The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 436, Siege of Montfort

By the time Ryan, Sulia and others arrived at Helen Hilde's conference hall, almost all the nobles participating in the war in Winford were already present.

Sulia's cousin, Earl Antelm, and others were already present. There were more than a dozen nobles present. When these people saw Ryan and Sulia coming in together, they all greeted them, as did Ryan and his wife one by one. respond.

After marrying Sulia, Ryan finally fully integrated into the core of this principality.

Many members of the Brotherhood of Champion Knights of Quinaris were present, here are a few of the most famous and legendary knights.

The most famous were undoubtedly Francois Longshanks, Duke of Wynford, and his son-in-law, Lane, Earl of Glamorgan.

Many other legendary knights are also famous in the kingdom and even the old world.

Knight of the Holy Grail, Count Cuilleu, Antelm of Oste.

Sir Gerald, the paladin of Asarex and Francois's cousin.

Sir Geoffrey of Anglerton the Brawler, who single-handedly slew a dragon named Skala.

"Wanderer" Tolan, this expeditionary knight fought against a ghoul king Scotos for two days and one night at the Tainho Pass.

Sir Leon of Tula once killed a powerful vampire baron.

Count Conde-Reno once led a few knights to defeat the entire Goblin tribe in one fell swoop.

"Ghoul Killer" Fastrik, the famous knight led by an entire Pegasus unit "Swift Pegasus" will assist Francois and Lane's army in this war.

The conference hall of Helenschild Castle is full of talents and stars. Today, these heroes who are highly praised in Brittanian folk songs, these epic creators who have created countless sung and tearful stories, gather together.

Together they will deal with this crisis.

"Ryan, Sulia, are you here?" Francois, Duke of Winford, was looking at the map. Seeing Ryan, Sulia, Armand, Belega and others arriving, Francois stretched out his hand to signal: "sit down."

"Hey, guys, are you interested in listening to me tell a story?" With so many legendary knights gathered together, the eyes of Belegar-Ironhammer, the king of the Angrond clan, lit up. He thought it was these people. Everyone is going to participate in the expedition to Eight Peaks Mountain, and defeating Skarsnik and "Headhunter" Quark is just around the corner!

"The story will be told later, Belegar...King." Count Antelm of Kuileu called him king. He felt that it was awkward to call him king. The dwarf king in front of him didn't even have a fortress, so he had the nerve to say that he was a king. king?

But that's not the point now: "Ryan, now that you're here, let us introduce what we know so far."

"How's the situation?" Ryan signaled Belega not to tell the story in a hurry. Business is more important. Belega shrugged and found his own small bench. Francois expected Belega's arrival. The conference hall was full of people. There is a small raised bench placed near the front.

Everyone began to listen to Antelm's account of the situation.

Ryan pulled Sulia to sit down. He held Sulia's little hand. The female knight also put her little hand on his big hand to show that she was fine. The couple looked at each other and smiled and began to listen.

"Two days ago, Duke Fourcade of Montfort sent people to ask for help from the entire Britannia. A huge undead army poured out from the black stone stronghold in the Gray Mountains, aiming directly at Montfort at the Axbite Pass. "The castle of Montfort." A huge map of Britannia was hung on the wall. Antelm pointed to the castle of Montfort at the Axbite Pass and said: "Duke Fourcade initially thought that the enemy was out to attack his principality. It was a tentative attack. Forcade himself was experienced in many battles. He did not let his guard down and instead gathered an army of 3,000 men led by 200 knights to go on the expedition, and ordered an immediate retreat if the battle went unfavorably."

"On the plains near the town of Sowden on the upper reaches of the Graysmoray River, this army encountered the undead army. After the first battle, it was immediately surrounded by the undead army. Only less than a hundred knights and two hundred peasants remained. The troops withdrew."

"Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Duke Fourcade immediately ordered the walls to be cleared. He ordered all serfs and nobles on the path of the undead army to immediately take refuge in the Montfort Castle. Duke Fourcade himself led the knights of the principality in the castle. Sai Town temporarily repelled a small number of vanguards of the undead army and assisted the refugees to retreat. According to the scout reports, the number of the undead army was astonishing. It was initially estimated to be more than 50,000. Duke Fourcade knew that his army was not enough to fight against the undead army, so he sent a message to the undead army. The King and all the Dukes call for help!”

"Is there any reply from the king so far?" Francois frowned, and Duke Winford himself asked first.

