The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 599, Karl Franz’s Melancholy (Please subscribe for the second update!!!)

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If anyone still remembers, the Rick Guard in front of him was a recruit of the Rick Guard when Ryan first visited Britannia, and was ordered to escort Ryan when he left. Rudolf fulfilled his mission, During the Plague Battle in Helmgart, he and Wagner, another recruit of Reik's Guards, successfully gathered the remaining troops, and even defeated the Skaven in the Battle of the Church of Justice, which was an outstanding achievement. , which was unanimously praised by the imperial army.

After the Battle of Helmgart, Rudolf and Wagner took different paths. Rudolf stayed and became the captain of the Empire, while Wagner chose to go to Nur after Emmanuel appeared and asked Emmanuel Li pledged his allegiance and also became an officer who also served as a master engineer.

It had only been four or five years since they had joined the army. The promotion speed of these two recruits of the Reik Guards was as fast as a rocket, making many imperial soldiers envious and jealous. But this is the fact. As children of great nobles, they can already have a career in the officialdom. A great shortcut, and what's even more terrible is that these two noble children not only have the natural advantages of family and status, but they are also very capable themselves, whether it is martial arts or commanders, good tutoring and military skills that are willing to spend money. Training starts from an early age. After all, after the military merit reform of the savior Ludwig, the nobles of the empire attach great importance to military merit. At banquets, a handful of nobles who have never fought in battle will be despised and made fun of.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for civilian officers to get ahead.

Obion Island is an island that is always shrouded in fog. It is located in the west of Norsca, across the sea from the Kingdom of Nord and Norsca. It is not very far from the Principality of Connet in Brittany. The island There are some indigenous residents on the planet. These residents are called truth speakers. They are not human residents of the old world, but were exiled here from Lustria by the ancient saints. They know how to use some crude magic. Because Obien The island is forever shrouded in fog, which makes the humans in the old world believe that the island contains the ruins and legacies of the ancient saints. The royal chief wizard Cernus-Gehrman led an imperial infantry regiment to explore some time ago. Forget it. It's time to come back soon, unless he doesn't want to compete for the position of the royal chief wizard.

Therefore, Archbishop Vikma did not think much about it. In principle, the church would not interfere in the emperor's internal affairs. However, Vikma did not intend to leave. He just sat on the sofa and stared at the emperor about five meters away without saying a word. language.

The ink bottle and the quill in the bottle were pushed in front of Rudolf. The emperor grinned. He sat on the chair and said in a relaxed tone: "Did Hermann gain anything?"

"Your Excellency Hermann led the army and almost lost its way in the fog." Rudolf moved his body slightly to the side, so that with his strong body, he blocked the view between Wickmar and Emperor Karl: "After some minor losses, His Excellency Hermann successfully established a port camp and named it 'Newland'."

"Oh, that's right." The emperor nodded calmly and pushed the parchment forward: "First of all, what did Hermann discover?"

"There are some relics of the Ancient Saints on the island, as well as some mechanisms of the Ancient Saints." Rudolf gently picked up the quill and started writing on the parchment: "But due to the language barrier, the weird hieroglyphics cannot be deciphered and understood. , naturally it is impossible to open the mechanism left by the ancient saint."

Guard Rick held the quill tightly and wrote on it very quickly. Emperor Karl-Franz knew what he was doing. The emperor then said: "That means there is nothing to gain? What about the local aborigines? Can we communicate with each other? ?”

"There is no way to communicate." Rudolph muttered.

"No one knows their language?" The emperor smiled strangely.

"No one knows that these natives seem to completely distrust anything with two legs. Their magic is not particularly powerful, but they are extremely good at transforming into birds and fighting in the fog. Mr. Hermann encountered trouble, and only I can return without success for the time being." Rudolph spoke slowly and slowly, which seemed inconsistent with his usual style.

Until he finished speaking, Rudolph calmly put the quill back into the ink bottle, and then moved the parchment forward.

The emperor reached out and took it. He glanced calmly at Archbishop Vicmar who was sitting on the sofa chair. He found that the archbishop's sight had been blocked by Rudolph, and then he lowered his head and looked at the parchment.

