The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 58, The Legacy of the Ancient Sage

After receiving the message from Ulric, Ryan immediately learned from the Church of Justice and the defenders where the ruins of the Ancient Saint were located.

The news is that the ruins of the ancient saint are located in Nora's abandoned manor.

So it was not an accident that Ryan took Teresa to listen to Nora's lecture to the children that day, but he did it consciously, and he needed to put a layer of cover on his actions.

"According to Ms. Nora, the compass that can record time is in the basement." Ryan walked into the big house swaggering.

As soon as he entered the big house, a huddled figure in the corner of the room let out a mournful wail. This humanoid creature was all gray and looked like a middle-aged woman in her forties. She was only wearing single clothes in the middle of winter, and her eyes had been covered with blood. Stab blind, bleeding bright red blood, and rushed towards Ryan.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Finally someone is here!"

The middle-aged woman rushed towards Ryan, her stiff hands stretched directly towards where Ryan was: "Save me quickly! Save me quickly!"

Ryan raised his right hand, and spiritual energy radiated from the palm of his right hand, illuminating the entire interior of the big house.

The shining psychic energy had just illuminated the middle-aged woman's body. Her gray body immediately seemed to be corroded by magma, making a sizzling sound like a barbecue. Then her body was quickly eroded by the blue psychic energy. Surrounded by flames.

"Help me! Help me! I'm just an injured traveler! Please! Don't hurt me!" The middle-aged woman was surrounded by blue flames and rolled on the ground in pain. She immediately begged towards the White Wolf Knight. .

Ryan's face was dull and he didn't say a word. Instead, he increased the radiation power of the psychic light, and soon the middle-aged woman was burned to ashes.

It’s the eyeless one!

In Nord, if a person dies of a sudden illness instead of dying in battle, and his family or fellow villagers are unable or unwilling to bury him properly, he will be abandoned in the snow. Violent corpse.

Some "dead people" will revive strangely and try to go home as undead "guests". To prevent this, the living people will remove their eyes from their bodies. Even if they are revived, they will not be able to see which direction they are going.

However, hunger and resentment filled their hearts. This difficulty could not stop their determination to return home. Their skin was pale white and their eyes were hollow.

These undead creatures do not have the kindness and love for life they had when they were alive, but only endless hunger and resentment. They hide their plots and guide the travelers who are kind enough to help them to fall into the deep pits they dug, and then suck the souls of the living and gouge out their eyes. Trying to install it in your own eye hole. The locals all know that when a person encounters a poor blind man with a bleeding eye hole in the wild, do not help him. Those kind people have paid the price with their lives for his kindness.

There is no need for any mercy at this time. Such undead souls can only be truly merciful by sending them to death.

After dealing with the eyeless man lurking in the dark, Ryan began to search for the presence in the basement on the first floor.

It can be seen from the decoration of this house that what Nola said about the family's decline is indeed correct. Even though it has been abandoned for many years, Ryan can still see that many of the furniture in the house are very old, and some floors can be seen. It was broken before it fell into disuse.

Ryan quickly found the entrance to the basement, which was hidden in the kitchen. Ryan directly moved the collapsed building debris away, and then pulled the wrench on the floor.

The iron stairs fell below. Ryan tried it for a while and found that it was okay, so he lit the torch and entered the basement.

"It's a bit strange...According to the standards of a normal manor owner, this basement is too big, right?" Ryan raised the torch alone and inspected the situation in the basement.

There was a rotten smell in the basement. This was originally a place used to store food, wine and other supplies. However, no matter how good the basement or cellar is, things will always break after being stored for more than ten years.

Ryan cautiously continued to explore downwards. He stretched out a blue psychic blade from his right wrist and used the torch to illuminate the dim environment of the basement.

Go through the moldy room where the food is stored and enter the inner room.

"I see." After passing through the outer storage room, the internal environment finally made Ryan understand why this basement is so big.

