The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 394, reconstruction or destruction?

PS: I’m busy today so I’m updating in advance.

The King of Anglande Clan, the self-proclaimed King of Eight Peaks Mountain, the last bloodline of King Loen, Belegar-Ironhammer, wearing meteorite armor and a king's crown helmet, walked in from the outside panting: "Oh! Your Majesty the Emperor of the Empire, I heard that Helmgart was attacked by the Skaven. I will come with my people to support you! Don’t worry! The dwarves are here, everything is taken care of by us! The dwarves are always the best. of!"

Emperor Karl-Franz had a sincere smile on his face, but he was cursing in his heart: Come here quickly? By the time you dwarves arrive, everything will be over.

Of course, the emperor would not say this on the surface: "Thank you for your support, King Belegar."

"Ryan, my friend, a friend of the Angrond clan, I heard that you needed help, so I came immediately." Belega proudly said to Ryan: "We, the Angrond clan, were attacked in your territory. The dwarves will remember your help! Now your dwarf friends are here to help you!"

After saying that, the (self-proclaimed) King of the Eight Peaks Mountain raised his arms vigorously, showing his strength: "But you have already solved the rat tide. I feel very relieved that you can persist in the face of the rat men's attack until now. Fragile Our race has been in this dark world for a long time, and it has made some progress. I am very happy that the teachings given to you by our dwarf ancestors have not been in vain."

Ryan thought to himself, why would you come here at this time and help me? The battle was over and the mice were driven away.

He wanted to tease the king of the Eight Peaks Mountain, so Ryan coughed twice and said deliberately: "I wonder how many troops King Beleja has brought this time?"

"Well, I brought thirty rangers and fifty sworn guards with me." Bellega was stunned for a moment, then whispered with some lack of confidence.

"Eighty people? A casual estimate of the rat tide in Helmgart is over 100,000..." Sure enough, a Rick guard murmured in a low voice: "Can one dwarf deal with a thousand ratmen? That's still not enough ah."

"Is he here to watch a show?"

"Bringing eighty people to deliver food to the rat people?"

"It seems that dwarf meat is stronger?"

The Rick guards whispered, making the King of Eight Peaks blush. He shouted loudly: "Have you ever seen a shield wall made up of dwarves? Our Angrond clan will let you see it. We are few in number. , but we will never take a step back!"

Ryan secretly held back his laughter. He knew that he could not blame Belegar for being slow, because dwarves have short legs, and these short-legged people marched slowly. Together with Emperor Karl-Franz's entire cavalry, they marched to Helmgart in a day and night. Can't compare.

The emperor signaled the Reik guards to move a small bench for Belegar to sit down. After some exchanges, several people learned that Belegar planned to take a boat to Bogenhafen after leaving Helmgart (Helmgart to Bogenhafen). Fen can go directly down the river by boat), and after hearing that Helmgart was attacked by the Skaven, he desperately rushed back.

The fast marching speed of dwarves is for long-distance marches, because the physical constitution of dwarves determines that they do not need much rest except sleeping. If it is a long-distance march, the marching speed of dwarves is actually faster than that of humans.

In short-distance marches, dwarves are not as good as humans who can ride horses, especially since Emperor Karl-Franz's forced march passed through his own territory, and the horses and food used along the way were all replaced. The emperor had ordered the nobles along the way to advance. Be prepared, it only takes one day and one night to reach Helmgart and defeat the Skaven army.

After sitting down, Ernst, the supreme master of the demon hunter, continued to repeat the old tune. He said forcefully: "We must completely burn this city and use flames to burn the entire city for three days and three nights. Only then can we Purify the filth left by Chaos, even so, I don’t recommend anyone to settle here anymore in this city.”

Emperor Karl-Franz frowned.

The Emperor is calculating the gains and losses of giving up Helmgart completely.

Helmgart is an important border city of the empire. This city not only bears the main land trade route with Britannia, but also can effectively defend against invasion from Britannia.

Allies are allies. There have always been a lot of border frictions, disputes and even wars between the Empire and Brittany in history. After the savior Ludwig abdicated, Emperor Leopold stayed in Helmgart and Brittany. There was a battle with the Duke of Asia, and after Karl-Franz came to the throne, there was another battle at Helmgart with Duke Kasfan of Palavon.

If Helmgart is abandoned, it means that the trade between Reikland and Britannia will be seriously affected. This will also be a big loss for the wealthy Reikland. More importantly, once Helmgart is abandoned, Special, what if the knights of Britannia invade again?

