The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 612, lose the game, win life

In the palace, the banquet was still going on. Emperor Karl-Franz, Duke Ivan of the Griffin, and Imperial Countess Emmanuel (also known as Emilia) sat together and chatted about the emperor's proposal.

Emilia shook the Iverling red wine in her glass. This fine red wine produced in the agricultural province of Iverling is called Conti. It is also the top "aged classic Conti", but for Emilia , there is really nothing unusual about this kind of drink. The Imperial Baroness kept her ladylike sitting posture and chatted with the Emperor and Ryan's godfather. Emilia's face lost some coldness and impatience. She just drank it out of habit. The customs of the Nur court were brought to the banquets in the palace.

From a certain perspective, Emilia did nothing wrong. As she said, if you smile all day long, you can easily be considered a bully, especially for a woman.

It's different for men. If Ryan greets people with a smile all day long, it means someone is going to be unlucky.

"How about my proposal?" Emperor Karl-Franz maintained his cheerful standard smile: "Emmanuelle, think about it?"

"What a speech like a lightning strike at the opening." Emilia squinted at the emperor of the empire, her tone not only without a trace of respect, but also with deep contempt: "My Majesty, you don't care about your Rick. Leader, why are you taking care of me? This is not a time of war, nor is it in the Imperial Parliament. I have no obligation to obey your orders, not at all."

"Don't have such a bad attitude, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, he didn't order you, he just asked you to consider this proposal." Ivan, Duke of Griffin, spread his hands and said to help: "We have never forced you to do anything."

"Is it like Karl can't order you?" Emilia said angrily. The Imperial Lady obviously didn't even give the face of Ryan's godfather: "Your Excellency Ivan, maybe you are willing to tell me, this time our emperor Your Majesty asked you to take action, what conditions did you set?"

The bitter irony of these words made both Karl Franz and Ivan Ferdinand a little embarrassed. Emperor Karl coughed a few times and could only whisper: "Emmanuelle? It's not appropriate to talk about this now. We agreed not to talk about it. Okay... can you give me an answer to my proposal?"

Emilia's thin eyebrows wrinkled.

Just now, Emperor Karl-Franz made a proposal to change the territory.

This replacement territory is not a replacement of Karl-Franz's Reikland and Emilia's Wesson Territory, because it is not necessary and cannot be replaced. Karl-Franz's proposal is that Emilia's Wesson Territory and Emilia's Wesson Territory The Duchy of Mousilon in Llane replaced a territory to enhance the friendly relations between the two sides and deepen the alliance between the two parties, including Llane and Emilia's, including Britannia and the Empire.

It is not uncommon to change territories. The most famous one is Kronborg, a famous city fortress between Reikland and Middenland. This city successively changed ownership back and forth between Reikland and Middenland, and finally , the two sides reached a compromise, Kronburg belonged to the Midden Territory, and the nobles of Kronburg were allowed to pay allegiance to Emperor Karl-Franz.

Now, what Karl-Franz means is that Ryan can exchange a territory with the Imperial Baroness as Duke Mousilon. In this way, the alliance will be stronger, and it can also promote cultural exchanges between the two sides and consolidate the alliance. It also facilitates the command when the coalition forces gather, and there won’t be so many excuses for sending troops to reinforce.

Emilia was instinctively a little annoyed, because the emperor's idea was obviously to strengthen the relationship with Ryan through himself. As we all know, it is easiest to take the wife route when contacting Ryan.

If Surya and Morgiana are the two ropes that tie the Lake Fairy and Brittania to Ryan, then Emilia is an important link between the Empire and Ryan to maintain a strong alliance.

The little maid didn't like this. She always felt that the relationship between her and Ryan was a pure relationship that started in Marienburg. The communication between the two people at the beginning was very pure, but now the interaction between them has directly affected the national interests. and foreign relations.

But thinking about it carefully, Emilia's political wisdom and smart mind immediately realized that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages. This idea was a good idea and suitable for herself. She had no reason not to accept it. After many years of Through experience, Emilia has long understood that personal likes and dislikes are one thing, and overall interests are another.

"My Majesty, you stay in the palace every day and don't think about various issues for our great empire. Instead, you focus on helping me and my people think about changing the territory? Then I really want to thank you!" Emilia Still not letting go of the emperor, she said sarcastically: "The empire is really lucky to have an emperor who works so hard for the people of the empire!"

