The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 592, Put down the rebellion

The situation was over. The rebel leader Alan hesitated for a moment, then immediately handed his weapon to Raymond and asked for surrender.

The counter-rebellion troops were a little reluctant, but Juan kept Lane's instructions in mind and when he saw the rebel leader surrendering, he made a decisive decision and agreed.

The battle ended. Under the stern eyes of the old guards and local nobles, the rebel serfs came out of their strongholds in small groups and knelt down to surrender.

The counter-rebellion army has very strict requirements. Except for clothes, bedding and some pots and pans, no weapons are allowed, not even suspected weapons such as hoes and pitchforks, any gold, silver, jewelry and religious items. No items are allowed, all must be handed in.

Once they are discovered to have been secretly involved, there will be no reason to be spared and they will be executed on the spot.

This was a very strict order, but the rebellious serfs relaxed after hearing it.

Because the requirements are so high and the orders are so strict, it doesn't look like they want to kill prisoners and surrender, because if the knights really wanted to kill prisoners and surrender, they wouldn't have so much trouble.

The counter-rebellion army established a prisoner-of-war camp, and dozens of large pots were set up to prepare food for the rebel serfs.

Juan originally planned to distribute black bread to the rebellious serfs, but Count Dulin and Count Larot immediately opposed it. They believed that although these rebellious serfs had excusable circumstances, they were really not worthy of black bread, so they would not Just starve to death. Furthermore, what if these serfs are overfed and have the strength to resist?

Juan thought for a moment and felt that it made sense. The prisoners did not need such good treatment.

The porridge is cooking in the big pot. This porridge is not the fragrant and oily porridge that the army eats. Instead, it uses old grains and some miscellaneous grains from the bottom of the warehouse (chestnuts, dried pea pods, acorns and ferns). Plants), add some chopped vegetable leaves, and directly add water to cook the gruel. Not only does it not have a drop of oil, but it is also very thin!

But this was already a supreme delicacy to the rebellious serfs.

The smell of porridge wafted in the summer air. Smelling the aroma, the rebel serfs could hardly stand. The unkempt, skinny, and ragged rebel serfs slowly gathered together. Except for the young and strong rebels, there was no one in the crowd. There were also the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled, women and children. Many women even had no clothes to wear. No matter how hard they tried to cover themselves, some of them were still exposed, making them extremely embarrassed and angry.

In the old guard camp, the rebel leader Alang was caught in the barracks for interrogation. He said everything in a bachelor's manner, except that he kept praying to Juan not to kill prisoners and surrender. He was willing to trade his life for everything. human life.

After following Ryan for a while, Juan also learned a lot. On the surface, he seemed very embarrassed. After watching Alang beg for a long time, he reluctantly agreed to let these rebellious serfs go.

The moment Juan let go, the rebel leader knelt in front of everyone in the military camp and burst into tears.

It happened that Raymond was a fellow villager of Alang, so Juan asked Raymond to go eat something first before him.

Raymond took Alang to the barracks of the Old Guard and found a place to sit down. Because he was shackled, and because he knew that if he caused trouble, the tens of thousands of brothers and sisters outside would suffer, so the rebels The military leader sighed lowly and took the bowl of porridge from Raymond's hand: "Long time no see...So, you are now an old guard? You brought the knights here! Bring them here." Defeated us?!”

Raymond was also silent. His former childhood playmate was right in front of him, so familiar yet so strange. They used to play together, go into the forest to pick wild fruits together, and go to the river to catch fish together. When they grew up, they also gave birth to knights together. The master is doing hard labor.

On that night of rebellion, Alang chose to resist, while Raymond chose to escape.

Different choices lead to different paths in future life. When we meet again, Raymond is already an old guard with outstanding achievements. He wears half plate armor, a dwarf's fine halberd, a sword on his waist, and well-polished leather boots. Liang, how can you still look like a serf?

"Lark is dead." Raymond was silent for a while and then suddenly said: "Do you still remember him?"

"Where are his two sisters?" Alang was stunned for a while.

"He died too. He died on the way to escape. He was killed by beastmen. My mother, brother and I almost died too." Raymond said with some sadness: "It's not that easy for everyone, Alang."

"...Hey, yes, it's not that easy for anyone. If I am a rebel, I will be hanged, and if you are a runaway slave, you will be hanged too!" The rebel leader gritted his teeth: "No matter what, it doesn't matter. If you want to die, you either run away or rebel. You survived and I survived, that’s enough!”

"Alan, why would you..." Raymond hesitated.

