The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 578, Master Jin

"Borgil the Besieger was a very powerful mercenary leader. He was called the "Besieger" because of his unparalleled expertise in siege warfare. He was the greatest at the time when the city-state encountered the Skaven invasion. mercenaries. Legend has it that all the cities in Tilea, even Milagliano with its cleverly constructed walls and strong walls, were unable to withstand the siege of the prince. Bogil was indeed an expert tactician, and most of his battles ended in victory."

"After three great victories, he made Milagliano the most powerful principality in Tilea. After that his enemies had to succumb to his siege power to avoid open combat and hide behind the city walls. He was also a shrewd man. Without being a tyrannical ruler, once an opponent appears, they won’t survive long.”

"But Prince Bogil's power has also attracted everyone's hostility. He has experienced countless assassinations. All the nobles of Tilea, including many mercenaries from the Miragliano city-state, united against him. Eventually, while entering a bathhouse to bathe, he was assassinated while unarmed."

Halfling Harpy, a legendary swordsman at the peak of his powers, was following Fulgrim, and he introduced the situation.

Halflings are not difficult to hire. After Fulgrim took out enough gold and silver, it was natural that the halfling Harbi chose to join the Ash Legion. He agreed to lead a dozen halflings under his command on an expedition to Lustria, in order to After getting fifteen boxes full of wealth, the money was enough for these halflings to finish their job and then go back to their hometown of Muttland to find a female halfling to marry.

When Habib saw Fulgrim offering the amount of employment, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He immediately agreed to accept the employment. The halfling happily said that after completing this business, he would wash his hands and stop being a mercenary.

A group of people walked on the streets of Miragliano. The streets here are magnificent, luxurious, grand, simple, simple and gorgeous, but they do not make people feel overcrowded at all. On the contrary, the people here are very relaxed because they are far away from the war. Having time to think about philosophy and pursue art, Fulgen also admired the streets and house designs along the way with great interest while listening to Hubby's story, and stopped from time to time to listen to the performances of some street performers.

On the contrary, Angron had no interest in these things. He looked at the streets with different decoration styles casually. He looked at them for a long time and didn't see anything special. He was just listening to the halfling's introduction.

In terms of talent alone, Bogil Besieger may be the best mercenary leader in the southern country. He not only relied on his bravery, wisdom and the spirit of sharing weal and woe with his mercenaries to become Prince Miragliano, but also He defeated three principalities in succession in three wars, and completely defeated the big green-skinned waaagh in the Southern Gray Mountains who tried to invade Tilea, causing it to split into three small tribes. Make them no longer a threat to Tyrell.

However, when Borgil revealed his ambitions, when he declared that he wanted to become the true king of Tilea, he encountered unanimous opposition, resolute opposition, and everyone united against him, including those under his command. Mercenaries.

Bogil can win every war, and he can defeat all enemies in his path, but as long as he leaves with his front foot, the places he has conquered with his back foot will immediately raise a rebellion and fall, no matter how hard Bogil tries, Milagliano was still the only one he could control, and to make matters worse, the mercenaries under his command began to turn against him.

"Normally, we cannot hope that the mercenaries will provide loyalty similar to that of the country. This is unrealistic, and Bogil is not Jonson." Fulgan listened to the halfling's story, and he analyzed everything calmly: "Unlike the Empire and Britannia, where the people have already formed a desire and consciousness for unity amidst the threats and pressures of Chaos, the Undead, and Greenskins, the people there firmly believe that a united country is obviously better than a divided country. Want to be stronger, but Tyrell and Estalia did not face this threat. Everyone is used to autonomy, everyone likes autonomy, and refuses to change, so the pressure to unify is surprisingly high. Bogil is obviously It doesn’t have the abilities of Charlemagne or the first knight king Arthur, and it also lacks a war-torn and threatened environment.”

