The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 419, fierce battle in the vestibule

The situation gradually deteriorated. Mahhubard was sweating profusely. He didn't understand why Farah lost his position at this critical moment?

Why was there a great wizard of death at the banquet? In the whole of Britannia, apart from the Lake God Witch Morgiana, there are only two Lake God prophets left with the power of the Holy Domain. One is Bohemond's chief female courtier and lover, and the other is a saint monk. The person in charge who will be stationed in Kurona!

The great wizards of the Sanctuary are not cabbage. At this level, even the top nobles will treat these wizards as guests and allocate large sums of money for them to build wizard towers and conduct magic research, because they can rely on their own Change the whole situation of the war.

In the empire on the other side of the mountain, there will be more powerful wizards in the holy realm, but they will never exceed ten fingers!

Then the problem comes! Why is there a death-type holy wizard at today's banquet?

But time did not allow him to think too much. After Arkhan's teachings, Mahhubard immediately realized that after repeated failed summons, the other party's death-type holy wizard would soon discover the whereabouts of the necromancer. !

He thought for a moment and continued to say to the Necromancer with a serious expression: "In that case, you stay here and I'll go see what's going on outside. If the situation goes bad, we'll retreat immediately."

"Yes." The Necromancer also knew the seriousness of the matter, and he nodded repeatedly.

Mahhubard quickly exited the room, sneered a few times, and then ran across the garden towards the turret on the other side of the banquet.

The plan failed.

It's okay, he still has plan B.

The palace wizard is dead, and now the magic barrier protecting the castle is gone. It is not difficult to escape the search and escape. When Mathubad thought of this, some hesitation suddenly appeared on his handsome face.

Should we go find Fiona?

After thinking for a moment, Mahhubard turned around and ran towards the castle.

Sure enough, just a few minutes later, the Holy Grail knights in the banquet hall finished putting on their armors one after another. Elspeth, the great wizard of the Death Sanctuary, pointed his hand in a certain direction in the castle: "Where is the Summoner of the Dead!"

"Let's go! Knights, follow me!" Holy Grail Knight Fedmund led a large group of Poseidon Knights in that direction. Under the service of Emilia and Sulia, Ryan put on the Gray Knight's Psychic Seiko. Powered by armor, he hung the Nemesis behind him and raised Mjolnir with both hands: "I'm ready!"


Duke Birhemond, Duke Bodrick and others stayed to take charge, while many knights and nobles who came to the scene led by Lawn, Ryan and others rushed to the location of the necromancer.

At this time, the necromancer Farah, who was sitting in the corner of the castle where the wizard of Bordero's court used to be, was still trying to summon the Knight of the Black Holy Grail. At the same time, he was waiting for Mahhubard to confirm the situation outside. The necromancer was still thinking. , he thought that Mahhubard might not be Arkhan’s ideal training candidate.

Farah knew that Arkhan adopted this abandoned baby in the wilderness when he came to Britannia to explore the "Staff of Nagash" and raised him as an adult. The Lich King's life would not welcome him. Come to an end, naturally there will be no need for the next successor, but Mahhubard must have been given some kind of mission by Arkhan and sent to Britannia.

The footsteps outside the door woke Farah out of his thoughts. The footsteps were dense and messy. The necromancer stood up in surprise. He felt something was wrong!

It's been several minutes. What was Mahhubard going to do? Have the Knights of the Black Holy Grail infiltrated?

"The Necromancer is here! Knights! Prepare to fight!" What Farah was waiting for was not Mahubader, but a large group of knights and sergeants led by the Holy Grail Knight Fedmund.

I'm betrayed!

The necromancer suddenly realized that he had been betrayed.

Mashubade actually betrayed himself and ran away!

"Oh! No!" Fedmund discovered Farah's figure. The guard guarding the door had fallen, and the remaining one was the necromancer standing in the middle. Bordeleau's court wizard died tragically in the room: " We are late, but not too late for revenge! Pay the price, undead, and may the lady grant us victory!"

"May the lady grant us victory!" The knights rushed into the room one after another and charged towards the undead wizard Farah.

"You can't even think of defeating me!" The Necromancer knew that he had been betrayed. He let out a terrifying scream, raised his goat bone staff, and pointed it directly at Fedmund: "Nagash's gaze!"

A purple-black magical light radiated from Farah's eyes and hit Fedmund directly. The Holy Grail Knight immediately dodged away. A Poseidon Knight behind him was hit on the spot. His flesh and blood were directly peeled off from his body, and his bones were necrotic. The armor was corroded into a mass of molten iron.

