The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 414, Spring in Bordeleau

End of March, Old World, Brittany, Bordeaux, Mannann dry dock.

Merchant ships and passenger ships from all over the old world have been berthing and loading and unloading cargo in this high-quality deep-water port. In recent years, due to the small-scale opening of Britannia, the number of adventurers who come to visit and explore opportunities has gradually increased.

The high elves' ocean-going ships appeared on the pier.

"Welcome to Bordero. Pier 3 of the Bordero Mannann Dry Dock is here to remind you that there are thousands of shipping routes, safety is the first priority, and irregular sailing will bring tears to your loved ones."

The wharf tax collector appointed by Boderick, Duke of Bordeaux, was leading the tax collectors in loudly speaking warnings polished by the courtiers.

Duke Boderick of Bordero has been in a good mood recently, very good. Since the trade agreement signed by Leanne and Tiglis must be traded from the port of Bordero, the Duke earned a lot of money in this trade agreement. Extremely huge profits.

Then came the return of Fedmund. It took Bodrick's eldest son eighteen years to finally complete the Holy Grail Crusade. Bodrick was in a very good mood recently, and he asked his courtiers to come up with a way that was kind enough. A heart-warming port slogan must not contain any threatening or warning words.

The courtiers racked their brains to come up with this unsatisfactory-sounding slogan. Although Bo Derek felt that it was different from what he imagined, the Duke was in a good mood and didn't care about it.

Under the spring sunshine, Bodrick was walking with his legitimate son on the wall of Bordeaux Castle. He was wearing a yellow and blue Poseidon's Blessing Mithril Plate Armor, with a huge Poseidon Trident cloak behind him. He walked to the edge of the city wall, looked at his prosperous and rich territory, and said to Fedmund standing behind him: "In the future, this place will belong to you, my son."

"Father... why are you holding such a grand banquet?" Fedmund set his sights on the high elf's ocean-going ship. The Holy Grail Knight also wore a yellow and blue Poseidon's blessing full-body mithril plate armor, but His cloak has been printed with a golden Holy Grail pattern. On the top of his cross helmet, a golden sea monster holds the Holy Grail in his hand, standing proudly in front of people.

"Is there anything wrong? I want the entire kingdom to know that my son completed the Holy Grail Crusade and became a glorious Holy Grail Knight." Bodrick turned his head and looked at his son, looking at Fedmund meaningfully. Face: "Of course, the more important thing is to introduce you to the great nobles of the kingdom. You have been on an expedition for eighteen years. The situation in the entire kingdom is different. Richard is about to abdicate. In the ever-changing palace of the kingdom, , we in the Principality of Bordero also have to make our own choice."

"I thought I wouldn't have to think about this after drinking the liquid from the Lady's Holy Grail, but it seems that's not the case now." Fedmund looked like he was only twenty years old, but in fact he was nearly fifty years old. , the newly promoted Holy Grail Knight looked determined: "I have heard a little bit about the kingdom's events during my travels over the years. After returning here, I also spent a lot of time learning about the Chivalry War, the Battle of the Plains of Kurona, and the Northern Barbarians. The invasion and so on, it is a pity that Knight Jules died. His Majesty Richard's governance is too old-fashioned. As for Count Lion Macado, whom you often mentioned to me, father, I can't comment yet. This is an ambition and ambition. A man of equal strength, judging from what he has done, it is not without reason that the lady chose him to be her divine champion, I can only say this.”

"Ryan Malcador is a human hero that is difficult to describe in words." Duke Bodrick nodded. The crow's feet at the corners of his eyes were already very deep: "How you want to see him is up to you. You will be able to do it soon. See him and his wife, Marquis Surya, Ryan is the lady’s divine champion, Marquis Surya is also a knight favored by ladies, and his brother... In short, you will know when the time comes."

"As always, the two old bastards, Perhemond and Francois, are still sitting in the Duke's position. Perhemond is nearly a hundred years old, but with his peak strength in the Holy Realm, it is estimated that he still has three hundred years to live. Duke Bodrick walked slowly, and the armor on his body made the sound of metal collision as he moved: "Francois's strength is no worse than that of Bochmond. Now he has chosen a good son-in-law. At least for the next few hundred years, he and his family will have nothing to worry about. These two old souls were both qualified to compete for the king at the last king-selection meeting, but they all had their own concerns. Francois lacked interest in the throne. On the one hand, his existence suppresses the borders of the kingdom. With him around, the undead wizard Heinrich Kemmler can only hide in the gray mountains and dare not move, while Berhemond has no interest in being the king. , His internal affairs ability may be the worst among all the dukes in the entire kingdom, and he obviously prefers to fight as a Knight of the Holy Grail rather than spending his energy in the whirlpool of the palace."

