The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 364, Brunswick, the capital of the empire

After traveling along the Reik River for five days, a group of people gradually approached the imperial capital, Braunschweig.

It was already the end of November, and the weather was already very cold. The water volume of the Rick River began to decrease. The higher you go upstream, the dirtier the river water becomes. There are always countless merchant ships, ferries, and fishing boats in the river. This river It is the lifeline of the empire. It connects the river transportation of half of the empire. The river water helps the people of the empire transport goods and catch fish and shrimps.

Looking at the turbid and rancid river water, as well as the garbage washed up the river, Teclis frowned. He rode a pure-blooded elf war horse and rode alongside the emperor. The high elf army and the imperial army followed behind. Facing the chaos and filth in the human territory, many high elves couldn't help showing contempt.

Compared with the castles and vast wilderness of Britannia, the Empire seems dirtier. Many villages and cities are like patched clothes, which makes the high elves who like aesthetics feel uncomfortable.

"Many people are heading upstream." Teclis said to Emperor Karl-Franz.

In addition to the army, the long queue was also full of people. They lined up in a long black and gray dragon and walked straight towards the upper reaches of the Reik River. Obviously, they had the same destination as the emperor and the supreme mage. , that is the upper class capital.

"The empire faces too many threats, including greenskins and goblin tribes in the mountains, bandits and beastmen in the forest, excessive taxes from some lords and nobles, and wars in the north." Emperor Karl-Franz Shen Sheng said: "Some villages can survive the winter, and some cannot... People always hope to go to the capital to find opportunities, a job, or relief food."

"Can the war in the north affect this place?" Teclis looked at the emperor with his dead fish eyes.

"A year ago, King Egil of Skarins led the tribe south to raid Nord. It was not until Hackendorf that King Harald Frank of Nord led an army to stop the Skarins tribe. ." The emperor said to the Supreme Mage: "Despite this, thousands of Nords have been displaced, and many people choose to come to the south to see if they can find a job."

"..." Teclis had many thoughts in his mind, but on the surface he remained silent and nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Hundreds of knights with neat looks, silver helmets, white crowns and red feathers are the imperial guard knights. Although they are relatively young (the history of the Knights only began after the savior Ludwig abdicated), This knighthood has been one of the most powerful knighthoods in the empire since its establishment. Many people think that their strength is second only to the Griffin Knights. Some people think that the strength of the Rick Guards can be compared with the Griffin Knights.

Seeing that Teclis was not going to speak, the emperor continued: "But now, the pressure in the north is much less. Aegir is dead. Norsca, which was finally unified, is divided again. Countless tribes have risen and hastily moved south without leadership. , were completely annihilated by the troops led by Heilberg and the Nord troops. We eliminated tens of thousands of barbarians in this battle, and these barbarians will have to stop for a while."

"It won't last long. Any victory against Chaos is temporary." Teclis said unceremoniously: "Tens of thousands of people are indeed a big loss for the northern barbarians, but with the blessing of the evil god, they can finally win the battle." In almost five years, they can recover.”

"Then we have gained at least five years." The emperor still had a smile on his face: "Five years is not a short time for humans."

Thinking of the reproductive capacity of human beings and the fact that twenty years is one generation, Teclis did not deny this concept. Many elf scholars studied why humans rose after the Longbeard War, and the big conclusion is that they are too fertile!

After a while, the capital of the empire was in sight.

Braunschweig, the capital of the empire and the first city in the human kingdom, rises from the Rickwold Forest. With a city wall more than 20 meters high, the city covers an area of ​​40 square kilometers. This is a miracle city of mankind. From the beginning of the establishment of the empire until now, it has always stood firmly at the heart of the empire. Although this city has not always been the capital of the empire, there is no doubt that it has always been a symbol of the empire, and its existence is like a god. of blessing.

The tall city walls are covered with artillery and patrolling troops. The buildings within the city walls have long exceeded the height of the city walls. During the two thousand years of development, every inch of open space within Brunswick has been filled with buildings. When the land was When they were used up, the residents began to be forced to build higher buildings until they exceeded the height of the city wall.

