The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 452, another traitor is captured

Morgiana's room is of course the best room in the monastery, but the things inside are very simple. It is exactly the same as Ryan's tent. There is a bed, a cabinet, and a rotten wooden table with candles. Obviously Morgiana was writing, a quill in an inkwell.

A black magic book has been purified by the magical power of the Lake Fairy guided by Morgiana. The book is sealed in holy water and fixed with some kind of magic spell. On the cover of the book is written Heinrich Keim Well, obviously this is Kemmler's magic book or work notes. Ryan glanced at it with interest, but he had no intention of delving into it: "I thought you would go to the victory banquet, my highness."

Bright golden silky long hair fell from Morgiana's shoulders. The Lake God Witch cast a spell on the door when she saw Ryan coming in. When she heard Ryan's words, the Lake God Witch frowned, and her tone was very cold. : “If I were there, could they celebrate like that?”

"...It seems so." Ryan thought for a moment, and he smiled helplessly. Morgiana was right. Francois could celebrate with his subordinates, but once Morgiana appeared, the atmosphere would immediately turn cold. .

"You smell so much of alcohol..." The Lake God Witch had a disgusted look on her goose-egg face. She motioned for Ryan to sit down: "Forget it, this victory is very good, very good, sit down."

"Well, what's the matter?" Ryan also knew that he had a big drink, so he sat down directly and said straight to the point.

Morgiana first looked in the direction of the door and then checked the window. After making sure that there was no problem, the coldness on her face gradually melted away. Today, the Lake God Witch was wearing a fairy purple sweet taro flower velvet threaded silk dress and a white She let her expression relax slightly, sat on her bed, and took off her high heels: "I have something to ask your opinion, Ryan. Regarding the issue of reducing Theodoric's punishment, you What do you think?"

A pair of hazy calves are exposed under the long skirt. Morgiana is wearing flesh-colored stockings today. Her feet are slightly stretched forward. The stockings at the ankles have a thin wrinkle, which seems to be hazy and crystal clear. Her beautiful feet were wrapped in stockings, like white jade polished by tulle, and her toenails were painted with pink nail polish, neatly placed together and swaying gently in front of Ryan's eyes.

Ryan touched his chin. He thought for a moment and said, "So, you plan to reduce the punishment for Duke Theodoric?"

"There must be some reductions. In any case, Theodoric set an example in this war. This was not his war, but he still participated in the war. The war did not require him to personally fight, but he I still tried my best to attack Kemmler and almost died in the battle." Morgiana said to Ryan: "I must express my feelings and reasons."

"So...acquitted?" Ryan said with a smile.

"That's not the case, but I plan to let him continue to live in isolation for one to two years. When the period is over, he can return to the Principality of Belion and continue to be his Duke. The rules are the rules." Morgiana sat on the soft bed. , asked: "What's your opinion?"

"Duke Theodoric's support is generally a speculative act, but we cannot deny his efforts. His personal moral issues are on the one hand, and his bravery and fearlessness in the war are on the other." Ryan After thinking for a while, he said, "In that case, let's suspend the sentence for two years."

"But the knights of the kingdom still hold a huge prejudice against Theodoric. After the verdict of Theodoric, many knights of the Principality of Berlion expressed their dissatisfaction with my verdict. Some dukes also thought that Theodoric deserves a heavier punishment and should even abdicate." Morgiana expressed her worries. Obviously, public opinion is not on the side of reducing the penalty. Many people think that if Theodore is released in this way, Rick, it's only a matter of time before he does it again.

Ryan shook his head: "Morgiana, you can't think like that."

He took the initiative to reach out and take Morgiana's little hand, and explained the problem to her.

Rules are rules. The Witch of the Lake asked Duke Theodoric to go to the monastery in Bastogne to think about his past. On the one hand, it kept him away from his original life and political whirlpool. It was a kind of protection. On the other hand, it also made him alert and atone for his sins. It is also a punishment.

Whether Theodoric himself really regretted this omission is not discussed, and Ryan doubted that he did not, but his atonement was successful and worthy of appreciation, and it was in line with the spirit of sacrifice and honor in chivalry.

