The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 434, first north and then south

A fragile covenant was temporarily signed, and then a huge map of Britannia was laid out on the wooden table of the abandoned villa.

Kemmler, the great wizard of the undead, stretched out his dirty hands. His hands were as withered as dry branches, with long fingers and long nails. The nail caps were filled with sludge. It seems quite disgusting.

On the contrary, Kemmler also found Mathurbade's powdered face, carefully decorated corners and actions full of etiquette ridiculous. In the eyes of the necromancer, only magic and power are the true meaning of everything in the world. , is the ultimate goal pursued, and the rest is all illusion.

For the sake of power, Kemmler doesn't mind surrendering to Chaos. This is just a way to gain power.

The allies who had their own concerns finally stood in front of the map and looked at the current situation.

The situation left to vampires is already quite critical. Mousilon is like an isolated island in the ocean. Since the time of the previous king, the Brittanians have created an entire epidemic prevention belt along Mousilon. These are formed by the castle. The anti-epidemic zone formed by the city wall may not be able to completely block Mousilon's undead army on that cursed land, but it is enough for Mahhubard's army to spend a lot of effort to break through the defense line and get rid of it immediately. The entire knight kingdom was informed of the movement.

Therefore, Mahhubard could not easily mobilize Mousilon's undead army. The main force of the troops sent out at the beginning still had to rely on Kemmler's Tomb Army.

"If possible, I really hope to march westward and attack Bastogne directly." The Undead Archman reached out and pointed at the Bastogne Castle not far to the west of the Black Stone Stronghold. On the tall stone mountain, Duke Bohemond and his The Red Dragon family lives here.

"It is not a wise choice to attack Bastogne now." Mathhubard shook his head: "The Principality of Bastogne is a very special place. It is the land of dragon prosperity in the country of Britannia. There Home to the greatest number of Grail pilgrims and crusade knights, Arthur's fake family crest there would make a true master of heraldry dizzy, and the south of Britannia continued to prosper and grow over the years. , seeing the fixed tax reform carried out by Count Lion Macado, many dukes followed suit and implemented the reform in the name of Bichi in the Lake. Among them, Bastogne was at the time when the fixed tax reform was in full swing. I dare to say If we attack south at this time, both the knights and serfs there will definitely pick up guys and fight us hard."

(Bastogne is the place where the first generation of knights, Arthur, flourished, and it is also the most important place of pilgrimage for the expeditionary knights. Because of this, this principality has a large number of forged Arthur family coat of arms, and almost every lord claims his own There are battle experiences and battle relics left by Arthur in the territory, just like many restaurants in the south of China are said to have been visited by Kangxi or Qianlong. It is difficult to verify the authenticity and there is no way to verify the authenticity. You can only distinguish the authenticity by yourself.)

"What's wrong? The more dead we have, the more we can resurrect the dead and form a new army." After listening to Duke Mousilon's words, the Undead Archshaker already knew this, but Kemmler wanted to test Mashuba. De's ability, so he pretended to be surprised and said: "This is in line with our plan."

After listening to Kemmler's words, Mathhubard immediately understood that this was Kemmler's temptation. As a former Britannian knight and Arkhan's godson, Mathhubard knew this country very well. He continued calmly: "Yes, that's right. When you resurrect a certain number of the dead, you will have to face Ryan, Francois, and the coalition of the dwarf clan. In addition, Duke Bohemond and his Brotherhood of Red Dragon Knights, I think your Tomb Legion is not enough to shoulder this important task. I don't mean to belittle you, Lord Kemmler, but I still have to say that we have Better choice.”

The alliance of the undead had just been established, and Mahhubard and Kemmler still needed each other. Mahhubard also knew that he had to come up with something useful, otherwise it would be difficult to gain Kemmler's trust.

"What's a better choice? We can go south to attack Palaon, or we can go north to attack Montfort." Kemmler strode past Mathhubard, the noisy staff in his hand chattering. What.

"Due to the Chaos invasion at the beginning of last year, this country's army was severely depleted. The northern part of the kingdom was the most serious. Lyonnais was not only caught in internal divisions, but its productivity also suffered a serious setback. In order to exterminate the serfs, the new Duke Aldreeld The rebellion is already in a state of disarray, and it is almost impossible for the Principality of Connet and the Principality of Le-Angoulan to pass through the Arden Forest." Mathubad moved his fingers along the gray mountains: "So, we have two ideal attack targets. .”

"Montfort, or Gisoleaux." Kemmler's dark eyes moved along the gray mountains, and he whispered: "But if you fight like this, are you sure you won't attract reinforcements from Bastogne?"

