The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 681, Duke Meeting

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"Yes, Ryan, your hunch is right, something is indeed wrong." Francois nodded. The father-in-law looked at his son-in-law who was standing in front of the sand table and his daughter who had just walked in from outside. The look on his face He showed a thoughtful expression: "This is also the focus of our debate."

"That is, even if there is a slight mistake in strategy and lack of preparation, it is still very abnormal for Kislev to lose more than 20,000 people." Raun also nodded, and the regent of the kingdom walked to the sand table: " We were arguing before, because according to Voroshilov's style of play, he was just too aggressive and too confident in the power of the Bear Cavalry, but in general, with superior troops and a large number of firearms, this There are still a lot of doubts about how the battle ended."

"There are too many casualties." Ryan looked at the military flag on the sand table: "I think I can understand why Voroshilov insisted on fighting. The reason is very simple. During the attack on Osdrask, Kislev had already We lost more than 10,000 people and paid such a huge price. If we just wiped out more than a thousand barbarians and captured a fortress, there is no way to explain it. Therefore, instead of giving up like this, it is better to work hard, even if we pay a huge price. To drive these barbarians out of the troll country, at least after this battle, the people of Belson Forest will definitely not dare to cross the mountains casually."

"Yes, that's right." Bohemond nodded, but the Red Dragon Duke kept frowning: "But the problem is, no matter how we deduce it, we underestimate Voroshilov's commanding ability and overestimate the tactical level of the barbarians. , it is still impossible for Kislev’s army to pay more than 20,000 casualties, too many, this army is the elite left by the former Tsar Boris Bokha! It is simply unimaginable to lose everything like this!”

"So there are only two explanations. The first one is that Kislev lied about the casualties, and the second one is that those northern barbarians who believe in chaos have become stronger." Ryan nodded, he understood what Francois and others meant. The implication is: "Kislev has no reason to lie about such high casualties. The only explanation is that the northern barbarians have become stronger. They have been blessed by the evil gods. The wind of chaos from the chaotic wasteland of the far north is blowing." Blowing in the mortal world, the Kurgans, Huns, Mongolians, and Norscans are all making preparations, preparing to wait for a true eternal god of chaos to lead them south."

"No, this is impossible!" Duke Adehad of Lyonnais said loudly: "It's impossible, the Great Holy War has only passed more than one hundred and sixty years! The last Eternal God of Chaos Chosen 'Anointed' Isaac Kuval He only died a few years ago? How could a new Eternal Chosen One be born so quickly?"

"Nothing is impossible." Ryan retorted: "Don't forget, there is no concept of time in the realm of chaos. As long as a chaotic bastard can pass the test of the evil god, he can become the eternal god. Maybe the eternal god will not be chosen for hundreds of years. One will appear, maybe two will appear in ten years, Adehad, don't use rationality and common sense to infer chaos."

"Sorry, the northern coast of Leonese has been invaded by Norscan longships recently. If it weren't for Bodrick's relative who brought an entire pirate fleet to plunder the Norscan coast all day long, plundering a large amount of gold and silver ore , Lyonnais may have been beaten to a pot of porridge long ago." Duke Adehad was only fifty years old this year, and he was considered young among the Dukes. He covered his head with a headache: "I want to say, these pirates They are indeed generous, but every time they dock, I have to worry about public security issues."

"Are you talking about Salt Grudge? Irenasa-Salt Hate has never been a relative of mine, never. She is just... the daughter of the sea god Mannann!" Bo Derek shouted dissatisfied. The teenage old Duke became angry when he thought of this incident: "I just received an oracle, and Mannann's will asked me to introduce her to you."

"Oh, that's right, Mannann, that damn sea god, made the wife of a Norscan barbarian chief pregnant with his child." Bohemond also said dissatisfied: "You are the only one in the whole kingdom, Bordero. I believe in Mannann the most. If you ask me, that female pirate is not trustworthy. She is just out for revenge. God knows if she finishes her revenge, will she turn around and target us?"

"Oh, dear Bohemond, have we ever killed all those Norscans even for one day, just one day?" Bodrick laughed at Bohemond's short-sightedness: "One day, Salt Resentment I can't even be happy enough to kill all the Norscans."

"Okay, stop arguing." Ryan finally spoke, and he said to Bohemond: "No matter what, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Arinasa-Salt Water Hate has destroyed North along the way over the years. There are more than twenty coastal fishing villages and strongholds in the country. From this point alone, the benefits she brings to us far outweigh the disadvantages. Bodrick is right, even Emperor Charlemagne and Ludwig the Savior Hopefully, the most that can be done is to attack and destroy the coastal villages and ports of Norsca. No large army dares to go deep into the interior of Norsca, and the Norscans will not be able to kill them all."