"Why?! You ask me why?!" When he mentioned this, Alang's expression became excited again, and he almost yelled: "If you can't live anymore, what else can you do? You don't even have to eat a bite to ask us. How about it? Watching yourself starve to death?"

The iron chains of the shackles clanked.

Looking at his hysterical appearance, Raymond was suddenly very happy. He was very happy for his choice to escape and escape to Duke Lane's territory, and he lived a good life from then on.

Alang also realized that the person in front of him was not his childhood playmate, but the old guard. He sat down again and ate the porridge with a big mouthful. This movement was so violent that he seemed to beg for something.

While eating, tears came down heavily: "It's been several days."

"How many days?" Raymond asked strangely.

"We have been without food for several days, and more than a hundred dead people have to be carried out from the stronghold every day." Alang cried and said: "Your attack is too fierce. Hit every place and kill one. We usually disperse. , where can there be so much stored food!”

"...I'm sorry, but this is the Duke's order." Raymond was a little embarrassed, and the old guard felt a little ashamed for the first time: "We must put down the rebellion as soon as possible."

"Duke? Duke!" Alan gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger: "You know the Duke. Do you know how the Duke of Lyonnais treated us?!"

"He deceived our original leader and said he was willing to help us and solve our problems. We were very happy and chose to surrender. The result was the Duke. He pretended to give us travel expenses and food to send us home, and then took the surrendered serfs They were imprisoned in the hill and carried out a massacre!" Alang's eyes were bloodshot: "Eight thousand people, eight thousand brothers and sisters, were killed by that Duke! Tell me, Raymond, how is the Duke of Lyonnaise doing now? ?”

"He is dead. He was killed by a vampire." Raymond knew that Duke Aldreeld had killed prisoners and surrendered under the instigation of his valet.

"Well done! The Duke deserves to die!"

"Alang!" Raymond was also angry: "Duke Ryan is different from him!"

"These knights and nobles are all bastards!"

As soon as the rebel leader said these words, the atmosphere in the camp changed.

A pair of angry eyes stared at the rebel leader. An old guard walked up and slapped the rebel leader on the face: "Shut up, you idiot. I don't care about anything else. If you don't want to die, , don’t speak ill of the Duke, otherwise you can try, and I can tell you that I am a serf just like you, farming by the Chinon River."

"I am also a serf! I am a hunter from Chalon Forest!"

"I am also a serf! I used to make a living by fishing in Red Fish Village!"

"I'm a serf! Before the Duke conscripted me, I was a butcher!"

"We are all serfs!"

“Without Duke Lane, we wouldn’t be where we are today!”

The old guards crowded forward. The soldiers who were killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood were all terrifying. Alang was so frightened that his face turned pale and he was speechless. Raymond persuaded him for a while, and the old guards were so frightened. Then they dispersed.

"I told you, Duke Lane is different from them." Sitting down again, Raymond continued: "Over here, Duke Lane is loved by everyone, everyone, there, no one goes hungry, as long as he is diligent, When we work, everyone has meat to eat, and even more so when we farm, the Duke imposes a fixed tax on us, and as long as we pay enough to the Duke, the rest is ours."

Alan muttered something in a low voice, but Raymond didn't hear what he said clearly.

"By the way, I remember that we once aided Lyonnais with a large amount of grain!" Seeing that Alang didn't speak, Raymond remembered something and said doubtfully: "Although those are old grains that are close to the two-year storage period, but It should be enough to solve the food shortage!"

"Relief food? What nonsense are you talking about, Raymond." Unexpectedly, Alan sneered again. He picked up the spoon and drank the porridge with utmost sarcasm: "Don't talk about us rebellious serfs, even those who are willing to give to the knights The serfs who are farming the land have not received a grain of relief grain. It is not us who are receiving this kind of relief, but some knights in the castle, right?!"

"Don't talk nonsense. We knights and nobles have not seen those relief rations." At this time, a voice approached from behind, Larot, who was wearing a set of Earl of Brittany's clothes and lace cuffs. The Earl approached, he nodded politely, and said with a smile: "Mr. Alang, do you want to know where the relief food went?"

"How do I know!" Aaron yelled a little impolitely, but his eyes flickered back and forth, obviously he was still very interested.

"Several large ships of relief grain were transported into Lyonnaise Castle by Bordeaux's Poseidon Fleet. Originally, this batch of food was sent by several southern principalities to support the food shortage in Lyonnaise." Count Larot said with a smile: " On the second day after the grain entered the port, the relief grain immediately began to be sold in the market of Lyonnasay Castle. The price was far lower than the cost price. It did not take long for these relief grains to be snapped up by the nobles and merchants in the north of Lyonnaise. .”

"..." Alang clenched his fists.

