The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 40, estrangement and gap

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Ryan quickly gave up drawing his sword.

Because he could feel the powerful magical energy gathering in the last position of the caravan.

The sorceress took action.

After a long period of preparation, the sorceress finally gathered enough mana. Different from the blue ice magic energy before, this time the magic energy condensed around Theresa reappeared in a dazzling golden red.

"The mind is roaring!!!"

The mountains shook and the forests trembled.

This is the most powerful spell currently mastered by Councilor Gloria, the seven-ring psychic magic, Mental Howl.

A sense of fear coming from the depths of the soul pricked their nerves like needles in the minds of all the survivors of the caravan.

Several arcs of light surrounded Theresa's beautiful figure, and then swept the entire forest in all directions with the sorceress's movements centered on her. Golden-red ripples swept through the woods and land, and all the torches were extinguished in an instant. Amidst the roar of the mountain and the tsunami, all the beastmen who rushed into the camp squatted down in pain, holding their heads. The golden-red lightning in the sea of ​​consciousness burned their souls. Many horned beasts even dropped their weapons on the ground in pain, and even more The weak Horned Beasts, Chaos Warhounds, and Razorbeasts even lost their ability to resist. Their fragile heads exploded like balloons, exploding countless bloody flowers.

Everyone in the caravan was also seriously affected. The weak mercenaries also covered their heads and wailed. Only a few people at the elite level could endure the strong mental shock and reluctantly acted. Taking this opportunity, Rost, Ike and others The man covered his head and killed the beastmen who had lost their resistance in the camp.

"Quick! My magic won't last long!" Teresa's face turned pale. She quickly shouted to Ryan, and then urged the mercenaries and guards: "Quick, move faster!"

"Ouch~~~" As soon as the sorceress finished speaking, a high-pitched roar came from the depths of the forest. In the darkness, a bloody war flag rose from the dense coniferous forest. This war flag was made entirely of human skin. Made with a human head hanging from the top of the battle flag.

This kind of roar seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. The people in the caravan who originally planned to pursue felt a deep sense of fear. A cold feeling that penetrated into the bone marrow ran through their bodies. They couldn't help but slow down and hesitated to move forward, just like the forest. There is something terrible in the depths.

"Ah?!" Estelle took a closer look and shouted with a trembling tone: "That's it?"

"What is that?" Rost covered his ribs. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"That's the druid's head. The tree planter died, his skin was made into a flag, and his head became a trophy!" The half-elf has dark vision, but he would rather not have such an ability now.

That terrifying sight made his already exhausted body lose the fighting spirit to pursue.

After hearing the roar, all the stunned beastmen who were not dead were shaken. They dropped their weapons one after another and struggled to escape back into the forest. The sound gradually faded away. When the sound disappeared in the farthest distance, Ryan He felt an extremely filthy and chaotic sight sweeping across his body, and then disappeared without a trace.

"What is that? The Great Demon of Chaos? If it is, then it is impossible for all of us to survive." Ryan can feel that the terrible power is full of violence, bloodthirsty and filth. That thing is probably Ulric The so-called great uncleanness.

The enemy is a war gang of beastmen who believe in the Blood God. This is still within the scope of Ryan's acceptance. The believers of the Blood God do not like group activities, and Ryan has given up the pursuit. Going into the forest in the dark environment is no different from hiding and seeking with the beastmen. Seeking death and seeing the beastmen retreating, Ryan returned to the camp.

A foul smell of blood entered his nostrils.

Yes, it was the beastmen who retreated.

There was no joy of victory, no wine and hymns in the camp.

There were just countless corpses on the ground and a messy camp. Ryan was trudging forward in the sea of ​​blood and corpses. He saw a mercenary on the land next to him. The mercenary's body had several fatal wounds and was being eaten. It was a mess, but Ryan still recognized him at a glance.

He was Simon, who had a conflict with Ryan at the dock before. The little mercenary's distracted eyes told everything.

"Woooooooo~ Simon~ Simon!!! Wake up, wake up, I'm Banda! Get up, we can't stay here for long, get up!" A young figure appeared and pounced on He lay on the corpse and cried loudly.