The air burned, the necromancer's spells so powerful they could rip mortal flesh away with a single blow.

But the knights of Britannia are not afraid. The lady's knights have continuously proved their loyalty and belief in the lady through their actions for thousands of years, even if they are blood-stained on the battlefield, Fedmund quickly steps Approaching Farah, with raw courage emerging from him, the Grail Knight vowed to offer the Necromancer's head as a tithe to the Lady of the Lake.

The blade passed by, and Farah retreated in embarrassment. The necromancer reluctantly pulled out an undead bone sword and fought against Fedmund.

Close combat is by no means the necromancer's specialty. With just two moves, Farah was forced into danger by Fedmund. The scimitar blessed by Poseidon was once stained with the blood of countless evils, and now it will continue to perform its duties.

Before the necromancer could even hold the uncontrollable bone sword in his hand, two weapons came from the side. A Poseidon knight used the Poseidon trident to directly attack the necromancer's arm while roaring, and another Poseidon knight's The scimitar had also struck, and the sound of the sharp blade blowing through the wind in the room stimulated Farah's hearing. He let go of the bone sword with a strange cry, took out a scroll from his body and tore it open.

"Bone Shield Wall!"

A huge wall made of white bones filled the entire room. The forest-white bones finally helped Farah block Fedmund's offensive. Before the necromancer could take a breath, the next second, the terrifying wind of death erupted from the room. As it blew by, the bone shield wall was like disintegrating grains of sand in the face of the wind of death, disappearing in the weather.

Elspeth, the Black Lady of Nur, appeared in front of the Necromancer. The scythe in her hand drew a semicircle in the air at a mysterious angle. The wind of death surged, and Farah's last attempt to self-destruct was in vain. , he barely used the bone sword to resist Fedmund's attack again, and a giant fist like a brown bear struck directly.

Under the tremendous force, Farah felt his vision begin to spin. He once thought that he had been knocked out. The lucky necromancer also hoped to escape through this method.

However, the necromancer soon discovered that his body was still standing fine in place.

That's it, my head flew off.

After knocking the undead wizard's head away from his shoulders, Noor Justice Theodore Bruckner glanced disdainfully at Poseidon Knight and Holy Grail Knight Fedmund who were present, and faced the justice " The Brittanian knights present looked at him angrily, but they were helpless.

Fedmund's face turned red, this undead wizard was his prey! The Holy Grail Knight felt that he had suffered a great shame, but he had no right to accuse Theodore of this head-stealing behavior, because this was Bordeleau, and it was he and his family who did not do a good job of security for the banquet.

This is the Knight of the Holy Grail. They may have emotions, and they may have joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but when it comes to conflicts among fellow human beings, they are always more willing to look at problems rationally, neutrally, and objectively, and are willing to think differently and try to choose a solution that everyone can agree with. Acceptable solutions and listen fairly to all opinions.

Except serfs.

"So... is the problem solved?" Theodore crushed the necromancer's head with his kick. This necromancer was not strong enough to reach the Holy Realm and was not a vampire. Elspeth blocked his escape space. The next one is really dead.

"The problem is not solved." Ryan walked in from the door and said: "I checked the bodies of the guards. It is impossible for a necromancer to get close and kill two armed guards with two swords. The guests at the banquet There must be someone inside!"

In the battle just now, Ryan chose to watch. Firstly, the opponent was not really that strong. The knight was enough to deal with it, and he did not need to take action personally every time. Secondly, it was also because this was Bordeleau, and the master destroyed the enemy. It is not convenient for him as a guest to join in the fun.

"I have ordered the castle gate to be closed, and all the defenders to go out and search all the guests." Fedmund immediately gave the order.

"Yes!" The guards scattered.

"The castle gate has been closed, and infiltrators have nowhere to escape."


"Damn, the castle gate is closed."

A pair of young lovers jogged all the way to take the opportunity to rush out of the castle, but found that the castle gate was slowly closing in front of them, and the guards, led by Poseidon Knight, searched everywhere for the guests.

"What should we do? Dominic... How are we going to get out?" Fiona became extremely panicked now. The girl from Berlion had never experienced such a big battle at all, and she looked fierce and angry. Mathhubad sighed: "Don't be like this, Fiona, look at your expression, anyone will be suspicious when they see you like this, right?"

