The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 353, actually this is not bad

In the afternoon, after lunch, Sulia changed out of her skirt, stockings and high heels, put on a heroic knight's shirt and trousers, and also put on the armor sent by the emperor.

This is a finely crafted vibranium plate armor. The plate armor is designed and tailored according to the figure of the female knight. It is entirely silver with a little gold and black decoration on it. On Sulia's left shoulder hangs the Ryan family crest. There are many golden scriptures engraved and pasted on the bottom of the shoulder armor and breastplate. When Sulia puts on this plate armor, a kind of hot energy and supreme power protects the female knight layer by layer. She could feel the powerful power contained in this plate armor.

The female knight picked up the Sword of Leonese and began to practice swordsmanship. This was a habit she had formed for more than ten years, and she spent at least two or three hours exercising every day.

The female knight's swordsmanship emphasizes chopping and thrusting. Her wrist strength is definitely weaker than that of a normal man, so her swordsmanship is to use skills to make up for her lack of strength. At the same time, Sulia gave up using a shield. This is also the reason.

Neither Ryan nor the Lake Fairy disturbed Sulia's practice. They sat behind the window on the second floor of the tower, watching Sulia practice, and chatting with each other.

Ryan's strength is too strong. His combat skills and sword skills are not suitable for practicing with female knights. Ryan's combat skills are all aimed at killing the opponent directly. When he and Angron sparred, they often beat up the surrounding area. Langsha, forget about sparring with Sulia. If he accidentally hurts the female knight, he will feel bad for a long time.

"Excellent, Sulia can become the laureate of the Knights Conference, Francois must have put a lot of effort into her, her swordsmanship was tailor-made for her by Francois, and her talent It’s also very amazing. Although she is only at the primary level of legend, her actual strength is one level stronger." The fairy in the lake sat next to Ryan and said in a strange tone: "My champion? I'm very happy, Yiduo Such beautiful flowers were picked by you like this.”

"Yes, I am very grateful for your love for me, Lilith." Ryan stared at the fairy in the lake, wondering if you had any bad ideas again.

"You don't have to worry about Lidya Su. I also like her very much. She is gentle, generous, and considerate. She is a good match for you." The fairy in the lake could see what Ryan was worried about at a glance, and she shook her head: " I keep my word, since she is married to you, she is your wife, you don’t have to think too much.”

"...So what do you want to say? My lady?" Ryan's face improved a little. He had been worried that the fairy in the lake would use Sulia to cause trouble. After getting along for a long time, he already understood the lake to some extent. What do fairies like?

"Well... I like that set of platinum jewelry very much..." The fairy in the lake secretly took Ryan's arm: "Can you..."

"That was given to Sulia by my father." Black lines appeared on Ryan's forehead, and he immediately broke away.

"But you have a way with all of them..." The Lake Fairy continued to hold Ryan's arm and complained in a low voice.

"That was given to Sulia by my father. She can decide who to give it to, not me. I have always respected my wife very much." Ryan then complained: "If you really want it, you can ask Sulia for it." , I don’t think she will not send it to you.”

The fairy in the lake knew that she could not find a breakthrough from Ryan, so she gave up her next plan. She straightened her skirt and sat on the sofa. She kicked off her high heels and bent her beautiful legs wrapped in black velvet pantyhose under her long skirt. Underneath, only a pair of silk feet was exposed, and he complained: "This is what I deserve. Originally, all nine sets should be mine, so I only want one set."

If it were you, you might not have any of them, Ryan thought in his mind but didn't say it out loud.

"If you want it, just ask Sulia. These things are father's betrothal gifts. The ownership belongs to Sulia, not to me." Ryan relaxed and leaned on the sofa chair, in order to avoid the pursuit of the fairy in the lake. Reluctant to give up, he had to change the subject: "Your Excellency Tigris went to the King's Forest to meet with Orion and Alaire, but I don't know what the effect will be."

"The effect? ​​It's better than nothing." The Lake Fairy took Ryan's arm, leaned on Ryan's shoulder, kissed the face of her divinely chosen champion, and let her smooth and dazzling blond hair fall from the man's shoulders: " Hundreds of years ago, Fenubar, who was not the Phoenix King at the time, arrived in Athel Loren and met with Orion. Fenubar strongly advocated that Eislay and Asul merge again, at least to open trade and exchanges. , but Orion and Alaire always refused, and the final result was still nothing... This should be related to the hunting god Kunos."

"Kunos, the Hunting God?"

