The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 673, the darkness within the sword body

After formulating the plan, the Ashes Army immediately began to make arrangements.

Fulgrim led 30,000 people on battleships and divided into two groups to arrive at the Vampire Coast. This is a land deeply corrupted by the undead, but it is sparsely populated. The lizard people have no interest in occupying ports far away from the jungle, and Luther- Apart from establishing several pirate strongholds and treasure caches here, Harken rarely lived here for a long time. Apart from sporadic resistance, Fulgrim's army successfully approached the Vampire Coast without encountering too much trouble. edge of the jungle.

The army encamped here.

Fulgrim divided the army into several parts. The artillery regiment on the right wing had more than twenty imperial cannons and a dozen mortars, as well as several dwarf cannons that Fulgrim had spent great efforts to obtain from the dwarves. He ordered Deputy Army Commander Fernando Pirazzo led ordinary swordsmen, halberdiers, pikemen, archers, and crossbowmen to camp at the front. On the left wing was a cavalry team composed of hussars and Arabi cavalry under Master Jin. , also including some Arabi sailors and guards under Master Jin.

There is no doubt that the Arabi cavalry is the most well-equipped cavalry in the old world. The Arabi cavalry under the command of the Golden Master are fully armed. Not only do they all wear full-body plate armor, but they also have a mixed-blood elf war horse. This is even for Brittania. Even the Kingdom of Knights can't do it. Most of Britannia's war horses are descendants of pure-blooded elven war horses left after the elves retreated from the old world and Britannia's native forest horses. After a few generations, the bloodline has become very thin.

Likewise, the equipment of the Arabi cavalry was among the best in the Old World.

So if that's the case, why are Arabi's cavalry still no match for the Brittanian knights?

The reason is simple, there are Holy Grail Knights in Britannia.

During the Red Flame Crusade, there was once a Holy Grail knight with the strength of the Holy Domain who hacked to death nine Arabi champion warriors in one single blow. The heads on horseback were hung on the ground until there were no more champions to send to the other side. , until the morale of the entire army collapsed.

Fulgrim himself led the Phoenix Guard, the elite Ash Legion swordsmen and foot knights, and a small number of knights' retinue. It is worth mentioning that this elite army of hundreds of people all wore purple and gold full-body armor, whether it was Wearing hats or helmets, they all wore very gorgeous and sultry colorful helmet feathers, and everyone was equipped with a purple cloak with the flag of the Ash Legion printed on it. From a distance, it looked extremely brilliant and attractive. Eye-catching.

The army camped in the forest for repairs. Fulgrim ordered his men to bury a large piece of jewelery prepared by the lizardmen on the beach, and then waited for the arrival of the vampire pirates.

At night, the camp was very lively. The soldiers of the Ash Legion lit a bonfire and sang songs around the bonfire. No matter which human country they came from in the old world, everyone seized the opportunity to relax. The halfling Habi and his The friends held hands and stood on the table, dancing and singing, while the soldiers laughed and drank barley wine.

Even the imperial soldiers who had just surrendered quickly integrated into it.

However, Julius always felt a little uncomfortable. The expedition knight thought that the war was coming, even if the vampire pirates didn't come so soon, wouldn't Fulgrim be too relaxed?

After turning around, Julius found that except for a few soldiers who were on guard outside and on the beach, most of the soldiers were enjoying a brief moment of joy. The expedition knight's frown deepened.

He decided to find Fulgrim.

Fulgrim's big tent is located inside the camp. It looks very luxurious from the outside. Several Phoenix Guards of the Phoenix Guard are roasting chicken at the entrance of the tent. They spread honey on the surface of the roasted chicken, and the fat of the chicken is dripping. Between the bonfires, there were scattered sparks, and in addition, the pleasant sound of the piano came from the tent.

Fernando Pirazzo was slightly surprised to see Julius appear here. He reached for a roast chicken and broke off a drumstick: "Sir Julius, do you want to eat a drumstick?"

"..." Julius frowned slightly: "Is the legion commander inside?"

"Of course, something happened?" Pirazzo knew that Julius and Fulgen were relatives, so he couldn't stop them.

"Well, something happened."

"Please wait a moment." Pirazzo opened the curtain and went in. He came out within a few seconds: "The legion commander wants you to go in."

Julius opened the curtain and entered the large tent. Thick animal skins were draped on the ground. Fulgrim sat alone on the maza. He gently played the marlin in his hand, and the rhythm of the music changed from It goes from high to low, then high again, then turns to a passionate sound, then stops abruptly.

