The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 340, as if it were a lifetime ago

PS: Thank you to book friends "Captain of the Fruit Knife Guard", "DIER" and "Love Mountain Bear" for the 10,000 rewards. Thank you very much.

PS2: Thank you to my good friend "ning1203" for your support and encouragement. Without him, this book would not be possible. You must have noticed that today is his birthday. I wish him a happy birthday. !

In the crisp autumn season, everything is quiet and peaceful inside and outside the territory. In the Dawn Wizard Tower, the witch apprentices are receiving the guidance of the Supreme Mage Teclis from the High Elf Savrehos White Tower Magister Council. The Supreme Mage simply said After checking the magic level of these witch apprentices, they began to provide targeted teaching.

After agreeing to Ryan's request, he immediately formulated completely different teaching policies for Veronica and Theresa.

In view of Veronica's spellcasting characteristics of fast casting and focusing on large-area destruction, Tigris greatly expanded her spell knowledge, asking her to memorize most of the fire and light spells, and then taught her on the spot. , which gave this witch of Gloria, who had no chance to learn the most powerful spells because of her poor background, exposed to many super powerful spells.

As a result, Veronica learned her first great spell - Meteor Fire Rain. This spell can summon a swarm of flaming meteorites covering about five hundred square meters, completely destroying all living creatures in it.

The second major spell Veronica learned is called Arrow Shelter Field. This spell can summon a defensive barrier about five meters high and fifteen meters wide. All long-range attacks in this area, including artillery, will be blocked. Total resistance in this area.

The two-week course made Veronica's magical abilities grow by leaps and bounds, and the Witch of Gloria learned enough knowledge from Teclis to take her several years to absorb.

Next is Theresa. After Tigris' investigation, he discovered that Theresa's magic foundation is very solid. She has been well taught by Aurora since she was a child. Even if she is not very good at it, she can already use all cold spells. She can use ice and psychic spells as long as she has enough magic power.

Teresa's problem is that she knows many spells but doesn't know why. Due to the limitations of her status as a warlock, there are some spells that she is destined to be unable to understand or learn. The only spells she can use are those contained in her bloodline and those that fit her. The magic of her bloodline.

So Teclis did not let Teresa try to learn new spells, but asked her to strengthen her spellcasting ability and mana control. She no longer simply relied on instinct to cast spells, but learned to strengthen and control all her current spells. Spells.

In short, what Teclis wants to do is to let Teresa know how to control mana, learn when to save mana for spell casting, and when to burst out mana for spell casting.

Under the guidance of Teclis, the sorceress's spellcasting ability also made a qualitative breakthrough.

Another teaching session ended today. Teclis left with his staff expressionless. The two Gloria witches sat in the classroom of the Dawn Magic Tower, looking at each other and smiling bitterly.

Veronica was wearing a flood-red burgundy rose skirt with slits today, her long and straight legs were wrapped in black stockings as always, and she was wearing black pointed high heels. Lying on the table in frustration: "I feel that my more than ten years of magic learning has been in vain. I dare say that if I learn magic for another two hundred years, I will not be able to reach a finger of Lord Tigris."

Teresa is wearing a black lace-trimmed elegant ink-stained button-down dress today. Unlike Veronica, she is not wearing stockings and wears black strappy high-heeled shoes. The sorceress is different from the witch. She had never liked wearing stockings. After hearing Veronica's complaint, Theresa's face became stiff: "If Lord Tigris hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have known. I always use a hundred units of magic to release a fifteen-year-old girl." Regarding the unit’s magic, I always thought that this was how the spell was cast, but Lord Teclis pointed out eight errors in my casting after looking at it once.”

"..." There was silence in the room. It was obvious that Tigris's teachings had dealt a heavy blow to them. They felt that all the magic they had learned was in vain, as if they were all wrong.

They also know how great it is for Ryan to ask the Supreme Mage Teclis to teach them. The two witches have been frantically learning magic knowledge from Teclis for a while to enrich themselves.

Ryan is already a saint-level human hero. If they continue to stop moving forward, they may be useless one day. You must know that Ryan is now connected to Tigris. If the high elves send an elf mage to serve as Ryan's Consultants, then they are really useless!

"Tutor~" At this time, the door rang, and Catherine, the official witch in red robes, appeared from the door. She said timidly: "There is important news."

"Important news?" Veronica got up from the table: "What important news?"

"Well... His Excellency Boris Todbringer, the Elector of the White Wolf, and His Excellency Axel Gris, Grand Master (Grand Master) of the White Wolf Knights, are here." Catherine knew that her mentor had been in a bad mood recently, So he said softly.