"Kunos, the God of Hunting, is one of the elven god-kings. There are three god-kings in the elves, namely Asuryan, the Lord of the Phoenix, Kane, the God of Blood Hands, and Kunos, the Hunting God. Asuryan is Asur. The god-king of the world, Kane is the god-king of Druchi, Kunos is the god-king of Islay, Orion and Alaire are both the incarnations of Kunos in the mortal world, and Kunos and Aisha are husband and wife. , Aisha is my mother." The fairy in the lake said casually: "Kunos is technically my father, but I once shared part of my divine power with him to bless a high elf prince, that is Shadow King Ali Si, I gave Aris my bow of the moon, and Kunos gave Aris powerful hunting skills and blessings."

"Kunos doesn't want the wood elves and high elves to merge. He just wants to close the door and be his own god-king. Therefore, the only choice is Aisha's divine choice, the eternal queen of the high elves, 'Bright Light' Alarielle and The wood elves have the lowest level of communication." The soft parts of the lake fairy squeezed on Ryan's arm and gently pressed and bounced: "So don't put your hope in Teclis. He can win over Araloth, plus the prophetess Li It’s amazing.”

"All right."

After exercising for an hour, Sulia slightly mastered the power of the sword of Lyonnais and the performance of her plate armor. When the female knight tried to use combat skills, she immediately released a very powerful force and even planted the fairy in the lake. She accidentally chopped down a lot of herbs, so she had to stop halfway to apologize to the Lake Fairy, who smiled and forgave her.

In the evening, the three people's activity area was moved to the study room. The three of them played military chess together for a while. The fairy in the lake also gave Sulia marriage and childbirth guidance, teaching Sulia how to give birth to a healthy baby with Ryan. It wasn't until the time was almost up that the Fairy in the Lake, with a strange smile on her face, left space for Ryan and Sulia to sleep in.

When newlyweds go on their honeymoon, they always have endless things to say and do. They go on like this for several days. What makes Sulia most embarrassed is that the fairy in the lake always plays "relay" with her. In a game, the female knight is usually in charge of the first half. After the intermission, the Lake Fairy will possess the female knight and take charge of the second half.

Sulia was a devout believer in the Lake Fairy. Although she was very shy and always felt sorry for Ryan, the female knight still felt that this period was the happiest day in her life. Her beloved husband and revered goddess were with her. It’s a double joy to be around.

In fact, it's not bad for three people to be together like this, the female knight secretly thought more than once.

But is the lady willing?


At the same time, in the old world, the forests of Athel Loren.

"Dong~dong~dong~dong~" A high elf army lined up neatly and marched soundly through the forest.

Towering ancient giant trees cover the entire sky, and as far as the eye can see there is only shade and greenery. Birds are singing in the forest, reindeer shuttle between the woodlands, and occasionally you can see fish swimming happily in a clear spring. The tail was swaying, and the huge guiding stones contained rich magic power. The road in the forest was very narrow, and it was almost impossible to see the distance. The high elf army could only advance slowly under the leadership of Alaros and Liv.

"...Lord Tigris, I have a very strange feeling. In this place, the wind of magic has been seriously deflected. This may explain why this forest was once so favored by the first Eternal Queen, and there are many elves. My compatriots are no longer willing to leave." Zoltan, the magic swordsman of Hoth, said beside the Supreme Mage Teclis: "But I still feel... not used to it."

Teclis' face remained expressionless, feeling the wind of magic.

Generally speaking, the Maelstrom builds the magic network. Before Caledor-Dragon Tamer established the Maelstrom, all spellcasters in the world directly used the wind of chaos to cast spells. After the Maelstrom was established, the spellcasters Magic has been weakened, and they can only cast spells using the magical winds filtered and tempered by the Maelstrom.

The Chaos Daemons were weakened, making it difficult for them to easily enter the Material World, but so were the powers and magic of mortals.

In Athel Loren, Teclis felt a different wind of magic.

Another Leyline? The magic network built by the forest itself?

This wind of magic is purer and full of vitality. As soon as the Supreme Mage tried to contact it, he immediately understood that the wood elves did not rely on the Maelstrom Magic Network to cast spells at all. They relied on the independent magic network established by the Oak of Time. Net to cast spells.

Too independent, these compatriots are really too independent. The Supreme Mage's face was expressionless, but his heart shrank severely. His confidence in convincing the wood elves was less than two points.

Seeing that Teclis didn't speak, the magic swordsman of Hoth was asking for trouble. His admiration and respect for Teclis made Zoltan unlikely to question or question the supreme mage. The magic swordsman had to focus on the lush Within the forest.

At this time, Zoltan noticed something strange.

