The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 35, Ryan’s inference

PS: This book group is 725051233.

"Okay, Ms. Trovik, please give me your orders." Emilia was slightly stunned, but seeing Teresa's face full of impatience, she responded in a low voice.

"First, ask someone to get clean white snow, put it in a pot, and then ask Ryan to turn it into water. Go quickly." The sorceress finally gave up wearing tight pants, and she took out a pair of blue ones from her space ring. She put on the velvet dress and then took out the quilt to cover herself.

Emilia didn't say anything more, but filled the iron pot with snow and handed it to Ryan: "Ms. Trovik asked me to bring these to you so that you can turn the snow in the pot into Become water.”

"Okay." Ryan stretched out a hand, and through the iron glove, spiritual energy gathered, and blue flames appeared in the man's palm. The snow in the iron pot was quickly melted, and soon, a pot of warm water was handed over to him. He gave it to the female mercenary: "Take it and move quickly, the water will get cold very quickly in this weather."


It seemed quiet inside the carriage, so Ryan turned his attention to other aspects. He understood why the danger of Hordalan Mountain was low, because this place was too flat and open. When the weather was clear, Ryan was It was immediately possible to easily see all the scenery within a few thousand meters, and bandits and monsters had no way to hide, because the entire mountain range was covered with meadows and white snow.

Bandits and beastmen can never defeat humans in a frontal formation. What they can rely on are ambushes and sneak attacks. They constantly attack supply lines and divide and cut off the human front. In such a wide-view environment, the safety of the caravan is not guaranteed. question.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the White Wolf Knight thought about what he should do.

Ryan was also a history buff in his previous life. He had read a lot of books. The background of this world was very similar to the Western fantasy he had read. Sword and magic, blood and fire, and the medieval feudal system built this world.

But this is different from the books he has read. Ryan understands the settings of "Lord of the Rings" and DND.

The world of The Lord of the Rings is very interesting. It is a world with low magic. It seems that the forces of order have been beaten by the evil forces, and the human royal city has been suppressed by the army. It seems that after countless impossible efforts, the Lord of the Rings team finally succeeded. After unremitting efforts, the evil Sauron was eliminated.

But if you really read the original work, you will know that is not the case at all.

The protagonist's enemy Sauron, the big BOSS of Middle-earth, is only the deputy of the real big BOSS Morgoth, and the real big BOSS Morgoth is only the most powerful among the gods (called Valar in The Lord of the Rings). A powerful one, his power is limited and always inferior to the father of all things, Yiru (the strength of the father of all things, Yiru, is the strongest and his power is unlimited).

So to sum it up, we can describe it in easy-to-understand language.

Gandalf: Just like God the Father, will Aragorn roar when he is king?

Yi Ru: Roar!

Gandalf: Do the Valar also favor him?

Yi Ru: Of course!

Therefore, the Fellowship of the Ring always survives from desperate situations, so countless forces always try their best to help them, because Aragorn's future as the Human Emperor is decreed by the Gods and decided by the Council of Gods. Even if Gandalf and the Balrog fight a decisive battle If an accident occurs due to complete death, Yi Ru can even directly open the golden finger to resurrect him with full health and upgrade him to a white robe. This is the reason.

It looks like a panic, but in fact it is as stable as an old dog. With the support of Yiru and most of the Vera, the order side has the advantage. Even if the situation is irreversible, Yiru will come out to clean up the situation in the end (actually Nothing in the Lord of the Rings can threaten Yiru, not even the doomsday battle of the big boss Morgoth can force out the one god).

The story background of DND will be more chaotic. In the lower plane, there are places like the bottomless abyss and the nine hells. It seems that the evil side is extremely powerful, and the order side and the evil side each occupy half of the sky.

That's just a superficial phenomenon. Ryan knows that the order side is actually much stronger than the evil side. The higher creatures and gods in the upper planes just want to be out of sight, so they drive these evil forces into these lower planes. Among them, as long as they think it is necessary, the evil forces still cannot make trouble. The angels of the Seven Hills of Heaven Mountain once killed through the entire bottomless abyss, and the nine hells are just a contract. In the background of the DND story, there are often There is a story about an unknown adventure team defeating a powerful demon in the abyss, and there is even a story about a team of paladins occupying an entire layer of the abyss and becoming the ruler.

