The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 411, Alfred’s promotion

The topic between Ryan and Sulia continued. After thinking for a while, Ryan told his wife honestly: "Sulia, I don't think brother Julius has a good chance of winning in this matter. I just We can provide any help we can.”

"My father doesn't want my brother to give up so easily. For the sake of the Duke's family, it would be cowardly for my brother to quit directly. However, if there is a championship showdown directly, the chance of winning is very low, and secondly, it is the act of a reckless man." Sulia was also troubled. She was worried about her brother, but also knew that Julius did not have much advantage over Fedmund, who was the Knight of the Holy Grail and the first heir to the title of Duke of Bordero. , on the contrary, he still has many disadvantages.

In this kingdom, the name of the Holy Grail Knight is too loud. Sulia knew that a very important reason why Francois would be willing to marry his daughter was that Ryan was a Holy Grail Knight. But on the issue of Julius, François François complained in front of his daughter that not having become the Holy Grail did not mean that Julius was worse than Fedmund, and that Berhemond was cheating.

This is a double standard. Sulia can only snicker when she thinks of this. This is a matter of stance. The Knights of the Holy Grail are also human beings. Although Francois possesses all eight knight virtues, he is still a father, and his daughter’s life is important. It was resolved smoothly, but his son's matter caused him trouble.

"Sometimes a duel can solve the problem. If you don't care about life and death, just do it if you don't accept it." Angron knew after listening for a while that the matter was very complicated. The World Eater Primarch was not going to think about the problem carefully. He looked at Ai Milia was playing with two Oster border collies. She thought of something else and grinned: "Ryan, my brother, sometimes appearance is also important. I dare say, the same mission. , it is definitely better for Fulgrim and Guilliman or Sanguinius to conduct diplomacy than Mortarion, Magnus or Petrabo. Ah, every time I see Petrabo’s stinky face With his egg-like face, I want to peel off his face with an ax, every time!"

Ryan's brothers! The female knight's eyes lit up. She took her husband's arm and stopped talking. Instead, she listened carefully. Emilia also picked up the sheepdog. The little maid's big eyes were bright. She also wanted to know. Ryan's thing.

Ryan's origin is really mysterious.

"Forgan? I seem to have heard that brother Fulgan was married?" Ryan didn't intend to hide anything from Sulia and Amelia. He asked questions that he was interested in.

"I don't know if Fulgrim was married." Angron carried his beloved pair of axes as always. He thrust a pitchfork into the ground with a straw hat on his big bald head, recalling After a while, he said with some uncertainty: "I don't know what the situation was like when the brothers were on their home planet. For example, did Guilliman have any women when he was the son of the Regent of Ultramar? But I know The only thing is that among our brothers, you and Ruth are the only ones who openly keep women by their side, but you and Ruth are different."

"Different?" Ryan also wanted to hear some of the secrets Angron knew.

"You and Russ both like women, but in different ways. You pursue quality, while Russ uses it as a way to vent. I remember that he killed at least a hundred people, right?" Angron's face when he recalled the Great Crusade era He couldn't help but show his contempt: "Ruth, that barbarian who smells like a wolf, only knows how to surround him with his wolf sons and grandsons wherever he goes. He is like an old man enjoying family happiness. He has the ability and I’ll challenge you!”

"Hahahaha." Ryan and Angron chatted for a while. Seeing that the time was almost up, he took the initiative to say goodbye. Angron had no intention of keeping them and nodded to show that he heard it.

"Amelia, let's go. Let's go to another place. If you want to see the dog, come see us next time!" Ryan waved to Amelia.

"Goodbye, 486! I'll come see you next time!" Emilia put down the sheepdog in her arms and said goodbye to the puppy.

"Woof woof woof~" The Border Collie is a very smart dog. It immediately realized that Amelia was saying goodbye. The puppy barked several times. The Border Collie rarely barks, so it was also saying goodbye.

When Emilia was pulled onto the elf war horse by Ryan, the little maid leaned on Ryan and murmured: "486 is so cute. I will come and see it and play with it next time I have a chance."

"So why is it called 486?" It's not that Emilia doesn't know how to ride a horse, it's just that Ryan expresses closeness and comforts her. Recently, Ryan always feels that his little maid is complaining about him, especially after discovering Teresa also got her wish after being "collected" by Ryan.