"I agree with Ryan's suggestion, that is, since the Norscans can't be wiped out, then just let the female pirate plunder and destroy them." Raun also agreed with Ryan's opinion. The regent of the kingdom looked at the things on the table. Sand Table said to everyone: "Currently our information is still limited. No matter how we guess, this is the outcome of this winter war. After deducing it for so long, we have almost forgotten the purpose of coming here."

"Oh, yes, that's right." Bohemond suddenly woke up from a dream, and he said: "I forgot that we came here to ask Ryan about the serf household registration redemption system."

"That's right, Ryan, you can always surprise us." Lawn sat down, with memories and sentimentality in his eyes: "Do you still remember the scene when we met on Mount Scarvell?"

"Of course, I still remember that I finally killed a four-armed bull demon and was seriously injured, and you were riding an elf war horse that made me drool. I really wanted to rob you," Ryan said with a smile.

"You are such a bastard." Lawn smiled and said no more: "A great bastard."

"Thank you for the compliment." Ryan and Sulia looked at each other and smiled. Duke Mousilon coughed a few times and said to the Dukes: "I know that you have many questions and opinions about the serf household registration redemption system. It doesn't matter. Let's take a look. Come in one o'clock."

"Okay." Except for Francois, several Dukes were waiting for this. After hearing Ryan's words, everyone nodded. Sulia, as the hostess, clapped her hands. The attendants and maids outside immediately came in and brought The sand table was carried away and everyone took their seats one after another.

"Now, let's talk about the issue of the serf household registration redemption system." Ryan pulled Sulia to sit down, and the remaining five dukes took their seats one after another. Among them, Duke Bodrick was the most eager to try, and Duke Adehad had a full face. It’s all unspeakable. The expressions of Duke Lawn and Duke Birhemond couldn’t help but be expectant and hesitant. As for Francois, the old guy was sitting next to Sulia triumphantly. He also didn’t want to speak. Ryan felt that his husband People are probably thinking about how much more money they can have in their coffers.

There was a moment of silence in the conference hall. In the end, as expected by Ryan, Bodrick, Duke of Bordeaux, was the first to ask: "Lian, I have read your serf household registration redemption system. I think there is no problem. I We also plan to start trialling this system in Bordeaux, when will you send someone to guide us?”

"Any time, as long as you need it." Ryan nodded and said with a smile: "If Lord Bodrick is really worried, you can ask Fedmund to come to my territory to observe."

"Very good. When I get back from the meeting, I'll ask Fedmund to come over immediately." Bo Derek was quite eager to give it a try.

Today, Sulia was wearing a classic black lace-up dress with ginger wood grain brown fragrance, paired with black velvet thick pantyhose and over-the-knee high-heeled boots. The Duchess looked at Bo Derek's eagerness to try, thinking about this Bol It is normal for Duke Dro to be so interested in the serf household registration redemption system.

The Principality of Bordeaux is one of the smallest principalities in the Kingdom of Britannia. Its total area is only equivalent to the area when Ryan had just recovered Mousilon and had not yet regained the old territory of Mousilon south of Lyonnaise. Slightly older, and due to historical reasons, the Duke of Bordeaux has always believed in both the sea god Mannann and the Lake Fairy. This resulted in the serfdom system being not particularly thoroughly implemented in Bordeaux, and the inland areas of Bordeaux worshiped The Fairy of the Lake, and in coastal areas, the Poseidon Mannann obviously holds more beliefs. Although the Poseidon Knights also follow chivalry, they are not as rigid as Britannia. The Poseidon Knights generally believe that the Poseidon Lady bestows cloth The land of Retania ends where the river turns into sea water. Not many of the Poseidon Knights own land, but they have always obtained huge benefits from the ocean.

Therefore, before the arrival of Ryan, Bordeaux was the most commercialized and industrialized region in the entire Britannia. The Mannann Dry Dock was also the only port in the entire Knight Kingdom capable of manufacturing large artillery warships.

There are more people but less land, and commerce and industry are developed. In addition, since Ryan's arrival, Bordero and Marienburg have opened up trade routes, and have all opened up with the High Elves, the Ash Legion, the Lizardmen, and Estalia. Trade routes and the huge dividends brought by trade have allowed many sailors on the Bordero dock to accumulate a lot of wealth, and the vaults of the Duke of Bordero's family are also filled with gold.

Similarly, soon after Ryan arrived in Britannia, he made Duke Bordeaux a key target. The reason is very simple. The Poseidon fleet owned by Borderick is the only blue-water navy in Britannia. .

