The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 368, small meeting before the conference

In the next few days, the electors arrived in Brunswick one after another. Some of them were not interested in the high elves, and some even hoped that all the high elves would die. However, the brand of Teclis was still very popular in the old world. It was very tough. Regardless of whether the electors liked the Supreme Mage or not, they were all invited to attend this Imperial Council.

With two days to go before the Imperial Diet, Emperor Karl-Franz decided to gather his die-hard supporters for a small meeting.

Present at the meeting were the Emperor himself, Flag Officer Ludwig Schwartzhammer, Marshal Ricker Kurt Heilberg, Archbishop of the Church of Justice "The Resolute" Vekmar, and the Grand Duke of Iverland concurrently serving as Tosca Elector Umberto Corleone, Grand Duke of Osterland and Elector Wolfen Valmil von Zhukov, and the great alchemist Belshazer Geert.

These people are all die-hard supporters of Karl Franz. Among them, Elector Umberto has a deep relationship with the emperor's family, and Elector Wamir has an even closer relationship with the emperor - he turned out to be a bull knight in the Osterland. After the original elector family became extinct, the former emperor Luitbold appointed Varmir as the Grand Duke of Osterland and the new elector of Wolfen.

In Emperor Karl-Franz's final narrow victory over Boris Todbringer, it was the unremitting efforts of Elector Wamir that persuaded the other three electors to switch their votes, which allowed Emperor Karl to narrowly win. .

The iron triangle of the imperial family is the emperor, Marshal Rick, and the royal chief grand wizard. However, as has always happened, Emperor Karl-Franz respects the current royal chief grand wizard Sernus Gehrman more. Instead of relying on others, he preferred to trust the great alchemist Belshazer Gelt who was promoted by him.

Not only was Baelshazer-Gelt powerful in magic, outstanding in strength, and tightly logical, but in the eyes of the emperor, the most valuable thing about the great alchemist was loyalty.

Loyalty is good. The emperor himself was troubled all day long by the endless internal struggles with his army and the imperial court. Karl-Franz understood deeply that everyone had their own demands and interests, especially the nobles. They are loyal subjects of the empire but are also children of different families. The nobles are always seeking more land and promotions. The mages only think about their own experiments and finding ways to get more funds. Even the major The patriarchs of the church all had the desire to preach and build more temples.

As the emperor of the empire, listening to the opinions of various factions, arbitrating various disputes, and balancing the major forces have always taken a lot of effort from Karl Franz. He knew why some materials and military expenditures were lost during transportation, and why some supplies were "lost" Disappear", but there is nothing he can do. He can only ensure that there will be no problems in large quantities, which is already very remarkable.

But none of these can be seen in Galt. He always seems to only consider the emperor and mankind. Apart from the desire that all mages have to become the royal chief wizard and improve their strength, Galt has only loyalty. He even compiled a golden booklet that was circulated and studied by everyone in the Alchemy Academy.

I don’t know since when, doing morning classes, praying, and reciting holy words have become the daily routine of the Alchemy Academy. The alchemists shouted "for the emperor" and "for the holy Terra" louder than the other. Every time the emperor I felt very comfortable listening to it.


The emperor looked at the entire imperial court, and after much deliberation, he still felt that Geert was the most loyal.

The meaning of "holy Terra" The emperor consulted ancient books and learned that this sentence meant "holy earth" in ancient times. The emperor had no grudge in his heart. Isn't he the heir to all the sacred heritage of Charlemagne from the mountains to the sea?

People in a small circle gathered together, eating and discussing the issues of Teclis.

Teclis came to the empire with two major suggestions and one small, incidental suggestion.

The palace is majestic and majestic. Since Emperor Leopold, the Franz-Friedrich family has lived here. The wooden floors paved with fine animal skins are the ingenious skills of the palace craftsmen. The workmanship in the room will make every room unique. The corners are all luxuriously decorated, and the black furniture has golden gilt patterns, which are all inlaid with real gold.

There are many delicacies from the old world on the table, including pepper stewed beef soup from Iverland, Lake God cheese from the Principality of Carcassonne in Brittany, roasted bear paws from Kislev and high elves. The blueberry jam cake and the honey cinnamon fine wheat bread carefully prepared by the Muttling halfling chef, and of course the fresh vegetables provided by the rich farm estates near Brunswick are indispensable.