Because the compass of the ancient saint was very big, really very big. This compass with a diameter of at least five meters was engraved with countless patterns and runes. The marks used to record time on the compass had exceeded its scope-this proves that the distance It has been more than ten thousand years since the Ancient Sage came to this world.

In the center of the huge compass, a bright star illuminates the surroundings. Surrounding this star, all compasses are composed of perfect circles and various complex shapes surrounding the star in the middle, including squares, rectangles, polygons, and rhombuses. This pattern constitutes harmony and perfect unity.

Walking to the compass, Ryan hung the torch on the wall. After making sure that no one was nearby and that nothing was watching him in the void, the White Wolf Knight raised his head and stretched out a hand towards the huge compass. .

Pure light blue spiritual energy slowly poured into the compass along with the man's movements.

Yes, this huge device is not at all the compass that the ancient sages called recording time.

This huge device is the instrument used by the Ancient Saints to connect the spiritual veins of the entire planet and store the oldest and most profound secrets!

Ancient instruments are powered by pure spiritual energy.

"If you want to activate the ancient saint's instrument, only your unique spiritual power on this planet can do it." These were the father's exact words.

"Qiang~Qiang~Qiang~" The ancient instruments began to activate under Ryan's spiritual energy, and the friction sound of stones and iron blocks was very harsh.

Even after more than ten thousand years, the Ancient Sage's machine can still be used. Ryan's light blue spiritual energy is continuously injected into the compass. The whole device makes a squeaking sound and begins to rotate, covering it. The dust was blown away, and the energy in the compass seemed to respond to Ryan's psychic energy.

The device is turned on.

At the same time, a strong feeling of sadness and despair flooded into Ryan's mind.

His mind fell into fantasy.

This is a war.

A terrible war that lasted for millions of years and almost wiped out the Old Saints.

In the end, in order to escape the enemy's attack, the last ancient saints found this star field shrouded in the eternal subspace storm. The enemy was a skeleton composed of fully armed machines, and a terrifying existence whose whole body was burning with flames... …

As soon as he saw this, Ryan felt a pain in his head and immediately got out of this state. He knew that his strength was insufficient and he could only see this. Looking further down, he could not do it with his current weak strength.

So Ryan turned his attention to infusing the instrument with psychic energy.

Time passed quickly, and Ryan worked tirelessly to continuously inject his spiritual energy into this device.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

It was not until the fifth hour, when Ryan had injected almost all of his psychic energy into the device, that the device finally started.

It showed its complete picture towards Ryan, and a mysterious message was passed into Ryan's mind.

"Latercomers, we are the Ancient Saints, the oldest intelligent creatures in the universe. We welcome you."

Ryan added silently in his mind.

"After experiencing a terrible war, we came to this world. This planet and the nearby star fields were shrouded in eternal giant subspace storms. We are temporarily safe, but we know that the terrifying subspace predators It was just a matter of time before they found us.”

"Therefore, we have hidden all our accumulation in the equipment of this planet, which contains part of the energy and part of the technology accumulated by our race for tens of millions of years, although most of it is on this strange planet It cannot be used on the Internet, but this is the continuation of our racial culture and technology.”

"Please make good use of them, late comers."

With the end of the last sentence, this ancient device was finally revealed in full in front of Ryan.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Ryan still felt suffocated after seeing what was in front of him!

This device contains the purest cosmic energy collected and stored by the ancient saints for tens of thousands of years!

This energy was so powerful that the White Wolf Knight felt insignificant, extremely insignificant. It was like the difference between a grain of gravel and the Milky Way. Even facing the White Wolf God of War Yurik, it was not enough. With Ryan so trembling and excited, the White Wolf Knight can feel that these energies are extremely pure and clean. As long as he hooks his fingers, these energies can be used by him immediately!

In an instant, Ryan's mind was forcibly filled with endless pictures.

After receiving such powerful energy, the great Lion, this stranger will become the most powerful psyker and the greatest knight in the entire continent, no, the world. He will command an unprecedented vast army. Master, he will plant the banner of victory in every corner of the world. The mere elves and dwarves are completely unable to stop his footsteps. He will unify the world and call himself Emperor Ryan. After the bloody conquest, countless hymns and ribbons will be He blooms.