"From the beginning to the end, we old Musilon nobles have never seen even a grain of relief grain." Larot's smile was full of bitterness: "Of course, it doesn't mean that we can't get it at all, it just requires us to buy it with money. , we old Musilon people have always been squeezed out like this, it’s no wonder.”

Hearing Count Larot's personal statement, the remaining old guards who were watching sighed. Everyone was born as a serf, and naturally they knew some of the tricks that knights like to play. Many people also lamented that it was lucky that it was Duke Lane. Fortunately, it was him. .

In any case, with the destruction of this last group of rebellious serfs, all the rebellions in the south of Leonese have been put down.

Peace has finally arrived.

…………I am Duke Lane’s good dividing line…………

Old World, Britannia, Earl of Glamorgan, Castle of the Earls of Lane.

"Oh, what an unexpected harvest!" Ryan sat on a chair in the study, browsing the battle reports from the front line, nodding his head repeatedly, looking very happy.

This time to quell the rebellion in Musilon's old territory, a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry were collected from the luggage and personal luggage of these rebellious serfs. According to statistics, there were more than 7,000 gold crowns.

The inventory that these rebels have looted for many years is here. Obviously, this large amount of money has aroused the covetousness of many local nobles. Recently, many nobles have come to Lane to intercede, saying that the money came from those rebel serfs. What was taken away, I hope Ryan can return it to them.

This is really too much to think about. Since you can't keep it, don't blame me for not giving it.

With a stroke of his pen, Ryan defined this large sum of gold and silver as "seized."

Except for Count Dulin and Count Larot, who responded the fastest and personally led their knights to join the war, each received one thousand gold crowns. The remaining money was to be used to resettle the refugees and surrendered rebel serfs, restore production, and Control the situation so that Ryan doesn't have to spend extra money from his own coffers to solve these problems.

Generally speaking, this counterinsurgency was successful, and as the first battle after the establishment of the Old Guard, this battle must be won, and just as Ryan wished, this battle began to establish the impression that the Old Guard was invincible.

This is very important for Ryan's subsequent plans. As his face and the army he built, the Old Guard must have strong combat effectiveness, a firm will to fight, and a winning mentality.

So Ryan chose the rebellious serfs as the first battle for the establishment of the Old Guard.

The Old Guards are indeed elite, and they have indeed fought and won countless battles along the way with Ryan, but Ryan knows very well that just because this army is elite, this army has rich combat experience, and this army is well-rationed, it can be used casually, otherwise .

This is the story of the fastest donkey cart in Gaoliang River.

The backbone of the iron army that had destroyed several countries since the founding of the People's Republic of China was broken on the spot. From then on, it no longer had any psychological advantage against the northern army. Although the loss in this battle was not huge, the loss was It is far from being as simple as tens of thousands of casualties.

The subsequent Yongxi Northern Expedition was a continuation of the evil consequences. The frightened Zhao Er donated 7,788 of the more than 200,000 elite Imperial Guards left to him by Zhao Da, and then made another command mistake in the Battle of Junzi Pavilion. Zhao Er also sent the last elite of the Forbidden Army in. Since then, all the elite Forbidden Army that Zhao had cultivated at the beginning of the founding of the country were wiped out, and he never dared to hope to regain Yanyun again.

Ryan thought to himself that Zhao Er would not blame Zhao Er for starting to hang around and desperately compromise with the literati, because the army was gone. If he didn't make the literati happy, one day the emperor might be replaced by someone else. And as everyone knows, There is a problem with Zhao Er's legal legitimacy. He is not making a strong claim! Literati like to use this to make fuss and make trouble.

(By the way, by the way, it was also from this time that military generals were completely suppressed, and the pattern of emphasizing civility over military affairs was completely nailed down. During the Zhao Da period, military generals still had a higher status and a certain degree of autonomy.)

So what's happening with Ryan now?

Ryan's current situation is like Zhao Er who won a great victory in the Battle of Gaoliang River and successfully recaptured Yanyun (Mu Xilong)!

At this time, no one in the entire kingdom could oppose him or dare to oppose him. Even when he extended his hand to the indestructible aristocratic system, the two earls of the old Mousilon could only grit their teeth and agree.

Because there is no room for them not to agree, otherwise there will be many people who want to become earls.

Don’t give in and hold it in!

But Ryan knows that he still needs to be careful. All it takes is one failure and everything will go back to the way it was before, and his years of hard work will be in vain.

After thinking carefully for a while, the dark elf came in from the outside: "Master, Her Royal Highness Morgiana has returned from Kurona. She said she has something to discuss with you."

"Morgiana is back?"

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