The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 698, this is a misunderstanding

The giant sword fell, and with unparalleled power on its edge, it flew down into the air!

"Cang!" But Zhuang Sen's sword failed to fall after all, it was stopped.

The black claws exuded a penetrating cold light in the dark midnight. The blade of the Lion King's Sword was blocked by the claws. Clarkson, the Primarch of the Raven Guard, appeared in front of the little girl at the critical moment: "Jonson, you can't do this."

"That's right! Jonson, my brother, what are you doing? How can you attack such a little girl!" Following Clarkson, Salamander Primarch Vulkan also used his hammer Dawnbringer to block Facing Zhuang Sen's attack, he immediately protected the little girl behind him: "Are you crazy?"

"Any slightest bit of relaxation will lead to an irreversible betrayal!" Zhuang Sen prepared to attack again.

"Enough, stop." At this time, the emperor said something. After hearing the emperor's words, the Dark Angel Gene Primarch hesitated for half a second, and finally stopped his actions: "The indecisive character and An attitude that cares too much about the lives and deaths of civilians will eventually harm you, Vulcan and Clarkson."

"But that's not a reason for you to do anything at will!" Vulkan lowered his voice and growled: "Do you know what you are doing? We are here to see Ryan's coronation ceremony, not to massacre women and children!"

"There is no next time." Although he said this, Zhuang Sen finally stopped: "So what should we do now?"

At this time, the little girl had been frightened by a series of changes and sat down on the ground. Her eyes were dull, drool was drooling from the corner of her mouth, and dark marks appeared on her skirt. She was so frightened that she became incontinent.

"Oh my god, my god, Zhuangson, my brother, you scared people crazy!" At this time, another original body appeared.

Wearing a tattered ascetic robe with hundreds of shining golden scriptures stained on it, a skull hung on his chest, and a high golden bishop's crown on his head. His face was full of compassion, and he was as kind as a harmless animal. Luojia, who had the temperament of a priest, came out. He recited scriptures written in the ancient Terran language. Around him, dozens of golden letters rotated around him. As he chanted, Luojia's big A golden halo formed behind the bald head, and the whole person was bathed in the rain of light. Hymns praising the emperor continued to be sung, and the inside of the small granary was illuminated as bright as day.

In this state, every time Luo Jia took a step, bright golden symbols immediately appeared on the land he passed. He was like a living saint walking down from the realm of the gods, and like the incarnation of the supreme god. Come to the world.

The little girl looked at Luo Jia with a dull expression. The Word Bearers Primarch walked up to the little girl with a smile, gently stretched out his hand and pressed it on her head. With a flash of golden light, the little girl regained her consciousness and immediately burst into tears. : " bullied me! Wow~~"

From Zhuang Sen drawing the sword to Luo Jia solving the problem, these things happened in just a few seconds.

"..." Looking at Luo Jia's appearance, the emperor's expression was very wonderful. He could do nothing about it - Luo Jia had experienced too much in the ten thousand years after his ascension to the devil. After being transformed back, Luo Jia Luo Jia has now completely regarded himself as the leader of the state religion. The emperor knows how lethal Luo Jia's behavior is to those ignorant civilians.

The Lord of Humanity waved his hand, and all the special effects on Luo Jia disappeared: "Don't attract other people, Luo Jia!"

Things do not always go as expected. Although their previous series of movements were not very big, they still attracted people. A woman still wearing a nightgown and a headscarf held a dung fork in her hand. Rushing forward with both cowardice and courage, she panicked and pointed the tip of her dung fork at the uninvited guests: "Who are you?! Manny! Oh my God, my God! Madam, protect us!"

What made the woman despair was that these uninvited guests were all tall and had good weapons in their hands. How could she be a match for these people?

"..." Several people's eyes turned around, and a murderous intent flashed in Zhuang Sen's eyes. This frightened the woman to the point where her whole body shivered. She cried and wanted to call out for help.

"Wait!" At this time, Schultz stood up. He walked out quickly and stood between the serfs and Zhuang Sen with a sincere face. He raised his hands and said loudly: "Madam, madam, we have no ill intentions. It was just an accident, we were travelers passing by! We came from Marienburg!"

"A passing...traveler?" The woman's face was full of doubts that I didn't believe, but the situation was stronger than the others. The giant black man also grabbed his daughter behind him. The peasant woman mustered up all her courage and humbly said Requesting: "Okay, okay, I beg you, give me Manny back. Whatever you see in the granary, just take it away. For the sake of the lady, give me my daughter back, please." !”

