The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 609, Battle of Blood Pine Forest

PS: There is a 50% chance that there will be another update today. It depends on everyone’s sincerity. Whether you do it or not is a matter of one thought.

"Odo! Are you trying to provoke a civil war?!" Outside the blood pine forest, the two armies began to confront each other. The face of the great alchemist Galt was hidden behind a metal mask, and his expression could not be seen. But there was no doubt a touch of anger in his voice: "Can you afford this responsibility?"

"I did not provoke a civil war." Odo, the supreme dean of the Academy of Light, also said seriously: "I told you, Galt, you are not allowed to pass here. If you want to force your way through, then I can only say sorry."

The two imperial armies faced off, with ammunition loaded and artillery loaded. At this time, the army led by Geert seemed exhausted after the expedition, but a series of victories had boosted their morale. On the contrary, the army led by Odo, although waiting for work, was equipped with equipment. The elites also had the divine blessing of the Church of Justice, but they seemed a little lacking in confidence. It was difficult for these troops to accept that they had to swing their weapons at their compatriots, but they had to do it, which made their morale a little weak.

In this way, both sides appear to be evenly matched.

"Whose order are you following?" Galt looked at the imperial army blocking the road. The great alchemist clenched the golden staff in his hand and spoke sharply: "I don't believe that His Majesty the Emperor would give such an order! We all We are fellow human beings, even members of the Reikland army, and you are asking us to kill each other!"

"I said that I did not provoke a civil war." Odo repeated this sentence: "I am only responsible for stationing here and not allowing anyone or anything other than humans to pass! Galt, you and your People are not allowed to pass here. If you want to go back to Brunswick, you can, but you and your people can take a detour and take the Drakwald Forest or detour through Stirland and Iveyland!"

The great alchemist's metal glove clenched his golden staff. Odo's plan was extremely vicious. If Gelt made a detour, he would definitely miss the competition of the royal chief wizard. If he didn't choose to make a detour, he would definitely miss it. If there is a conflict with Odo, Odo can take the opportunity to accuse him of initiating the war, and the great alchemist will become the culprit of provoking a civil war.

So the question is, how did Otto know that he would take this path? How could he, a light wizard, gather so many troops?

At this time, the armies of both sides were already at war with each other. Otto's army had occupied a strong terrain in advance. Galt immediately judged that if he attacked by force, it would be a hard battle even with the help of Qianmen's wind.

Thinking of this, Geert continued to ask loudly: "I'm asking you! Odo! Tell me, whose order did you follow, who asked you to do this? What power do you have to stop an imperial army? Stop the Empire’s Great Alchemist?!”

"That's right! Who is it? Who deceived our Emperor?"

"We fought bloody battles on the front line. We paid so much to defend the empire, but in the end we couldn't even return home. What's the reason for this?!"

"What on earth are you people doing?!"

The troops under Gelt cursed loudly. The soldiers of the empire fought thousands of miles, throwing their heads and blood. He made countless military exploits, and finally came back alive. He was actually blocked in the blood pine forest and refused to go home. Not only was there no reward, but he couldn't even go home. Is this how the empire treats soldiers who fight for the country?

From loss, to sadness, to grief and anger, and finally, complete anger.

The imperial troops under Odo looked ashamed. They were a little shaken. The supreme dean of Guangming Academy could not sit still. He had to say loudly: "This is the decree of Archbishop Vicmar. In recent days, the brother in the blood pine forest has The Bryn tribe and the Beastmen tribe are active, and the empire is at a critical moment at this time, so this road is temporarily closed to traffic!"

"The Archbishop has to deal with the greenskins and Chaos, not us!" an imperial captain shouted loudly, and his words prompted a response from the soldiers: "Why are you stopping us?"


"Because you have come into contact with Chaos!" In this regard, Odo had already thought of his words. The Supreme Dean of Light said seriously: "I am not doubting your loyalty! But the whole world knows how terrible Chaos is. You are going to Keith this time. Loew and the Chaos Conquest are great, but who can guarantee that none of you have been corrupted? So I can’t let you pass, at least not now!”

It turns out that Guangming Academy has the support of Vicmar.

The great alchemist thought about it for a while and understood that no matter how wise Gelt was, he felt powerless against Odo who had the support of the entire Justice Church. He could only choose to fight.

Odo was a strong competitor and a very capable mage. Gelt knew that it was best for him and his army to attack first, and then lure Odo and his army to leave their defensive positions and attack. Only by defending can he have hope of winning. At the same time, Galt knew that he had to be cautious, because Odo's preparations must be more than that. No one knows what conspiracy is hidden under his white robe.