"...Banda? Get up, he's dead." Ryan said standing behind Banda.

The little mercenary ignored him and just kept sobbing.

The Blood Ax Mercenary Group suffered heavy losses in this battle. Now there are only a dozen people left in this mercenary group.

Ryan ignored him because there was already a fierce quarrel in the crowd. Wilt stood in front of Theresa, his tone full of anger and sadness: "Ms. Trovik? You promised me back then. "

"..." Teresa barely stood up with Emilia's support. She looked pale and bit her lips. Facing Wilt's questioning, the sorceress was speechless.

"What you promised me back then!!!" Wilt dropped his sword and rushed down like a madman to get close to the sorceress's body. The sorceress subconsciously stepped back, and there was even a trace of uneasiness on her beautiful face. :"I have no idea……"

"Okay Wilt, please calm down a little. We don't want things to turn out like this." Ryan quickly stopped Wilt. He could feel that the mercenaries around him were filled with such hostility.

"Ms. Trovik, please remember the Blood Ax Mercenary Group. When we left Winter City, we had fifty people and two people were left behind." Wilt no longer cared about Ryan's identity. He was in his thirties. The deputy captain's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and his voice was hoarse: "What now? There are only thirteen of us left. What did you say at the beginning? I need you to be my bodyguard, and I will also use my magic to protect you. you?"

"But what now? You can't even protect yourself, so you let us Blood Ax use our lives to fill it?"

"I asked you back then in Kalzenhaven. You told us personally that we would never encounter a battle like this again."

"We need an explanation, Ms. Trovik!!!" Wilt came closer, but was quickly stopped by Ryan. The White Wolf Knight's expression was dull: "Pay attention to your attitude, mercenary! Otherwise I will fulfill my obligations." responsibilities.”

Wilt focused his eyes on the White Wolf Knight badge on Ryan's chest, and then there was an awkward silence. He finally calmed down: "I'm waiting for you to give me an explanation, Ms. Trovik."

"I will give you and the Blood Ax mercenaries behind you an explanation, Mr. Wilt, but please apologize to me for your previous rudeness. Please remember that if it were not for my spell, you would not be able to Survived." With Ryan by her side, the sorceress regained her composure. She gently pushed Emilia away, signaling that she was okay.

"I apologize for that." Wilt walked away without knowing what to do.

Ryan was waiting to say something, but Teresa gently leaned her body against his and whispered in his ear: "Hold me, my magic power is exhausted."

Ryan nodded and held the sorceress's arm with his strong arms - even though his body was covered in blood, Teresa just frowned and did not push him away. Ryan pulled the sorceress and hid far away.

Gray Blade Birger appeared in front of Oliver, and he said to Oliver in a low and hoarse voice: "Grey Blade lost sixteen young men in this battle, and we demand adequate compensation."

"We will pay this amount as agreed." Oliver frowned. The businessman's contract spirit told him that he must nod at this time, but his reason told him that things were not that simple.

"No, it's enough, compensation." Bilger's face was also very ugly. After this battle, his mercenary group was also severely weakened. He needed to extort more money from the businessman: "Mr. Oliver, the previous price It was the price before, but the situation is different now. You didn’t tell us that there was a sea heart stone in the goods. You were cheating. Gray Blade suffered heavy losses. We demand the price we deserve."

The implication is that he is going to increase the price.

"Bilger, this doesn't comply with the agreement!" Oliver said with difficulty.

"Yes, the situation is different now, Mr. Oliver, if you still want our protection, please add more money." Bilger pressed again, his face full of mania and greed.

After seeing Hai Xin Shi, everyone became greedy.

At the same time, a quarrel suddenly broke out among the mercenaries.

"If you hadn't shot to cover him at that time, Simon wouldn't have died!" Banda started the conversation first, pointing the finger at a caravan guard, who was none other than Mather, who had been following Oliver.

"What do you know, brat?"

"That's enough, it's all your fault!"

"Keep your mouth clean, little bastard!"

The quarrel became increasingly fierce, especially after several wandering knights joined in. The quarrel gradually escalated: "Mr. Mats, please hand over the Sea Heart Stone. We shed blood to protect you. The Sea Heart Stone should belong to our caravan." Everyone, right?”