Schultz glanced at Vulgan, who didn't say much. He let the little girl return to her mother, and the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried.

"Ma'am, please don't be nervous. Look, here is a bottle of honey. Children will like it, Manny? Can I call you that? You like honey, right? Children all like honey." Schultz immediately jumped from the space He took out a bottle of fine honey imported from Rickland from the ring. He handed the glass bottle to the peasant woman and girl: "This is an apology. We really don't mean any harm."

The peasant woman was still a little shocked, but the little girl couldn't wait to reach out and take the glass bottle and hold it in her arms. She opened the bottle and licked it, and her crying stopped.

"This is chocolate, imported from Arabi." Schulz took out two more pieces of dark chocolate and handed them to the peasant woman: "You will like this. This is an apology. I'm sorry to bother you."

chocolate? ! The peasant woman hugged her daughter and opened her eyes wide. Ordinary serfs may not know what chocolate is, but she is a free citizen and lives on the outskirts of Curona, so she naturally knows how luxurious this snack imported from Arabi is. Product, this is a good product that even the knights can't often eat. Maybe this is really a misunderstanding?

Although she was still a little skeptical, chocolate was indeed a high-end luxury product. The peasant woman still stretched out her hand to take the chocolate tremblingly. She said tremblingly: "Okay, okay, in that case, why do you appear here late at night?" ?”

"We came from Marienburg to watch Lord Lane's enthronement ceremony. It was late at night and we were short of food. We wanted to go to the farm to see if we could buy some food." The emperor spoke, and he said calmly to the peasant woman : "Sorry, everyone is a little hungry."

The Emperor spoke, and Jonson, Clarkson, Lorgar, and Vulkan all nodded, indicating that the Emperor was right, we are all hungry.

The emperor's words contained some power that penetrated people's hearts and authority that penetrated the bone marrow. Every sound he made made the peasant woman feel some kind of trustworthy power. The peasant woman felt that she had calmed down, and she put her daughter down. , nodded: "Okay, okay, those who come from afar are guests. There is a lot of food in the house. I will make some food for you."

"Please kill a cow, a sheep, and two chickens, and cook a few more pots of porridge. We can all eat them." Schulz took out two gold crowns and put them in the hands of the peasant woman: "Thank you."

Seeing the bright gold crown and the Arthur sticker on the back, the peasant woman's eyes lit up, her hands shook, and the gold coins disappeared into her sleeves. Two gold crowns were several times the price of these livestock and grains. Furthermore, if the other party tried to rob them, she would definitely not be able to stop them, so these strange travelers were still sincere.

As the peasant woman accepted the money, the lights on the entire farm were lit again, and seven or eight women came out and began to prepare meals and slaughter livestock for the guests who had come "from afar".

"Why are they all ladies? Where are the men?" Schulz asked curiously.

"The men have gone to the city to sell grain." The peasant woman took out a few bags of barley flour and oat flour, and took out a few bags of potatoes and vegetables from the warehouse. She was obviously a little dissatisfied with the strange-looking Clarkson, Vulcan and others. Fearful, he just spoke to Schultz: "It was the coronation ceremony of the new king recently. Grain was being collected and prepared for the banquet everywhere in the city. His Majesty the Emperor was also here. The child's father brought the men from the farm to the city to sell grain. , and buy something by the way.”

"Wouldn't this be dangerous?" Schultz tentatively asked: "For example, a beastman or something?"

"This is the outskirts of Kurona, my noble lord." The peasant woman was a little embarrassed: "There are many patrolling troops, and the Holy Grail knights patrol irregularly. We rarely see beastmen, and the knights in the city also I urgently need military exploits to decorate my armor. If I want to see the beastmen, I have to be dozens of kilometers away. I have never been to such a far place."

"Okay." Schulz asked no more questions. He returned to the open space inside the farm. The Emperor and several other Primarchs were sitting around drinking Bagman beer brought from Marienburg. Vulkan was not with them. The Salamander Primarch was using his own weapon, the Dawnbringer, to repair the farm fence that they had damaged. He also carefully strengthened the fence and apologized to the owner of the farm.

In this way, in the middle of the night, the Emperor and several Primarchs enjoyed an authentic farm supper under weak torches and candlelight. Although the peasant women's craftsmanship was not particularly outstanding, they did not care about it. so many.