"Soldiers, soldiers of the empire!" Galt finally decided to speak. He shouted loudly to his soldiers: "I believe you all know why Odo stopped us here!"

"Understood! Understood!" The troops under Galt's command burst out with passionate fighting spirit. They raised their weapons and roared loudly: "We know!"

"If Odo thinks he can take what's mine, he's sorely mistaken!"

"I, Belshazer-Gelt, am the perfect candidate to be the chief wizard of the empire! I am the one who should lift the Staff of Volan!"

"The wind of Qianmen will blow and destroy all enemies who dare to stand in my way! Now is the era of our Golden Academy, and I will eliminate all obstructions. Anyone who dares to stand in my way will watch helplessly as his armor Turn into cast lead, your weapons into molten iron, your bones into gold!”

"Everyone, please fight! Please bring victory to me! The empire needs my power, and I am the strongest one, not some stupid flame wizard or a boring light wizard!"

"For the benefit of the empire, I must become the supreme magical leader of this land. This fool Odo can't stop me!"

"For the Emperor, for Holy Terra!" Galt raised his staff high into the sky. His voice echoed in the blood pine forest. Then, a golden light curtain enveloped his army, and the soldiers' armor began to change. Got to be extremely hard.

"Ahhhh!" The troops under Galt's command responded loudly, and then their respective armies began to form formations.

Galt first placed three battalions of musketeers in the first row, halberdiers in the second row, a battalion of crossbowmen in the third row, and thousands of spearmen, sword and shield soldiers on both wings. , two teams of imperial knights and two teams of great swordsmen were hiding behind. At the same time, a large group of cannons and more advanced war machines were ready. In addition, Galt also had two teams of pioneer knights holding grenade launchers. , which is one of the important reasons for his alliance with Nuer.

As the first shell of the Hellstorm rocket launcher shot into the sky, a human civil war broke out.

First, the artillery from both sides began to bombard each other. Odo tried his best to get two groups of artillery from the imperial army and the church. Twenty cannons were fired at the same time. The scene was so spectacular that Geert immediately ordered the troops to disperse. , avoiding artillery fire.

But this is far from enough.

Galt's army is equipped with the empire's most advanced Hellstorm rocket launchers and Hellstorm rapid-fire cannons, and there are more than thirty of them. This does not include a large number of cannons. As the army opens fire, swarms of Hellstorm rockets It rose into the sky, and then fell directly towards Odo's army. Explosions were heard one after another. Compared with Odo's heavy cannons, Gelt's firepower was much more powerful. The great alchemist was better at black powder and engineering. Odo's accomplishments were not something Odo could understand. On this expedition, he brought with him the latest war machines manufactured by the Nuer Military Factory and the Braunschweig Military Factory.

First of all, Odo was weaker in the artillery bombardment. Compared to the power of the war machine, Gelt also possessed more powerful magic.

"Mere flames, how can they be compared with molten metal!" As Geert chanted a curse loudly, hundreds of molten metal fell from the sky, blowing up Odo's artillery position and causing heavy casualties. The entire artillery position became silent for a while. And when Odo tried to release the light of exile, he immediately discovered that the distance was too far and his magic could not be farther than the range of the artillery!

"Damn it, give me the order, the whole army advances!" Geert's plan worked. Under fire suppression, Odo had to bite the bullet and order the whole army to advance: "Attack!"

Odo's army began to take the initiative to attack: "Forward! For the Empire, for Charlemagne, and for Karl Franz!"

"In the name of the emperor, open fire!" Galt also gave the order. Four musketry battalions and one crossbowman battalion immediately opened fire under the cover of the halberdiers. Suddenly, a thunderous sound came from the entire blood pine forest. , hundreds of muskets spit out sheets of white smoke from the black holes of the muzzles, and the dense barrage drowned the soldiers at the forefront of Otto's army. Hundreds of human soldiers fell down on the spot. The remaining soldiers were reluctantly advancing with their shields in hand.

"Fire! Fire!" The pioneer cavalrymen holding grenade launchers opened fire together, drowning the charging enemies in grenades. These musketeers immediately retreated after one attack.

"Start!" The Hellwind rapid-fire cannon was activated. This notorious weapon spit out strings of tongues of fire, and even the air seemed to begin to tremble. The screams were mixed with dull and monotonous swishing and rumbling sounds that could not be heard for a long time. Projectiles shot through flesh and blood, tongues of fire shattered bodies. Faced with such terrifying firepower, Odo's army fell one after another. Even if the remaining people could rush to the front of the Gaelt army, they could not break through their defense line. On the contrary, Odo's army began to lose morale under Gelt's powerful firepower.

