The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 648, The Decaying Rondo of the Battle of Nuer

Tamu Khan personally led the remaining troops to join the battle, and the effect was outstanding. The Toad Dragon rushed into the imperial army carrying Nurgle's chosen champion, spitting out streams of pus from its mouth, and the Toad Dragon's filthy breath seemed to A masterpiece painted by Nurgle himself, many people fell down wailing unprepared, their flesh and blood melting in a tragic way, as if a serious illness suddenly worsened. The agile beastmen roared out from the monster army and slaughtered wantonly on the battlefield. The wounded who were ravaged by them soon turned into a mass of unrecognizable corpses.

The giant plague ogres knocked away the imperial soldiers one by one with sticks or battle axes, and then couldn't wait to swallow these people up. These ogres were so hungry that they desperately needed to eat. !

In addition, there are the Chaos Giants. These Chaos Giants have actually broken away from the control of the Chaos Dwarves and have become dependent on instinct. Tamukhan has not yet realized that everything is out of control, and he has single-handedly attacked the entire empire. Within the central army, the giant ax was swung, and the increasingly rotten and melted body of the ogre Mountainbreaker turned into his strongest shield. A group of halberdiers tried to rush forward to resist the chosen champion of Nurgle, but Their weapons were like piercing a ball of mud, causing no damage to Tamukhan. Most of them only deepened the festering and decaying wounds on his body.

The death wizards from the Amethyst Academy, the life wizards from the Emerald Academy, and the gray wizards from the Shadow Academy have all joined the battle. The spell arcs hit Tamu Khan's body, but due to Tamu Khan's super height Due to his magic resistance, the spells of the imperial wizards were also unable to cause much damage to Tamukhan.

This is the blessing of Nurgle, amazing recovery ability, super high magic resistance, rotten body that is immune to pain, and powerful filth pollution!

Tamukhan's forward arrow was not stopped until he met the Grand Knight of the Holy Grail, Kalad. Kalad showed no fear in the face of Nurgle's chosen champion. He slapped the pure-blood elf horse under him and faced Nurgle's chosen champion. champion!

A loyal kingdom knight who protected his lord roared, waving his sword and shield in an attempt to give Tamu Khan a hard blow. Tamu Khan sneered, swung his giant ax horizontally, and smashed the kingdom knight's body with one axe. The shield split in two and fell to the ground.

Breaking through the obstruction, Tamu Khan was already close to Kalad's position, and Kalad also clamped the horse's belly. The power of the pure-blood elf war horse was completely displayed in front of everyone, and the divine sword Durandal was speeding like lightning. He had his first encounter with the great ax in Tamukhan.

The huge force coming from his wrist almost caused Kalad to lose Durandal.

Tamukhan laughed wildly, and then swung his second axe. The giant ax swept out a strong wind. Kalad then roared and flipped the sword blade. Durandal again forcibly parried Tamukhan's axe. The sparks and crisp sounds of weapons clashing echoed across the battlefield.

Tamukhan's face began to look bad. The Holy Grail Knight in front of him actually had the strength to confront him head-on?

Kalad's wrist was numb, and the great knight of the Holy Grail secretly complained in his heart. The addition of the ogre's body and Nurgle doubled Tamukhan's strength, and it was quite difficult for him to fight.

Just when the two sides were about to fight for the third blow, Justice Noor, Theodor Bruckner arrived.

"Death, Nurgle's melee bastard!" Theodore Bruckner is also a strong man in the Sanctuary. In terms of strength alone, he is even more powerful than Kalad. The two-meter-tall Justice Noor is riding a war horse at lightning speed. Tamukhan had to use his giant ax to block Theodore's blow. Upon seeing this, the Toad Dragon under him planned to spray poisonous mist. Kalad and Theodore realized the danger at the same time. Forced to retreat.

Tamukhan defeated Kalad and Theodore, two powerful men from the Sanctuary, then raised his battle ax and shouted the name of Nurgle. Seeing that the battle situation was gradually becoming favorable to his own side, the Chaos Champion's morale increased greatly. They raised the unclean weapons in their hands and howled ferocious war cries at the dark gods. The mutated beasts with keen sense of smell had already taken the lead and rushed forward, urged by a new round of killing and destruction. , the plague army is advancing in waves.

However, at this moment, the sound of mechanical roar came from the distance, large streams of steam floated in the sky, large streams of noise came from the distance, and the entire battle situation changed dramatically.

Tamukhan raised his head in disbelief.

In the distance, amid the rumble, six steam tanks joined the battlefield.