He successfully turned the tide of the battle and was almost killed by Gul. In order to atone for his sins, he risked his life and took the lead in the charge.

This is what Theodoric wanted, and he did it, then Morgiana must consider reducing the penalty.

In his previous life, Ryan had seen many "Judge Clouds" who were filled with righteous indignation and held a "Cloud Trial" whenever they saw a certain case. If they opened their mouths, they would be punished with the death penalty. If they were unhappy, they would be punished with the death penalty.

Or they are looking for reasons and excuses in the name of extrajudicial mercy and mercy, hoping to be acquitted.

Every time he saw it, he found it ridiculous. This was more like what the samurai of a certain country believed in in the past - if you made a mistake, you could just apologize and it would be over, and if it was serious, you could commit seppuku.

So is that justice?

Haha, that's venting.

"That's it... then I understand, let's judge it this way." Morgiana nodded, and she continued: "Second question, do you really plan to hand over the Blackstone Stronghold to those dwarves?"

"Is there any other way?" Ryan smiled: "Or would you like to continue to be occupied by vampires? Or green skins?"

"How about we garrison the Blackstone Stronghold?" Morgiana also felt a headache about this.

"How to garrison? Three hundred garrison? Do you need to transport rations for a thousand people at a time? Can three hundred people defend such a large stronghold under the attack of greenskins and bandits?" Ryan shook his head: "For now, let Baile It is more appropriate for Jia and his people to have a base than for us to forcefully occupy a mountain castle."

"Since you insist, let's do it." Morgiana obviously had her own ideas on this issue, but the Lake God Witch chose to give in this time: "What do the dwarves want from the kingdom?"

"Food." Ryan crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair: "The main problem is food. Dwarves eat a lot, and the food output in the mountains is small. Belega has already planned to write a letter to summon all his tribesmen to the Blackstone Stronghold. To reunite and resume production, the most important issue is food."

"The food problem is easy to solve, just trade." Morgiana immediately raised a new question: "In addition, we also need to respond to his call and launch a chivalry war... When is he going to do it? ?”

"At least wait until he gathers all his tribesmen, completes training and reorganization, builds enough weapons, and prepares for the expedition." Ryan smiled and said: "In this battle, Francois's army and I have also sacrificed It’s a big price to pay, so let’s take a full two or three years off first.”

"Well, I understand. When you think the time is right, just tell me. In the name of lady, I will launch a chivalry war order to the entire country and call on the knights to join the expedition to the Eight Peaks Mountain. The dwarves will help this time. If you save us, the knights will be rewarded." Morgiana saw that several things had been discussed, and she began to focus on other things: "It smells so heavy of alcohol, you go take a shower first. Come here again and I’ll stay with you tonight.”

"But..." The expression on Ryan's face was a little tangled, and he knew it.

"Nothing but, go and wash yourself and come back. I'll wait for you here." Seeing that Ryan was still a little hesitant and entangled, the Lake God Witch blushed and whispered in Ryan's ear: "You weren't before? Said he wanted to try it with me again...I'm already clean, go ahead."

"Oh oh oh!" Ryan's eyes glowed green.

.........I am the dividing line with green light in my eyes......

After resting for a day, the chivalry army began to return.

"Brother Ryan...sometimes we dwarves really envy humans for being able to ride horses." Belega, the king of the Eight Peaks Mountains, was sitting in the front of the carriage, drinking Bagman beer, and said to Ryan beside him: "Because of some well-known... Reason, it was very difficult for us to ride the mount.”

"Hehehe~" Ryan, who had a red face and a cheerful expression, had a smile on his face. He responded casually, somewhat distractedly: "I heard when I was in the empire that the earliest dwarves got along well with the humans in the Ivey Territory. That’s good, because the dwarves need cavalry, and the people of Iverland need weapons and armor.”