"But why do the mercenaries under his command also oppose him?" Angron asked Fulgrim: "According to what Habib said, Bogil will always take the lead in every battle. He usually shares the joys and sorrows with the mercenaries, even eating. Stirring spoons in a large pot.”

"That's right, but their relationship is that of superior and subordinate after all." Fulgan sneered a few times: "The relationship between superior and subordinate and king and minister are different, Angron, we can't confuse them together."

"You understand, you know best!" Angron understood clearly. It was nothing more than the difference between the Warmaster and the Emperor. Each Primarch was controlled by the Warmaster, but all Primarchs were qualified to become Warmasters. On the contrary, the Emperor There is only one and his reign is eternal: "So I hate talking to you sissy, you always like to tell half the story, leave the other half, and then take the opportunity to laugh at me!"

Fulgrim knew Angron, just like Angron knew Fulgrim. Seeing Angron shouting like this, Fulgrim just smiled and said no more.

It seems that due to the chaos caused by Bojir's death, the entire city is in a state of extreme disorder. Just like the situation Angron and the others encountered just now, the Chaos cultists dare to openly promote chaos on the streets and spread corruption. No one stopped him, and then Fulgan brazenly shot the cultist in the head and caused panic. There was no response in the city. The guards responsible for protecting Milagliano were busy fighting for power and had no time to pay attention to the corners of the city. what happened.

"So, where is the Golden Mage?" The barbarian warrior Ingrid asked loudly as she followed the crowd. Angron's appearance made her feel naturally close to her. In the imagination of the Norscans, his figure was Angron is huge, strong, wields a pair of axes, has a masculine appearance, and the space between his movements is collapsed, which is enough for the female barbarians to regard him as an elder, especially because Angron also seems amiable (by the standards of the barbarians) terms).

"Mage Gold lives in a manor in Miragliano City." The halfling Habi nodded repeatedly. He was short but not bulky at all. On the contrary, this halfling walked extremely fast and silently. , he was wearing the most common ranger attire, including a hat with kite feathers and a quiver, a small short bow on his back, and a cloth bag hanging on his chest, which contained a row of daggers. With a short sword on his back, he looked harmless, but everyone who looked down on him paid the price.

What caught Fulgan's attention a little was that Habib was wearing a ring. The ring was entirely golden, with ancient spells and a mysterious language engraved on it.

"This is a halfling's sacred object, passed down to me by my cousin." Habi seemed to see something, and he briefly explained: "That's it."

Fulgan just nodded lightly and did not answer.

Although this halfling is very small, he looks quite young, but in fact he is already sixty years old this year. Halflings reach adulthood at the age of thirty-three, and the life span of ordinary halflings is one hundred and fifty years old. Around sixty, one can be considered a young person.

Following a long and narrow garden road, the group headed towards where Master Jin stayed in Miragliano. Master Jin and his army temporarily settled in this manor.

When everyone entered the manor, they were all surprised by the scenery in front of them.

What he saw was a large sea of ​​fire. The crackling sound of the flames and the smell of burning in the hot wind made Angron frown.

The entire manor was burning, and the three-story building was gradually burned in the flames. The elemental spirits wrapped in flames were flying in the air, making sharp hisses and roars back and forth. They kept laughing loudly, as if the flames made them feel In order to be happy, it seems that the tragic fate of mortals can make them happy.

"As always, we are late." Felix, the general of the Hussars, said in a low voice with a face as dark as steel: "What awaits us is only destruction. Master Jin has been defeated."

"Not necessarily." Fulgrim motioned for everyone to calm down. The commander of the Ash Legion noticed that a group of Arabis were walking out of the burned manor. They were wearing robes and turbans on their heads. Each of them was holding a scimitar. He pulled out a tied Tilean man from the manor, pressed him on a tree stump, and prepared to take action: "According to his will, we sentence you to death."

"No! No! Don't! I beg you!" The Tyrells screamed. He kept screaming and struggling: "No! I just, I just want to make a wish!"