"As long as the speed is fast enough, no." Mathubad pointed to the border lines of Gisoleaux, Montfort and Bastogne, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "Historically, until now, the differences between these three principalities have been The relationship between the two countries is very poor. Both the Principality of Montfort and the Principality of Guisoleaux covet the vast plains of Bastogne. Therefore, although there is no large-scale fighting between the two sides, the sporadic conflicts between the barons and counts under the two sides have never stopped. As long as We moved quickly enough, and the pride and arrogance of the knights meant that they would not have time to reinforce each other."

"Very good." Kemmler expressed satisfaction with Mahhubard's plan. The undead wizard raised his head and met Mahhubard's eyes.

What he saw was a Black Knight with hatred and spite, and Kemmler liked that kind of ally.

In Mahhubard's eyes, he saw an undead wizard with strong hatred and greed.

"So...what's your decision?" Mahhubard signaled that it was time for Kemmler to make a decision.

"I agree with your decision to go north and then south. We will attack first and catch Britannia off guard." Kemmler smiled, and his old and wizened laughter resounded throughout the abandoned villa. The great wizard of the undead First he took a few steps, and then immediately turned back. He pointed at Mathubad behind him: "You gave me a good suggestion, the godson of the Lich King."

"Then we can prepare to attack Gisoleaux..." Mathhubade said subconsciously.

"Gisoleaux? No, we will not attack Gisoleaux!" Kemmler rudely refuted Mahhubard's suggestion: "My Tomb Legion and I will not attack there for the time being."

"???" Mathubad frowned slightly. He had already given two locations. Among them, the Montfort Principality was not a good target for attack. There was almost no farmland in that Principality, and its income relied on grazing and tariffs. Mines in the mountains. In this case, almost every lord of the Principality of Montfort built a strong castle along the gray mountains to monitor the roads and control the pastures: "Can you tell me the reason?"

"The reason is...I am the one who decides where to fight!" Kemmler walked up to Mathubad, his wrinkled face under the wizard's hat stared at Duke Mousilon, who looked not very good-looking: "Learn to adapt. Your role, Arkhan's godson, your job is to assist me, not order me, do it well."

"... Of course, since you have decided so, let's do it." Mashubade's face was uncertain, but he finally nodded in agreement: "My army and I will assist you, no matter where you plan to attack, I They will do their best.”

"You'd better be like this." The Undead Archmancer stared at Duke Mousilon for a while, and then he looked away after making sure that he had no other ideas: "Very good, now let us go back and prepare for war, my Tomb Legion It will bring catastrophe to this world, starting from the Principality of Montfort.”

"In that case, I will retire first. Lord Kemmler, when you are ready, I will lead my army to send troops from Mousilon to support you." Mashubade lowered his posture very low, he was full of Bowing slightly politely: "Don't forget our agreement."

"Yes." Kemmler tightened his grip on his Noisy Skull Staff. The crow on the tip of the staff cawed several times. The powerful undead magic surrounded him and dissipated into a mist full of death and corpse smell. middle.

"So arrogant and rude." A vampire lord behind Mathubad came up, his voice full of anger: "The great undead wizard who doesn't even have a title has been wandering around the Gray Mountains for many years like a dog. , being so arrogant like this, I think we must teach him a lesson, my Duke."

"Lessons need to be taught, but not now." Mahhubard was very calm. After many failures, this young man grew up very quickly, and his blue eyes were filled with a strange smile: " Now, Kemmler and I are still allies who advance and retreat together for the time being. We need each other. We are now compatriots, brothers, and comrades-in-arms. No matter how bad we are, we are allies with our own agendas. He and I must unite and work together to fight against the knights. My relationship with him is that if we work together, we both benefit, and if we separate, we will suffer two harms.”

"Your will is the yardstick for my actions, my Duke." The vampire lord's name is Hal Harris. If Ryan were here, he would immediately find out that he is Gabe Newell, the Marienburg businessman named under Ryan's pseudonym. After Arkhan left, the vampires of Mousilon pledged their allegiance to Mahhubard.

Vampires are all young men. Mahhubard doesn't know how loyal these people are, but it's definitely not much.

After thinking for a moment, Mashubade continued: "Since Kemmler has decided to attack Montfort, we just need to fully cooperate and prepare to go back and gather the army."

"Really want to cooperate fully? My Duke? Then Kemmler is so arrogant, he will be our strong enemy in the future!" The vampire lord was very reluctant, and it said sharply: "We should guard against him, at least, not Let him win so easily.”

