The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 668, Hunter and Prey (5400-word chapter, please subscribe!)

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After a short rest, the imperial troops stationed on the beach immediately began to study the current situation.

In the largest marching tent in the camp, everyone gathered together to discuss the next direction of the Imperial Lustria Expeditionary Force.

Attending the meeting was Imperial Vanguard officer, Imperial Captain Richard.

Imperial General Alaric comes from Reikland.

Imperial Hunter General Eric von Shangel came from the hunting group of the Empire's famous Hunter Marshal Marcus Wolfhart.

Since Marcus Wolfhart was canonized as the Imperial Hunter Marshal by Karl Franz, he has gained the power to recruit soldiers on his own. This powerful man from the Sanctuary is considered one of the emperor's most trusted confidants. He personally The Marcus Wolfhart hunting party is formed.

The elite hunters of this hunting group were hand-selected by Marcus from within the empire. The entire hunting group is filled with outstanding hunters from all provinces of the empire, although the hunters of Middenland always despise the hunters of Aiweland for their simple hunting. (On the contrary, the hunters of Iverland always despise the poor hunters of Middenland), and the hunters of Reikland always despise the hunters of Stirland as a group of country bumpkins and uneducated people, but under the guidance of the hunter marshal Marcus Wulfhar Under the leadership of Te, these outstanding hunters from all areas of the empire gradually united together in wars and hunting, and quickly developed a close sense of comradeship among themselves, thereby eliminating mutual dissatisfaction and regional differences.

With their efforts and the strong leadership of Hunter Marshal Marcus Wolfhart, the Wolfhart Hunting Group soon became the most powerful Warcraft hunting group in the empire, whether it was Steele The clawed beast of the Ostermark Territory, the ice dragon of the Ostermark Territory, the giant-horned bull of the Drakwald Forest, the four-armed bull demon of the Reikwald Forest, or the Chimera Evil Beast entrenched on the Black Mountains. , Wolfhart hunting group all successfully completed the hunt, which won them honor and status. Emperor Karl-Franz commended these outstanding hunters of the empire more than once, and promoted some of the best to hunter generals.

In this Imperial Lustria Expeditionary Force, in addition to providing certain military supplies and recruiting some provincial soldiers and militia, the Reikland nobles naturally knew that these basic troops alone could conquer the enemy. Lustria is very difficult, but the cost of mobilizing those elite imperial troops is extremely high. You have to persuade the emperor to approve it, and you have to spend enough real money to hire it. This is very difficult for an expedition that has no harvest for the time being. The gain outweighs the loss.

Therefore, the nobles of Reikland decided to form an expeditionary force to explore the road to Lustria, establish several outposts, and try to enter the jungle to search for ruins in order to get rich rewards. As long as the expeditionary force can prove to bring huge benefits to the empire. In return, the empire will naturally send more elite reinforcements.

Some Reikland nobles even placed their hopes on whether the Hunter Marshal could personally participate in this expedition. However, this was obviously impossible. As the only two illegal Sanctuary strongmen (bearing the flag) directly under the emperor's command, they were at the bottom of the box. Officer Ludwig and Hunter Marshal Marcus Wolfhard), how could Emperor Karl Franz let Wolfhard personally go out for such a thing?

Only if there was something wrong with the Emperor or Wolfheart himself would the Hunter Marshal be allowed to go on an expedition to Lustria.

So they settled for the next best thing, and the nobles of Reikland paid a large sum of money to hire a hunter general from the hunting group. The fixed annual salary was as high as 1,000 gold marks, and invited him to go on an expedition to Lustria.

In the big tent, three officers were surrounding a huge wooden table and a map on the wooden table.

"Although the expeditionary force has built an outpost here, our situation is still not good." Imperial Vanguard Officer Richard pointed at the map and said: "Look, we only have one base on the coast. We neither have sufficient food sources nor sufficient strategic depth. Although the soldiers of the Ash Legion came to intimidate us before, some of their words are not unreasonable."

