The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 622, Steam Tank (Part 2)

The origin of the steam tank comes from a Tilean named Leonardo da Miragliano, who was born in the Tilean city-state four hundred years ago.

This man was a painter. In Tilea, which is full of literary and artistic atmosphere, Leonardo started out as a painter and sculptor and found a good job, but he soon became obsessed with architecture, engineering and physics. Among them, he was particularly obsessed with the dwarf steam ironclad. After spending several years of hard work to understand the dwarf steam technology, Leonardo set out to build a steam ironclad of his own.

At that time, Tyrell did not have the conditions for Leonardo to realize his ideals, so the famous great engineer began to serve the empire. His talents in muskets, artillery and war machines enabled the empire to complete its organic system for the first time. The construction of musket and artillery units and the ability to mass-produce them. Leonardo's genius ideas and amazing talents soon made him a distinguished guest of the empire.

So he began to try to build a "dwarf steam ironclad belonging to mankind" that could cross the ocean.

It took more than ten years and countless experiments for Leonardo to crack the dwarf steam technology, design countless ironclad drawings and write countless books on engineering and gunpowder. After spending many years, he Finally, he built a "steam ironclad" properly, and then wanted to complete his own feat - crossing the ocean.

The first test failed. After the hull entered the water, due to the severe overload of the compressed steam power unit, the entire ship exploded. Leonardo was blown away and fell into the water, barely surviving.

But he did not give up. He firmly believed that his work was successful. Since it could not work in the water, he changed it to a "land ironclad" and learned the lesson that compressed steam power devices would explode. He reduced the size of the ironclad.

As a result, the steam tank, a super killer weapon belonging to mankind, was created. Within the remaining decades of Leonardo's life, he created twelve "prototypes" of steam tanks.

Unfortunately, as Leonardo entered his later years, his mind was filled with a brand-new invention. He tried to create a flying war machine. He named this war machine a "helicopter". When the actual object was built and tested, an explosion and crash caused the empire to lose their chief engineer forever. By the way, it detonated the entire engineering college and his workshop, along with the drawings of the steam tank and more designs. Lost, at this point, the Empire could no longer produce a steam tank as powerful as the twelve prototypes.

In order to restore the design of the steam tank, Imperial engineers spent countless time and energy on this. After trying to disassemble the internal structure, the engineers were surprised to find that the internal structure of each prototype was not exactly the same! This further increased the difficulty of restoring the steam tank prototypes. While trying to dismantle the prototypes to understand and test the internal structure, two prototypes were declared permanently scrapped. This incident shocked the emperor and electors. , the angry nobles could not allow the steam tank, a super killer weapon, to be scrapped for the so-called "experiment" of the engineers instead of being used to fight against evil. They ordered the engineers to be prohibited from dismantling the tank for research.

Four hundred years later, eight of the twelve prototypes remain, two of which were completely destroyed in the war and two of which were scrapped during experiments.

The turning point occurred in the Great Holy War 160 years ago. When the savior Ludwig led the empire's steam tanks to the front line, he was shocked by the power of the steam tanks. This super killer weapon could Fighting an entire chapter of Chaos Warriors on their own, and specifically dealing with the behemoths, not even the strongest Chaos Trolls can withstand a well-placed shot from a steam cannon.

After the new empire was established, the Saviors once again convened engineers from across the empire to try to restore the blueprints of the steam tank. This time they achieved certain success. After spending decades, they copied the powerful prototype according to the prototype. and the "Conqueror-class" steam tank, which is smaller than the prototype, Noor has also become the only place capable of producing and repairing steam tanks.

"We have made many efforts, but no new steam tank can be as stable and powerful as the prototype." Gunter Maybach, chief engineer of the Noor Military Factory, said somewhat forcefully: "But I want to Said, the power of the steam tank that will be made in the future will not be too bad. Did you taste the power of the steam tank in the Battle of Helmgart?"

Ryan's face darkened as he listened. What Maybach was talking about was the Battle of Helmgart, the battle between the Empire's Reikland and Iveyland coalition forces and the Britannia Palaon Principality. That battle was where steam tanks joined the war. Then the situation of the battle was completely turned around.

The Chief Engineer is mocking the poor technology of your Knight Kingdom, and he has the nerve to look down on our Nur Military Factory for not being able to build a prototype?

Ryan had nothing to say to this. He could only bow his shoulders and accept: "Okay, please continue to introduce Mr. Maybach to us."