The drink is "cat poop coffee" from the Kingdom of Tyrell. A small can of this coffee costs one hundred gold marks.

"His Excellency Tigris brought two proposals. The first is that the empire can be united. Ludwig, the savior, taught us that a united empire is far stronger than a divided empire." Karl-Franz First of all, he said: "Now that Egil is dead, Norsca's combat effectiveness is not as good as before. We need to concentrate our efforts to help the Hawk Territory deal with the threats from the central mountains and the beastman tribe in the Drakwald Forest."

The emperor's implication was to gather the power of the electors and let him direct them.

"Heresy must be purged." This is the opinion of Archbishop Vekmar: "All evil must be purified by fire."

"The army needs time to rest, my majesty." Field Marshal Curt Heilberg raised objections: "We just defeated the barbarians."

"Hawk Territory really needs help." This is the opinion of the Grand Duke of Osterland and Elector of Wolfen, Wamir. Osterland is right next to Hawke Territory. In history, the two provinces often fought side by side. .

"...I think we need to pay more attention to the movements of the Blackfire Pass, Karl, those damn greenskins may come back at any time." Elector Umberto put forward a different opinion.

The emperor's smile faltered upon hearing this.

Although both Varmil and Umberto were his supporters, the electors still only thought about their own interests. Why did no one mention Drakwald? Because the electors have subconsciously forgotten that area, the ownership of that place belongs to Boris Todbringer. If there is no benefit, the electors will not send troops.

"Gelt, what do you mean?" the emperor had no choice but to ask the great alchemist.

"My Majesty, now is not the time to discuss sending troops." The great alchemist pondered for a while and continued: "The problem in the Central Mountains has been going on for thousands of years. In history, the empire has sent troops many times but failed to regain the Brass Fortress. Black Fire At the pass, there is no news from the dwarves that the greenskins are making any big moves. At this time, we should not rush to form a coalition. On the contrary, we should hold a military parade in the imperial capital and let all the imperial provinces send people to participate."

The emperor's eyes lit up after hearing this, yes, a military parade! This is a method acceptable to all electors. At the same time, the military parade will help him centralize power. Compared with the emperor's eagerness to form a coalition to go out, this idea is better.

"Then let's do it."

Now that the first thing has been discussed, let’s start discussing the second thing.

"Your Excellency Teclis proposed that humans, elves, and dwarves form a new alliance called the Parliament of Light." The emperor continued: "Once the Eternal Chosen really goes south, the elves, dwarves, and humans will unite, fight side by side, and unite. Follow the instructions."

The real drama is coming. This opinion of Teclis is exactly what he came to the old world for.

Form a cross-race alliance of order and prepare to welcome the arrival of the Eternal Chosen God of Chaos!

"No! Never! The human order will never allow aliens to interfere!" The first to express his stance was "The Fortitude" Vicmar, who said angrily: "Emperor Charlemagne is watching us! We will never allow the empire's The internal affairs are interfered by the elves!"

"The elves will not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire. What Lord Teclis hopes is that we can form an alliance to fight against the threat of Chaos." The emperor himself emphasized.

Who knows, this suggestion that moved the emperor was ignored by everyone. Elector Umberto muttered something, but no one understood what he said.

Flag Officer Ludwig never liked to talk much, and Heilberg didn't agree either.

"The Parliament of Light? Then who will be the speaker?" Marshal Rick's long beard trembled under the candlelight and the goose-yellow magic lamp: "If the elves are the speakers, then should we listen to the elves or should we listen to them? Do you listen to your majesty? If the elves ask us to die and take care of the queen, will we listen or not? If a human becomes the speaker, will Pointy Ears accept it when we need the sacrifice of the elves or the queen?"

"Your Excellency Teclis is not that kind of person..." The emperor was still defending, and Helberg said tit for tat: "But Teclis cannot represent the elves! He is not the Phoenix King! So what if he is the Phoenix King? There are still high elves Eternal Queen!”

This sentence went straight to the point, and everyone present nodded. Even Emperor Karl had to admit that Heilberg was right.