Men love him and worship him. Any human who dies for Ryan will receive the highest honor, which is the highest praise for a human being. Women are obsessed with him, and his harem will be filled with people of all races and types of countries. The color is fragrant, one city after another, mountain peaks, and continents will be named after him. Statues of Emperor Lion will be all over the entire continent. Chaos is lingering under his blow and has to retreat to the darkest and deepest corner of the continent, trembling. , as soon as he heard Ryan's name, his soul flew out of his mind, welcoming the end.

not enough! This is not enough! ! ! He deserves more! The golden throne belonging to his father is waiting for him. The loyal son will take over the huge scepter from his father, and he will become the Lord of the Galaxy! King of the universe!

Wearing a crown and holding a scepter, the proud "Emperor Ryan" sat on the golden throne and said eagerly to Ryan: "Quick! Quick! Absorb all this energy quickly, quick! As long as Take these as your own! The me you are now will be you in the future! This is what you are destined to deserve! Move your hands and get it!"

Ryan stretched out his hand towards his shadow with a look of fascination.

"Yes! Yes! That's right, this is just a piece of cake for you. Come on, let's become one!" "Emperor Ryan" on the golden throne was even happier. He opened his mouth and showed his thick tongue. And a mouth full of gold teeth.

However, the White Wolf Knight stopped.

"What's wrong? Strength, beauty, power, aren't these the things you desire? Come and get it! Come and get it!" Xuying said anxiously when he saw Ryan's movements stagnant.

What answered him was the white wolf knight's flipped wrist and raised middle finger.

"F**K YOU!" Ryan said calmly towards his shadow: "I won't accept this!"

Then all the hallucinations and illusions disappeared, and what was left was the cold and damp basement, and the ruins of the ancient saint displayed in front of Ryan's eyes.

Nothing has changed.

No! It’s not that it hasn’t changed! ! ! A phantom of a man shining with golden light, wearing a huge set of golden plate armor, with long black hair, and an unparalleled majesty and majestic body stood behind Ryan. There was no expression on his face, only the pair of words containing Ryan's reflection flashed in his eyes filled with countless wisdom and majesty.

Ryan immediately turned around, his face full of surprise and joy: "Father!!!"

Although the tone of the voice that answered him was cold, it still expressed the owner's appreciation for Ryan: "Well done, my son."


The far north, the chaotic wasteland.

The Chaos Wasteland is located in the northernmost part of the world. It crosses the vast territory of the empire, the Nord Kingdom, the Tazir Desert and the Kislev Kingdom deep in the desert. There is the Chaos Wasteland - it is desolate and evil. From the wind You can hear the whispers of the dark gods in the roar. In the center of this wasteland lies the Kingdom of Chaos, where nightmare-like and terrifying things are constantly emerging. The power of the Chaos Gods is unparalleled here, and only madmen or fools dare to invade their territory.

The foul winds of chaos blow through this cursed soil, and no living creature can stay in this most terrifying place in the world for long.

The third Eternal Chosen of Chaos, the King of Three Eyes, the Emperor of Chaos, the Lord of the End, and the most respected Champion of Chaos Chosen, Archaon, is sitting on his Chaos Throne, staring coldly ahead. He wants to He immediately marched south to bring an end to everything in the world, but the pain in his body and the current number of troops were not enough to ensure that he could complete his goal.

He still needs to be patient.

At this moment, a flash of light coming from the south caught his attention: "What is that?"

The whispers of the evil god soon came from the wind of chaos. Archaon took out the map, and he immediately found the approximate location of the fleeting light.

It is the largest port city in western Nord, Mjordenhaven.

Archaon rose from his throne, and his loyal servants immediately heard the supreme command of the great Everchosen of Chaos.

"Send the order to Birig! Attack...Mijordenhaven immediately!"

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