"Ahem~" Noor's chief engineer thought to himself how the crown prince of the Knight Kingdom and the divinely chosen champion of the Lady of the Lake was not irritated. He was quite elegant and easy-going, and the slight dissatisfaction with Ryan in his heart also disappeared. "No," Maybach coughed a few times and then introduced: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Let's continue."

Maybach led everyone towards the depths of the factory. Amidst the extremely tight guards, a huge military factory was opened, with seven or eight steam tanks inside. The moment Ryan and others appeared, the advanced technology present The workers and Nuer engineers all stopped, and they immediately saluted Emilia: "Welcome, Your Majesty."

"Very good, continue to do your thing." Emilia nodded majestically, and then took Sulia's arm: "Sister Sulia, how about it? These are the crystallization of technology belonging to human beings! Isn’t it awesome?”

"It's really surprising." Lidya Su smiled and nodded towards Amelia.

Everyone first came to the first steam tank under the guidance of Maybach, and the chief engineer opened the canvas.

What was exposed in front of everyone was a steam tank with a somewhat yellow color. Like all steam tanks, it consisted of a body, a rotating turret, and a steam structure at the rear of the body. It was about three meters tall, and had a lot of paint all over its body. The coat of arms and emblems, including the Iron Cross, Skull and Warhammer of the Empire, including the twin-tailed comet and golden gryphon sigils of Nur, it is armed with ram horns, three-barreled revolving Hellblast rapid-firing cannons, and small steam cannons in rotating turrets .

"The first successfully imitated steam tank." Maybach nodded: "The first one, we usually call it the 'Hell Class' or the 'Old Man Class'."

"As you can see, this steam tank is much smaller than an ordinary steam tank, and it is not equipped with a large steam cannon but is equipped with a three-barreled rotating Hellblast rapid-fire cannon. This is because the technology at the time was not mature enough. We could only use the prototype as a template to once again reduce the structure and cancel the overly large steam cannon, with the aim of causing a large amount of damage in a short period of time."

"It turns out that its power is indeed amazing. In a short period of time, the Hell-class steam tank can cause huge damage to the enemy in an instant, but... it can also do the same to our own people. Before the Hell-class stopped production, we produced a total of five such vehicles. The Hell-class tanks began to be discontinued after that, but most of the Hell-class tanks are still in service."

"Yeah." Ryan nodded. The Hell-class or Old Man-class tanks are the first batch of imitations. After mastering the imitation technology, Nuer obviously will not mass-produce such tanks.

Lifting the canvas of the second vehicle, what appeared in front of everyone was a very special tank. This steam tank was not equipped with any weapons. It even canceled the rotating turret and replaced it with a larger impact angle and a larger body. Its height is close to three and a half meters.

"The Warhammer-class steam tank has all weapons and equipment cancelled, and is specially used to fight enemies in the freezing cold weather in the north where it is inconvenient to ration and replenish ammunition. The modified and strengthened steam power structure is enough to knock over an entire troll and food. Human monster." Maybach continued: "But obviously, this was not our original intention of designing a steam tank, so we only produced two."

Next came the third steam tank. This steam tank canceled the rotating cannonballs and installed a super-heavy steam cannon. Two rotating long-barreled fire cannons were also installed on both sides.

"The Merciless-class steam tank has canceled the rotating turret and given up its position to this super-heavy cannon. This tank is specially used to deal with enemy war machines and behemoths. The rotating firecrackers are enough to deal with enemies on both wings. There is no The rotating turret made the tank faster, but also greatly weakened its defensive capabilities. We produced a total of seven of them, and there are still five Heartless steam tanks in service."

The canvas on the fourth steam tank was also lifted. This steam tank canceled the rotating turret and replaced it with a small platform with railings.

"The chariot-class steam tank is not a successful trial work. It canceled the rotating turret and replaced it with a platform, so that five to eight soldiers can provide fire support on the platform." Maybach pointed to the scarred platform: "Facts have proved the power. It is indeed very strong, but the soldiers need to be trained not to become dizzy or physically fatigued for a long time, and the speed is slow due to weight issues, so we only produced three vehicles."

While visiting these modified steam tanks, Ryan nodded repeatedly. It can be seen that Nuer's research on steam tanks has not rested on its laurels, but has been trying to modify them. These great engineers of the empire are slowly exploring the direction of progress while being conservative. .