But compared to the Lord of the Rings, although the supreme god AO in DND is also very powerful, he is not completely invincible. There were also gods who were very close to the strength of the supreme god, but he later got tired of his responsibilities, so he gave up ( The ancient god of death Yeager), there were also people who had accidents that caused their strength to be greatly reduced, and finally reincarnated successfully (the first generation magic goddess).

Unlike The Lord of the Rings, DND is a world of high demons. When the gods are angry, a single thought can destroy a country. No matter how many flesh pads are in vain, it is useless to the gods.

This world is completely different.

As a White Wolf Knight, Ryan has been to White Wolf City and read the White Wolf Sacred Scripture, which records a lot of history. When Chaos invaded for the first time, the White Wolf God of War personally descended to earth to fight against the Chaos army. According to the records in the Sacred Scripture, especially Rick held a war hammer, wore a silver-gray White Wolf cloak and a full set of divine armor, and led his Holy Spirit White Wolf Knights into the Chaos Army. Ulric himself killed as many as three Chaos Champions and Demon Princes. There were more than ten people, and he alone took down more than 500 heads of Chaos Warriors, and countless lower-level soldiers. The holy scripture describes Ulric's existence as "invincible, like white flames burning the earth in the middle of winter." Earth is strong."

It is indeed very powerful, but that's all. Compared with the gods in DND who can easily destroy a city, the strength of this White Wolf God of War can be said to be very weak, much weaker than Ryan's imagination. , but even so, the White Wolf God of War can already be regarded as one of the best war gods among human gods.

The White Wolf God of War is a god who hates lies and deception, so his followers should not talk nonsense in the Holy Scriptures. This data should be basically true, so Ryan has to infer a conclusion.

The gods in this world are far weaker than imagined.

During the first Chaos invasion, Emperor Charlemagne assembled almost all the coalition forces of Order on the continent except for the elves, and also included several incarnated gods and their Holy Spirit armies. Even so, the coalition forces of Order were almost forced into a desperate situation.

Moreover, the one who finally killed Mokar, the Chosen One of Chaos, was not a god, but Charlemagne, the leader of mankind. So three inferences can be drawn from this.

First, Moka is very powerful, and the power of the incarnated god is not enough to directly kill Moka.

Second, Charlemagne had power that was comparable to or even greater than that of the incarnate gods.

Third, the Four Gods of Chaos did not show up.

So Ryan can only conclude that in this world, the power of evil is stronger than the power of order, and it is not even a little higher.

"Mr. Lane?"

Really... I seem to have been involved in a giant cage. The fate I face is either to defend myself and eliminate evil and finally escape, or to perish together with this cage.

"Mr. Lane?"

The first step is that in this world, it is impossible to fight against Chaos by taking risks. He must find a way to obtain his own territory, and then work hard to find a way to climb up in the extremely conservative and autistic aristocratic system of the Middle Ages. .

"Mr. Ryan!" The voice from the outside brought Ryan back to his senses, and Ryan's distracted blue pupils refocused: "What's the matter?"

It was Rost. The barbarian looked at Lane curiously: "Mr. Lane, are you thinking?"

"Yes, there are some things that bother me." Ryan sighed deliberately: "I was thinking that there is only one female mercenary in the entire caravan. How do these big men deal with it on weekdays?"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Mr. Lane, you don't have to worry about this. The mercenaries, including us, will all have our old friends~" Rost laughed generously, his braids and beard swaying constantly: " Apart from anything else, I also have an old sweetheart in Winter City. She has a good figure and good looks. She and I have been friends for many years. She only costs twenty silver dinars a time. Every time I go Everyone in Winter City will go to her place to spend the night!"

"Hahahahaha~ This is nothing, Rost. I once met a bard who stayed overnight, but it was his old friend who provided food and accommodation, and paid him back later!" Ryan's face was full of evil! Laughing, he made a gesture with his hands: "So, Rost, when can you make your old sweetheart give you money instead, then you are really capable!"

