The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 676, I just want to disgust you

Old World, Britannia, Duchy of Mousilon, City of Jean, Duke's Castle of Llane, Winter Veil Festival.

After experiencing the Noor Conference, Ryan originally wanted to take a break and resume the construction of Musilon with peace of mind. After all, development is the last word.

But life is never what Ryan imagined. When he wanted to live a good year, a huge commotion suddenly broke out in Musilon.

The rebellion first emerged at the canal site in Mousillon. Workers who were digging the canal openly went on strike after learning about the investiture ceremony of the Old Guard. They shouted for changes and demanded more money. Welfare benefits, more vacations and more pay, they even called for the establishment of a union.

As a result, Lane's originally planned construction period from the Sandness River in Kurona to the Grismoray River went bankrupt due to this strike, and stopped only about fifty kilometers away from the Grismoray River.

Lane had to immediately send out personnel to negotiate with the workers, and then he was stunned by the conditions proposed by the workers. They had already come up with equal pay for equal work and minimum working hours. How could these workers come up with this? What era do they think this is? Everyone has meat to eat? No more fighting against chaos? If the workers digging the canal can be given food and some wages, they are considered very conscientious.

What bike do you want?

Ryan could sense that something was wrong, so he immediately sent people to investigate, infiltrated among the workers, and began the investigation.

Sure enough, Chaos cultists appeared among the canal workers, and they had formed a fairly tight organization, headed by a secret leader of the "Purple Hand" sect.

The Hand of Purple is one of the Chaos Sects of Tzeentch and one of the largest Chaos Sects in the Old World. After receiving Tzeentch's oracle, this Chaos Sect followed the imperial immigrants to Mousilon and secretly developed followers. They carefully protect and conceal their existence, and if they had not received Tzeentch's oracle, they might have been able to lurk for decades.

When Ryan discovered the shadow of the Chaos Cult, these Chaos believers had grown to thousands of people, and branches had been established in several baronies of the Principality of Mousilon and even in the city of Mousilon. When Lucien, Baron of the Spire Palace, led When the army went to exterminate, this group of Tzeentch cultists actually summoned Tzeentch demons, and once repelled Lucien's attack, it was not until reinforcements arrived that this group of cult gangs were completely wiped out.

By this time, things had become quite big, and the industrial belt along the Mousilon River that Ryan had finally built was showing signs of instability. He had to immediately gather a standing army of 3,000 people and go there together with the Old Guards. Musilon pacified the Chaos Sect, and Teresa also went with the army.

No matter how powerful the Chaos cultists are, they will naturally not be Ryan's opponent. It took two weeks, but Ryan still relatively easily eradicated all the new strongholds of the Purple Hand sect in Mousilon, at least on the surface, Chaos was completely wiped out. The existence of sects.

Surprisingly, in the past, the Tzeentch sect had given a lot of support to the actions of the Hand of Purple, and even spent their divine power to grant magical spells to their believers, give revelations and even dispatch Tzeentch demons, but when Ryan actually appeared At that time, the evil god quickly abandoned his followers, pretending that nothing happened, and not giving Ryan any chance to fight back.

What’s even more disgusting is yet to come.

First of all, because the Purple Hand emerged and spread from the imperial immigrants, the natives of Mousilon suffered greatly from it. This led to Ryan doing his best to make the natives of Mousilon and the imperial immigrants live in harmony. Half of the results that were integrated as much as possible were immediately lost. In those areas most corrupted by Chaos and most damaged by Chaos cultists, Musilon natives and Imperial immigrants produced many after the departure of Lion's army. The conflict was suppressed by relying on Ryan's own prestige. It may take longer to return to the previous situation of mutual understanding and mutual help.

This really makes Ryan feel extremely sick. The delay in the construction of the canal is barely acceptable, but the trust between people is difficult to restore, and the reconstruction of Mousilon urgently needs the help of imperial immigrants. This is like Ryan was working hard to build the blocks, and finally half of the blocks were built. Tzeentch rushed out from nowhere, pushed the blocks down, and then ran away with a sinister smile.

This is not the most disgusting thing. Waiting closely behind Ryan is the opposition of the nobles of the kingdom.

Britannia's conservative nobles finally found an opportunity to fiercely oppose Ryan's series of reforms and initiatives within the kingdom's court, especially the promotion of knights from serfs, the serf household registration redemption system and the With regard to these measures to promote the industrial belt along the Graysmoray River, the conservative nobles believe that Ryan's measures will not only not change the current situation in Britannia, but will instead attract disaster and the eyes of the Chaos God. The serfs are Serfs and nobles are nobles. This has been the rule in Britannia since ancient times. Moreover, if one day the serfs no longer farm the land, who will farm the land?