"Conqueror class." The chief engineer pointed to the fifth tank. This tank is very consistent with the tanks Ryan and the others saw. It is a standard steam tank composed of a body, a rotating turret and a steam power device behind it. About four meters high, the hull is equipped with a large cannon, and the rotating turret is equipped with a small steam cannon. It also has a ramming angle: "This is the version closest to the prototype, and it is also the version with the most production. Since the drawings of the Conqueror class After completion, Noor Military Factory produced a total of forty-three vehicles, and there are currently more than twenty vehicles in service."

"Steam tanks are really amazing engineering miracles." Ryan noticed that there were three or four identical Conqueror-class steam tanks in the factory. He nodded: "Today is really an eye-opener for me."

"Finally, let us solemnly introduce to you, the pride of our Nuer, the Savior!"

A five-meter-high steam tank appeared in front of everyone. Everyone looked at the steam tank in surprise. It was completely painted with black paint, with crosses, golden scales, Nur gold lions, skulls, and golden... Griffins adorn this massive war machine.

"The Savior, one of the twelve steam tank prototypes built by Master Leonardo da Miragliano. This tank has been in service with the Empire for about four hundred years. It was once on the battlefield Fighting alone against an entire Chaos Chosen Warriors warband, it once shattered the head of a Daemon Prince with one cannon. Its outstanding performance on the battlefield made it a legend." Maybach loudly said with pride: "The Great Holy War. , the invincible Savior joined the battle with His Majesty the Savior Ludwig. It caused countless huge damage to the enemy. Even after His Majesty Ludwig left us, the Savior inherited the road. His Majesty Derwig's will has not given up on Nuer. Whenever the war comes to its most critical moment, we firmly believe that the Savior is with us!"

"It is the pride of our Nur." Emilia also had a touch of pride on her face. The Imperial Baroness stepped closer to the Savior and looked at the majestic appearance of this steam tank prototype: "Its power is even more powerful than the Savior's. It is much stronger than those Conqueror-level imitations. In the past four hundred years, it has encountered many difficulties, but it has never failed."

Ryan nodded in agreement with his eyes closed, but at the same time he was secretly thinking about other things.

nice one! Really want!

Also, how come the steam tank is like a Gundam, with the prototype (trial machine) always beating the mass-produced machine?

"The Savior is currently under maintenance." Chief Wizard Maybach continued: "This is also an old antique. Even if we continue to replace parts and repairs, the Savior must be properly maintained. This is what we Nur The only remaining steam tank prototype.”

"Where are the other prototypes?" Ryan asked casually.

"Distributed in other provinces and free cities of the empire. For example, the famous 'Conqueror' belongs to Reikland, the 'Emperor's Wrath' belongs to White Wolf City, the 'Twin-tailed Comet' belongs to Braunschweig, and the 'M. The Lagliano belongs to Taraberheim and so on." Maybach nodded: "These big killers will only be dispatched in the most critical times, and it is almost impossible to let these prototypes participate in the battle together. The last time these prototypes participated in a battle was more than a hundred years ago, when a giant waaagh attacked Kronborg. His Majesty Ludwig ordered three prototypes and six steam tanks to participate in the battle. Defeated this waaagh! And killed the green-skinned warlord Gitripa on the spot."

"Yes." Ryan nodded heavily. He still wanted to say something. Maybach waved his hand: "Okay, Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Sulia, you have finished the tour. The tank needs maintenance. Please let us move elsewhere. !”

Both Ryan and Sulia wanted to take another look, but Maybach's attitude became tougher. Emilia secretly shook her head at Ryan, and Ryan had to agree: "Okay, may I ask Mr. Maybach, in addition to steam tanks, there are also What can you show us?”

The chief engineer suddenly hesitated. Maybach held the wrench in his hand and glanced at Emilia.

My lady?

"Let him take a look. Anyway, you won't get pregnant if you take a look." Emilia said angrily.

"Okay then." Maybach nodded to express his understanding. He led everyone to a new factory: "Just in time, we have two new project plans recently."

"First of all, mechanical horse technology!" A human engineer was riding a mechanical horse that was completely made of machinery and was running back and forth in the open space. The mechanical horse smashed all the obstacles on the road to pieces.

Ryan laughed after seeing it. This kind of mechanical horse reminded him of something.

Original work: Shotaro Ishimori.

"And...a new giant war machine."

"We named it...Landspeeder!"

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