"486? I heard Mr. Oliver say the other day that President Hadrian spent a total of 486 gold marks to buy a few purebred Border Collies and transport them here from Oost, so I picked them up for the dogs. The name is 486."

"Okay." Ryan asked casually.

"Lian, Sister Sulia, where should we go next?" Today is Emilia's day off, and the little maid obviously has no intention of going back to the winery just like this.

"Next, go to Alfred's Chapel of Justice." Ryan nodded: "Alfred has officially become a Templar of the Church of Justice. We should go and congratulate him on becoming a member of the Temple Brotherhood. member."



There has always been one place in Jean's town that is different from other places, and that is the Chapel of Justice located in the corner of the town, close to the Oracle Mountains.

When Ryan first arrived in this place six years ago, Alfred, a paladin, took a fancy to this place at first sight. This corner was far away from the hustle and bustle of the town and was close to the foot of the Oracle Mountains. At the foot of the mountain, you could get plenty of food. The water source, and at the foot and mountainside, Alfred built the Church of Justice chapel by himself.

When the chapel was first built, it was just a shabby thatched hut, a simple icon of the God of Justice and a few rows of tables and chairs. Alfred first preached the doctrine of the God of Justice to everyone here.

Discover all the truth, severely punish all crimes, correct all mistakes, use justice and law as the yardstick, safeguard justice and punish those who violate laws and disciplines, spread civilization and enlightenment, rationality and order, and pursue unwavering justice and justice throughout life. road.

This is the God of Justice. The icon of this god is always missing a hand and has empty eyes. It is said that this god is always fighting hard with the Chaos Gods in the subspace. He is always at a disadvantage and his body is always scarred. .

Alfred built the chapel from scratch. It was quite difficult at the beginning because the serfs did not understand what justice was. They were only willing to believe and accept "justice" that was good for them. Alfred was preaching He was often ridiculed and thrown some rotten leaves, but this paladin never gave up. He always insisted on himself and used his actions as an example. He insisted that "justice does not distinguish between high and low" and "justice requires a price." , when any lowly serf came to pray, he listened carefully and gave advice, and when any opportunist or tramp wanted to get something for nothing on the grounds of "I am weak and I am reasonable" and "I am poor and I speak up", Al Fred always said no.

Through the efforts of this young paladin, the residents of the town began to slowly accept Alfred's existence. Due to the strong emphasis on the "spirit of contract" and "belief in justice," the serfs and free people began to be willing to let the paladin intermediary and notarize. Some things, and thus derived the Court of Justice, which is a great improvement in Britannia, where simple rulings are often made by the village elders. The serfs do not want the knights to intervene, resulting in the plaintiff and the defendant always having one side. He was going to be hanged, and the knight didn't like those muddy legs bothering him all day long.

The smart Alfred also realized that Britannia had its own national conditions here. In addition to setting up a justice court, he often invited the Lake God's prophets and Holy Grail knights stationed in the city to listen and ask for advice on how to judge.

After six years of development, Alfred's Chapel of Justice has become the Temple of Justice. There are about fifty clergy and fifteen paladins stationed in it. There are thousands of believers in Ryan's territory, among the serfs and The Church of Thalia, Goddess of Mercy, competes for faith, but also cooperates.

Ryan rode the pure-blood elf war horse Grape and dismounted at the temple door with Emilia in his arms. He raised his head, pointed at the holy emblem of the God of Justice at the temple door and said: "It's been six years, Emilia, you still have Do you remember the time when we spent the Winter Veil Festival in Marienburg with Afu?"

"Of course I remember. You and Mr. Alfred were taking a shower together and clamoring for a beer together." Emilia recalled the memories of those days, her little face was filled with joy. The past few years of following Ryan made her She temporarily forgot the pain of the past, and her previously autistic and introverted personality became cheerful and lively again. When she followed Ryan, she was only a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Now six years have passed, and she recalled a series of things. , the little maid felt that she was still very lucky.

"I heard that the Church of the Goddess of Mercy always tries to adopt all orphans and abandoned children as much as possible, but the Church of the Goddess of Mercy is only willing to raise girls. Most of the boys will be sent to the Temple of Justice and given to Alfred and him. Raised by their priests and paladins, these children will also be trained to become priests, paladins, or other professions." Sulia also dismounted, and the female knight's eyes swept over the holy emblem at the temple door. .