"Ah~ This is impossible. Last time I went to Winter City, I found that my old sweetheart had gone. She didn't even leave a message for me. I asked the boss, and she said she had earned enough. After getting the money, I plan to find a businessman to marry and spend the rest of my life!" Rost touched the back of his head: "It takes many years to cultivate an old sweetheart, and I may not be able to do it~"

"Don't rush to look for it among humans." Ryan blinked: "Why don't you try the Night Demon?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the curtain of the carriage next to him opened, and an ice gun that was thicker than a tree branch rushed out of the carriage and shot directly at Ryan's head: "Shut your mouth! Ryan!!!"

"Oh! Oh my god!" Rost subconsciously jumped up from his horse, landed on the soft grass and rolled a few times. When he looked up, he saw Ryan lightly stretching out his finger and flicking the ice gun in the air. Pop it open and insert it on the grass nearby: "It's not a good habit to eavesdrop on other people's conversations. What you need most now is to rest."

"I don't mind discussing this between men, but please stay away and don't talk next to my carriage!" The sorceress's beautiful face was revealed through the curtain: "Also, Ryan, what do you think about the female night demon? Is your interest so great that you want everyone to know about it? Do you want me to talk to Lord Norman about this?"

The female night devil is not a demon. This is a goblin-like creature from the forest. It has goat-like feet and hooves. In addition, it has a beautiful human female appearance and specializes in absorbing male essence. born.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Theresa. I think our journey is quite interesting." Ryan rode close to the carriage. He noticed that the female mercenary was no longer in the carriage, so he said, "I It reminds me of a martial arts novel I read. In it, the protagonist’s mentor is named Anon.”

"Unknown? Nameless?" the sorceress said strangely: "Is there anyone with this name?"

"In short, in that story, the protagonist's mentor Wuming is known as the number one knight in the continent, but his performance in the story is always lackluster because he is always dissatisfied."

"Dissatisfied with the situation? Please make it clear."

"He has appeared in important battles several times, but he has never won. Either he was poisoned by his opponent, or he lacked fighting spirit in the face of his former colleagues, or his old injury relapsed. He is claimed to be the number one knight in the mainland, but he has never shown his talent in the mainland. The power of number one always loses to some minor characters." Ryan looked a little disdainful: "But in the book, the author still constantly emphasizes that he is the number one knight in the continent, which is ironic enough when you think about it."

"Are you mocking me for always being in trouble?!" The sorceress thought quickly.

"No, what I want to say is that in many cases, you always have no way to fight in a good condition, so you must get used to saving and conserving your mana as much as possible, instead of wasting it on arguing with me. ." Ryan looked at Theresa's face: "Ms. Aurora should have told you the consequences of using spells at will in the town."

"I understand." The sorceress felt uncomfortable, and she knew she was in the wrong and didn't want to argue with the man.

After a little preaching, Ryan's face immediately softened: "Are you feeling better?"

"It's okay, I'm going to meditate."

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore." Ryan didn't want to get involved with the sorceress. Her mood was unstable, so it was better to say less. And according to experience, a day's rest can greatly relieve her pain. Yeah...maybe.

When the sun slowly set in the west, the caravan also crossed the top of the Hordaland Mountain. Ryan rode up to the middle of the caravan: "Mr. Oliver, what is our expected camping site for the night?"

"There is a relatively flat place in the valley, and we will camp there tonight." Oliver responded: "By the way, Mr. Lane, come from the end of the team, have you seen Ike?"

"No." Ryan shook his head.

"That's strange. Where has Ike gone?"

Just when the two people looked at each other in confusion, bursts of roars came from the distance. The roars shook the ground almost all day long, and Ryan could feel the ground shaking.


The sound came from the east.

"Draw the sword! Draw the sword! Prepare to fight!" Ryan roared loudly, and everyone in the caravan stopped. The sound of the sword being unsheathed echoed in the valley.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from a distance, and Ike was seen in a miserable state. His armor was damaged and deformed in many places. He ran towards the people in the caravan in a panic: "It's a bear spirit! Oh my god, there is a bear spirit here. !”

Today’s chapter discusses several different settings of Western Fantasy. It should be okay, right? (escape!)

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