The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 638, rushing to the aid of Wesen Territory

"The Chaos army appears in the southern part of Wesen Territory!"

"Huofen has fallen! More than three hundred soldiers were killed!"

"Fort Luke fell, and all five hundred soldiers below Baron Luke were killed!"

"Greymane Castle has fallen!"

"Requesting support! We need reinforcements!"

Urgent reports one after another were sent to Nuer. The military situation was critical!

The whole city immediately became active, and in the middle of the night, Ryan was urgently summoned by Emilia to participate in Nuer's war meeting.

At the war meeting, almost all the nobles of Nuer were present. Many of them were awakened in the middle of the night. However, due to the tense atmosphere during this period, the nobles of Nuer and the imperial generals responded very quickly. .

"What's going on? Tell me, my generals, why the Chaos army can suddenly cross the Black Mountains and appear in the south of Wesen Territory!" Standing in front of her seat, the Imperial Baroness angrily turned towards Marshal Nur E Erstein said: "Why didn't the scouts we sent find it?"

Grand Marshal Erstein of Nur was fully armed. He said loudly: "It's not that the scouts didn't notice it, my Baroness, but the speed of the Chaos army was too fast. Thousands of Kurgan cavalry suddenly Appearing in the southern part of Wesen Territory, the scouts had just sent the news to the city, and the Chaos army followed shortly after. In this case, we can't force the soldiers to do more!"

It’s not that Emilia didn’t know about the situation of the Chaos Army. In Black Heart Rep’s description, he mentioned that the Chaos Army had a Kurgan cavalry force numbering tens of thousands. The Imperial Lady’s question was just out of a question. There is an instinctive anger and shame, but also accountability.

"We have no idea how these Chaos armies crossed the Black Fire Pass, but it has happened!" Jubal Fokker, commander of the Nur Iron Armored Army, said loudly: "There is no point in thinking about this now, my Baroness, we must immediately send troops to the southern part of Wesen Territory to cover the retreat of our territorial citizens!"

"That's right, then we must fight to the death with the Chaos army in Nuer." The great chanter Casmir IX agreed with this. He said loudly: "Strong city defense is everything, Your Majesty, with In the current state, we cannot fight against the Chaos army in the wild!"



On this point, everyone agreed.

Even Ryan nodded in agreement.

Fighting with the Chaos army in the field is courting death. Both Nuer City Council and Ryan agree on this. What the Chaos army is best at is field warfare. Even with the support of the knight army, it is almost impossible for Nuer's army to defeat Chaos in the field. Army.

The only thing that Nuer's army can rely on is Nuer's extremely strong city defense. The city walls here are equipped with thousands of artillery, roaring flamethrowers and several tall wizard towers. These are the empire's greatest reliance.

"Then what we have to do is wait here?" Emilia tightened her grip on the handle of her chair and shook her head violently: "We must not sit still and wait for death!"

Everyone began to discuss how to fight against this chaos invasion.

In fact, although the attack of the Chaos army caught the Wesen Territory by surprise, due to Black Heart Leip's timely warning, the Wesen Territory was already prepared to clear the country. Except for the two cities that were unable to defend at the beginning, the entire Wesen Territory The evacuation work has been completed in the south, and the farmers have stepped up to complete the autumn harvest. They can retreat at any time. Many cities and castles have only a small number of troops left. The advance of the Chaos army only eliminated these defenders, and gained It's a white land.

"I think we should do this." Ryan stood up and said to everyone: "We should divide the work well."

"I will lead the elite troops and knights to the south to cover the retreat of the refugees, and at the same time purposefully block and eliminate the enemy's active forces in motion." Ryan said seriously: "As for Amy... Dame Emmanuel and Marshal Earl, please stay in Nuer and make this city prepare for war and improve its defenses."

"I'll go with you!" Noor Justice Theodore Bruckner took a step forward.

"No, Theodore, you and Ms. Elspeth will stay in Nuer." Ryan shook his head: "You are the only strong men in the sanctuary in Nuer. Your existence is the confidence of this city. You both To stay.”

Turning around, Ryan said to Pfitzman, the grand leader of the Knights of the Sun, and Kalad, who was standing in the distance: "Let's go."

"No problem, in the name of Mirmedia, it is our honor to fight alongside you!" Pfitzman, the grand leader of the Knights of the Sun, stood up straight: "Let the war come more fiercely! "

"You can leave at any time." Kalad remained calm about this.