"No, we must do our best to help Kemmler this time. Even if there is no benefit, we must help him." Mahhubard rejected Harris's suggestion again. He frowned: "Now Musilon has become a In Lonely City, we must rely on the Tomb Legion to open up the situation for us. Every victory of Kemmler will speed up the eyes of the knights and the blue pools in the lake to move away from Mousilon. This is exactly what we need, in the future Under this premise, we must do our best to help least it is necessary for now."

"Do I need to contact the Lich King?" Harris continued to ask.

"No need." Mathurbard lowered his head and thought about the problem. The Lich King Arkhan is currently looking for traces of the Crown of Witchcraft in the Southern Badlands and the Border Princes, and Manfred is leading a large undead army. The Legion attacks Skaven Mordor, and the Sword of Nagash is within Skaven Mordor.

"Prepare a plan." Mahhubard no longer thought about it, and he signaled to his men to prepare to leave.


Golden autumn season, Old World, Britannia, Earl of Glamorgan.

Ryan is riding his pure-blood elf war horse Putao to patrol his territory. His army, except for the dwarves and knights, has been temporarily disbanded. The soldiers are busy going home for the autumn harvest. This year is another good harvest year, with golden food. The barns were packed, everyone had smiles on their faces, and groups of children were playing and having fun in the countryside.

Serfs used handcarts or burdens to transport grain. First, the Lake God's prophets under Morgiana collected tithes, and then the tax collectors of Lane collected fixed taxes. After these two taxes were paid, the remaining grain belonged to the serfs. Own.

The horse-drawn carriage transportation industry emerged in the territory. Some serfs began to change their appearance and became horse-drawn carriage drivers, shouting business. Ryan even saw that some serfs had begun to hire people to help them harvest food. Markets were gradually forming in the villages, and some traders transported goods by horse-drawn carriages. They were selling fruits, meat, and lamp oil along the village. Some dwarves from the Angland clan also joined them, selling dwarf farm tools and daily necessities.

The number of windmills and waterwheels in the territory is increasing. In some places where Lane's craftsmen have not had time to build waterwheels, the serfs even pooled their money to hire dwarves to help them build waterwheels first. Some serfs who have learned a skill choose to move in. In the city, they relied on their own skills and crafts to make a living, or they opened a shop in the city and worked for knights or merchants. Through their hard work or numerous military exploits, they gradually gained wealth and a higher social status.

A new class was sprouting. They were collectively called freedmen. They represented an enterprising collective among serfs who were eager to change their destiny. These people were gradually becoming the glue that filled the unbridgeable gap between serfs and nobles.

The oracle of the Lake Fairy brought great hope to this emerging class. Every enterprising serf realized that if he wanted to become a freeman or even a knight, he had to go to the battlefield and make meritorious deeds, so they were preparing for While you buy a complete set of soldier equipment and weapons for recruitment, you will never return to the countryside to work hard. There is no farmland in the cities and towns, but they contain opportunities.

"It's really a prosperous rural scene. In the past few years, the number of free people has increased from a few hundred at the beginning to thousands now." Ryan looked at the hot harvest scene and the smiles on the serfs' faces, and he said Looking at Sulia next to him, he said: "There will be more in the future. If this continues, my army will gradually be decommissioned."

“Apothecary, armorer, bowmaker, brewer, scribe, carpenter, cartographer, gem cutter, musketeer, herbalist, street vendor, shipbuilder, blacksmith, stonemason, tailor, and weaponsmith, in your In my territory, I can see almost all the types of craftsmen in the entire old world." Sulia raised her chin, and the countess cast a wink at Ryan, and said sweetly: "Lian~ you still did a good job. , My trust is not in vain~"

After saying that, the female knight stretched out her little hand to cover her mouth and snickered softly: "Interesting~ It's really interesting. Now the dukes in the entire country are secretly learning from your reforms. You are injecting fresh blood and bringing new things to this country. Fresh vibe, well done.”

"???" Ryan felt strange in his heart, and he asked tentatively: "Sulia? What's the matter with you? This doesn't look like you."

"Oh? Why doesn't this look like me? Am I your beloved wife?" The female knight couldn't stop laughing. She rode a pure-blooded elf warrior Marit close to Ryan and said in his ear: "Or, Do you like me to be more serious?"

"You..." Ryan's face slowly turned dark: "You are not Lidya Su!"

"Hehehe~ I've been discovered, this is your reward~" The female knight patted her cheek with interest, and kissed Ryan gently on the face: "This is the deposit, wait a minute Also, let’s wait until we get to my tower.”

"What's wrong? What happened?" Ryan was keenly aware of the problem.

"The situation has changed, my champion." "Sulia"'s face also became serious: "Go to my tower and let's talk in detail."


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