"Then what should I be thinking about?" The emperor understood Emilia, and since she spoke like this, it meant that she was already moved, so Karl Franz humorously made a joke: "As the emperor, there are only seven days a week. , do I want to be furious one day, cry two days, and spend Sunday thinking about how to hang those profiteers in Marienburg?"

"Pfft!" Emilia laughed at the emperor's black humor. The Imperial Countess covered her mouth with her hands and couldn't help laughing: "Karl, you usually make Helena happy at home like this. What?"

"Not often, you know, Emilia, I'm not as eloquent as Ryan." The emperor shrugged humorously, and he looked at Ryan who was talking to Boris, Varmir and others in the distance: "He Very feminine, am I right?"

"You are also very powerful, Karl." Emilia said this with a bit of resentment. After all, she did not get a marriage. The Imperial Lady said casually: "But you are too weak, Karl. Let me think about it, if you don't use God Hammer Gale Malaz, if you don’t wear the silver seal plate armor blessed by all the gods of the old world, can you be Ryan’s opponent?”

"Huh ha ha ha ha!" Ivan and Karl Franz laughed almost at the same time. The emperor shook his head helplessly: "Don't compare me with Ryan. Let me tell you this, Emmanuel, even if I compare With Gal Maraz and the silver seal, it is impossible to defeat Ryan. At most, we can only rely on the power bonus of the hammer and the protection of the silver seal to entangle him for a period of time."

"So don't blame Ryan for his good luck with women." Emilia stretched out a small hand wrapped in a long black and red lace satin glove, put her five fingers together and raised it upward: "This kind of high-quality man will always be liked by women. "

"Hahahaha!" Karl-Franz raised his glass: "Then, let's drink to Ryan's womanhood and his son, my godson Little Frederick!"


On the other side, sure enough, Ryan, Boris, and Varmir were chatting and talking, listening to the lewd laughter of the three men. Obviously, they were talking about pornographic topics. This is not surprising, because the men gathered together. This kind of topic is inevitable, and when talking about it, the previous conflicts and some minor unhappiness were quickly forgotten. After a few glasses of wine, the colorful topic started to become heated. Ryan and Varmir chose The emperors and princes debated on whether pantyhose or garters were better, a sacred and philosophical issue full of the origin of the world, and reached a lot of consensus on the basis of retaining their differences.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the dinner time ends, but the night has just begun. There are many entertainment activities in the palace, but the most popular ones are undoubtedly tabletop war games. The great nobles of the empire have many of these interesting games in their homes. They can't wait to have a battle on the table. In addition, some nobles and noble ladies go to the concert hall more and gather around the piano and harp to listen to the performers playing and singing. Sing, or gather around to play cards.

Ryan just watched everyone play. He was not particularly interested in this kind of tabletop war game, and he was ashamed of the expensive and exquisite chess figures. For example, Boris Tottenham had the largest collection of various chess figures. Deblinger, his box of well-preserved chess pieces is said to be able to sell for thousands of gold marks on the black market, and demand exceeds supply.

"Ryan, don't you want to play?" Emperor Karl-Franz was obviously a good player in this kind of war chess game. He not only collected a full set of chess pieces, but also collected himself - the chess piece of the emperor riding a griffon. Placed behind the army, the majestic demeanor of the Death Claw and the Emperor himself have been well restored. Even the hammer Gal-Malaz in the hands of the chess pieces is carefully carved from metal.

"No play, I need a little space of my own, Karl." Ryan shrugged, and he focused on Amelia, who was holding his arm: "Okay, it's us."

"If you really need a little space of your own, you don't have to stay here. There are many rooms upstairs." Elector Wamir joked.

The humor of Elector Wolfen and Grand Duke of Osterland aroused laughter.

Ryan did not refute, he smiled awkwardly, neither immediately agreed nor explicitly refused, which made him feel guilty and made everyone feel that Emilia seemed to be taking the initiative in this relationship.

But only the little maid knew Ryan's plan. As the chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake and the Knight of the Holy Grail, Ryan has always behaved as a "perfect man". This kind of man with no shortcomings, extremely charming and strong strength is easily trapped. Others of the same sex are involuntarily and instinctively repulsed and hostile.

This is not the purpose of Ryan coming to the empire.