"Regent Laune received the news of the request for help. His response was to ask Duke Fourcade to hold on temporarily. The entire kingdom is currently harvesting, and he is temporarily unable to organize an army of knights immediately. He asked the northern dukes to gather their troops together. , before facing the threat of the undead army, the army must be assembled and reorganized, and any sporadic support will only increase the number of replacements for the undead army." Antelm said.

"Correct judgment." Ryan, who was sitting next to the round table, nodded and said. Lawn's approach may be less humane, but his approach is undoubtedly correct.

"Duke Berhemond of the Principality of Bastogne has just received a request for help. It will take time for him and his principality to assemble the army. All of us know that Bastogne's national conditions are special..." Antelm continued: "So at least we have to wait until the harvest is over."

Most of the knight lords in the Principality of Bastogne are Holy Grail Knights, which makes the entire principality immersed in its past glory. The lives of the people are relatively decent, and the degree of corruption among the nobles is low. However, at the same time, the internal affairs capabilities of the entire principality are poor. It is also relatively low-level, especially Berhemond himself. He always appoints agents to manage the principality. He and the knights of the Brotherhood of the Red Dragon Knights stay in the Bastogne Castle all day long to compete and expel various powerful enemies. .

In this case, it would definitely take a lot of time for Bastogne to organize an army.

"There is no need to consider Carcassonne. Its border is too long. It would be great if Duke Hubbard's army can protect the national border..." Ryan continued to think: "Similarly, there is no need to consider Belion."

"Then only Palaon and Bordero are left...will the Poseidon Knights support us?" Jerrod also raised his own question.

"Don't place your hopes on others, Gerald. The only one we can rely on is ourselves." Francois interrupted Gerald's question, but the Duke still frowned: "You can be sure that the other party is the undead wizard Heinrich. -Kemler and his Tomb Legion?"

"That's for sure."

There were whispers in the conference hall, Heinrich Kemmler was back, he was back with him and his Tomb Legion.

"So what should we do now? Should we temporarily stop the autumn harvest and immediately support Montfort Castle?" Sir Geoffrey of Anglerton said.

"If we recruit a large army now regardless of the autumn harvest, it will be a huge loss to the territory."

"But if we don't support the castle of Montfort as soon as possible, maybe the castle will fall. This is not allowed. We must not let the land that the lady gave us Bretons be desecrated in the hands of the dead."

"Montver Castle is a famous fortified city in the old world. It will not fall that easily! We must be fully prepared."

There was a quarrel in the meeting hall. The nobles argued over whether to send troops during the autumn harvest. After all, the autumn harvest was in their own interests. Montfort Castle was a famous fortified city in the entire old world. Many knights believed that the Tomb Army would not be so easy. Capture the castle of Montfort.

Furthermore, the knights and nobles of Winford all understand that fighting the undead army must be fought quickly without delay. Every dead knight and soldier will become a new undead, and the tactic of adding fuel to the enemy's army is not advisable.

Ryan also frowned, what should he do?

"Folcade's request for help this time was really straightforward. In terms of his pride, he would not have asked for help so quickly." Antelm continued to introduce: "But the destruction of the Axbite Pass at the beginning of the year made the Principality of Montfort economically weak. Suffering a major blow, Fourcade immediately asked for help from the entire country, and by the way, he also asked for help from the empire, but there has been no response from the imperial court yet."

"Let's reorganize and gather the army first. When the autumn harvest is over, we will send troops immediately!" Finally, Francois's decision was finalized.


Brittany, in the mountains of the Duchy of Montfort.

A huge undead army with no end in sight all over the mountains and plains is marching along the mountain road. Tens of thousands of zombie legions and skeleton warrior legions have crowded the entire mountain road. Black bat legions and sky ghost legions cover the mountainous area in gloom. In the sky, in the center of the army, Kemmler's two most elite Tomb Guard Corps and the Tomb Ghouls and Tomb Evil Legions advanced slowly. He himself was holding a staff and not riding a horse.

Mahhubard led two legions of undead knights and a group of blood knights to follow Kemmler. This black knight of Mousilon wore a full-body black cursed plate armor and followed Kemmler. He is this The main provider of cavalry in the war.

"Montver Castle is now a crowded meat barrel, and most of the refugees have evacuated into the castle under the cover of Fourcade." Mathhubard said to Kemmler: "You The slow advance gave Fourcade ample time to prepare."

"Are you questioning my decision?" Kemmler raised his head, his damaged and fur-brimmed wizard hat raised slightly.

"No, my mission is to assist you. This is the condition of our alliance." Mahhubard said disapprovingly.