The moment the music stopped, Julius thought of the words "standard ending" and "to be continued."

"Julius, what's the matter?" Fulgen put Malinche down: "Please sit down."

"It's nothing, I'm just a little uncomfortable with the outside world. I think you and your soldiers..." Julius sat down as he was told, and the expedition knight's attitude changed slightly.

"Too relaxed?" The corners of Fulgan's mouth raised. He took out the wine glass and took out a wine gourd from behind him.

This wine gourd is a gift from Lord Mazda Moody. The fruit wine stored in this wine gourd can quickly restore the magic and spiritual energy used. Of course, Fulgan can drink up the entire wine gourd in two gulps. , so it can be used up to twice in combat.

Filling a glass of fruit wine and handing it to Julius, Fulgan looked at Ryan's brother-in-law with a smile: "In your imagination, what should war be like?"

Julius worked as Fulgrim's groom for two weeks. He suppressed his displeasure and was about to speak, but Fulgrim waved his hand to stop him: "In your imagination, is the war like this? The serfs are in neat formations. Line up to withstand the enemy's attack, the knights mount their horses in advance, the ancient horn has sounded, you shout the name of the Lady of the Lake and rush to the battlefield, the enemy will disintegrate like a ball of debris?"

"..." Julius couldn't answer. In his imagination, an ideal war should indeed be like this.

"Then let me ask you, what if this is the case? You prepare to attack the enemy, but find that your soldiers have not arrived yet. They are from the Empire, Britannia, Estalia, Tyrell Even Arabi, you are not sure of victory, but if you don't go to war, your honor will be damaged, what should you do?"

"Some troops who are usually in arrears with wages and food are already on the verge of mutiny. You know you need to appease them, but without money, appeasement won't work. You can only use your kindness and power, but it seems that some of them don't care about you. Mature, you are very anxious!”

"Your officers are not united. Some of them are from Bordeaux, some from Bastogne, and some from the Church of Mirmedia, the Goddess of War. Not only do they have conflicts, but they also have their own backstages!"

"Of course, you also have your trusted troops, but they are not many."

"Of course there are good armies, but there are also bad ones. The most elite army is your personal guard. The worst ones are the rabble led by the Border Prince and the mercenaries of Estalia. You know clearly that these have the greatest number and strength. The worst soldiers may be unreliable, but you can't fire them all because that will put the army at an absolute numerical disadvantage. What are you going to do?"

Questions were asked one after another that left Julius speechless. The expedition knight thought for a moment and then said: "Then the priority must be to ensure the combat effectiveness and loyalty of his own bodyguards. The soldiers can't make waves." of."

"Uh-huh, hehehe~" Fulgen was still laughing, and his smile became more and more playful. Even because he was so handsome, Julius felt a little red in the face and his heart beat faster.

"War is not that simple. My legion is made up of humans from all over the world. They are very different in terms of culture, belief or race, so I want them to gain a sense of mutual identity through many ways." Fulgrim finally explained: "They know who they are fighting for. I unify discipline and improve their overall quality. Only when they have a sense of honor and unwavering faith can they be used by me. You need to make the soldiers identify with you. Julius, instead of just thinking about controlling your own people.”

"Of course, I have to be lucky that I have a few brass lungs to ensure that my orders can be spread throughout the battlefield." Fulgan made a joke.

Brass lungs? several? Julius felt a little strange in his heart, but he thought that this might be a metaphor, so he was relieved. Seizing this opportunity, Fulgrim and he were barely outsiders. He took the opportunity to speak and asked the doubts he had always had in his heart. : "Your Excellency Fulgen, I have been on the Holy Grail Crusade for many years. My strength is not bad, even stronger than many ordinary Holy Grail Knights, but I have always been unable to get the approval of ladies. What do you think of this?"

"What do you think?" Fulgen sneered a few times. He picked up the wine gourd and drank the fruit wine elegantly from a goblet: "Do you really want to listen?"

"There must be a lady's reason for asking me to come to you," Julius replied.

"Then, let me ask you a few questions." Fulgen nodded slightly: "I'll finish the questions first, and you have to answer me truthfully one by one, yes or no."


"Do you think Ryan is an excellent knight?"

"Do you think Ryan is a womanizer? For example, there are too many women around him? For example, he is particularly fond of certain women's clothing and accessories?"