However, after Ryan showed this "henpecked" attribute and his incompetence in tabletop chess games, he quickly changed from a perfect person to an object of ridicule. After everyone made fun of him, Ryan naturally It makes people feel close.

Everything is this man's disguise. Ryan is really... Maybe it is this kind of man that makes me willing to like him. Emilia thought as she held Ryan's arm, and she simply continued: "In that case, how about you play a game with me?"

"Uh...I'm not very good at it." Ryan cooperated as expected.

"No, I'll teach you!" Emilia finally revealed her long-standing conspiracy: "Come on, let's play a game. You can borrow the chess pieces from your godfather. I think Duke Ivan will not be stingy. Right?"

"Okay." Griffin Duke Ivan nodded with a wry smile.

So, in full view of the public, Ryan and Emilia had a tabletop chess showdown.

Similarly, in front of everyone, Ryan lost to Emilia without any suspense. Although the loss was not too much, Emilia never gave Ryan any chance to make a comeback. The little maid seemed to be determined to defeat Ryan. Feeling particularly excited, she put away the chess pieces, smiled at Ryan and said, "I won, Ryan."

"Yes, you won, Amelia." Ryan nodded with a smile. He didn't care much about the outcome.

"Okay, now your heart and kidneys belong to me." The little maid stretched out her hands towards Ryan: "Hurry up, dig out the heart and kidneys and give them to me. Those are my trophies."

"Hahahaha!" All the imperial nobles in the room burst into laughter. The performance between this pair of men and women was as interesting as a drama.

"What kind of prize is this..." Ryan also smiled happily, and he said with a smile: "You defeated me, very good, I will give you a title in this tabletop war chess game, just call it 'tossgirl'. "

"Tossgirl? Swing girl?" Emilia was a little confused. She thought about it and felt that she couldn't just suffer a loss like this: "Then you can call her Tossboy!"

"Okay, from now on my nickname in tabletop chess will be Tossboy." Ryan nodded repeatedly. He rarely admitted defeat so simply, but if he lost, he lost, and there was nothing wrong with admitting it.

At this time, the imperial nobles present, including Karl Franz himself, had a strange feeling. They always felt that Ryan was the winner.

It felt like I was being fed a mouthful of dog food.

The emperor smiled and clapped, thinking that maybe this was losing the game and winning in life.

What no one knows is that Ryan and Amelia's performance at this banquet and this tabletop chess game were witnessed by the royal court poet in Brunswick and adapted into a bard, which became a famous song in the old world. An enduring classic passed down from generation to generation, the love between them has touched generations of people.

This famous poem is named "The Wind Rises", which praises the love between King Knight "Unifier" Ryan and Countess Emmanuel. It has become a well-known classic song in the old world, because this song is very difficult to sing. Large, it has become an important criterion for the singing level of bards.

…………I am the real dividing line between the second and fifth generation of Gonghuo…………

After the palace banquet that day, another large-scale massacre occurred in the wealthy area of ​​Braunschweig. The von Lack family suffered a terrible tragedy. The head of the family, Werner von Lack, several family members and more than a dozen The guard was killed with one blow. In addition, several other nobles died in this small manor. Moreover, the murderer stayed in the manor for several hours after the murder before leaving. This was obviously The same person committed the crime.

The massacres of two consecutive villages shocked the entire Brunswick. For a while, various gossips spread in the capital. The nobles greatly strengthened their own guards, and everyone was afraid of the turmoil in the capital.

Some people say that the Chaos Demon has sneaked into Brunswick and is preparing to start a killing spree. Some people say that this is the emperor excluding dissidents and taking the opportunity to suppress the nobles who have no military merit. Some people say that all this is caused by the great alchemist Gelt or Flame. According to the conspiracy of the Supreme Dean of the Academy, Hermann, one of the two candidates must be unsure, so they want to try to postpone the game.

Karl-Franz responded immediately. First, the imperial capital entered a state of martial law, with a large number of troops patrolling. At the same time, the curfew was strengthened. Even nobles could not move at night without a permit.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor also announced that the competition for the Imperial Royal Chief Grand Wizard would not be postponed for any reason.

In this way, a week passed by in a hurry.

The game was held as scheduled.

Gelt and Gehrman will fight for the position of the most powerful magical leader of the human kingdom in the old world!

Updated, please vote for the new week!

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