After passing Helmgart, the Reikland is a smooth road!

"No, burning it cannot completely solve the problem." Ryan shook his head repeatedly, and he said seriously: "The destruction of Helmgart means a lot, but this city can still be rebuilt. We should not be harmed by the ratmen because of this city. The attack will completely destroy it. If we do this, what is the point of defeating the Skaven?"

In Ryan's impression, the Supreme Master of Demon Hunters has not appeared in front of people for many years. Many people have only heard of his name but have never seen him. There have been rumors over the years that this Supreme Master has already disappeared. Entering the last few years.

Master Ernst, who appeared in front of Ryan at this time, indeed looked very old, but his body and spirit were still good. This supreme master of the demon hunter still had at least several decades to live.

"What do you know? Young man, do you understand what Chaos really is? Do you know that the plague of these Skaven rats is powerful?" Ernst could feel the emperor's hesitation, which made him feel extremely irritated. The Supreme Master He strengthened his tone: "A city is polluted and can only be completely destroyed. It is impossible to change it back to its original state!"

"Nearly half of the Nuer city was destroyed by the Skaven more than twenty years ago. Hasn't it been rebuilt now?" Ryan responded tit-for-tat. He continued: "The Principality of Carcassonne in southern Britannia often Being harassed by ratmen, yes, ratmen can destroy our cities and spread plague among the people, but so what? Have humans ever succumbed to terror?"

"If according to your opinion, we will destroy a city once the Rat Man attacks us, and we will destroy a city once the Rat Man attacks us, how many cities can we replace?" Ryan asked in return: "I have checked the bodies of the refugees. As for the situation, some of them are indeed sick, but none of them are infected with the plague. As for the city, it is of course better to burn it all and rebuild it."

Listening to Ryan's analysis, the emperor nodded. It could be seen that he did not agree with Ernst's suggestion in his heart. Helmgart was very important from an economic perspective and strategic planning. It didn't matter if the city was destroyed, it could be rebuilt. , but to give up completely, the emperor was not willing to accept it.

Ernst was furious. The supreme master of the demon hunter fired at Ryan: "Young man, do you understand Chaos? Do you know what Chaos corruption means? Don't think that you have fought against the Chaos Demon and killed it. If you are not the chosen champion of Khorne, you are like those jesters who just read a quote or two from a book and can't wait to show off. You don't know how high the sky is."

coming! Ryan laughed in his heart when he heard this. Obviously, Master Ernst could not reason with Ryan, so the Supreme Master of the Demon Hunter, who was not good at debating, simply started to put on airs and even attack personally.

Very common, isn't it?

"Then do you understand what Chaos is? Master Ernst, I respect you and I understand your great deeds, but I want to point out that I know Chaos far better than you. I have heard Khorne's words with my own ears. Whisper, I have also faced the Chaos Demon directly, and I have also directly come into contact with the taboo knowledge in the Book of Chaos." Ryan's anger also rose, and he said to the demon hunter: "Being older does not mean that you understand better. many."

"Boy, pick up your warhammer." Master Ernst was too lazy to talk nonsense to Ryan. He dual-wielded a machete and an axe: "Go out, let's have a fight, whoever loses shuts up!"

"I am the lady's divinely chosen champion, and I will not duel with you for such nonsense reasons." Ryan sneered: "I am still a noble of Britannia. How Helmgart handles it has nothing to do with me. I just Give me an opinion."

"Okay, stop arguing, Master Ernst, Ryan, I know you all have good intentions, but you just have different opinions. Let me think about it." The emperor motioned for the two of them to stop arguing, and his head was spinning. .

"Um... humans, do you have any misunderstandings about the Skaven?"

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Belega, who was sitting on the side, spoke up. The King of Eight Peaks said with a touch of contempt and superiority in his tone: "You two are fundamentally wrong! You don't know Skaven at all. The way Skaven fight and how they move, this Witcher confuses Skaven and Chaos, and Ryan may know better, but he still made a huge mistake!"

Ernst's eyes filled with murderous intent spurted out fire of hatred, and he stared at Belegar for a while, then shook his head and gave up the argument. The stubborn temper of dwarves is world-famous. Demon hunters can judge and execute humans, but they cannot punish dwarves. this way.

