The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 66, the only chance of winning

PS. This book will be on the shelves on the 1st of next month. I beg you guys to please give it a try. I will keep you posted.

Valdemar looked surprised. He subconsciously reached for the long sword at his waist, but then he remembered that the long sword had been handed over to the guard before entering the door. The knights of the kingdom immediately pounced on Albert, trying to take it. He's a hostage.

The result made him despair. In his impression, his swordsmanship was average. Albert, who rarely went to the battlefield, dodged with extremely fast reaction speed, and then slashed Valdemar's thigh with his sword. The knight of the kingdom was injured in the leg and collapsed. He was pushed to the ground by two guards.

" did you find out?" Valdemar knew that the situation was over. He was pushed to the floor by two guards. Then more guards rushed in, tied him up, and then used a halberd to hold his arms. neck.

"Obviously, my knight betrayed me." Albert's face turned red, and the veins on his head swelled, making the Earl in his forties look very ferocious: "He has dedicated the people of this city to The barbarians in the north are the bloody sacrifices of the barbarians, am I right?”

The guards looked at the kingdom knight in disbelief. The guard captain Emil walked to Albert and whispered: "Earl?"

"This traitor is in harmony with the barbarians! He has surrendered to the barbarian army outside the city. He dedicated my city and my people to Berig, and he will become the city's knight as the kingdom knight of Mjordenhaven. The only noble among them who resisted to the end, he persisted until the arrival of the imperial reinforcements, so the king must reward him." Albert walked to Valdemar's side and whispered in his ear: "The best The result is that the great knight Valdemar of the bamboo pole, the hero of Miljödenhaven, will take over the title of the late earl Albert Baker and become the new lord of this city. Am I right? If I You guessed it right, your people are all arranged on that passenger ship, right?"

Valdemar's face turned blue and white, and the knight of the kingdom simply said nothing.

"You're not talking, are you? Emil?" Albert gave his guard captain a look. The guard captain with a scar on his face rushed up and punched Valdemar's beautiful face hard, beating him beautifully. His face was bruised and bruised.

"You don't understand me from the beginning to the end, my knight!" Albert Baker put the long sword into its scabbard and said bitterly: "You think I can't see that all this is your handiwork? The whole city Up and down, there are no more than ten people who know the gunpowder storage point at the East City Gate, and you are responsible for the defense of the East City Gate. You are the only one! You can find loopholes in the patrol and send people to detonate the gunpowder!"

"And you came too fast. This is too abnormal. I know you. You can never be on duty at this time. You should be sleeping with a prostitute (Harmony) in a bar owned by a halfling!" Albert kicked him! After kicking Valdemar in the face, the kingdom knight shed two nosebleeds.

"So what?" A crazy voice answered the count: "Albert, do you think you can defend this city? Just rely on the broken city gate? Just rely on the rabble you recruited temporarily? "

"Wake up! You stupid ass! Everyone will die! The whole city will be reduced to ashes under the axes and torches of the barbarians!" Valdemar shouted crazily: "The more you resist, the more likely you are to die. It will get worse and worse, the end will eventually come, everything will be destroyed, and the only way to survive is to know how to kneel down and obey! I am thinking about the people of this city! Birig promised me that if I surrender, he will only kill these people Half the people in this town! Only kill half! How many people can I save? This is the right choice, you don’t understand at all!"

"...You are really crazy." Albert was too lazy to argue with this man. He motioned to his guard captain to drag Valdemar out: "From today on, the Kingdom Knight Valdemar will be removed from this world, you Your family history will be erased, your family will become slaves, and you... will be violently killed in the wild, and you will never be able to rest in peace!"

"No! You can't do this to me! No! I have done great service for Nord! I have shed blood for the old count! I want to see His Majesty the King! I want to see His Majesty the King!!!" Valdemar was dragged out by the guards. , the guard captain Emil stepped forward and asked: "Count, how should we deal with this traitor?"

"Behead, execute immediately!"

"Yes!" The guard captain left in a hurry.

Albert turned around and took a deep breath, then turned his eyes to the entire set of plate armor placed in his room, and uttered bursts of sentimental soliloquy: "So, the war is finally coming."

"Valdemar has never figured out how I, the hereditary great earl, inherited it." Looking at the armor passed down by his ancestors, Albert lowered his head and said, as if he was speaking to himself, but also as if he was saying Listen to the portrait in the bedroom.

The name of his ancestor is written on the portrait: Baker I, Earl of Miljödenhaven.