Fedmund said nothing. He followed Duke Bodrick and listened silently to his father's analysis.

"In addition, those who currently have the qualifications to compete for the throne of the king include Lawn-Leo Cornwall, Duke of Connet, and Hubald, Duke of Carcassonne." Bodrick continued: "Among them, Richard is most interested. His successor is Lawn Leo Cornwall. Although Lawn Leo Cornish is only in his forties, he is already a legendary high-level Holy Grail Knight. He is not only good at commanding, but also has outstanding personal martial arts. She also has very good internal affairs skills and is also one of the champions chosen by the ladies.”

"What about Duke Hubbard?" Fedmund frowned. He did not expect that the political situation in the Kingdom of Knights would be so complicated. The Knight of the Holy Grail instinctively did not want to think about this, but what flowed through him was the Poseidon Champion. , the blood of the Duke of Bordeaux’s family!

"Hubald is the Duke who is least likely to become the king." Bodrick shook his head suddenly: "Carcassonne is too far away from Curona. Furthermore, Hubald is extremely ruthless. No Duke would want him to be the king. , if it is not controlled well, it is very likely to be another John II."

Curona is located in the north of the kingdom, and Carcassonne is located in the southernmost part of the kingdom. The two sides are too far apart. The north of the kingdom mainly faces the harassment of northern barbarians, the plunder of dark elf pirates and border friction with the empire, while Carcassonne is It is mainly to deal with the invasion of the greenskin tribe and the infiltration of the Skaven. The south and the north are too far apart to be able to control it.

"I understand." The firm lines on Fedmund's face fluctuated slightly. He thought for a while and then said: "But I still think that the Holy Grail Grand Knight in his early thirties is really amazing."

"Actually, I originally also preferred François's daughter Sulia, but firstly, I don't know when you will come back, and secondly, it was the lady's oracle." Duke Bodrick sneered: "Feedmund , even if you come back then, you still won’t be able to compete with Ryan, this country bumpkin adopted son from Nord really has something, don’t underestimate him.”

"I never wanted to get married so early." Fedmund said to Bo Derek with some annoyance: "Why are you so eager to get me engaged to Countess Eva?"

"You are almost fifty, my son, it's time for you to get married. There are not many unmarried female nobles left in the kingdom who are suitable for marriage and are well-matched. The matter between you and Countess Eva must be settled as soon as possible. I Then I can go to the Holy Grail Crusade with peace of mind." Duke Bodrick frowned, staring at his son with blazing eyes: "Why do you have such an idea?"

"It was so rushed that I didn't even know what Eva looked like."

"You will see. What I mean is that it is best to settle this matter as soon as possible. Bordreau has a good relationship with Bastogne in history. Your marriage with Eva will help stabilize the territory and gain the support of the nobles. ." Duke Bodrick could understand his son's thoughts: "I understand what you are thinking. After all, you are the one getting married, not me. My father has no way to guarantee a happy marriage, so at this banquet, I will arrange for you and Meet Countess Eva.”

"..." Just as Bo Derek knew Fedmund, Fedmund also knew his father. He knew that Bo Derek had made up his mind and would not change it easily. The Knight of the Holy Grail shook his head and did not continue. Trying to argue with my father on this issue again.

But Bo Derek said a few more words. Parents are always full of interest in their children's marriage: "Now, the noble ladies in the kingdom have raised their standards because of Sulia's incident. Which unmarried lady from the Duke's family has raised their standards?" Don’t you want to marry as well as Sulia? Her husband is a Holy Grail Knight with outstanding strength. At a young age, he is the lady’s chosen champion and the Holy Knight. Moreover, Ryan is still an orphan. Doesn’t Sulia have the final say in the entire palace? ? Hey, let me tell you, what can he, Julius, do to compete with you for Eva? Just rely on his title of knight of the kingdom? Isn’t my son a hundred times better than his son Francois? "

"Father, please don't say that. We all fight for the lady, fight against evil, defend our home and country, regardless of high or low." Fedmund said softly: "Justice and humility, these are the teachings that the lady gave us."