"But you lose. As a loser, you will die." The Arabi soldier pulled out the scimitar from his waist and raised the scimitar high.

"no no!"

"Wait!" Fulgan led a group of people approaching from a distance. He glanced at the manor that was burning in flames and asked the Arabis: "Why do you want to kill him?"

"Kill him? What the hell does this have to do with you? You look like you're selling shit in a welfare home..." the Arabi soldier said impatiently. However, after seeing Fulgan's appearance and his divine attire clearly, this Disdain soon turned into fear: "Uh... I'm saying, this is none of your business! Get out of here, we're going to execute you!"

"Tell me, Arabis, why do you want to kill him!" Fulgen's expression did not change at all. He just stood in front of these Arabis soldiers: "Otherwise, I will not leave."

"Save me! Save me!" the Tyrell screamed. At this time, the mercenary was so frightened that he burst into tears and his pants were wet.

"Hmph, coward!" Angron snorted disdainfully.

"Speak! Be quick!" Fulgen continued to take a step forward.

It was a look that made people feel fear deep in their bones. This look was like a polished steel knife stabbing at them. It was steady and accurate, hitting the vital point, making people unable to move or avoid. It was as if he was controlled by hypnotism, and no cover-up could resist it. It penetrated the camouflaged armor like a bullet, and cut through the glass like a sharp blade.

Several Arabi soldiers immediately felt that their lives were in danger. The leader swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said somewhat aggressively: "Master Jin ordered us to kill him. This is the reason. Are you satisfied? If not, just Please leave quickly, this is not the place you should be, Imperial! We are going to execute you."

The golden double-headed eagle on Fulgrim's chest caused misunderstanding among the Arabis.

"Not satisfied." Fulgrim lowered his head: "You just told me a reason. What I want to know is the reason. Why did you kill this Tyrell?"

"Why do you have to know the reason? Does your empire's demon hunter tell everyone why he fell for the reason before execution?" The Arabi soldiers were still showing off, even though the scimitars in their hands were shaking.

"There is no reason." Fulgan continued, his eyes became sharp: "Tell me!!!"

"..." Several Arabi soldiers took a few steps back. They looked at each other and began to hesitate.

"Because he doesn't really want to cooperate with me." At this time, a hoarse voice came from the burning gate of the manor. A tall man, wearing golden embroidered silk, holding a golden flaming scimitar and wearing a pumpkin on his head A man with the same gold hat and gold powder on his face strolled down the steps. The fire elemental elves were spinning around him, making happy cries. He was blind in one eye, and there was only indifference in the remaining eye. : "He just wants to get close to the djinn, and he wants to make a wish to the djinn."

"His wish?" Fulgrim turned around.

"That's not important." Master Jin walked down the burning steps step by step: "What about you? Are you here to cooperate, or do you want to be like him?"

"Let him go, you have no right to judge him." Fulgrim looked at the Tyrell whose head was pressed on the tree stump and shook his head: "This is not the right you should enjoy."

"Then it seems we can't reach an agreement." Master Jin walked step by step in front of Fulgen: "But this is also very easy. We always follow the principle of equal exchange. You can trade your life for his. .”

"Or you can ignore this matter and let us talk about it again. What is your motive for coming to me? Do you want to seek cooperation? Or do you also covet the secret of the djinn?"

"Cackle~" The fire element elves rolled in the air, letting out bursts of sharp and violent laughter.

"Are you challenging me?" Fugen walked up to Master Jin: "What if I take control?"

"I said, I follow the principle of equal exchange. Since you want to take care of it, why not? Your soul is much more valuable than this garbage soul." Master Jin shook his scimitar: "You want to wait until Fire ceases, or now?”

Just behind Master Jin, a group of fire element elves were emerging from the burning manor.

"What's the difference?" Fulgrim drew out his golden power sword, Glory, and motioned for everyone to disperse.

"Indeed, then... let's start!!!"

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