"So, we won't show up this time." Vulgan took a large mug, took a sip of Bagman beer, picked up the ceramic bowl, and poured the scalding hot porridge directly into his throat: "I I still remember it fondly. When we showed up at Ryan’s wedding last time, the surprised expressions of the guests were really evocative!”

"...We have no reason to show up this time." The emperor said a word and stopped. He tasted the barley porridge with a spoon, and his eyes seemed to be recalling something.

He remembered the days when he was born in Asia Minor. He was a handsome, strong, hard-working young man at that time. His parents tasted the same barley porridge with him. The memory of the time more than 40,000 years ago was very blurred, and he could only remember it at a certain time. For a moment, I vaguely recalled the unreal past at that time.

"If you ask me, Ryan's speed is a bit slow." Luo Jia tasted the wheat porridge with great interest and a pious attitude. The Primarch of the Word Bearers was really as gentle and gentle as a priest. His pious and sincere expression made him a The man who is most popular among peasant women and children: "He is almost forty years old, right? He has only unified one country so far."

"Luojia, you are too harsh. When we were scattered to those worlds by the storm, have you ever encountered so many powerful enemies? Greenskins? Chaos? Undead? And elves and dwarves?" Clarkson responded to this He responded with an opposing attitude: "He has done a good job. At least he has unified a country."

"...I suspect that you are mocking Angron, and I have proof!" Vulkan shouted loudly: "He was the only one who failed!"

"Hmph, a betrayer, a sworn person, and now he is only satisfied with being an old farmer. This kind of brother really makes me feel extremely embarrassed!" Zhuang Sen said coldly: "When I see him, I must be ruthless. Teach him a lesson."

"You will have a chance." Luo Jia watched the excitement and said politely, "Do you want me to be a master of ceremonies for you and a referee by the way? I am good at this."

"Jonson will beat you and Angron together." Clarkson said sarcastically: "Your level can only serve as an addition to Jonson, just like the black-hearted king Huron."

Clarkson was talking about something that happened not long ago. When Jonson led Caliban and the Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Army back to Terra, they ran into the predator Abaddon and the leader of the red pirates, King Blackheart. Huron's Chaos Fleet, the two sides engaged in an extremely fierce battle.

At the end of the battle, Jonson faced off against Abaddon and the Black-Hearted King Huron at the same time, ultimately deciding the outcome of the encounter.

The plunderer Abaddon was hit by Jonson's sword twice in the thigh and back and was seriously injured. Just when the situation was very critical, Abaddon caught the black-hearted king Huron in front of him and asked him to help him block Jonson's fatal blow. Hit, then run away.

The Black-Hearted King Huron was not so lucky and was still alive. He was chopped into two pieces by Zhuang Sen. The leader of the Red Pirates warband and the Lord of the Maelstrom lost his life in Zhuang Sen's hands. He felt guilty for his betrayal. and the price paid for atrocities.

This was considered a major battle recently. Several of the Primarchs chatted for a while, and the dishes at the farm were also prepared. Roast beef shank, stewed beef soup, roasted chicken, roasted lamb chops, stewed lamb and other dishes were served one after another. Everyone ate meat.

The Emperor kept a straight face and just ate without saying a word.

Finally, Vulkan spoke first. He held a roast leg of lamb in one hand and said loudly: "Father, whose turn is next? Is it Pertrabo or Mortarion?"

"Hey, Vulcan, don't mention Petrabo, you know what happened before!" Luo Jia said with a smile: "Haha, let me keep a little more smile. I think if I smile a little, I can still laugh for two hundred years. !”

Jonson and Clarkson looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to the emperor. The emperor had a serious expression and remained silent. Upon seeing this, Luojia explained about Petrabo.

How to break through Petrabo's Iron Barrel Formation is a problem in the entire galaxy.

Just recently, the Imperial Fists Chapter discovered a video inside a ruined ship.

This video was exactly what the Iron Warriors Primarch Petrabo sent to the Emperor. After watching this video, the faces of the Imperial Fists warriors immediately turned green, but they still faithfully recorded this video. The image was sent to Terra's Golden Throne.

"So, what did the traitor say?" Zhuang Sen was interested in this matter.

Luo Jia smiled. He glanced at the emperor and saw that the emperor had no objection. He immediately said it. Luo Jia could not wait to see the reactions of his brothers.

"The first thing Petrabo said when he came up was..."

"Emperor = stupid*!"

"Heaven will punish the false emperor and burn down the Milky Way!"

"F**k you emperor!"

Updated, new week, please recommend!

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