The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 693, VIPs from all sides (Second update, please vote and subscribe!)

As the Day of the Lady of the Lake approaches, distinguished guests from all walks of life have gradually arrived in Kurona, preparing to visit Ryan's coronation ceremony.

The first group of guests to arrive were a group of merchants from Marienburg, because Marienburg is the closest to Kurona. As soon as these merchants heard that Ryan was about to ascend the throne, they all bought generous gifts. Lane learned that The Archduke of Marienburg and Inquisitor Schultz arrived later because they had something to do, so they simply didn't see the group of businessmen and handed them all over to Katzenberg, who was the chief steward, to receive them.

Ryan knew that even though this group of businessmen were laughing and joking and buying generous gifts, in fact, this group of businessmen was the most cunning.

Britannia and the Empire have ongoing territorial disputes over the border area on the Road to Curona (that is, a swampy stretch of hundreds of kilometers from Marienburg to Curona). Behind these are the merchants of Marienburg. Shadow, if this group of Marienburg businessmen see the two countries living in peace, they will secretly try to create disputes and tensions so that prices will fluctuate and they can make money.

If war really breaks out, Marienburg businessmen will mobilize their connections and resources to act as intermediaries and find ways to bring the two countries back to the negotiating table to avoid the outbreak of war.

Thinking of this, Ryan didn't like this group of businessmen.

Peace makes money, let Oliver and Katzenberg deal with them.

The second batch arrived was the envoy of the Granite Hand, the dwarf king Rorek from Karak-Breeze Castle. Ryan met with the envoy. The dwarf envoy of Breeze Castle had a rather arrogant attitude, but there was no ill will. The two parties exchanged words. With some useless greetings, Ryan arranged for the dwarf to enter the hotel, which was regarded as completing the task.

Next to arrive were Rubio Sungazer, Duke of Magritte, and Amancio Perez, leader of the Estalia Business Alliance.

It is necessary for Ryan to meet these two people.

It just so happened that his Baron Biocari, Juan Carlos Sungazer, was also preparing to get married. Juan's marriage partner was Adjani de Guiso, the granddaughter of Hagen, Duke of Guiso Leaux. Leox, it just so happens that Juan can discuss marriage with Rubio.

For Juan, this marriage originally had a certain "high climbing" factor, but Juan's own conditions are not bad. As the legitimate son of Duke Rubio of Magritte, although the title of the southern country is relatively high , but it is much stronger than the border princes. Juan is a rising star under Ryan. He is young, has potential, and is valued by Ryan. Duke Hagen is satisfied with this marriage, and Juan also thinks it is good. .

As for Ryan, he had no objection. Sulia had introduced several noble daughters to Juan, either from Winford or from Bastogne. However, Duke Hagen was obviously more sincere and had no objection when he saw Ryan. Sulia Naturally, there will be no objection. As long as Duke Rubio nods this time, the marriage will be considered a success.

"Your Majesty the Duke!" Juan was very excited to see his father coming in person. After all, he was still a young man in his twenties, and there was still some fluff around his mouth. Early in the morning, he had washed himself and cleaned himself up. Clean and very excited to join Ryan.

At this time, Ryan was also ready. The two of them set off from the hotel. Juan had originally planned to call Ryan "Your Majesty", but Ryan stopped Juan from calling him. He seriously said that as long as I don't ascend the throne for a day, you will first use the title "Duke". Come call me.

"Honey, I want to go and see it too." Veronica saw that Ryan was about to go out, and the Witch of Gloria directly took Ryan's arm and said delicately: "Take me with you too!"

"We are here to discuss Juan's marriage and meet the guests. Why are you going?" Ryan was a little funny, but he didn't mean to refuse. Veronica was special to him, and he had always been very tolerant.

"Mr. Perez, he is my trading partner." Veronica held Ryan's arm and she said plausibly: "I just want to see my trading partner, and he hasn't given me his dividend for the first half of this year yet! "

"Okay." Ryan said nothing more.

Several people traveled together, preparing to go outside the city to meet Duke Rubio and President Amancio.

Juan seemed particularly excited about the arrival of his father Rubio. The young Knight of the Sun was very proud of himself. Now he not only had glory and title, but also a direction. He saw hope in Ryan.

The Church of the Goddess of War Myrmidia also highly affirmed Juan's success. When they heard that Juan would follow Ryan on the expedition to the Eight Peaks Mountains, the Church of the Goddess of War sent a messenger from Talabheim in the Talabek Territory. A group of Sun Knights assisted Juan in his expedition to Bafeng Mountain.

"Your Excellency Ryan, after you ascend the throne, will you move your headquarters from Jean to Corona?" Juan was young after all, and he had just left the hotel, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

"What, you want to settle in Kurona?" Ryan asked amusedly.

"Yes, dear, can you get me some stores in Curona?" As soon as he finished speaking, before Juan could ask questions, Veronica immediately pestered her: "Since you are in Brita, With Nia’s ability, isn’t it just a matter of words to get a few stores in good locations?”

"Don't make trouble, Veronica. It's easy for me to get the store, but it's very troublesome to return the favor." Ryan paused and then said: "I won't stay in Kurona often, two to three months a year. Well, I will still stay in my own territory most of the time, and I will leave it to Lawn, and he will take care of the problem."

Veronica raised her eyebrows slightly. Witch of Gloria understood why Ryan did not plan to stay in Kurona for a long time. As the capital of the Knight Kingdom, Kurona was the base camp of the conservative knights. It is easy to encounter a lot of troubles. As a representative of the conservative noble knights, Lawn is very experienced in dealing with these problems and knows how to face conservative forces. He can form a buffer zone between Ryan and the conservative nobles. On the contrary , if Ryan stays in Kurona for a long time, it is easy to have a head-on conflict with them.