These steel monsters that Nuer suppressed at the bottom of the box have finally appeared!

Maybach, Nuer's chief engineer, controls Nuer's legendary steam tank "Savior". His face has terrible anger, but also has a cold and ruthless expression unique to the Nuer people. He skillfully controls the steam boiler. , and then ordered: "Get ready to fire!"


The steam cannons on the six steam tanks fired together. Nuer's engineers finally calculated the best range and best ballistic arc through precise surveying and calculations. The shells fired by the six steam cannons were as direct as if they had eyes. Flying towards the Chaos Giants and Chaos Ogres, the Chaos Giants and Plague Ogres were instantly killed when hit by the steam cannon, and were directly blasted to the ground unable to get up again. The tribal warriors of Tamu Khan and the God of Nurgle were chosen. The warriors immediately discovered the power of the steam tank. They roared and rushed forward to try to block the advancement of the steam tank.

However, just as the Imperial infantry were helpless when facing the behemoth of Chaos, this group of Chaos warriors also found themselves helpless and desperate when facing the steam tank. The ramming angle of the steam tank could easily knock them away and knock them away. They were crushed into a ball of yellow-green meatloaf. In desperation, a Chaos Warrior used an ax to hit the surface of the steam tank, but it only made a shallow scratch on the extremely strong steel plate!

The next second, the small steam cannon on the steam tank turret blasted the chaos warrior's head into smithereens!

"Forward! Noor!"

"Go forward, for Countess Emmanuel and Frederic, for the savior, and for the empire!"

The steam tank, the war machine that has been praised for hundreds of years and is famous in the old world, finally joins the battlefield!

"Follow the steam tank! Follow the steam tank!!!"

With the roar of Marshal Nur Erstein, the morale of the empire's soldiers increased greatly because they had received strong reinforcements. They were doing their best to reverse the situation, and Tamu Khan and his troops were in the upper hand before. The Chaos army was surprised by the power of the steam tank.

What the hell is Drazhoth doing? ! Tamukhan resisted the Empire's counterattack on his own. He swung his giant ax and slaughtered the Imperial swordsmen and Imperial Halberdiers who were overwhelmed by their abilities, and then immediately got entangled with Kalad.

This Holy Grail Knight is so annoying! His strength is not as good as mine, but he is incredibly tough! And he doesn’t look tired at all!




Tamukhan struggled to repel the attack of Kalad and Theodore. He and his tribe were unable to break through the defense line composed of steam tanks, but the imperial army was also exhausted. Just as Tamukhan was thinking about whether to release the final When a trump card was revealed, an earth-shattering horn sound came from his east.

"For the lady! For Brittany!"

"For Ryan Malcador and Madam Sulia!"

"For the Empire!"

The sound of horse hooves like a heavy rain drowned out the shouts of killing on the entire battlefield. The trembling earth explained everything. In the distance as far as the eye can see, a bright and glorious steel Great Wall is rolling towards the army of Chaos!

Thousands of knights lined up in a large formation with lances. Their armors exuded moving light. Flags of the Knights were fluttering in the wind. Cloaks stained with stains and blood were flying up and down. Many of the knights' armors were already worn. It was very shabby, but no fear showed on the face of any knight. They laid their lances flat, and the dense forest of lances shining brightly told the determination of the knights!

The Fairy of the Lake's divinely chosen champion, Ryan Malcador, and his army of knights are here!

Tamu Khan only had time to order the Chaos Warriors wearing heavy armor and holding halberds to line up in a row. The hurricane formed by the torrent of steel swept across the entire row of Chaos Warriors. Ryan rushed to the front, riding on the Griffin Hero. Puris wielded Mjolnir and hammered the Chaos Warriors who tried to resist him into meat pies one by one. The knights fought wildly and smashed into Tamu Khan's army.

Following the knights were the free cavalry led by Black-Hearted Lepp, who were responsible for loading and shooting the behemoths at close range. The muskets produced by Nuer shot the bulky Chaos Warriors at close range accurately, without any The fire support of the Chaos Dwarves was beyond Tamukhan's control.

The battlefield wizards of the empire also joined the battlefield, and spells bombarded the surfaces of the Chaos Giants and Chaos Trolls. With the sound of explosions and tearing, the Chaos Behemoths suffered a heavy blow. The Great Chanter Casmir IX chanted divine magic, and the Nurgle demons summoned by Tamu Khans were bathed in the light rain of magic, and then exploded quickly. The steam tanks advanced step by step, devouring Tamu. Khan's army!

