his chief engineer Hal Hafer and the sworn guard captain Torek to the arranged building.

The dwarves of the Angland clan were dressed in tatters and had sloppy beards. They all had disheveled faces. They sat together in small groups, boiling water and eating bread. Many of the dwarves had injuries on their bodies, and they simply After being bandaged, many wounds were still oozing blood and pus.

Lorek sent people to bring food and water, but medicines were in very short supply for the dwarves, and they obviously could not meet the needs of the Angrond clan.

The atmosphere in the hall was very dull. Most of the dwarves ate in silence without saying a word. Some dwarves were discussing something in low voices. When Belegar appeared, they stopped talking and lowered their heads in silence.

Belegar was heartbroken when he saw this scene. He opened his mouth, and thousands of words could only be condensed into a few words of comfort.

"Good job, boys, for not embarrassing the dwarf."

“I’ve seen your courage along the way.”

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Are you okay? My compatriots, are everything okay?"

Most of the surrounding dwarves responded loudly: "It's okay, my king, this is what we should do."

Even so, their desolation still fell in Belegar's eyes. The King of Eight Peaks pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

Queen Komarnik comforted the dwarves, then came back and said to Belegar: "Belregar, we need more food. Bread alone is not nutritious. We need fresh vegetables and meat, ale, and... Medicines are needed, otherwise many injured soldiers will be severely damaged even if they recover, and the children will not grow up."

Belega's face turned blue after hearing this. He pulled his wife to the corner: "But how can I speak? Rorek has helped us. He has provided us with a place to live and food. How can I have the nerve to speak again?" Want more ale and vegetables and meat? Lorek and his kingdom have been extremely kind to us, we can no longer be so shameless, the dwarves of Breeze Castle also need to eat!"

"Then you can't let our people suffer just because of your face!" Komanik said angrily.

"Give me a little more time, Komanik, let me think about what to do." Belega felt a splitting headache: "I still have a little money on hand, can we go find human trade nearby?"

At this moment, a loud voice came from the door of the hall, with uncontrollable pride in the voice: "My king, I heard that you need help?"

The sound of horse hooves and the rolling wheels of trucks appeared at the door of the hall. The door was wide open, and the flickering light of the fire indicated that a guest was coming.

Dugan was sitting on the carriage with a smile on his face. Six or seven carriages filed in from the door of the hall. The carriages were filled with food and various supplies that Belegar urgently needed. The dwarves standing on the carriages smiled and looked at them. He greeted his compatriots and generously distributed these supplies to the Angland clan.

Wow! The scene immediately became lively, and the dwarves of the Angland clan swarmed forward to receive supplies from the convoy. These soldiers who had spent their lives fighting finally felt a little warmth.

"It's Dugan! It's him! He's one of our tribesmen!"

"He brought us something!"

"That's ale in the barrel!"

"Here's fresh vegetables! There's bacon! Lots of it! Lots of stuff!"

"This is barley bread!"

"The bag is full of wheat flour and barley flour!"

The dwarves of the Angland clan beamed with joy when they saw their compatriots. The compatriots sent them food and many necessary supplies. As time passed, the clansmen in the past were all brightly dressed and they laughed and gave away various materials. It was delivered so lovingly into the hands of their compatriots that many dwarves couldn't help crying.

Dugan jumped off the carriage, walked to Belega, and bent down: "My king, engineer Dugan Iron Man, would like to express my respect to you and bring you all the assistance I can!"

"Oh! Dugan! Thank you so much. You have solved our urgent need!" Bellega let out a long breath. He walked up to Dugan Tiehan, with tears in his eyes, and patted Dugan's shoulder hard: " It seems like you’re having a good time here?”

"We are living a good life, my king. We have a new home here and everyone is living a good life." Dugan looked at the miserable condition and grateful eyes of his people and sighed. He knew that the third time The Eight Peaks Mountain expedition failed again: "My king, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Belega's face turned red after hearing this. He opened his mouth hesitantly and pulled Dugan aside: "Duggan, I really need you to do me a favor."

"Speak, my king."


At the same time, Earl Lane's castle was in the courtyard of the barracks.

"Wow, lala~" The little griffon Imperius is rolling on the grass in the courtyard. The weather is very good today, and Imperius is also in a high mood. It is like a big dog and is chatting with Ryan's pure-blooded mount. The elf war horse Grape and the unicorn Sylphan are playing together.

In the courtyard, Lake God Witch Morgiana, Sorceress Teresa, and Ryan were all sitting in the pavilion drinking juice. Watching the little griffon flying around, Ryan smiled: "Yingpu." Rhys seems to be growing well."

The sorceress Teresa lowered her head. Morgiana had just checked her High Gothic homework. Apparently the Lake God Witch was not satisfied. The sorceress was taught a lesson by Morgiana in front of Ryan and was a little frustrated. The Lake God As the religious leader of this country, the witch naturally does not speak politely.

After a long rest, Morgiana's movements were no longer a problem, and her spellcasting ability was slightly restored. After checking Teresa's Gothic, the Lake God Witch looked at the flying little griffon with a cold look, her lips Qing Tu: "Your new mount?"

"You can't go to the battlefield yet." Ryan shook his head and picked up the ice-cold juice on the table: "It may take a few years to grow."

"In a few years... Ryan, have you ever considered giving this little griffon the ability to have magic?"


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