"Braunschweig used to be called Rickdorf. It was the place where Emperor Charlemagne was born and grew up. This city has a permanent population of 200,000, and it is said that the floating population is close to one million." Ryan looked towards Sulia and Sylvia Via introduced, and by the way repeated the introduction to Veronica and Theresa: "In the history of the empire, Brunswick has faced invasions from powerful enemies many times, such as the famous green-skinned warlord Iron Claw'Gobard once attacked the city of Braunschweig and killed the emperor at the time. In the end, he failed. The famous vampire Vlad von Carstein also forced the city into desperation. Manfred, who I fought against, also came to the city of Braunschweig, but in the end he was defeated."

On the towering city wall, the imperial crown coat of arms, the golden double-headed eagle coat of arms symbolizing the empire, and the golden griffon Carl-Franz family coat of arms holding a war hammer appeared on both sides of the city gate. Although the city gate was wide, there was still a crowd at the door. Dozens of carriages and nearly a thousand people arrived, all waiting to enter the city.

As the group of people approached the city gate, the Rick Guards began to carry out their mission. These knights galloped wildly, and the thunderous sound of horse hooves sounded.

"Make way for the emperor!"

"Make way for the Karl Franz!"

"Make way for the emperor!!!"

"Dong dong dong dong~" The city gate opened wide, and all the residents moved to both sides of the road, allowing the large group of people to quickly enter the city.

Seeing the appearance of the high elf army, the human residents were shocked and even a little afraid.

No one paid attention to the feelings of the civilians. Under the protection of Reik's guards, Teclis and Emperor Karl-Franz took the lead and entered the city first.

Then came Lane and others.

The moment Ryan and the others entered the city, a gloomy and dark atmosphere completely enveloped them.

The sun completely disappeared behind the tall houses and city walls. The sudden change in light made Ryan feel very uncomfortable. After a moment of adjusting his vision, what he saw was a dirty and chaotic street.

Both sides of the street were filled with workers, vendors, and beggars. Most of them were dressed in simple or even dirty clothes. Facing the emperor's personal visit, no matter what the civilians thought, most of them bowed down respectfully and made way for the group of people.

There was a stench in the city, obviously due to the impact of dumped domestic garbage. Ryan tried to look around and saw hundreds of heads. The streets were much more crowded than expected. , even some corners were crowded with people, and there were sheets of clothes hanging to dry in the dirty alleys everywhere. There were men, women, old and young. While people retreated from the streets, they rushed to poke their heads out to watch the emperor. and the heroic appearance of the army, as well as the rarely seen high elves.

There are small rivers everywhere in the city, and many artificially dug small rivers can be seen everywhere. These rivers are used by residents to collect water, do laundry, and even serve as sewers. Tall buildings occupied all of Ryan's field of vision, and he found that he could hardly see the sky. , because the smoke from every household covered the sky, and the voices and noise drowned his hearing.

This is Braunschweig, the capital of the empire, a great and glorious city, but also a city surrounded by slums and muddy ponds. The buildings are messy, damp and dirty, full of bad habits and order, and it welcomes you cruelly and gently. A city for everyone here.

No other city can better express the essence of human beings, noble and base, kind and sinister, wise and stupid, virtue and sin intertwined. This is Braunschweig, the capital of the Empire, where Charlemagne was born.

After passing through more than a dozen streets, the Imperial Palace appeared in front of a group of people.

On the dome of the fifty-meter-high golden palace hall is a statue of a golden gryphon holding a war hammer, which is the coat of arms of the Franz family. Solid and great granite walls rise from the ground, with marble floors and columns inlaid with silver. The tallest and most sacred building in Braunschweig, Emperor Leopold presided over further additions to the Imperial Palace since the abdication of Ludwig the Savior.

The golden griffon family coat of arms is the family coat of arms of the savior Ludwig, and the gryphon holding a war hammer represents the family's ownership of the imperial throne. In such a sacred place, mortals seem quite small in front of the tall palace, at least Sulia , Veronica, and Teresa all felt shocked.

Only the high elves headed by Teclis remained expressionless. To the high elves, human buildings were mediocre, but to Ryan, which country in the west had he not been to? The throne room of Holy Terra was infinitely higher than the Imperial Palace, and it was hard for him to be shocked by this.