"What should I say?" Hunter General Eric asked: "How much do you know about the current situation?"

"Since we arrived here, we have sent out many scouts, many." Pioneer Officer Richard put his finger on the map: "As everyone knows, our location is called Tokan Temple, but in fact the coast is far away from where we found it. The ruins are still sixty kilometers away.”

"The east, according to the people of the Ash Legion, is the territory of vampire pirates. We don't know if it is because the scouts we sent out never came back, not a single one."

"It is true that in the west, as they said, there are traces of green-skin tribes. Those green-skin are very special. Some green-skin are all blue, and their combat power cannot be underestimated. As for the south, the scouts only entered the ruins of the temple to search a little bit. The treasure was withdrawn, but we still lost half our men."

"As for the north, Fulgrim and his Ash Legion currently occupy three towns along the coast, namely Skogi City, Predator Harbor and Swamp Town, across the sea from us," the pioneer officer continued: "After many With the reinforcements, the Ash Legion now has nearly 40,000 soldiers alone, and also has a population of about 100,000. They seem to have reached a tacit understanding with the lizard people. They rarely enter the jungle, and the lizard people also These coastal ports were safely handed over to their jurisdiction. Both sides set up several trading points near the jungle. The Ash Legion used seafood, livestock, food, and pottery to trade with the Lizardmen, and the Lizardmen provided them with gold, silver, and other fine materials. Good medical medicine and magic jewelry, and even some tame cold lizards.”

"Damn, damn traitor!" Imperial General Alaric shouted dissatisfied when he heard this. The veteran hammered the wooden table hard, his teeth itching with hatred: "Sooner or later, we must include all these places. In the arms of the empire, we are the ones who bring civilization to these ignorant and backward places!”

The Hunter General and the Pioneer Officer were also jealous of the huge profits. Eric took a few hard breaths and wanted to say something, but the Pioneer Officer quickly said: "No, we must not start a war with the Ash Legion now. Yes, when we first arrived here, they provided us with guides, and we currently don’t have enough food supplies, so we also rely on buying them from the Ash Legion!”

The two imperial generals Eric and Alaric frowned almost at the same time. After hearing these words, Eric hesitated and told the vanguard officer: "In this case, can you send men to the Predator Port to tell Commander Fulgan, If he is willing to hand over all his troops and towns, I can propose to the emperor that he be guaranteed an imperial viscount!"

Pioneer officer Richard smiled bitterly when he heard this: "General Eric, if it were you, would you be willing to do this?"

General Hunter was silent for a few seconds after hearing this, and shook his head rather self-deprecatingly: "Okay, then there is no need to say more. We took several months of expedition from the empire to this place by boat, and lost many troops and many were killed in battle. Soldiers, if there is no harvest, how will we face the expectations of the nobles and the people of the empire who support us?"

Thinking of the astonishing wealth and massive army held by the Ash Legion, and thinking that once the Lizardmen are eliminated, these towns and residents who do not obey the Empire's management are destined to be defeated by the Empire's army and hand over their wealth honestly, and these people He actually had the kindness to remind himself of the danger. Eric shook his head. We are an elite imperial army. How can we be compared to a ragtag group of conscripts and weak mercenary groups made up of improvised troops like you?

"We won't discuss other things for now. The first thing we have to do now is to get enough harvest. In this way, we will rest for another day, and then I will lead two thousand people to go south first, plunder the Tokan Temple, and take this All the wealth in the ruins is taken into his arms, and the rest will wait until later." The Hunter General made a decision immediately.

"Yes!" The military discussion came to an end, and the three officers walked out of the tent.

Pioneer officer Richard guided General Hunter to an open space in the camp: "Look at this, General, this thing can be made today, and it will definitely help you in this war!"

In the open space, the craftsmen of the empire were doing the final work, and a chariot assembled from wooden boards was undergoing final testing.