Among them, the current Duke Taubot of Le Angoulant, Duke Ford of Montfort, and Duke Casfan of Palavon are especially the leaders. These three Dukes have always opposed Lane's reforms. They issued a statement within the palace of the Kingdom. There are fierce critics who believe that Ryan's measures are unfeasible and hope that these proposals will be scrapped.

Lawn, who was in charge of the Prime Minister's affairs in Curona, was very troubled by the impeachment of the three dukes. At this time, the old king Richard, who was about to step down, helped Lane once. Richard asked Lawn to suppress these objections. The reason was that Ryan was only doing this in his own principality and the principality of his father-in-law Francois, and did not force other principalities to carry out similar reforms. Naturally, it was their own business. As the regent of the kingdom, Lawn No ruling can be made.

Richard's method was a very stupid but effective one. Ryan was initially surprised to learn that the old king was actually willing to speak for him, but he soon understood that the old guy was hedging his bets. His nephew objected, so he It helped Lane a little, and if Duke Taubot supported Lane, he would definitely oppose it.

Bodrick, Duke of Bordeaux, Francois, Duke of Winford, and Hubald, Duke of Carcassonne naturally support Ryan. The regents of the kingdom, Laune, Duke of Connet, and Adehad, Duke of Lyonnaise, secretly expressed their support. I support it, but I have made it clear that I will not come forward directly to support it.

As for the other dukes, they are still waiting and watching. They have seen the turmoil in the Lane territory and the vitality brought by the reform. The most contradictory among them is Bohemond, Duke of Bastogne. Bohemond is an Asian The most orthodox descendant of Se, he was naturally dissatisfied with Ryan's changes, but he also saw the changes that Ryan brought to his territory, especially since Kalad was Devon Hill's godfather. He thought about it for a long time. I still decided to take another look, but I have already sent people to start forming my own elite infantry regiment "Red Dragon Guards".

The fierce opposition and the counterattack of the conservative nobles made Ryan upset. Although these opponents could not affect the overall situation, they could not cooperate.

They only need to oppose, but Ryan has to solve countless problems, and there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him at any time, waiting for him. The smallest mistake will be infinitely magnified and become an attack by political opponents. His excuse.

Is Ryan strong?

He is very powerful, he has countless identities, he is the Primarch of the Gray Knights who is not afraid of corruption, he is the noble son of the Emperor, he is the chosen champion of the Lady of the Lake, the patron saint of Britannia, he is also the Mu Duke Silon, Landuin, the perfect man of the Eight Virtues of Chivalry - the orthodox heir of the winner, he is the Grand Knight of the Holy Grail, and he is even a time traveler. He has actually taken control of this country, and has multiple identities and The huge prestige has given him the conditions to realize his ideals.

In this way, he was still troubled by the recent series of events.

Obviously, Tzeentch played his own conspiracy in this series of events. The evil god actually did not hope to do anything to Ryan. He simply wanted to disgust Ryan, and it was really disgusting to him. .

This led to the fact that when Ryan withdrew his troops and prepared to return to Jean City, his face was still filled with black energy and a look of displeasure.

"What's wrong? Ryan, I rarely see you like this." Right next to Ryan, the sorceress Theresa looked at Ryan's appearance and found it really interesting.

This time going to Mousilon to suppress the Chaos Cult, Ryan needs a magical helper. Sulia and Sylvia both need to bring Devin Hill, and Orica is busy with an important magic experiment. Veronica Still in retreat to attack the sanctuary, Teresa finally went with him.

"There are too many things to worry about." Ryan shook his head painfully, and the snowflakes falling from the sky fell on his head. Duke Mousilon was wearing a complete set of ducal clothes, and his face was ugly: "I think I must admit , Tzeentch really made me sick at this moment. I get a headache when I think of a lot of things that will happen next. On the Lady of the Lake's Day next fall, I will ascend the throne in Curona and become the next King of Knights. But when I think about these countless things..."

Teresa could feel Ryan's troubles, but obviously the sorceress didn't know how to comfort people. She thought for a moment and simply joked: "What? Our great hero, Duke Ryan, who is famous in the old world, will also be killed by mortals." Are you troubled by Shi's affairs?"

"I am also a normal man." Ryan glanced at Theresa. After being teased by the sorceress, he temporarily put aside his inner depression and unhappiness: "Otherwise, I should find a Holy Grail Church and stay inside. It will be fine. Just pray and come out to fight if something happens."