The two wizard leaders felt pain almost at the same time. Human civil war was not what they wanted to see. It was not common for human armies to conquer each other. Just imagine the tight formations of spears, the pacing knights, the flags waving and the drums beating, but they are not fighting against the greenskins, beastmen or the evil enemies of the north. Those who fall after the fight are the empire's own people! This was really unbelievable. Galt's hand holding the swift silver rein of his Pegasus was trembling slightly, and Odo's face was ugly when he saw his army falling in pieces under the power of the musket.

Yet none of them had a reason to stop.

After paying a lot of casualties, Odo's army finally started a hand-to-hand battle with Gelt's army. Because the distance was too close, the musketeers had to cease fire, otherwise they would hurt their own people. Just as the battle priest roared Under this, the soldiers of the Supreme Dean of Light survived the ruthless and crazy shooting and finally fought with the enemy.

"Fei's light of protection!"

"Light of Conquest!"

Odo finally took action. The Supreme Dean of the Academy of Light used two full-range enhanced light spells to wrap up the imperial troops charging at the front, protecting them from harm in hand-to-hand combat. Then, the wind of Hexi surged. , the second spell calmed down the somewhat unstable morale of his army, and the energy of glory enveloped them. The soldiers with high morale rushed into the strongest halberdier and spearmen arranged by Gelt, and beat them to death. Step by step back.

"Shining robe!" Galt was not to be outdone. The great alchemist chanted a spell, and the golden wind of the Qianmen surrounded him. The golden staff was raised high in the sky. In an instant, the Galt army was at the forefront. The more than two thousand halberdiers and spearmen could feel that golden scales appeared all over their bodies, and the unbearable golden light protected those brave soldiers, which made them retreat and not leave. Under the double protection, Next, the infantrymen from both sides fought together.

The metal magic released by the Saint-level Gelt was not comparable to that of Odo, who was at the peak of the legend. After achieving some small results one after another, Odo began to feel uneasy. He looked at his soldiers slowly but indifferently. Undoubtedly, they were gradually driven out of their defense lines by Galt's soldiers. Galt's spells allowed his soldiers to obtain an almost unbreakable defense. Ordinary weapons could not penetrate the reinforced armor at all. and epidermis.

Odo could only immediately order the cavalry under his command to start charging. He took it for granted that Geert hid the cavalry behind the military formation because Gelt lacked a sufficient number of cavalry and did not dare to confront him head-on. The cavalry clashed, so after the infantry had entangled Geert's infantry phalanx, Odo's cavalry also launched a charge.

At this time, the fatigue of Gelt's army after the expedition was clearly revealed. The exhausted infantry quickly retreated under the fierce attack. Odo gained precious time to reorganize the already fragmented formation and poor morale. .

It seemed that the balance of victory was tilted towards the Supreme Dean of Light again. Odo ordered his soldiers to advance. The cavalry provided cover and support on both sides. At the same time, Odo immediately raised his hands towards the depths of the blood pine forest.

"Whoops!" A shining ball of light rose into the sky from the top of the staff and exploded high up!

Deep in the forest, a mercenary appeared, planning to directly attack Galt's military formation from the side!

"Sure enough!" Galt was very calm about this. The great alchemist had already thought of it. Odo must have a back-up plan. Exactly the same, Galt's golden staff was also raised high in the sky, with a more dazzling golden light. Light up the sky.

"The Alchemy of Lead!"

Thousands of Odo army infantry and cavalry who were fighting hand-to-hand were horrified to find that all their weapons had turned into heavy lead blocks and clay, and their weapons had become cumbersome. The soldiers on the front line were defeated almost instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Geert signaled the artillerymen to release red flares.

As the signal bomb exploded in the sky, just behind Odo's right side, a brand new army appeared.

"According to His Majesty's decree!" The strong man of the Sanctuary, Ivan Ferdinand, Duke of Griffin, rode the Great Gryphon Beast Calamity and led the Griffin Knights to charge out from the blood pine forest!

They were galloping along the path in the forest. Four hundred and a half griffin knights were the backbone, and there were hundreds of knights on the wings. Several of them were riding griffins. The real griffin knights formed arrows and surged from the forest!

With a cry full of contempt, Ivan led the troops into the back of Odo's army and tore Odo's entire army into pieces!

"What?" Odo pulled the reins, he could hardly believe it.

When did Gelt get together with Griffin Duke Ivan?

There was no time for him to think too much.

"Odo, the supreme dean of Guangming Academy, immediately dismount and surrender!"

"Otherwise, shoot to death!"

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