However, there is still respect, because the palace is surrounded by statues of sacrificed heroes. Since the establishment of the empire, endless wars have always surrounded this great country in the flames of war. Countless human heroes have emerged under the countless sacrifices. , their names will be sung by the world until the end of the world.

It is these valuable sacrifices that allow the mortal world to survive under the threats of chaos, greenskins, and undead.

"Lord Tigris, Lord Lane, it will take some time for us to convene the parliament... Yes, the electors can be teleported directly to the capital through magic, but they still need to resolve the affairs in the territory first... or at least handle it until they can. The extent of your escape." Karl Franz said to Tigris and Lane: "You need to wait here for a few days, it won't be too long. During this time, you can wander around the city. My soldiers will Guarantee your safety, or in other words, my soldiers will ensure the safety of civilians in front of you."

"What places can't you go?" Ryan asked deliberately.

"Haha, there are many forbidden books and magic books sealed in the basement of the palace, but these are not a problem for you and Lord Tigris. There are many secret instruments under the cathedral of the Church of Justice. You must visit if you want to Discuss with Archbishop Vekmar, and there are many powerful monsters sealed inside the Imperial Royal Wizarding Academy." Emperor Karl-Franz nodded: "It is not that these cannot be visited, but before you and Lord Tigris visit, Please inform the parties involved so that they can be adequately prepared.”

The secrets of the Empire were no secrets at all to Teclis, for many of the forbidden books and seals were completed under Teclis's auspices.

Ryan thought that this was the benefit of strong legitimacy. For Emperor Karl, who had just obtained the throne, his acquisition of the imperial throne was official and legal, so he was not afraid of Tigris and Ryan visiting everywhere: "I heard that the Royal Zoo Are there many rare and exotic animals inside?”

"Yes, if Lord Lane wants to visit, we can arrange it later." Emperor Karl-Franz nodded and said generously.

"Let's rest first." Tigris shook his head. He was not very interested in these things: "Tomorrow, Ryan, Miss Trovik, Ms. Bernadotte and I will go to visit the Royal Wizarding Academy... His Majesty the Emperor, Who is the current chief wizard?"

"The current chief wizard is Cernus Gehrman, who is also the supreme dean of the Royal Wizarding Academy and the dean of the Flame Academy. However, I would rather introduce to you Belshazer Galt and Odo. And Greg Mattak." The emperor dismounted and the attendants came up. He continued: "You will live in the Royal Hotel next to the palace. I have arranged a room for you."

"Lord Tigris, Lord Lane, please follow me." An imperial general stepped forward: "I am Heinrich Frings, you can call me Frings."

Two hours later, the Imperial Royal Hotel.

In the luxuriously decorated suite, the bathroom door was opened. Sulia, whose face was flushed and her whole body was so weak that she couldn't walk, was taken out of the bathroom by Ryan. The female knight snuggled powerlessly in her husband's arms, her long golden curly hair swept away. Arriving on the high-end carpet, Lidya Su muttered to herself absentmindedly: "Lian~ You, you are bad~"

"My lady, you are so beautiful." Ryan kissed his wife lightly on the lips. He carried the female knight out of the bathroom like a piece of flawless and fragile jade.

He likes that Sulia is like this. Only when two people get along in private, the noble female knight will show an expression in front of Ryan. This expression is very special. Ryan likes this expression of the female knight very much, because it is sweet. A newlywed wife should have.

The hotel where the Lanes live is the most advanced "Noble Deluxe Suite" with all facilities available.

"Obviously you are too bad." Sulia barely came back to her senses. Before the female knight could say anything more, she saw a beautiful figure sitting on the white bed from the corner of her eye. Her long golden hair covered the entire bed. :"Oh no!"

Lidya Su was so embarrassed that she almost fainted.

The Lady of the Lake was wearing a pink corduroy strapless evening dress and was sitting on the soft big bed in the room. She had a suspicious flush on her face, shaking her beautiful legs a little unnaturally, and said in a sour tone.

"Ryan, you seem to be having a good time lately?"

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