"I think it's hard for me to accept the situation of fighting together with the elves. I mean, we can form an alliance with the elves to fight together, but you said we need to mix... I think I can't accept it either." Valmir chose The emperor muttered: "My soldiers will not accept it either."

"Who's more stubborn, an Ostland or a dwarf? I think it's the dwarf, because dwarves always live longer."

——Empire Joke

The people of the province of Osterland are notoriously stubborn and vindictive, but also famously patriotic and strong. The red bull flag has guarded the north for mankind for 2,500 years. After Charlemagne established his empire, Previously, this flag had protected the Old World from the invasion of Chaos from the north.

For two thousand and five hundred years, the people of Oster have always stood firm, and the red bull flag has spanned endless years. The empire has been divided, there have been three emperors standing side by side, and there have been endless civil wars. But on this black and white coat of arms, The red bull flag always stands in the north of the empire. This is a hymn of loyalty.

The will of the Elector Varmir represents the will of the people in the north of the empire, which makes the emperor feel anxious. He feels that he takes many things for granted. In the south of the empire, which is more enlightened, more civilized and richer, the people of the empire may be willing to accept the elves. Participate in the war, but in the north of the empire, the imperial people have been fighting the barbarians for thousands of years. The northerners have a bad temper and are very repulsive to outsiders.

"We need a covenant, but this is not for humans, elves, and dwarves, but for your majesty, Earl Lane, and Lord Teclis." At this time, the great alchemist Galt suddenly said, using the most sincere words Expressing his views with a polite attitude: "Your Excellency Teclis has a very deep connection with the empire. Everyone knows this, but you have ignored some important factors."

"What advice does my loyal great alchemist have?" the emperor said with a smile.

"This important factor is Lion Malcador, Earl of Glamorgan. You all know that the main reason why Tigris arrived in the Old World was not to form a parliament of light, but to attend Earl Ryan's wedding." Galt He said in his strange voice full of metal friction: "This shows that Earl Lane's status in the heart of Lord Teclis is even higher than that of the empire."

"Ryan is a capable person who can kill the red-eyed Egil Stirbjorn, but he obviously has more secrets." The emperor said calmly: "You should all know about the wedding. Right? Ryan has seven brothers, real brothers."

"These seven brothers are all demigods." Elector Umberto whispered: "Although we have no way of knowing the strength of these seven demigods, since the brothers are all demigods, then Earl Lane will , is definitely a demigod! Even a true god!"

"His biological father must be a true god who left his children to be raised by mortals." Archbishop Vicmar also said: "And his biological father is definitely not an evil god. This can still be trusted."

There are strong demigods, and there are relatively weak ones. It’s hard to say the specific strength, as it varies from person to person, but it is recognized by everyone that Ryan will be an extremely powerful demigod in the future. Ryan has made many achievements since his debut. , his future prospects are also a tacit secret among everyone.

The guests at the wedding aroused speculation from many forces, but people rarely discussed it. There is a true god in this world. Talking nonsense can easily be discovered by the gods and lead to divine punishment.

"The future of Earl Lane is more than that. How many years did it take for him to rise to become the Holy Domain? Don't forget, he is just thirty years old this year, Tigris is betting on him, and both parties have obviously already Alliance, then our empire will go with the flow and also alliance with Earl Lane. We have no way of knowing whether the advice of the Light Council is reliable, but an alliance with the same future demigod or even a true god is indeed very necessary!" Galt said righteously. Said: "Ryan is a nobleman of Britannia. He has no chance to offend your interests. And everyone, think about it, if there is a divinely chosen champion with such prestige and super personal bravery as our ally , how much more confidence can we increase in fighting against evil?"

The eyes of everyone present lit up.

yes! No matter how brave and powerful Ryan may be, he is still a human being and our compatriot. He will stand with us, and he is not only a noble of Britannia, but also the divinely chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake!

This shows that Ryan has been tied up in the Knight Kingdom on the other side of the mountain. It is impossible for him to seriously affect the interests of the empire!

This alliance works!

Even Emperor Karl-Franz found this suggestion very feasible, and the emperor himself suddenly laughed.

"That's why I let Emmanolie stay with him as a maid."

"It's a pity that his marriage was arranged by the lady in the lake, otherwise..."

updated! Today’s chapter is very thick and informative, right? So please vote!

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