"The scouts are reporting! Odo, the supreme dean of the Academy of Light, has assembled a huge mercenary army and is stationed in the blood pine forest! And there are many combat priests and Templars in the army! Is this incident related to the upcoming royal meeting? Is it related to the Grand Wizard Competition?"

Karl-Franz's hand trembled slightly. The emperor's eyes were as sharp as a sword but he quickly retracted. He nodded, and then said warmly: "I understand, open up territory for the empire and explore Obien Island." , Thank you for your hard work, Hermann."

The emperor picked up the quill naturally and made a big "√" on the parchment.

"How long will it take for our Supreme Dean of the Flame Academy and his men to arrive?" The emperor returned the parchment to Rudolph.

"It will probably take a few days." Rudolf knew it when he saw the emperor ticking the box.

"So, what does Hermann want, or what do the soldiers think?" The emperor quietly pushed the ink bottle and parchment in front of Rudolf.

"Your Majesty, the generals of the empire and Marshal Helberg both feel that this is a threat and should send our imperial troops to destroy it." Rudolf immediately said righteously: "Otherwise, they will bring us trouble sooner or later!"

Archbishop Wikmar, who was sitting far away, heard something strange. Emperor Karl-Franz had always dealt with internal affairs vigorously and decisively. Why was he hesitant and procrastinating in doing things today, and had to repeatedly ask his subordinates for their opinions?

However, it was an unwritten rule that the church did not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire. The emperor did not ask for his opinion, so Vicmar could only wait. He simply closed his eyes and rested.

Rudolph continued to speak, and his hands did not stop. Soon, another piece of parchment was placed in front of the emperor.

The emperor took it, and he glanced at Archbishop Vicmar again. When he saw him closing his eyes and concentrating, his brows furrowed, he immediately read the contents on the parchment.

"Odo has strong support from the Church of Justice. This army has thousands of people. Should we let Marshal Heilberg immediately lead the Brunswick army to immediately surround and control this army? And capture Odo catch?"

The emperor pondered for a while and then said slowly: "Although the natives of Obien know how to cast spells, they have not received any signs of Chaos corruption. Although he has some troops under his command, they are not elite troops and cannot be threatened. our."

After speaking, the emperor lightly marked an "X" on the parchment and shook his head.

"But will this make them think that our empire is too weak and can be bullied?" Rudolf was a little anxious, and the Rick guard asked: "If we just let it go, it will damage our empire and the prestige of His Majesty the Emperor."

"The empire is not my empire alone, but the empire of all the people of the empire." The emperor looked up at the archbishop who was concentrating with his eyes closed, raised his chin towards Rudolph, nodded and smiled: "Now is the time when the royal chief meeting is about to take place. During the critical period of the wizard competition, please stop calling in troops and sending troops without permission. If Gehrman really needs it, he will take the initiative to come to me."

"Understood." Rudolf nodded silently, he thought for a moment, and then said: "Due to the recent competition between the Royal Chief Wizard, the security in Brunswick is not very good. Should we mobilize more troops to maintain security? "

"This matter really cannot be relaxed." Karl-Franz nodded seriously: "Just go and tell Heilberg and leave this matter to him."

"Then...can I say that I am following His Majesty's order?" Rudolf asked.

"Okay." The emperor nodded. He thought for a moment and added: "By the way, I also sent a message to Geert, saying that the new gunpowder he researched has been gradually equipped. Let him pay attention to it and let the soldiers if necessary. They listened to his instructions on how to use the gunpowder."

"Understood." Rudolf put away the two pieces of parchment and held it in his hand. He took a few steps back, bowed, then turned and left. Before going out, he nodded and smiled at Archbishop Vikma, which was considered a slap in the face. call.

Archbishop Vicmar nodded. Seeing that Rudolph had left, the archbishop had no intention of staying. He stood up and said, "Karl, you are busy with everything, and I will stay soon. Regarding whether to appoint Odo as the new royal chief, Great wizard, please think about it again."

"I will, His Majesty Weikma." Emperor Karl-Franz's face immediately changed to his usual hearty smile: "Let me see you off."

"No, no, no." Vicmar waved his hand, indicating to the emperor that there was no need to send him away. He turned around and quickly left the study.