For a moment, Tamukhan's Chaos army seemed to be defeated, but Nurgle's chosen champion immediately ordered his own bodyguards and plague ogres to rush forward to meet the enemy. Just as the angry knights were enjoying themselves When the earth poured out its fury, they also had to face the counterattack of the ogres.

The plague ogres and the chosen warriors of Nurgle faced the charge of the knights in excitement and madness. The knights fell into huge trouble after losing the initial impact. Many knights were chopped into two pieces with their horses and men. , or were pulled off their horses and hacked to death, or even torn into pieces by the plague ogre, with their flesh and blood flying everywhere, their internal organs flowing everywhere, and they were directly swallowed by the ogre.

A bone grinder giant directly grabbed a damaged imperial cannon and used it as a weapon. He swung it back and forth and killed a dozen knights. Just when it wanted to continue to show off its power, Ryan summoned a psychic storm. It was directly enveloped, and the entire Bonecrusher Giant screamed in pain, but it would soon feel no more pain, because the gryphon Imperius spread its wings and soared into the sky, and Ryan drew the Nemesis sword. A huge gap was opened in the giant's chest. Imperius pecked out a piece of red meat directly from the giant's chest, and then crushed it with his claws!

The hard battle is still going on. The entire battlefield is simply a meat grinder and a slaughterhouse. Both sides have invested all their troops. At this time, all tactics and strategies are useless. Whoever can persevere to the end can win the final victory!

At this time, the entire war had been fought from morning to afternoon.

Tamukhan and his Chaos army began to be unable to hold on any longer. Facing the ferocious two-sided attack, Tamukhan and the Kurgan men under his command, no matter how powerful they were, could not fight on both sides for a long time. With the steam tanks As the army continued to advance, the Chaos army never found a good way to deal with this big killer. Chaos giants, chaos trolls, and plague ogres, giant beasts that could easily tear apart the imperial infantry, fell one after another.

Right in the middle of the battlefield, Ryan's whole body was wrapped in lightning and psychic energy. He was holding a hammer in one hand and a sword in the other. He was fighting Tamu Khan. At this time, Tamu Khan had also been injured all over his body. They were all scorched by lightning and flames. The toad dragon under him had one of his legs shattered by a steam tank cannon, and was fighting fiercely with the griffon Imperius under Ryan.

"No! No!!!" Tamu Khan waved his giant axe. He felt extremely happy about the killings he caused today, but he suddenly realized something.

He is about to run out of soldiers!

Trapped by Ryan, Tamu Khan watched helplessly as the chiefs, Chaos Champions and Chaos Demons under his command were being killed by Kalad and Theodore one after another. The Black Lady Elspeth rode the Purple Red Dragons breathed flames in the sky, burning the few remaining Chaos Warriors. Steam tanks were like beasts that devoured everything. They spewed out thick smoke and kept advancing, crushing everything one by one. The precious beast was blasted to pieces by steam cannons.

Without these behemoths, what would Tamukhan have to do to break through the walls of Nur?

"Where are Say and his Dougan cavalry?"

"Where are Drazhoth and his war machines?"

Before he finished speaking, Tamu Khan suddenly saw the Chaos Dwarfs' position, which was filled with the corpses of the Chaos Dwarves and abandoned war machines that had turned into scrap metal.

Apparently, following in the footsteps of Sai the Faithless, the Chaos Dwarves were routed and Drazhoth fled.

"They think this is the end! Just wait, Nurgle will take care of them!" Tamu Khan was still roaring angrily, but Ryan's attack did not stop. The God-chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake shouted angrily , the war hammer in his hand swept directly towards Tamu Khan. Tamu Khan, who was starting to lose consciousness in anger, was accidentally knocked down by Ryan with a hammer. Before Tamu Khan could control his body, Ryan held the Nemesis in his other hand and was already slashing at the head of Nurgle's chosen champion!

Tamukhan didn't panic at all. He seemed to know that he had no advantage in speed. Nurgle's chosen champion simply made himself roll an extra circle, then aimed at Ryan's back and used his giant ax to swipe with his backhand. The end of the ax handle hit Ryan's shoulder directly. Ryan groaned and was also knocked to the ground from the gryphon.

In this way, Tamu Khan bought himself precious time. When he grabbed his giant ax and stood up, Ryan had also stood up, holding a hammer in one hand and a sword in the other. He was the chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake. He raised his warhammer and half-hand sword towards Nurgle's chosen champion, and challenged the champion to a duel.

Tamukhan responded immediately, and at the same time, he began to recite his loving father's name silently in his heart.

Nurgle, Father of Corruption, my loving father, your son needs help now.

need your help!

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