"Very good, don't have too many people. A few thousand people are enough. Too many is not good." Ryan pinched his chin: "What we have to do is slow down the advance of the Chaos army and see if we can hit those key targets. , Moreover, the army of His Excellency Ogier, the Marquis of Wesenland, is still at the Blackfire Pass, and it will take time for them to retreat from there."

The Marquis of Wesenland, Ogle-Hawk, was also caught off guard by the surprise attack of the Chaos army. The main force of Wesenland even deployed defenses at Blackfire Pass! But the Chaos army has already invaded Wesen Territory from the south!

"Agree." Ryan's idea is well-founded, and most of Nuer's people agree.

But Emilia's expression changed. The Imperial Baroness actually didn't want Ryan to leave Noor. It was best for her to have Ryan stay by her side, because only with Ryan here could she feel safe.

After thinking for a moment, Emilia asked her attendant in an evasive manner: "Has our emperor received the news?"

"His Majesty Karl-Franz is still facing off against the Beastman army and the Chaos warband in the Brass Mountains in the Hawk Territory." The servant replied: "He said that he cannot withdraw his troops now. Even if he wants to withdraw, he will lead it from the Hawk Territory. It will take at least two or three months for the army to arrive to support Noor.”

"Huh! Useless guy!" Emilia was very angry, and she asked again: "What about Elector Umberto?"

"Elector Umberto is still defending the Blackfire Pass. There are still an unknown number of Chaos troops there. He told us that he cannot provide support!" The attendant had sweat on his forehead.

Emilia only felt an unknown fire burning in her chest. At the critical moment, this was useless, and that was useless!

But she really doesn’t want Ryan to leave!

In the end, the Imperial Lady had no choice but to pin her hopes on Noor's Black Lady and Cemetery Rose's Elspeth: "Black Lady, do you think Ryan's proposal is reasonable?"

"Reasonable." Ms. Black said lightly: "We need his power."

"Okay then." Amelia was speechless: "Then Ryan, I will arrange the logistics and supplies, and I'll leave the matter to you."

"Yeah." Ryan responded softly.

Without further ado, after making the decision, Ryan, Kalad, and Pfitzman, the grand leader of the Knights of the Sun, planned to turn around and leave immediately.

"Wait!" Emilia always felt a little unhappy when she saw Ryan's leaving figure. She continued, "Lian, you bring Black Heart Repp with you. His experience in combating Chaos will help."

"Okay!" Ryan said nothing more. He nodded again and left quickly. More than a dozen Sun Knights and Holy Grail Knights lined up and left Nuer City Council one by one.

"Earl, I'll leave the city's defense to you. During this period, I need every citizen who can use a sword to receive sufficient war training!" Emilia said sharply as she watched Ryan go out.

"Yes!" Nur Marshal Erstein responded loudly.

"Drake!" Emilia then ordered: "Find and train all militiamen and veterans who have served in the Nuer army, close all city gates facing the south, send out scouts, and conduct 24-hour reconnaissance on Nuer. Regarding the situation near Seoul, I have controlled all entertainment activities and banquets during the recent period, strictly guarded the arsenal, and sent more people to patrol the streets. I need to ensure that there is no trouble in the entire city. If necessary, I can directly use force. Also, will My family crest and Ryan's family crest were hung high on the top of the city council and the Elector's Palace, and the news was released that the Wesenland's army had won a great victory in the war between the south and Chaos, and would soon be Will turn back!"

"Yes!" Drake, wearing black armor, stood up and saluted: "I will follow your instructions, my Baroness!"

"Gaunt Maybach!" Emilia finally looked at Noor's chief engineer.

"Here." Nur's chief engineer emerged from the crowd.

"Your mission is to go back and prepare those steel monsters!" Emilia's little hands covered with rings and jewelry squeezed the handles of the table and chairs: "If nothing else happens, we will need them soon. They are."

"Yes!" Gaunt Maybach nodded, and a lot of expectations arose in the heart of the empire's chief engineer.

"Everyone here please prepare for war! Now, the time has come to defend our country. Maybe the Chaos army is very powerful, maybe they have been favored by the evil god, or something else, but they don't know, this is What kind of city!" Emilia clapped her hands and stood up from her seat, holding the Elector's Holy Sword at her waist.