"Then what do you want me to do!!!" The girl suddenly got angry at Mathhubad for no reason. She grabbed Mathhubard's collar and shook it vigorously. Her beautiful little face was twisted into a ball, and her eyes were twisted. Eyes widened: "It's all you! It's all your fault! You must attend this banquet, and now even I am involved! You wanted criminal! It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

"Shut up! Fiona, if you want to attract the defenders!" Fiona shut up with displeasure in one sentence.

Just now, the defenders discovered the two people who were trying to leave along the corridor. The defenders tried to interrogate them. However, because Fiona got angry and loudly reprimanded the guards for their rudeness, the guards still did not dare to embarrass the principal of Belion. Here comes the lady.

After all, Fiona is a descendant of the Balduin family, the first Duke of Belion, one of the twelve first-generation Holy Grail knight families. She enjoys privileges in the kingdom. No one dares to offend Fiona without the order of the king or the Lake God Witch.

This woman is still useful, Mathhubad thought.

"Fiona, thank you." The young and handsome knight suddenly slowed down his tone, his face full of affection.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" The girl was a little confused.

"Thank you for being willing to follow a fugitive like me and to pay so much for me. I really don't know how to repay you. You are like the stars in the sky and the lighthouse in the sea, bringing you so much in my dark life. That glimmer of light, you are simply my sun." Mahhubade suddenly held the girl's hand and said affectionately.

"You, you, you! Why are you saying such strange things all of a sudden?" Fiona's face turned red after being told by Mathhubard. The girl's original domineering look disappeared. She kept retreating in a panic until there was no way to retreat, leaning on On the wall of the castle: "Don't come over!"

"That's not what I meant, dear Fiona." Mahhubard laughed in his heart. His godfather Arkhan was a famous love saint (before his death) and taught him some techniques to deal with Fiona. It's so easy to fall in love with a girl who has just begun to love her: "If we want to escape, we may need some means. Fiona, have you seen the two guards guarding the door of the turret?"

"Yeah." Fiona nodded.

"You go and order them, lead them away, I will go out first, and then we will meet together at the Peacock Bar outside the city!" Mashubade said in a low voice.


A few minutes later, Fiona asked the two guards for help, saying that her male companion was missing and asked them to help find her. She successfully diverted the two guards. Mathhubad took the opportunity to sneak into the corner, and he turned over and passed through. From the window of the turret, a fish jumped directly out of the window and fell into the moat of the castle.


The moment Mathubadal fell into the water, Elspeth immediately sensed that someone had left the castle. She clenched her huge scythe with both hands, and the purple magic circle flashed past, and the wind of death turned into strips. The purple-red thread pointed directly in the direction of Mathubad's escape: "Someone has escaped from the castle, and he has been marked by me!"

"Very good! Knights, follow me!" Duke Bodrick was also fully equipped. He raised the Poseidon Trident in his hand: "Forward, for Bordeleau!"

"For Bordeaux!" The bearings turned, and a large group of knights rode towards the outside of the castle on their horses.

As soon as Mahhubard climbed out of the cold water of the moat, Poseidon's horn sounded in the castle. A large group of knights, led by the Holy Grail Knight Fedmund, rushed out of the castle and headed directly towards where Mahhubard was. Rushing from everywhere.

"The enemy is at the moat!"

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!"

"Mannan is on top!"

Oops, we were discovered!

Mathubad's whole body was soaked in water. He first subconsciously wanted to raise his sword to meet the enemy. However, after a moment of identification, the Duke of Mousilon immediately discovered that he was definitely not able to fight against the pursuers, because in addition to more than a hundred Poseidon knights, In addition, Lawn, Duke of Connet, Bodrick, Duke of Bordeaux, and Lane, Earl of Glamorgan are all there!

There is no way he can deal with such a powerful group of enemies alone.

Only the strong man has his wrist broken.

Duke Mousilon silently took out a golden skull from his arms, and spoke ancient and profound spells from his mouth.

Darkness fell, and black mist filled the place where he was. When the pursuers approached, three figures with black heavy armor, wearing dragon-wing helmets, holding lances and shields, and riding undead horses appeared.

On their armor and shields, the black Holy Grail pattern lingers with terrible undead magic energy. The cursed dark magic permeates the bodies of these undead. The souls of the once noble veterans have been desecrated, but their former power has become More powerful.

In one encounter, four or five Poseidon knights were killed on the spot.

When Duke Lawn of Connet, who arrived with the pursuers, saw these three black figures, the Duke immediately shouted loudly.

"Knight of the Black Holy Grail!"

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