The navy is extremely costly, requires huge investment, takes a long time to build an army, and has a long payback period. Ryan had no money or energy to build a navy from scratch before, so the reason why he chose to win over Bo Derek was Blue Water. The navy, not to mention the Poseidon fleet and the blessing of Poseidon Mannann.

In recent years, due to the needs of ocean trade and security needs, the Poseidon fleet has continued to expand. New warships are launched every month in the Mannann Dry Dock, and there are also huge orders from Fulgrim's Ash Legion, making money easy.

Bordeleau's questions were finally finished, and Ryan indicated that everyone could ask more questions.

"Ryan, I always feel that your serf household registration redemption system..." Duke Bohemond of Bastogne asked. As the most orthodox descendant of Arthur, Berhemond not only brought great influence to the serf household registration redemption system, "I always feel that on this issue, you did not consider the nobles of the kingdom, but favored the serfs."

"That's right." Ryan admitted generously: "I do favor the serfs on this issue, but Bohemond, you have also seen the kingdom's previous problems and subsequent changes. We have continued to decay, and the kingdom has Things need to change, the lives of serfs need to change, and it’s not that I’m not protecting your interests. The serfs have to pay such a large amount of money to redeem their household registrations. This is actually unfair to the serfs, but I still want them to pay Isn’t this money my compensation to you?”

As soon as this statement came out, the Dukes present nodded in agreement. Indeed, they had no reason to object fiercely. It was the ransom for the redemption of serfs. A large ransom could silence the mouths of the knights and nobles. After all, people like Ryan and François There are not many knight nobles like Val, Bodrick, and Lawn who are capable of internal affairs.

"I know what you said." Bohemond still hesitated: "But... I mean, it is indeed good to have money, but... if one day, all the serfs paid the ransom and became free citizens. , then who will cultivate the land? We can’t cultivate it, right?”

"Bercy! What are you thinking that is out of touch with reality?" After hearing this, black lines appeared on Francois's face. The father-in-law didn't wait for Ryan to speak and directly said: "There are 200,000 households of serfs in Bastogne. Two hundred thousand households! How many serfs do you think can afford the ransom money? Will it affect farming? Furthermore, if all 200,000 serf households pay enough ransom money, it will be 30 million gold crowns, 30 million gold Krone, isn’t this money enough for your family?”

"But... the money will eventually be spent, but the output of the land is unlimited." Bohemond was still struggling: "If the money is spent one day and there are no serfs to cultivate the land, what will happen to the food? What about the principality?”

"The land is still yours. You can hire people to farm the land, or you can contract it to free people for farming. The only difference is that the tax rate will be much lower. And you have also seen Ryan's quota tax reform. The more work you do, the more you will get. , you don’t have to worry about the land being left uncultivated!” Francois followed up: “And you can also encourage free people to build new villages and reclaim wasteland. Even if these new lands are not yours, the extra tax revenue will be It’s yours!”

"Wait a minute." Ryan stretched out his hand to signal Francois to stop first. He smiled and said to Bohemond: "Your Excellency Bohemond, let's give an example. After the Great Holy War, the Empire's new emperor, the Savior, Do you know about Derwig’s restructuring?”

"Well, I know that His Majesty Ludwig said that everyone has the right to be paid for their labor." Bohemond nodded.

"So is there a shortage of people to cultivate the land in the empire?" Ryan asked, "Are there few people who want to farm the land? Why can I get 300,000 immigrants from the empire? Why does Karl Franz still have a headache to this day? Crowded in Brunswick? Don’t the beggars, sailors, handymen, and scavengers in the city want to make a living by farming?”

"I understand, Ryan, it's really yours. You convinced me." Bohemond thought carefully for several minutes, and finally nodded in relief, with a smile on his face: "Okay, I'll start preparing for the execution when I get back." This system.”

Before he finished speaking, Kingdom Regent Lawn, who was sitting opposite Ryan, raised his hand to indicate that he had something to say: "Lian, I also have a problem."

"Please." Ryan stretched out his right hand, put his fingers together, and raised his hand with his palm upward.

"We all know that the income from growing cash crops is definitely higher than the income from growing food, such as grapes, sugar cane, rapeseed, olives, etc." Raun clasped his fingers on the table and said seriously: "Let the serfs become free After free people, they must give priority to pursuing profits, so it is very likely that most of the free people will plant cash crops, what about food?"

"This is indeed a problem." Ryan nodded: "But I also have a way to deal with it."

"How to deal with it?" Lawn asked with interest, "What is it?"

"Overall planning."

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