"This is the city of the savior, this is our city, this is the city of the empire." The holy sword was unsheathed. There is shining cyan energy flowing in the sword body, and bright flames burn around the sword body: "We have never forgotten the war, we will never forget the war, everyone, I am honored to stand with you today, I I am with you, share the joys and sorrows with you, fight side by side with you, and together with you, now, let the blood and mud of Chaos create new glory and glory for Nuer!"

A long-lost fanaticism enveloped the entire Nuer City Council, unanimously, and all members of the city council shouted loudly and raised their weapons towards the Imperial Lady.

"For Noor, for Ludwig the Savior! For Charlemagne! For the Empire!"

Men, women and even dwarves shouted in unison, their voices deafening, echoing in the glorious Nuer City Council, telling their determination.

"For the Empire!!!"

The blood is surging and the bones are cracking.

The empire is glorious and great, ignorant and decadent.

But it will never give in to evil.

no way.

…………I am the dividing line that will never yield…………

Lane and others spent a night gathering the troops. Early the next morning, Lane led more than 4,000 cavalry troops out of the city and rushed to the south of Wesen Territory, preparing to rush to assist Wesen Territory and protect the evacuation of the troops and people there.

Ryan's wife Sulia also arrived. The female knight handed over her son to Sylvia and Olika, and decided to follow her husband on the expedition. When Ryan saw Sulia, she had already made up her mind and didn't say anything more. Follow immediately.

This cavalry force consists of a thousand Brittanian knights, a few thousand Sun Knights, two battalions of pistol cavalry and a battalion of pioneer cavalry. At the same time, Ryan also brought two The battalions of the Old Guards were divided into the Old Guards Infantry Battalion and the Old Guards Fusiliers Battalion, and everyone had their horses ready.

Riding on the pure-blood elf war horse Grape, Ryan looked at the endless plains of Wesenland and couldn't help but frowned: "Sure enough, defending Nuer is the only way out."

The Wesen Territory of the empire is a highly urbanized area. The land here is fertile but there is no danger to defend. The only thing the imperial army can rely on is strong cities and powerful artillery, as well as strong walls and clear fields. When the enemy comes, the villages and farms on the plains will be destroyed. It will be abandoned, and people will collectively retreat to nearby cities and castles, leaving hunger and illness to enemies from afar.

But now facing Tamu Khan and his Chaos army, this trick is not very useful, because even the cities and castles that they have always been proud of have fallen in front of the Chaos Dwarves' war machines.

Along the way, all Ryan saw were the waves of refugees retreating in the direction of Nuer. The already somewhat insensitive residents were carrying all their belongings, either transporting them in horse-drawn carriages, using pushcarts, or simply carrying them on their backs. Along the road, slowly retreated under the command of the Imperial Army.

"The south of Wesen Territory is all plains and hilly terrain, and there is no danger to defend it." Pfitzman, the grand leader of the Knights of the Sun, said: "If the intelligence is correct, the Chaos army has already advanced to Gena City, where Kas is Hometown of Mir IX.”

"Should we immediately support Gena City? Lord Lane?" Kalad rode his pure-blooded elf war horse. Count Garament frowned. He tried to ask. Kalad's support this time helped Ryan's lion. The eagle mount Imperius has also been brought, and Imperius is now flying freely in the sky behind this army.

"No, I think by the time we get to Gena, it will have already fallen." Ryan shook his head violently: "First wait for us to get to the front line, and then we can formulate a battle plan!"

"Yes!" This army carrying hope rushed south along the road for rescue.

It took a week for Lane to lead the cavalry army to the front line.

As Ryan expected, when the reinforcements arrived, the city of Gena had already fallen, and all the eight hundred defenders stationed there had been killed. But in addition, what Tamukhan got was that all the residents of the city were evacuated and burned. The city turned into a white land, with nothing left.

Nothing was plundered, nothing was sacrificed successfully!

In anger, Tamu Khan immediately ordered the Chaos army to be divided into three groups and march together, with the target being Feldorf, the capital of Wesen Territory!

In this way, when Ryan led the army to a town called Waldbach in the southern part of the Wesen Territory, the scouts reported that a Chaos forward army was only thirty kilometers away from here!

"Convene a military meeting immediately! Everyone come to the camp for a meeting!"


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