Duke Bordeaux paused for a moment. Yes, he could teach his son from the perspective of a father, and he could also teach Fedmund from the perspective of a duke to his heir. However, when it came to the Eight Virtues of Knights, Bodrick did not. Stand reprimanded Fedmund.

"..." Bo Derek looked at his son. There was a trace of sadness in his always serious eyes. He was silent for a long time and said in a solemn voice: "Feedmund, your mother always wanted to see you again before she died. , she loves you very much."

Duke Poseidon took out the shell pendant from his body and handed it to Fedmund. The Duke's fatherly love was as strong as a mountain.

Fedmund took the pendant and opened the shell. Inside was an oil painting of the Duke of Bordeaux's family. The Duchess was smiling, and the Knight of the Holy Grail had red eyes: "I also love my mother, and my life hung by a thread several times. It’s all her love that inspires me to overcome all difficulties...I, I’m so sad.”

Bodrick nodded, and the Duke motioned to Fedmund to accept the pendant: "Take it, your mother will light your way forward. The duty of a knight is to protect. For thousands of years, honor and sacrifice have supported the kingdom. The backbone that always stands tall in the world.”

The father and son wanted to say something more, but a knight attendant came forward: "My Duke, my Marquis, the lady's divinely chosen champion, Earl Lane and Marquise Sulia are about to arrive in Bordello, and the Poseidon Knights are leading He's coming towards the castle."

"Is Marquis Julius here?" The kindness in Bo Derek's eyes immediately disappeared, and the Duke returned to his original serious expression.

"No, the only ones who came were Earl Lane, Marquise Sulia, a few servants, and a Templar."

"In that case, Fedmund, you go and greet them." Bodrick patted Fedmund on the shoulder: "It will be helpful for the future if young people communicate more."

"Me?" Fedmund, who was nearly fifty years old, pointed at himself, with a somewhat tangled expression on his face.

"Am I a young man?"


On the prosperous streets of Bordreaux, the capital of Bordreau, a black carriage moved slowly on the street. The carriage was airtight and all areas were wrapped in black cloth, giving people an uncomfortable feeling. However, this carriage moved freely on the street of Bodriux. It seemed that due to some kind of power, both pedestrians and patrolling soldiers ignored the carriage.

Occasionally, after a knight investigates, the merchant and a young and handsome knight in the carriage will politely state that they are merchants and knights from the Principality of Connet, and have received an invitation to come to Bordello for a banquet.

So the guard quickly let him go.

The curtain of the black carriage was lowered again, and Mathhubard, Duke of Mousillon, who was sitting in the carriage, laughed sarcastically. Mathhubard, who was proficient in heraldry and Brittanian court etiquette, wanted to sneak into a cloth Retania Castle is just too easy.

Although Mathhubard has attracted the attention of the entire kingdom as a traitor, because he was the runner-up in the Knights Conference and was unable to obtain definite evidence to prove his treason, the court of the Kingdom of Britannia could only privately send a small number of knights to arrest him. The capture of this young knight errant cannot be made public.

However, there is a problem here. Mathhubard always wears a helmet when attending knights' meetings. He is extremely handsome and is of the most typical blond hair and blue eyes Breton blood. This makes the knights in the entire kingdom We know that Mahhubard is a traitor, but few people really know him!

In the carriage, a shriveled necromancer and Mathubad sat opposite each other. Duke Mousilon said in a deep voice: "This Bordeaux banquet is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is an opportunity to wipe out all the upper echelons of the kingdom. Tah, you are one of the most powerful necromancers under the Godfather, and I hope you can give me some advice."

"At the banquet, I will create a huge chaos and plunge the entire castle into extreme tension. At that time, the guards will be transferred, and my Duke, the Knights of the Black Holy Grail, will rush into the banquet and kill the nobles. They were slaughtered to death.”

"At that time, most of the kingdom's great nobles will die in the banquet, and the remaining nobles will also lose mutual trust in suspicion and hatred. As long as some means are used and the truth about the blue pool in the lake is revealed, the throne of the Knight Kingdom will be very great. You belong to it!”

"Then let's do it!"

updated! I'm a little late today. I've been busy with many things during the Chinese New Year recently, so the update time is not stable. I hope you can understand.

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