"The old imperial tanks have long been eliminated by steam tanks, but I didn't expect them to be very useful in the jungle." Pioneer Officer Richard said to the Hunter General: "The war horses provided by the locals are really good. There are too few, and we have no way to organize a strong cavalry, but we can use local materials and use a mixture of pack horses and war horses to allow the musketeers to stay on relatively safe tanks, which is conducive to maintaining firepower output and retreat."

"Very good." Eric nodded repeatedly: "Let's get ready!"

"The only regret is that the expedition knight left." The imperial general was a little disappointed. He was a strong man at the peak of the legend.

"Don't count on those knights of Britannia. In the long history, we have not always been friends." Eric sighed softly: "In this dark age, the only one we can rely on is ourselves."

"This is the empire!"

…………I am for the dividing line of the empire…………

One day later, in the forest sea and forest path in northern Lustria.

The imperial army of more than 2,000 people is slowly advancing in the tropical rain forest.

Muddy land, humid air, annoying mosquitoes, lush vegetation.

Green, endless green, towering giant trees, extremely lush shrubs, and sticky wet moss all make the imperial soldiers who are accustomed to the climate of the empire's black forest feel extremely uncomfortable. Obviously it will not be very comfortable in November now. It was hot and dry, but almost all the imperial soldiers were already drenched in sweat.

Hunter General Eric held an enchanted big bow in his hand and walked at the front of the team. Behind him were several rows of Imperial pikemen, then archers and crossbowmen, and then Imperial swordsmen. and two Imperial tanks.

"Attention! Don't try to pick any fruits, and don't eat anything that looks edible." The hunter general kept giving orders: "Don't be alone, gather together, no one knows what will be in the forest, pick it up for me." Spirit!"

"Yes!" The imperial army was still quite cautious. They looked around cautiously. Many imperial soldiers had never seen such an environment, and naturally they did not dare to mess around.

"It's surprisingly quiet." It had been several hours of marching, and the entire army had not encountered any enemies. Eric took a few breaths gently, and his hands held the big bow hard, which made him feel better. .

According to intelligence gathered by the Empire, Lustria is home to an abundance of carnivorous plants and predators, with fringe vines, bloodthirsty spore clouds, and spiky plants all looking for unwary victims.

Big cats, man-eating monkeys, and swarms of buzzing giant insects are constantly appearing in the jungle. Even more deadly are the ancient behemoths in the jungle. These reptiles were supposed to They have been completely extinct in the long history, but the fact is that they still appear in the jungle and are at the top of the food chain.

As a hunter general, Eric can't wait to prepare for a good fight with these legendary beasts.

However, everything was very quiet. Huge banana leaves, vines and shrubs filled all the sights of the entire imperial army. The hard climbing of dead branches of old vines, the damp and hot weather that could not see the sun, everything from the eyes to the soul. Everything was submerged in green. Various levels of very clean green surrounded the expeditionary army from all directions. The fragrance of the trees and the smell of decay were mixed together. In this forest with hundreds of millions of years of life, Time seems to stand still, with occasional fragments of sunlight leaking through the dense leaves, moving slowly in the jungle covered with fallen leaves.

"Rustling~" There seemed to be something moving deep in the forest. An imperial hunter immediately turned around in surprise and drew his short bow in one direction of the forest: "Who is it!"

There was nothing, the forest seemed quiet again, and there seemed to be fog in the forest, making everything unreal.

"Where?" When the Imperial Hunter turned around again to check the other line of defense, a blow dart suddenly flew from the tree crown in the distance and pierced his back. The Imperial Hunter screamed. He was just thinking Fighting back, the intense numbness in his body engulfed him.

"It's...poisonous." This outstanding imperial hunter uttered the last word and died on the spot.

"Enemy attack!!!" General Hunter issued a sharp warning, and the imperial army immediately woke up in panic. Spearmen and swordsmen lined up in two rows, and archers and musketeers immediately moved toward the blow. Fire was fired in the direction from which the arrows were flying, and hundreds of feather arrows and dozens of projectiles roared towards the depths of the forest.

But nothing happened. They just knocked down a bush and shot through some leaves.