"That's right, before Charlemagne established his empire, several dwarf clans located in the Roof Mountains and Black Mountains of the World had already had trade relations with humans. The people in the Aiwei Territory at that time were called the Brei Classics. The people are as straightforward and enthusiastic as the dwarves, and Aiwei Land is a great plain that is rich in food and high-quality horses. However... if you ask me, the quality of the horses in Aiwei Land is still far behind your war horses... In short, Since then, dwarves and humans have had a relatively solid trade relationship. We need human food and cavalry, and humans need our weapons and armor." Belegar was in a good mood, and he took the opportunity to say: "I want to rebuild the Black Stone. Stronghold, we need a lot of food support, so I’ll leave this to you.”

"We will support you with some food first. When everything is on track, our trade will solve the food problem." Ryan nodded, this is negotiating terms.

"We still need some manpower, and my clan also needs you to provide a lot of carriages, meat, and fresh vegetables." Belega continued: "As a price, we will help you train qualified engineers and craftsmen... who can learn Learn as much as you can.”


Outside the carriage, Ryan and Bellega were bargaining. Inside the carriage, the Witch of the Lake and Veronica were lying on a rickety bed. Morgiana buried her head in the pillow with a red face. Her back and back ached, and her whole body was sore and weak. , unable to move.

Veronica was in a similar state, and the Witch of Gloria had fallen asleep.

Morgiana secretly gritted her teeth, thinking that Ryan, a bastard, didn't know how to be gentler. He was so excited that he was torturing her to death, so that now she could only lie down and couldn't move.

On the other hand, the Lake God Witch felt refreshed physically and mentally, with a radiant face and a supple complexion. She felt the soft blankets and cushions under her body and felt very satisfied.

Morgiana's magic power has gradually recovered, and her next step must be to find the Holy Grail of Potion, so that her power will be completely restored.

Now is the time to lie dormant and wait for the opportunity.

The army continued on its way back.

At the same time, outside the endless subspace storm, there is the main material universe, Holy Terra, the Royal Palace, and the Throne Hall.

There was still the familiar crackle of ozone and the sound of various cable currents. Sitting on the Golden Throne, Magnus, the Primarch of the Thousand Sons, was reading a book, laughing endlessly as he read.

"Citizen! The Emperor needs you!"

"Serving the Empire is an honor!"

"The Emperor knows everything! The Emperor is watching!"

"Only death is the end of duty!"

“Better to die for Him than to live in vain!”

"Know the heretics and kill the heretics!"

"Comply without hesitation!"

“Fear shakes faith!”

"A true Imperial citizen never doubts!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha~" Magnus's wild laughter echoed throughout the throne room, until a mental blow hit him on the forehead, Magnus screamed, and he complained. Said: "Father! Isn't this a good thing that bastard did? Why did you hit me?"

Not far from the Golden Throne, a demon prince was sealed in an instrument used to seal the Star Gods. Clarkson, the Lord of Mankind and the Raven Guard Primarch, checked the stability of the instrument and heard Magnus's call. , the Emperor showed no reaction, Clarkson turned his head and shouted towards Magnus: "Shut up... Magnus, if you don't want me to do to you what I did to Lorgar Repeat the words on your body.”

"Hmph! Damn Clarkson, an albino, you know how to threaten me!" Magnus' voice became much softer. He continued to read the book as if he was trying to be brave, and muttered: "Luo Jia's problem has nothing to do with me. Same, he is much easier to deal with."

Prior to this, the Emperor led the Custodes and the Raven Guard Primarch Clarkson to launch a surprise attack on the Eye of Terror, aiming to capture the treacherous and fallen Word Bearers Primarch Lorgar.

This process went smoothly beyond imagination. Luojia was surprised when Clarkson appeared in front of him. After that, the Primarch of the Word Bearers was beaten up by the Primarch of the Raven Guard in front of all his descendants. Luo Jia, who fought back and was knocked unconscious, was dragged out of the Eye of Terror and imprisoned in the instrument used by the Ancient Saint to seal the Star God.

"Father, what should we do next? Deal with this traitor?" Clarkson hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Jonson is fighting at Armageddon, and Guilliman is on the Imperial Expedition."

"You come with me to find Ryan and purify Luojia." The emperor was silent for a while, and some sparks flashed in his eyes: "By the way, it's time to meet Ryan's wife and get in touch with the servants of the ancient saint. Fulgrim."


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