"Oh, what does that have to do with me? When Mr. Boris and Mr. Axel arrive, Ryan will naturally go to receive them." Veronica said casually.

"However, Mr. Lane's adoptive parents, the Normans, have also arrived and are now guests in the castle. Mr. Lane asked me to come over and call you and Congressman Trovik." Catherine continued.

"I'll come over immediately!" Veronica jumped up from her position as if she had been electrocuted. The sound of high-heeled shoes was heard, and the Gloria Witch rushed directly towards the door and disappeared in a flash.

"???Adoptive parents?" Teresa hadn't reacted yet. She thought for a moment and then understood what was happening. The sorceress quickly stood up: "Ryan's adoptive parents are here?! Wait for me!"

Teresa also trotted out.


Ten minutes later, Earl's Castle, reception room on the second floor.

There was laughter and joy in the reception room. Ryan's eyes were slightly red. He opened his eyes as wide as he could and held his adoptive father's hand: "Father, it's been a long time, it's been a long time."

Elector Boris laughed again and again. He stroked his brown beard and said to Ryan with some pride: "Baron Theodrickson, who is preparing to attend your wedding in the Kingdom of Nord, is not ready to leave so early. It just so happens that Lord Norman He is reporting on his duties here in White Wolf City, so I brought him here with me."

"Thank you very much, thank you very much." Ryan couldn't help nodding, he was very happy and a little emotional.

"The Norman knight is ready to retire. He has passed the title of lord of Auternay to your cousin. From now on, he will retire in White Wolf City and serve my lord White Wolf Yurik as an instructor." Axel Gris, the grand leader of the White Wolf Knights, said with a smile.

The grand leader of the White Wolf Knights has a bald head, but has a long white beard. His aura is like a giant beast in the black forest in midwinter, releasing amazing pressure. He is tall, 1.9 meters tall. Many, with a pair of amber eyes shining brightly, like a large husky.

The grand leader of the White Wolf Knights is nearly a hundred years old. He has met Ryan before, but he would never have imagined that the young White Wolf Knight who started from Nord and only had the basic level of legend was already a The strong man in the holy realm.

Every time Axel felt extremely sorry for Ryan's conversion. Such a strong man should have fought side by side with the White Wolf Knights in the name of Ulric, but since Ulric has passed down the oracle saying that this is his permission, The White Wolf Knights have nothing more to say.

Everyone turned their attention to "Bald" Norman, probably thinking why they didn't pick up such a powerful son?

Norman is a thin old man with a red nose. His head is very bald, but he is very energetic. His small eyes are full of pride and he looks at his adopted son. Everyone could see his pride. He patted Ryan on his strong shoulders and kept asking some trivial matters, and Ryan answered them all patiently.

Ryan felt like he was a child again.

In the cold nights of Nord, Norman always liked to take his adopted son, wearing armor, a wolfskin cloak, and a wolfskin hat, into the forest to hunt with Ryan. Ryan remembered that his little self was dressed warmly at that time. She wore a sheepskin jacket and high boots, and followed Norman with one foot deep and one foot shallow, hunting with his adoptive father. His adoptive father taught him hunting skills in detail, and how to hunt to gain the appreciation of Yurik. , the adoptive father and son are always followed by a wolf dog. Ryan still remembers that the name of this big wolf dog is Ah Huang, which was named by him.

Whenever Ryan thinks of these memories, he can't help but smile. His childhood was relatively happy.

However, time is always so cruel. The middle-aged White Wolf Knight of the past is now very old. His hair is mostly white, and his originally upright body has begun to stoop. Time has unknowingly taken away everything about Norman. Now, Norman was no longer able to go to the battlefield, and the warhammer that used to be like an arm became heavier and heavier in his hand. The White Wolf Knight, who knew this well, began to slowly withdraw from the battlefield. He passed the title of lord to Ryan's cousin (his adoptive mother's nephew) and went to White Wolf City to retire. Now he can still be an instructor. In a few years, he will really retire.

"Father...I..." Ryan's eyes were red, and he didn't know what to say: "Are you...always okay?"

"I, I'm very fine! You kid, don't worry about me. I'm at Nord's place and I've been hearing about your deeds and feats all day long. Kill this one today, kill that one tomorrow, even Scarins' red eyes. Gil was killed by you, he deserves to be my son!" Norman just kept patting Ryan on the shoulder: "I thought this would be the end of my life, but I didn't expect you to be so great. I'm so proud of you. Yes, now, I’m here to attend your wedding.”

"Thank you~" Ryan could only nod his head. Thousands of words were stuck in his heart, and he felt like he was in another world.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and the sound of surprise entered the reception room.

"Uncle Norman! Aunt Sally!"

updated! Second update today! Please vote!

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