The emblem of the shield on a blue background is a warhammer, and there is a balancing scale on top of the warhammer.

"The Church of the Goddess of Mercy is willing to raise girls because girls are suitable for caregivers and caregivers. As we all know, most of the Goddess of Mercy temples are also hospitals and nursing homes." Ryan waved his hand to the paladins who gathered around to say hello to retreat, and he continued: "But The church also needs to eat. Adopting unlimited amounts of orphans and abandoned children can easily collapse the church's finances. The Church of Justice needs warriors, so it needs boys. I remember that in Nord, the White Wolf Church liked to accept these orphans the most, but I am used to it. Treated with kindness by the Goddess of Mercy Church, they were suddenly sent to the White Wolf Church, which advocates competition and cruel training. Boys are always not used to seeing cruelty for the first time. Many boys tried to escape. I remember that if a boy could escape from the church, If you come out five times..."

"Will he be executed?" Sulia asked curiously.

"No, if a boy escapes from the tight security of the White Wolf Temple five times and survives five harsh punishments, he will become a key training target of the White Wolf Church. Therefore... the White Wolf God of War appreciates this kind of fullness the most. An act of courage, determination and independence." Ryan said with a smile.

"If a boy from the kingdom's nobles questions the lady like this, then he will only be sent to the Holy Grail pilgrims for life or sent to live in the empire and the southern country." Sulia said with great interest: "...So, Mr. Alfred is also a Templar now?"

"Afu was named a Templar by the Church of Justice for his meritorious service in spreading faith and building the Temple of Justice, and entered the Sweet and Spicy Brotherhood. This happened not long ago." Entering the location of the temple in the Temple of Justice, Ryan pointed at the words on the wall. The knight's coat of arms then introduced: "So, time flies so fast. That Hun Dan who had a runny nose and played snowball sledding with me has actually become a knight?"

"Hahahaha~" Sulia and Emilia couldn't help but snicker, and they focused on the knight's coat of arms of the Knights Templar.

On the shield with a red background is a golden warhammer. On the surface of the warhammer is a skull with a laurel wreath. The current Grand Master (Grand Master) of the Knights Templar is called Hans Leitdorf. He is a A powerful knight at the pinnacle of legend, with numerous military exploits.

The Templars are also one of the seven major knights of the empire. This knights was founded in the early days of the empire. With strict military discipline and strong combat effectiveness, they uniformly use white spears and swords and shields. They like to wear silver plate armor and red headscarves. Known for their white-and-white helmet plumes in the Old World, as a religious order of knights, the Templars' main enemies are the undead and the Chaos Cult within the Empire.

"Who is building a snowman with you with a runny nose? Ryan, it's obvious that the two of us peed together and melted the snowman built by others, and you still said that this was dyeing the snowman's hair yellow." A voice full of vigor and vitality After ringing, the Templar Alfred walked out of the church with a sincere smile on his face. The Templar in his prime walked up to Ryan and gave him a big hug: "Good friend, what kind of wind is this?" Brought you here?"

As always, Alfred was wearing heavy armor. He rarely took off his plate armor. Ryan was hugged by a bear. The pendant and red cross pattern on the chest of Alfred's plate armor made Ryan extremely uncomfortable. He reached out and patted Alfred on the shoulder: "I haven't officially congratulated you on your promotion to the Templar Knight. I came here specifically to see you."

"Hello, Mr. Alfred." "Hello, Alfred." Emilia and Sulia said hello to Alfred one after another.

"Hello, uh... Mrs. Surya, and Miss Amelia." Alfred motioned for everyone to follow him along the corridor and walk inside.

The weather was gradually getting cloudy, and it seemed like it was going to rain. The terrain inside the solid temple built of granite and stone slabs was complicated, and it was even difficult to identify the direction in a short time without Alfred's guidance.

Opening the door to his room, Alfred's private bedroom contained a bed, a wardrobe, a prayer mat, a few desks, a long table for guests, and several benches. Apart from that, there was only room for armor. Hangers and candlesticks.

"Please sit down, good friend. You must have something special to do when you come to see me, right?" Alfred asked Ryan and his group to sit down in a carefree manner. He got straight to the point and didn't delay.

"That's right, Afu, I'm here to see you because I need your help with something."

"What's up?"

updated! Sorry it's a little late, but I still ask for votes!

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