"Humph! Then follow my orders." Kemmler lowered his head again.

Kemmler and his Tomb Army were actually not prepared to attack the coalition forces of Ryan and Francois first, but attacking during the autumn harvest would make Britannia confused. It had been three days since they launched the offensive. There are no signs of troops gathering anywhere.

However, Kemmler's march did not go particularly smoothly at the beginning. There was very little farmland in the Principality of Montfort, and the vast majority of serfs relied on grazing and mining for a living. Without the autumn harvest mission, the serfs met the first leader of the undead army. The reaction was to turn around and run.

At this time, Kemmler ordered not to pursue. On the contrary, except for the initial massacre of several villages, he asked the army to slow down its advance. This allowed Fourcade, Duke of Montfort, time to bring the refugees into the castle. and improve the castle's defenses.

Mahhubard was quite confused about Kemmler's order. Since he was rushing to attack during the autumn harvest in Britannia at the beginning, why was he slowing down his advance now? Since the plan was to create a large number of corpses to replenish the army through massacre from the beginning, why did Kemmler ask Duke Fourcade to cover the retreat of a large number of refugees?

Isn't this a contradiction?

Did the undead wizard really become delirious after half his head was chopped off by Francois?

Well, just try your best to commit suicide, Kemmler. A ferocious smile appeared on Mahhubard's face hidden under his helmet. When you die, I can take over all your power.

Do it to your heart’s content!

The undead army continued to move forward. On the rugged mountain road, Kemmler looked at Mathhubad without leaving any trace, and he also sneered in his heart.

He didn't persuade me, this guy just wanted me to lose so that he could take over all my power.

If this guy is telling me not to do it, then he wants me to win.

Like Mahhubard's calculations, Kemmler had his own plans.

Montfort Castle is extremely strong, and the undead are a race that is not good at siege. His Tomb Army has no siege equipment, so it is almost impossible to capture this castle quickly.

This is why he asked Duke Fourcade to lead the refugees to retreat. With so many refugees, how many mouths are there? How much food is stored in the castle? How long can this castle last without food?

What he wants to do is to encircle the point and gather reinforcements. The Principality of Montfort will definitely ask for help from the Kingdom. He only needs to wait for other reinforcements from the Knight Kingdom and annihilate them!

At the same time... Kemmler recalled the battle of La-Messnel Abbey more than twenty years ago, and recalled that François rushed in front of him on horseback. In the anger of the lake god, the unicorn sword slashed Recalling the memory of when a cold front almost decapitated him, the undead wizard's hand tightened tightly on his Noisy Skull Staff.

Francois, I will repay you a hundred times for everything you have given me!

A week later, Montfort Castle, Brittany.

Montfort can be described as a model castle in Brittany. It is located in the middle of the gorge of the Axbite Pass and shows the world the best example of fortification: five layers of huge and solid walls divide the castle one by one, and the towering stone wall opens from the west. It starts at the very end and ends at the wall fortress at the eastern pass. The castle collected lijin from all crossings, and a prosperous trading city was formed in the castle.

It is said that Montfort was a dwarf fortress in ancient times. It was later abandoned due to the decline of dwarf power. The current Montfort Castle was built by the Breton tribe across the Gray Mountains on the site of the dwarf fortress to fight against the greenskin tribe. of.

The main keep of the castle is on the north side of the mountain pass. It is a giant fortress over twenty meters high. The five-story stone fortress is filled with obsolete artillery imported from the empire and fixed giant trebuchets. Each floor is divided into Two independent fortifications. The lower three floors are parallel to the cliff edge, while the top two floors are towering watchtowers.

Every city wall was filled with Brittanian defenders, numbering in the tens of thousands, but even behind such strong and tall fortifications, their hearts were still surrounded by fear.

Now, the entire giant castle is submerged by a sea of ​​undead.

Duke Fourcade stood on the watchtower and looked at the endless army of undead with a stern look on his face: "My lady, this will be the most severe test that Montfort Castle has faced in decades. , may you grant me victory.”

"In the face of the undead, there is no peace or surrender, the people of the Principality of Montfort! We can only fight to the death!"

"United together, under the faith of the lady, we have only one battle. May the lady protect us!"

"May the lady protect us!" A huge response from the castle echoed in the valley.

As if in response to Duke Fourcade's words, a distorted and hateful horn sounded from the undead army.

The war has begun.

It’s the last day of this month. I wonder if everyone is satisfied with this month’s update? I think I worked very hard, hehehe~

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