"That's not okay! If you do this, I will have to become a nun with you." Teresa knew that Ryan was just talking, but she was still a little unhappy because she was busy with work and had to study magic. She and Ryan also spent less time together and separated more, and finally found an opportunity to go out with him. The sorceress didn't like to hear Ryan say such things.

"Isn't this great, Mother Teresa, hahahaha~" Hearing this, Ryan suddenly laughed.

Although she didn’t understand what Ryan was laughing at, out of a woman’s instinct, Teresa still gave Ryan a sanitary eye because she knew that Ryan must not have good intentions. This was her intuition: “You must be thinking about something weird again.” What happened?"

Today's sorceress is wearing a black swan and cold witch robe, her long and straight legs are wearing tight brown breeches and a pair of black high-heeled boots. This time she comes back and slightly trims her long, shimmering black hair. It was a little shorter, changing from waist-length to back-length. The black butterfly-patterned glasses remained unchanged. Her little hands wrapped in white lace gloves tightened the reins. She rode the mixed-blood elf war horse given by Ryan. An elven war horse is a very honorable thing in the Gloria Council. Teresa named this war horse "Laurel". Laurel is often borrowed by fellow witches for breeding, but the same is true for witches who know nothing about the breeding of elven war horses. I tried for a long time without success, and my clothes were covered with the smell of stables.

The three thousand people led by Ryan continued to advance. Before dusk, they took the time to cross the Grays Murray River and entered the Principality of Bastogne. The army of three thousand people arrived not far from a village and began to prepare. Stationed while replenishing some supplies to the local serfs.

Naturally, the villages of the Principality of Bastogne cannot accommodate the garrison of so many troops, but when they heard that the Holy Grail Knights appeared, everyone rushed out to watch, and they were also willing to sell some surplus food to Ryan's army. Many serfs took the opportunity to sell their food and supplies. After raising livestock and earning a small bag of silver coins, the village elder gave up the best big house in the village for Ryan and others to live in.

After simply settling in, Ryan and Teresa entered the big house. The old guard and the knight's retinues had already paved the inner room of the big house with carpets. There was still some time before dinner, and the two of them looked at the simple environment in the big house. and the dim light suddenly looked at each other and smiled.

Fourteen years ago, after they set out from the Nordic City, they also came to a village. In the evening, the two of them had dinner together by candlelight and chatted. Teresa stepped on her boots and raised her long legs. Leaning on the chair: "If you ask me, this feels not bad."

"What makes it feel so good? Such a simple environment." Ryan also sat on the bed with a smile. Fourteen years ago, he had nothing but the title of a kingdom knight and a set of equipment. Fourteen years later, he was already a famous sportsman. It is no longer possible for human heroes around the world to go on adventures with Teresa.

"A simple environment?" Teresa looked at the walls of the room with nostalgia. The walls made of wood as the main material were not very strong, and there were even occasional air leaks. However, she was full of nostalgia for everything. The sorceress stretched out her hand to touch He touched the table and the wall, completely ignoring the dust on his gloves: "But I feel it's very warm, warmer than the bedroom in my wizard tower?"

"What's the reason?" Ryan also understood.

"Reason? Do you still need a reason?" Teresa stood up from the chair. She walked to Ryan, sat down, and looked at Ryan's increasingly mature face: "Wherever you are, it is warm. .”

"Theresa..." Ryan held the sorceress's hand. He was about to say something, but Theresa had already closed her eyes.

"Okay." Ryan also closed his eyes, and the two of them gradually got closer.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps coming from outside the room made the two people separate quickly.

"Theresa, Ryan?" Aurora's voice came from outside the door.

The Holy Witch is wearing a sandalwood-brown style lace-up diagonal long skirt. Under the skirt is a beautiful calf wrapped in black ultra-thin stockings and a nude stiletto high-heeled shoe with a strap behind the heel. Wearing a butterfly sash, the smooth and delicate insteps were exposed. Her elegant temperament and beautiful face came to her face from outside the door. Aurora opened the door to the room. The Holy Witch was a little impatient at first, But she immediately understood something after seeing the appearance of her daughter and Ryan. Aurora's face turned red and she coughed lightly: "Dinner is ready, you guys... eat first, don't be in such a hurry..."

"Mother, we are just..." Teresa also blushed, and the sorceress quickly stood up: "Lian and I were just chatting!"

"You... chatting?" Aurora glanced at the bed. The Holy Witch was not going to argue with Theresa: "Okay, whether you want to chat or do something else, let's have dinner first."

"...Let's go, Ryan." Teresa was embarrassed to say any more, so she quickly stood up.

Ryan had no choice but to tag along to dinner.

Damn, I forgot she was here too!

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