"Do you think Ryan likes to use some tricks to bypass chivalry and the laws of the kingdom to achieve his own goals?"

"Do you think Ryan is a qualified husband?" Forgan finished asking the question: "Answer me first."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Julius replied seriously, although he did not understand the connection.

"Great, next four questions."

"Do you feel that the lady in the lake is particularly partial to Ryan, so much so that it is unfair and excessive?"

"Do you feel that as a descendant of the noble first-generation Holy Grail Knight 'Pure' Redmond, no matter how shameless, despicable or depraved you are, you are destined and must be a knight?"

"Did your Duke Winford family take advantage of Ryan's rise to gain a large amount of profits for yourself, and also took the opportunity to continuously infiltrate his influence?"

"Finally, have you ever been jealous and thought that if you were selected to be the chosen champion of the Lady of the Lake, you would definitely be better than Ryan?" Forgan sat on the horse and relaxed his body: "I'm done asking, you Answer it."

Julius went through these four questions in his mind. There was no doubt that the answers to these four questions were "yes". But when he tried to open his mouth to say four simple words, he found that he couldn't say them anyway. Don't come out!

The expedition knight was suddenly sweating profusely, and big drops of sweat soaked his back and clothes. He tried hard to give a positive answer, but something on his body was stopping him! That's something called vanity, that's something called arrogance, that's something called greed, that's something called jealousy, some rage and depravity deep in his heart screamed in Julius's ears Screaming, yelling, cursing everything.

Julius' face was filled with uncertainty. He almost instantly took out the statue of the Lady of the Lake from his body, trying to calm himself down.

The instigator, Fulgen, calmly ate dinner and sipped wine. His elegant and noble behavior made the somewhat simple tent seem spacious.

After a long time, Julius felt that the deepest darkness in his heart gradually faded away. He walked to Fulgrim and bowed gently: "I understand why I have never been able to get close to the Holy Grail. Thank you for your guidance, Fulgrim." Legion commander."

"You believe in your sword too much, Yuri." When Fulgan saw Julius like this, his beautiful eyes as deep as stars showed a trace of sadness and vicissitudes: "There is something hidden in your sword. There is too much arrogance and darkness. Only by defeating it can you get close to the Holy Grail, otherwise you are destined to die in a long expedition or return in failure."

After Julius left with relief, Fulgrim couldn't stop laughing.

"Hmph~ Tzeentch's conspiracy."

.........I am the dividing line between my uncle and my brother who almost turned black...

A few days later, sure enough, accompanied by thick fog on the coastline and a bone-deep icy feeling, an undead fleet gradually approached the vampire coast.

Those were dozens of undead battleships covered in barnacles and coral! It was full of vampire pirates, with green flames shooting out of their eyes and green smoke coming out of their mouths. Their figures were obscured by waves of thick fog.

"Here we come." Fulgrim led the soldiers of the Ash Legion to hide in the jungle by the beach. The Emperor's Son, the Primarch, squinted his eyes and looked at the enemies gradually approaching the coast.

In the thick fog, there were waves of rough barcarolles.

"Ah~ah~ our blood is freezing cold~"

"Our plunder will never stop~"


The undead warship gradually approached the coast. A vampire lord held a shovel in one hand and the Ancient Holy Slate in the other. He jumped off the warship like crazy, and then rushed to the beach: "Ah~ yes, yes!!! I feel it, I feel it calling me!"

"It's Luther Haken!" Master Jin came to Fulgrim: "Shall we start taking action?"

"No, wait a minute." Fulgen waved his hand to signal everyone to stay still.

Luther Haken didn't notice the movement in the direction of the jungle at all. He went crazy. He used the ancient holy stone tablet to sense the position, then picked up the shovel and dug directly on the beach, while still talking to himself. Quote: "Maybe no one will believe my story, but honestly, it's a terrible beginning."

"I used to be a complete person, but now we have become many." Luther Haken continued to talk to himself, and he dug hard at the beach: "But we all firmly believe in one principle, that is, to gain the world's All treasures, one piece!"

Luther Haken soon found the lizardman treasure buried underground. He was overjoyed. He picked up the lizardman treasure in one hand and the ancient holy stone tablet in the other: "Then, we will become one. !”

After saying that, Luther Haken suddenly pulled out his scimitar and pointed in the direction of the jungle: "Fire at those humans!"

"They will all be my recruits!"

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