"Exactly, Mr. Mats, please hand over the Sea Heart Stone." Several wandering knights approached with swords and shields, saying illogical words. Only Ike stood in the distance, his face full of hesitation. .

"Don't even think about it!" Estelle, as a guard hired by Mats, stood up and confronted these wandering knights as a matter of course.

The guards protected Mats in the middle, and on the other side were several wandering knights. Among them, the wandering knight Goodson, who had his shoulder stabbed by a beastman, had the craziest expression. It seemed that the injuries on his body were also eroding his nerves. He had already unsheathed his sword and approached unreasonably: "Either hand over the goods or die!"

"Enough!!!" An angry shout brought everyone back to their senses. Ryan supported Theresa and shouted at everyone: "I don't care what your situation is now or what you want to negotiate, don't do it. Is it okay to negotiate here? Look at what kind of place this is?"

Only then did everyone come back to their senses. The camp full of blood and corpses told them that this was indeed not the place or time to talk, but they felt angry and violent for no reason, as if they would not tear everything in front of them into pieces. If they don't give up, the emotions of anxiety, anger and hatred spread crazily among people. Everyone is like a powder keg, ready to explode at a moment's notice, wanting to kill everything before it's over.

Ryan knows very well that this is the corruption of Chaos. They always seep into people's hearts inadvertently. The terrible thing about Chaos is not the strong combat power and destruction, but the unknowing erosion of people's hearts. Many brave soldiers are This is why he repelled the attack of the Chaos army on the battlefield, but suffered from corruption after the war, and eventually degenerated into a Chaos warrior.

The smell of corpses and blood is like a beacon in the dark to scavengers, and it is also like a fatal temptation, not to mention attracting undead and other creatures.

After Ryan yelled like this, everyone temporarily stopped arguing. They cremated the body hastily and buried it. They packed up their things. After such a bloody battle, everyone in the caravan had no intention of resting anymore and decided to rush to the peak of Mount Skavel overnight. High mountain fortress.

The carriage was seriously damaged and most of the horses were lost, but most of the cargo was intact. This put the caravan carriage, which had lost more than half of its members, in a tight situation. Everyone started lighting torches again and set out on the road. The difference from before was that the caravan guards and mercenaries were clearly distinguishable from each other. They looked cautiously at each other, and the guards even looked at the wandering knights following the caravan with vigilance.

Barriers gradually arise...

In the dark forest, the head of the tree planter Eldrad is hanging on the battle flag of the beastmen. His face still retains the despair and fear when he died frequently. This is really suitable for the beastmen. .

Under the battle flag, an altar filled with blood and a throne filled with druid bones were enshrined for all the beastmen. A mysterious symbol was located directly above the altar, glowing bright red in the dark night.

"Cheap... sacrifice." The huge Minotaur shuttled through the night, the weak moonlight shining on its scarlet face, and the facial armor was directly embedded in its face, and the flesh and blood were welded together in a blur. It was the Minotaur that Eldrad fought with before. Its size was much larger than the other Minotaurs.

Other beastmen surrounded it, crawling on the ground. Obviously, it was the beast king of this beastman warband.

"No sacrifice...cannot, no sacrifice...need...sacrifice." The giant minotaur raised the battle axe.

A cold light flashed, and a minotaur was beheaded directly. The huge bull's head rolled to the side, and filthy bloody energy was released from above. In the dark void, something seemed to respond to this. Festival.

"How about this little gift...?"

The Blood God never asks where the blood comes from.

"That's not enough, continue..." Several more minotaurs lost their heads. Even so, all the beastmen still did not dare to make any move. They still prostrated on the ground, waiting for the beast king's next move.

"The enemies... two... witches have no fighting power... the White Wolf Knight is... the sacrifice that pleases the Blood God..." After the giant Minotaur killed twelve of his men in a row, it finally Got a satisfying reply from the mysterious being.

"Tomorrow... I will fight to the death with the White Wolf Knight..." The Beast King raised his huge battle ax, pointed it high into the sky, and suddenly roared: "Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull seat!!!"

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull seat!!!"

Hi, updated~

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