The distant tree canopy swayed from side to side under the attack.

Then, silence returned, and a faint whisper came from the depths of the jungle. The hunter general drew the big bow in his hand several times but could not find the target at all, so he had to put it down: "Keep moving!"

What he didn't notice was that on the canopy not far away, a chameleon saw the human army continuing to advance. It stuck out its tongue and held a hollow branch in its hand. It jumped lightly and took out two sticks from its arms. The poison dart disappeared into the crown of another giant tree in the sky.


"Ahhh!" Another imperial soldier was hit by a poison dart! The poison on the poison dart killed him instantly.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" The imperial army once again fired wildly in panic, but still found nothing.

In this way, for the next two hours, people in the entire imperial army were continuously hit by blowguns or poison darts, and died painfully under the influence of the poison. The soldiers were panicked and morale was low. In this special environment deep in the jungle Although the losses were not great, everyone was in danger. The soldiers crowded together and looked around in fear.

It seems that every tree, every shrub, and even every vine has become a terrible threat!

"Hiss~hiss~" The whispers of reptiles surround the forest, sometimes far and sometimes near, seemingly there and sometimes not at all.

"Dense formation, pay attention to the surroundings!" Eric was sweating profusely at this time. He could always feel that there seemed to be something in the jungle watching them.

That look was chilling.

Fortunately, after a long march, the ruins of the Lizardmen finally arrived. The legendary Tokan Temple appeared in front of the imperial soldiers. And just like the legend, the ruins were filled with gold, silver, enamel and various gems. , the ruins are covered with moss and vines, as well as collapsed walls and trees. It can be vaguely seen that this was once a glorious temple, but it is unknown why it fell here.

"Oh! God, so much gold, Lady Fortune, I've never seen so much gold in my life!"

"Charlemagne bless us!"

"We're rich!"

"Great! This piece of gold is mine!"

"This is enamel! I love this!"

The imperial troops immediately went into chaos after seeing such astonishing wealth. The soldiers who spent two hours in the oppressive and suffocating atmosphere could hardly restrain their madness. They desperately put anything of value into their bags. They were stuffed in their pockets, even in their armors. Many soldiers simply threw away their weapons when they could no longer walk in heavy areas. The originally neat military formation had fallen apart. All the soldiers were busy looting, and even fought over it. .

General Hunter wanted to stop the chaos of these soldiers, but he was powerless. At this time, these imperial soldiers only had gold and gems left in their eyes. Even Eric himself couldn't help but dig in the ruins, piece by piece. The gold nugget that was bigger than his fist made him smile: "Your Majesty will like this."

"Roar~roar~~~" Just as the imperial army was in chaos, greedily taking away the wealth in the ruins, a wave of louder roars came from the depths of the forest.

The next second, dozens of giant beasts rushed toward the ruins from all directions. These giant beasts were composed of dinosaur lizards, ankylosaurs, tyrannosaurs, and salamanders that breathed flames!

Behind these giant beasts are thousands of lizard-man armies! Letting out their feral howls, they join the battlefield with shields and maces in hand!

"Roar~ Deal with these hot-blooded species for the big plan!" Surrounded by hundreds of temple guards, the big white lizard brother Rock and the two skink priests were satisfied to see that the human army fell into the trap. - Rock held the Ancient Holy Artifact Urumak Sledgehammer in one hand and the Ancient Holy Artifact Shield of Generations in the other hand. He pointed at the imperial army that was still busy searching in the ruins and gave the order: "Forward! For Itaza , for the big plan, for Lord Crocker!”

What responded to him was the roar of a giant beast that could travel ten kilometers away.

The jungle trembled, and the lush forest swayed back and forth, unable to stop for a long time.

Imperial forces are surrounded by lizardfolk.

The Imperial army had just barely reacted when the first Terror Lizard knocked over and crushed several Imperial Spearmen on the spot.

Seeing the lizard-like armies in all directions, Hunter General Eric only had one thought left in his mind.

"The hunter is always the prey."

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