Ryan was also scolded, but his mentality was better. The Earl leaned his body on the chair and took two deep breaths. He found that his emotions were indeed a little too excited, mainly because he met this person inexplicably. In an unintentional disaster, both Teresa and Veronica were injured. Although Sulia was not injured, she was very tired after a long battle. The trip to the empire was originally a continuation of their honeymoon, but no one expected that it would turn out like this. .

Ryan is a human being with feelings after all.

Ryan gradually calmed down after being poured cold water on Belegar. He thought about the problem with his mind, and then decided to ask Belegar for advice sincerely: "His Majesty King Belegar, I know that you are fighting the Skaven. I have done this many times and know the rat people well. In this situation, what should we do and what should humans do?"

"Yes, King Belegar, you are still familiar with the rat people." Emperor Karl-Franz's eyes lit up, and he also pretended to ask for advice humbly: "Please enlighten me."

"Well, if you want to ask that, then you have to ask the right person." Belegar calmly accepted the advice from Ryan and Emperor Karl, feeling that he was more honored. He touched his white beard and took a sip of the imperial royal family. The special "Cobain's Premium" malt stout was on offer, and then he expressed his opinion.

"First of all, the Witcher's opinion is wrong. If the Empire abandons Helmgart, then this is what the Skaven want. The Skaven can occupy the ruins of this city openly, and they will be in this city. Colonize and establish underground cities within the city, and spread the plague and corruption from Helmgart to Reikland, the Duchy of Montfort, and throughout the Gray Mountains."

Everyone nodded, and the emperor then asked: "So this is Ryan's opinion, should we rebuild the city?"

"Ryan's opinion is not right either." Belegar then shook his head: "It is easy to rebuild a city, but it is also easy to destroy it. I guess you don't know that if the Skaven were able to surprise Helmgart, they must have built it under the mountains. A frontline secret base and portal. The portal will be very secretive and there will be few people. These damn Skaven will happily watch the humans rebuild the city and then prosper again, until they feel that they can harvest the 'human food reserve' When the time comes, Helmgart will only be destroyed again, and the cycle begins again."

Ryan and Emperor Karl-Franz both broke into a cold sweat after hearing Belegar's words.

No one thought of this level!

Whether it is the Empire or Britannia, there are very limited records and descriptions of the Skaven. No one thought that the damn Skaven could be so cunning!

"You didn't expect it, did you?" Belegar said loudly: "This is a lesson that countless dwarves have learned with their lives and blood!"

"Okay, I don't understand." Ernst, the supreme mentor of the demon hunter, snorted, glanced at Ryan, and reluctantly admitted that he didn't think it through. He had to continue to ask Belega: "So, dwarf, Can you lead us under the mountains to destroy the Skaven forward base and portal?"

"Of course." Belega nodded seriously: "Otherwise I wouldn't have come here to help you, especially Ryan."

"Huh? Me?" Ryan said strangely.

"I led the remaining defeated soldiers to Breeze Castle. It was you who asked Dugan and the others to send us the much-needed food and supplies. When I arrived in your territory, you entertained me and my people graciously, and even allowed me to attend your wedding. , and later supported us with a large amount of food. I, Belegar, have kept these things in mind." Belegar raised his Hammer of Angrond: "Dwarves are not a race that forgets their friends, please understand. "

"...Thank you." Ryan felt a little moved. Yes, what happened here had nothing to do with Belega. Belega would come back to help simply because Ryan and his party were in danger, so the king of the Angland clan rushed here desperately.

"As for the empire... the help of the dwarves is not free!" Belegar said to the emperor again: "I want twenty bags of barley flour and thirty barrels of fine ale. Isn't that too much?"

"If everything goes well, I will give you fifty barrels." The emperor said very generously. The value of fifty barrels of good malt liquor will not be higher than three hundred gold marks, plus twenty bags of barley flour, it will only cost four or five. One hundred gold marks, Helmgart's annual tax payment amounted to thousands of gold marks.

"Very well, I have one more request. In addition to my people, I need the emperor to mobilize another hundred of the most elite swordsmen, fifty of the most elite foot knights, and Ryan to come with me. My The requirement is that everyone must swear to obey my command when fighting underground!" Belega then put forward a second condition.

"No problem, I will ask Heilberg to mobilize manpower to obey your command." Emperor Karl agreed happily.

"Very good, take a rest and replenish your energy. We will set off tomorrow morning!" Belega said loudly: "Skaven are nocturnal creatures, and they are sleepy during the day!"

"The end of the Skaven has come!"

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