"During the great holy war one hundred and fifty years ago, the evil army pressed upon the territory. The elector of Nordland, King Stadler VIII of the North, chose to bow his knees to the second Eternal Chosen One of Chaos, 'Anointed One' Isaku. Vaal surrendered. At that time, almost all of Nord had fallen, and only three counts remained who refused to surrender. They fought to the last moment. In the end, under the wise leadership of His Majesty Ludwig, Chaos was repulsed."

"In order to reward these three counts and their descendants who fought to the last moment, even if the Kingdom of Nord replaced the Nord Electorate, the titles of these three counts were not replaced by the Nord feudal system. Ludwig I hope that Your Majesty will confer upon our three families all the highest honors of hereditary and replaceable counts!"

"This territory was bought with the blood and lives of our ancestors! If I choose to surrender, how can I face my ancestors who are buried in Moore Cemetery???!!!"

The captain of the guard quickly came in carrying an iron plate with Valdemar's head covered with red cloth: "Count!"

The Count closed his eyes.

"Now, the only option is to fight to the end!"

"However, Valdemar's suggestion is not without merit. Emil, send my family to the passenger ship. If something happens to me, please ensure their safety!"


The next afternoon, when Ryan led the Nord army back to Mjordenhaven, what he saw was the collapsed city gate, the severely damaged moat, and the civilians who were in despair and panic.

The original joy of successfully intercepting the barbarians also disappeared.

As soon as the army entered the city gate, Lane and others were stopped by the guards sent by the lord: "Mr. Lane! Mr. Nicolai! Your Majesty, the Earl, has an urgent military situation!"

Twenty minutes later, Albert’s Earl’s Castle.

Albert was fully armed, with the trefoil family emblem shining brightly. His guards stood in two rows in the large room. When he saw Ryan and Nikolai walking into the room, the 40-year-old Earl nodded: "How is the battle going?"

"We have successfully blown up the Aarhus Bridge, which should at least delay Birig's troops until dark." Ryan and Nikolai hurriedly approached, and they learned about Wald from Albert's mouth. Ma's business: "Then if Brig moves the fastest, he will be in Kalzenhaven by noon tomorrow."

"My scout told me that the empire's reinforcements will not arrive until noon the day after tomorrow at the earliest." Albert nodded, and then the count turned to look at his kingdom knights.

The person who was hit the hardest by this incident was Nikolai. He really couldn't believe that Valdemar, who was also a knight, would actually do such a thing.

"Betray the people! Betray the country! Betray our compatriots! Oh my god, what did Valdemar do? Is he sick?" Nikolai was very sad. He had no regard for his superior standing right next to him. In front of him, Walnut Knight found a place to sit down and brushed his face with his hands: "I...I really...don't know what to say."

At the end of the sentence, Nikolai's voice choked up.

"Now is not the time for you to be sad and miserable, my friend. Our top priority is to decide what to do next? Should we go out to fight in the city? Or hold on and fight in the streets? Tell me, White Wolf Knight, what would you do if it were you? "A flash of pain flashed across Albert's face. The Earl walked to his long table and took out a bottle of wine: "Gentlemen, would you like a glass? This is Winford's wine 'Lusalus'. I’m worried that if I don’t drink it now, I won’t have the chance to drink it in the future.”

"Of course! It's always good to have a drink." Ryan closed his eyes helplessly, and the White Wolf Knight understood what the Lake Fairy's prophecy was.

He and Birig will eventually have a battle.

Once he thought there was no problem with his plan, but reality slapped him in the face. Now he is in a dilemma, which can be described as a true portrayal of the White Wolf Knight.

"No, I don't have to." Nikolai still couldn't get over the shock of his colleague and friend's betrayal. He leaned slumped on the armchair: "Can you just give me a few minutes to be quiet?"

"Then let's start first!" Albert shrugged. The blond earl's eyes were slightly darkened, but he was in great spirits. He took out two tall glasses from his cabinet and put the corks of the wine in. Unplug.

The sweet wine is different from the normal wine produced in Winford. Its grape fruit aroma is very weak, replaced by a strange sweet aroma.

Ryan took the wine glass from Albert's hand, raised it and shook it at the tip of his nose: "Rich, full, long-lasting, delicate and soft, let me think about it, honey, apricot preserves, lemon... and peaches ?”

"I didn't expect that 'Sledgehammer' Ryan is also a person who knows how to drink? I thought that like your father Norman, your favorite is Kislev liquor, and once you drink it, you won't finish it, and you must make your face He drank until he was a monkey butt, and then fell to the ground like a brown bear before he stopped." Albert suddenly smiled when he saw that Ryan knew the goods.

