The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 362, The Emperor’s Melancholy (Second update!)

PS: Second update! Please vote!

This group of people is naturally the Blood Ax mercenary group that went on a mission with Ryan and Theresa in Nord.

Boris is a very common name in the empire. From the nobles to the common people, there are many people named Boris. For example, there are several typical names in the empire, such as "Muller", "Thomas", "Miller" and "K." "Louse" and so on, if these names are called in the village, there may be dozens of people responding.

Boris is also such a name. In history, emperors of the empire were all named Boris. It is very common for the leader of the Blood Ax Mercenary Group, Boris, and the White Wolf Elector Boris Todbringer to have the same name.

Upon seeing this, Ryan started chatting with Boris. As time passed, the Blood Ax Mercenary Group knew that Ryan's status was not what it used to be. They were already respectful when talking to him, and they didn't even dare to look at him.

The current situation of the Blood Ax Mercenary Group is not very good.

After a series of events six years ago, the Blood Ax Mercenary Group suffered heavy losses. There were only a dozen people left in the original mercenary group of dozens. In addition, they were deceived by the great alchemist Galt. In a desperate situation.

In the end, it was Emilia who "sold herself" to Ryan and helped them get through the difficulties.

After that, the Blood Ax Mercenary Group worked for Galt twice and made a little money. The group leader Boris, who was recovering from his injuries in Winter City, also sold the headquarters of Winter City and chose to come to the south of the empire. In Boris's view, there are more opportunities here and the residents are wealthier. Maybe the Blood Ax Mercenary Group, which has suffered serious blood loss, can get some opportunities.

It took two or three years for Boris and Wilt to rebuild the Blood Ax Mercenary Group and restore it to a size of about forty people. Relying on their relationship with the Royal Wizarding Academy of the Empire, this mercenary group is now mainly in the Empire. Restrain activities and make a living by taking on tasks.

The southern part of the empire is rich and densely populated, so both residents and nobles here like to use mercenaries or find churches to come forward to solve security problems outside the city. At first, the Blood Ax Mercenary Group relied on Galt's relationship to take a few orders. mission, and made some money. However, as Galt's strength increased by leaps and bounds, he no longer valued Boris and his group. The Blood Ax mercenary group evolved into accepting employment from the nobles in Rickland to fight against bandits and some small groups. tribe of beastmen.

"Do you know Ryan and this group of mercenaries?" Emperor Karl-Franz asked Sulia.

"Yes, Ryan set out from the Nordic capital six years ago to hunt down the fallen hunter Belt. He acted with the Gloria witch Miss Theresa. At that time, Miss Theresa hired the Blood Ax mercenary group." Female Knight Luo Luo introduced it generously, and she gave a brief introduction very politely.

Recently, Rick led an expedition knight named Kalad. This expedition knight chanted the name of the Lake God and started his Holy Grail expedition from Rick's territory. He was dressed in bright clothes and angry horses, holding the blessing of the Lake God. His divine sword "Durandale", riding the pure-blood elf war horse "Galipa", went around asking the residents of Reikland where there was evil.

In one month, Kalad killed two cyclops, five trolls, one beastman and beast king, one beastman warband, one night goblin shaman, one zombie dragon on the gray mountains, and one mad whispering beast. There was a four-armed bull demon in the Rickward Forest, and then the expedition knight floated south with a large bag of bounty gold coins, leaving only his legend in the Rickland.

"Your Excellency Kalad is a close friend of Ryan and me. He started his Holy Grail expedition after attending our wedding." Sulia said politely, she smiled at the emperor: "I can hear the news from him , I am very happy that he has always been a loyal believer in women."

"Your Excellency Kalad is really a brave and resolute man. After hearing about his deeds, I wanted to meet him, but Lord Kalad declined me and he went to the southwest." Karl-Franz was a little regretful.

The personal bravery of the Brittanian knights is too strong, as is Ryan, and so is Kalad. The Holy Grail knights can often solve problems alone in small wars. Even in large wars, with or without their leadership, the knights The combat effectiveness they displayed is also at two levels.

As we all know, the charge power of a knight group often depends on the first knight to lead the charge. As long as the first knight in the lance formation is strong enough and brave enough, the knights behind will naturally dare to follow him fearlessly. charge together from behind.

(8 said, let’s go!)

There are not many such strong men in the Empire, and Emperor Karl-Franz can especially feel this when he often leads the charge. This is also an important reason why the Empire's knights are not as powerful as the Knights of the Kingdom of Britannia.

After chatting with Boris for a while, Ryan asked casually: "Captain Boris, are you planning to take over the work now? Isn't it almost the Winter Veil Festival?"

"Hey, it's really unlucky to say it. Mr. Ryan, let me tell you that the mercenary group is in some difficulties right now." The mercenary leader sighed: "Recently, Rick brought an expedition knight named Kalad. There were many tasks, and they were ridiculously powerful. A lot of the work of the mercenaries was done by him, which made us strapped for funds. We had to decide to do one more before the Winter Veil Festival, but as a result, we encountered these profiteers who were crazy about lowering the price."

After hearing this, Ryan laughed secretly. People like the Expeditionary Knights are indeed very disruptive to the market order, because the Expeditionary Knights are extremely powerful. They accept various bounties and notices not to make money, but to ensure that they have enough living expenses during the Holy Grail expedition.

To put it bluntly, even if the expedition knights could eat, how much would it cost to live and repair their equipment?

Suffering is the suffering of mercenaries. Kalad left after Rick led a circle. The mercenaries suffered. The nobles and businessmen took the opportunity to lower prices crazily. There were fewer tasks on the market. The buyer's market turned into a seller's market. The blood The Ax Mercenary Group was forced to come out to take over the mission. According to the mercenary leader, they couldn't survive this Winter Veil Festival.

It's a bit miserable, Ryan thought. He thought that the Blood Ax Mercenary Group was the sequelae of Theresa's trap. He wanted to provide some help within his ability, but he thought that this was in the Empire, not Britannia. , could only shake his head with a wry smile: "I have something to do and I have to leave first. Let's see you again if we have the chance."

"It's okay, Mr. Ryan, just go about your business." Captain Boris, of course, noticed the Rick Guards and the Emperor behind him, and nodded quickly: "It's okay."

Coming out of the mercenary guild, Emperor Karl-Franz said with great interest: "You actually know that group of mercenaries. In Rickland, there may be a thousand such mercenary groups. You just came to lead them." Reikland happened to meet them, it was really a blessing from the goddess of luck.”

"No, in fact this mercenary group was extremely unlucky when they met Theresa and I." Ryan shook his head repeatedly: "When we were hunting down the fallen hunters, my partner Theresa, the witch of Gloria, hired them, and the result was that They suffered a terrible disaster, and the entire mercenary group ended up with only a dozen people dead."

"Luck is sometimes a disaster. If you can't bear it but do it reluctantly, the precious opportunity may be a call for destruction." Emperor Karl-Franz paused, and he looked at the gloomy sky.

"..." Both Ryan and Sulia felt that there was something in the emperor's words.

"Tell me, Ryan, from a human perspective, is the arrival of Lord Teclis a valuable opportunity for the empire, or is it a terrible disaster?"


Some people may think the second update is a bit short. I guarantee this is your imagination. In fact, this update is very informative and substantial (I’m sure).

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