Karl-Franz smiled and sat back in his chair. He looked around, and the expression on his face gradually became gloomy.

He knew why the Church of Justice supported Odo, even sending Templars and War Priests to help him, and also helped him assemble an army.

This starts with the "Dark Lord" Egrim incident. It was in that incident that Odo and Kant discovered Egrim's corruption. At that time, Odo and Kant, two light wizards, made a decision after discussing The decision was made to violate the long-standing rules of the Royal Wizarding Academy and seek support from the Church of Justice.

In the end, Egrim was beaten away, and half of the wizards in the Academy of Light were purged by Vekmar. Naturally, the relationship between the new Academy of Light and the Church of Justice reached its peak, and Archbishop Vekmar began to try to extend the church's hand into the empire. Within the realm of wizards, it’s not surprising that he would firmly support Odo this time.

Today's situation made the emperor feel extremely humiliated. In his palace, in his study room, in front of his desk, he and his Rick guard actually had to communicate in that way.

It’s really frustrating to be the emperor of this empire!

But this is where Karl-Franz is helpless.

As we all know, the emperor of the empire is elected by electors. The original intention of the elector system is to ensure that the empire is surrounded by enemies on all sides and faces internal and external troubles. An emperor who is convincing to everyone and who is good at conquering and fighting can ensure the security of the empire.

But as time went on, the elector system had changed. In order to get enough votes, the candidates for the throne had to make many promises and prices to the electors to ensure that they would vote for them. This resulted in many times when the emperor was already "heavily in debt" as soon as he ascended the throne. Over the past two thousand years, the authority of the imperial emperor has been continuously weakened. What Karl-Franz could actually manage was the Reich Province he owned. , still ruling with the title of Grand Prince Tarric.

This is how the old empire died, and the new empire after Ludwig's military reform strengthened the emperor's authority and control over the military nobles. During his reign, Ludwig's will prevailed throughout the empire, but he did not Change the elector system, so when Ludwig abdicated, the electors healed their scars and forgot about the pain, and the emperor began to face the problem of canvassing, promises and bribes again, weakening the emperor's authority.

Many people think that the empire is centralized. In fact, it is not at all. The empire is just a loose confederation. As for whether to recognize the emperor's supreme authority, it depends on whether the elector needs it and is in a good mood. After taking the throne, Karl The authority of some emperors was only marginally strengthened by a series of great military victories and diplomatic maneuvers.

Therefore, he cannot offend the Church of Justice too much. Archbishop Vicmar convinced Archbishop Aglima and Carl of the other two churches just when Karl Franz and Boris Todbringer were at a disadvantage in their competition for the throne. Archbishop Slane dropped three votes, completing a desperate reversal. Even one less vote would not be enough.

In return, Karl-Franz of course had to respect Archbishop Vicmar immensely and make concessions on many things. He was a creditor and he was a debtor, not to mention that the Church of Justice supported him and the Cathedral of Justice also set up In Braunschweig, the church had an army, money and food in its hands.

"Hey~" The emperor sighed. He leaned on the soft sofa chair and remembered the meeting with Ryan a few days ago.

Instead, he envied Ryan. Ryan was the Grand Knight of the Holy Grail, with superior strength and unparalleled personal prestige. More importantly, Ryan was able to get the full support of the Fairy Church in the Lake.

How on earth did he do it? Karl-Franz was deeply puzzled by Ryan's sudden rise. Ten years ago, Ryan was still spending the Winter Curtain Festival in Marienburg as an ordinary knight of the kingdom. Ten years later, he was almost going to be the king! The nobles, merchants, and churches of the entire kingdom have obeyed.

And the only ones he can trust are the Imperial Army, and that's limited to the Imperial Army from Rick's territory, plus at most one Gelt.

It’s hard to be an emperor!

Karl-Franz rolled his eyes and shouted outside: "Someone is coming!"

"Here, Your Majesty, what are your orders?" Immediately a close attendant ran in from outside.

"Call Helena and the children!" Karl-Franz waved his hand: "Let's go to the Royal Hotel to find Duke Ryan! Let the children meet and make friends!"


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