So at this moment when the troops were approaching the city, the White Wolf Knight and the Lord Count each held a glass of sweet wine and stood on the balcony of the room, overlooking the entire city.

Under the reflection of the white snow, this largest and most prosperous port city in Nord was not disrupted by the war and the large influx of refugees. Under the Earl's quick response and command, the remaining defenders quickly controlled the situation. The Church of Justice The paladins and priests of the Life Church also mobilized collectively, and the situation was quickly brought under control.

However, the fear among them could not dissipate, and groups of people were lying in the open on the streets. In particular, a large number of civilians and refugees near the east city gate moved into the city. People were crowded, and many people were piled under the Earl's Castle in the city. It seemed that this last fortress in the city could give them a sense of security.

The Count's balcony was specially designed so that those below could not see above.

" really a fertile place. The wine there is famous all over the country, and the scenery there is said to eclipse heaven." Tasting the wine in his mouth, Ryan could feel the sweet aroma filling his throat and trachea.

"But I still love my land and my people." The Earl held up the wine glass with his hand and motioned Ryan to look at his city: "In my eyes, there is no place more beautiful than Miljödenhaven. Look, Those houses, that park, were all built after I inherited the location.”

"I have carefully adjusted the city's tax rates. I hope that any young man who wants to do a good job can get enough opportunities in my city. I hope that my dock can be as prosperous as Marienburg."

"Salute to you, Your Excellency the Earl." Ryan held up the wine glass: "Let us toast to the prosperity of Miljödenhaven."

"Hahaha~ Cheers!" Albert laughed, the glasses collided, the wine splashed, and then the earl and the White Wolf Knight drank the wine in the glass.

For some people, they may not agree with the importance that nobles in the Middle Ages attached to defending their territories and protecting their people. Many nobles would fight to the death to defend their territories without any benefit.

But this is the case for nobles in this world. Territory is their foundation and a symbol of their glory and status. Giving up their territory is equivalent to giving up everything. Not only will they lose their reputation, they will also lose their title and the king's status. Support, the money always runs out and their ending is absolutely tragic.

Look at the nobles of the old empire who gave up their territories and fled because of the invasion of Chaos. Even the serfs could insult and laugh at them at will.

After drinking the wine, Albert set his sights on his city and laughed: "It's a pity that this scene will probably never be seen again. My city will be reduced to ashes, and my subjects will die. Under the slaughtering knife of the barbarians, I will shed my last drop of blood and tell me, White Wolf Knight, will you follow me and fight to the death for this city? Just for that glimmer of life?"

Ryan didn't answer.

The White Wolf Knight deeply understands that if he agrees, it means that he must stay and fight the barbarians. As a member of the Kingdom Knight and the White Wolf Knights, Ryan has the right to refuse this invitation because he is not this A vassal of Earl Albert.

The vassal of my vassal is not my vassal. The war here has nothing to do with Ryan. He had reason to refuse to fight and left by ship.

But... there are only two legendary strongmen in this city, and that is him and Theresa. If he chooses to leave, the sorceress has no reason to stay here.

If there is no legendary strongman to fight against Berig, the fall of this city is only a matter of time. Ryan is too clear about the role of a legendary strongman in the war. The defenders of Miljordenhaven themselves are at a numerical disadvantage. After losing the protection of the city wall, defeat was their only outcome.

Then, the entire city will be reduced to ashes, and the barbarians will completely destroy the shining pearl on the west coast of Nordis before the imperial army arrives, and then retreat. Even if the imperial army from afar can completely destroy them, it will be of no avail, because the city and territory The people will never come back.

He recalled the prophecy of the Lake Fairy: You and Birig will eventually have a battle, and by that time, you will understand what the true virtue of a knight is.


Seeing Ryan's silence, Albert's eyes flashed with disappointment, and he did not force it: "It doesn't matter, I can arrange a boat to take you out of Miljödenhaven..."

"Leave the city and face the enemy head on."


"I said to assemble all the troops and face the enemy head-on at the gate of the city." Ryan's eyes became more and more determined. He seemed to be missing something, but also seemed to have something more: "Only a duel between champions can save this city. Save this defeat.”

In the void, after hearing Ryan's suggestion, a beautiful figure nodded in approval, her dazzling blond hair flashing with a moving luster.

This book will be on the shelves on the 1st, please support me!

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