The second one is also related to the palace. As the King of Knights, if Ryan stays in the palace of Kurona, then he will have to face extremely complicated rules and etiquette. After a thousand years of existence, the King of Knights will have to face various rules. There are so many that even Ryan has a headache. To put it simply, the King of Knights cannot even summon an ordinary knight at will, nor can he be alone with any small noble at will. His every word and deed will be recorded, no matter who he is. No matter what he does, someone will follow him and strictly control him. Ryan doesn't like this.

Veronica knew Ryan. He didn't like to tinker with the original building, he preferred to start from scratch.

Arriving at another hotel, Duke Rubio and President Amancio have arrived. Under the escort of dozens of knights of the Flying Eagle Knights, Rubio Sunwatcher is talking to Duke Hagen of Gisoleaux.

Duke Hagen is upright and brave. He is not a great nobleman who is good at internal affairs. Therefore, he basically spends all his time in the Holy Grail Cathedral in Kurona, practicing hard or practicing skills behind closed doors. Only really important matters can be dealt with. Let him go back to his territory to deal with things.

But Duke Hagen has never been a fool. Although he rarely stays in his principality, he has always secretly monitored the entire principality by firmly controlling the appointment and dismissal of personnel and controlling the most elite army in the principality of Gisoleaux. movements to ensure that the regent or acting official he appoints will not abuse power and commit corruption.

"Father!" Rubio was talking to Hagen. Both sides were talking and laughing. It seemed that the marriage was already a certainty. Seeing Juan coming over, Rubio's face was full of pride: "Juan , long time no see, Mr. Ryan, congratulations and thank you, without you, Juan would not be where he is today."

"All this is brought about by his efforts and has nothing to do with me. Gold will shine wherever it goes." Ryan shook hands with Duke Rubio sincerely: "Welcome to my coronation ceremony, and, Amansi President Ao, you are very welcome."

"Hahaha, you really have to welcome me." Amancio, the cunning big trencher, said without hesitation. He walked to Ryan's ear and whispered in his ear: "According to your request, I will try to help you get out of Kislev." A group of soldiers were hired, the port guards of Kislev Oerengrad, known as the "Striped Devil", all wearing blue and white striped shirts! People have landed in Bordero, and your people have already gone Accept them.”

"Is it Major General Ivan?" Ryan's eyes lit up. Kislev's Erengrad Sea Soul Guard, Kislev's legendary army, could only get such a team of people. Only Amancio with countless Connections and big businessmen who have been in business for decades can handle it.

More than 160 years ago, during the Great Holy War, when Kislev fell, a group of people in rags, wearing blue and white shirts originating from the Principality of Le-Angoulen in Brittany, The Kislev sailors in striped shirts actually held on to a stronghold for several months under the onslaught of the Chaos army. They persisted until the Chaos war group surrounding the stronghold got tired of fighting and gave up the siege and turned elsewhere. When the savior Ludwig led the Order Alliance army to counterattack in Kislev, Ludwig was surprised to find that there was actually an army guarding a small fortress in Kislev.

This group of sailors became the pride of Kislev. The Tsar at that time gave them the highest honors and medals. Since these people were all sailors, the Tsar named them the Sea Soul Guards of Erengrad.

This is the story of the Sea Soul Guards of Erlengrad. Their reputation has spread throughout the old world. After more than a hundred years, they are now the most elite force in Erlengrad. God knows how Amancio did it.

"Please allow me to correct you for a small mistake." Amancio smiled and said in Ryan's ear: "Now he is Admiral Ivan, specially canonized by the female tsarina Katalin."

"Ha." Ryan smiled sarcastically. What is this, a special show of favor from the Czarina? Or some kind of hint? Directly surpassing lieutenant general and being promoted to general. As a Ugor native, Ivan could be promoted to general. Maybe he never imagined that such a day would happen in his life.

Just after Duke Rubio and President Amancio settled down, Ryan immediately received an even more surprising news.

The high elves' fleet docked at Le Angoulan.

The Supreme Mage Teclis, the Council of Magisters of the White Tower of Hoth in the High Elf Kingdom of Savri, once again visited the old world.

After receiving the news, Ryan immediately led people to Le-Angoulan, and finally met Tigris and the high-elf army led by him halfway.

After many years of meeting, Ryan held Tigris' hand warmly: "Welcome, Supreme Mage of the White Tower, the weather in Britannia has improved due to your arrival."

"No, the relationship between humans and elves has improved." Teclis stared at Ryan with a pair of dead fish eyes: "You became the king very quickly. I thought I would have to wait another 5-10 years."

"Hahaha, can I ask a presumptuous question?" Ryan smiled and said, "Why are you here this time?"

"Do you think there is any Asur in Fenuba's Phoenix Court's War Council besides me who would be willing to come to this place that they regard as poor, backward, full of barbarism and ignorance?" Tigris said calmly: "If I don't come, no one from the high elves will come."

"Okay." Ryan shook his head repeatedly. Gao Jing's arrogance could really be summed up in one sentence.

I don’t want you to think, I want me to feel.

"In addition, I have news for you." Teclis held the Staff of Lilith, his face still lacked any emotion: "The Emperor of the Empire, Karl Franz has set off from Brunswick ”

"I know, I have sent Lawn to wait for him at the border." Ryan nodded: "I will have a formal meeting with him in Curona. This will be a historic moment for the Emperor and Britannia. The king has not had a formal meeting for nearly two decades."

"very good."

Updated, the second update today, please vote!

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