As they walked further into the forest, what they saw in front of the high elves was not a more lush deep forest and a prosperous wood elf settlement. Instead, they saw withered and dead trees, a barren wilderness and traces of decay. The earth was burning, and the forest was burning. The spirit was crying. In the rain, all Zoltan could see was decay and death. The Hoth Demonic Swordsman was shocked and asked subconsciously: "What...what is going on?!"

The brave Araloth held a spear in his hand and carried a big bow behind his back. He led a small number of wood elf woodland guards and woodland cavalry to lead Teclis and his army. After hearing Zoltan's words, Araloth simply replied: "This is Anmere, the land of withering."

"The Land of Withering?" Teclis also discovered this abnormality.

"Well, the Land of Withering, Lord Tigris, there are ten territories in Eisley in total. Starting from Winford, we must pass through the Land of Withering and the Starlight Forge to reach the King's Forest." Aralos looked at the desperate man in despair. In the withered and corrupted forest, he pulled out his arrow and shot a squirming, bloated pustule directly from a dead giant tree.

This pustule fell from the giant tree, and the outer wrinkled skin was penetrated by bows and arrows, spraying out thick yellow slurry. A monster that looked like a human and an animal appeared inside. When it saw the crowd, it let out a shrill howl. , the monster covered with hair and rotten skin rushed directly towards the group of people.

"Hey~" Aralos added another arrow, and the arrow shining with the power of sparks hit the monster's throat. The monster fell down with a cry, and then rotted into a puddle of pus.

"What is this?" Teclis frowned.

"Mutated beastmen, the product of being deeply infected by the corrupted forest spirit." Alaros shook his head in pain: "Hundreds of years ago, the beast king 'Shadow Evil' Morgul of the beastman sanctuary attacked Athel Loren. forest, and corrupted Cordile, one of the three ancient tree men. The wood elves struggled to kill Morgul in the Anmir Territory, but after Morgul died, its filthy blood and dirty soul almost corrupted it. After half of Anmere, the once prosperous Anmere can only wither in despair. Every year, the number of crazy tree spirits and dead trees increases, and the war between us and the beastmen will continue forever."

What's more terrible, Araloth didn't say, is that Morgul can be resurrected indefinitely.

"Is there no way to purify it?" Teclis knew how powerful the corruption of Chaos was. He squatted down and inspected the traces of severe corruption on the land: "A big spell or ritual ceremony or something?"

"There is no way, there is no way." The prophetess Liv was equally sad: "Queen Alaire has looked for many ways, but they are all in vain. Morgul is a terrifying existence blessed by the evil god, and the corruption it leaves behind is extremely difficult to remove. , Queen Alaire once planned to devour Morgul and merge with it to prevent corruption when she was desperate. Fortunately, the lords united to stop it."

"...Then what do you do now?" Teclis shook his head. The souls of elves are an excellent delicacy for the evil god of chaos. The beastmen are the sons of chaos. They are driven by the will of chaos. Everything they do is To fulfill the wishes of the dark gods.

The high elf armies felt uncomfortable with the serious corruption and withering here, and the team of hundreds of people quickened their pace.

"Corruption spreads, and no one is immune, so each Islay territory sends its own army. We have to clean up the beastman tribe here almost every year. The endless war makes us feel painful, and it is also a race against time. If we cannot continue to eliminate the corruption and reproduction caused by the beastmen, then one day, the corruption of Anmir will spread to the entire Athel Loren." Araloth said to Tigris: "Supreme Mage, may I ask... …”

"Huh?" Teclis knew that Aralos had something to say.

"Is there anything Lilith can do?" Aralos's eyes flashed: "Can you convey to Lilith for Eislay's request for help and invite her to come to the King's Forest as a guest? We will sweep the couch to welcome her."

"I don't know, but since the incarnation of Kunos, Queen Alaire, doesn't have much to do." Teclis didn't want to continue this question, and the Supreme Mage motioned the team to move on: "I think Lilith may not have anything to do either. You should turn to the Phoenix Lord (Asuryan) or Aisha for help."

"Oh, oh, okay, I think so." Araros was a little disappointed when he saw that Teclis was unwilling to let go. Ever since he met Lilith that day, Araros is still haunted and thinking about her.

After walking for a while, there was a shaking sound from the ground, howls one after another, evil calls resounded through the forest, and horns full of filth sounded in Anmere.

"It's the Beastmen! The Beastmen Warband!" The prophetess Liv was the first to feel the warning. She shouted loudly: "Get ready to fight! Islay's soldiers!"

"Prepare for battle! Azul!"

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