The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 726, from victory to next victory

On the ruins of the Giant Tower, the expeditionary army was counting their gains and losses. Nearly a thousand people were killed in this battle, but considering the results of wiping out thousands of wild greenskins, it was completely worth it. of.

The knights and serfs have plundered a large amount of wealth. The wild greenskins like shiny things the most. Although they are all rubbish, the greenskins never mind filling their castles with rubbish. Those from the Tomb King's Tomb The endless treasures, many precious metals and weapons obtained from the dwarves, and many good things discovered and mined by the greenskins themselves were plundered by the expeditionary army. When Ryan ordered the soldiers to withdraw from the city, Veronica prepared When the flames were summoned to burn the entire city to ashes, there were still many soldiers reluctantly looking for possible harvests in the green-skinned towns, and some even tried to dig out the green-skinned cesspools.

The things that the green skins really regard as treasures are a bunch of delicious mushrooms (for the green skins), roasted and fragrant farts with a unique spicy taste (for the green skins), dried and stuffed Salt-soaked lizards and those round-shaped puffball fungi that emit a unique pungent smell are the ultimate delicacies for greenskins.

Among the food that greenskins love the most is the pompon ball fungus, which is stuffed with pickled farts after releasing its pungent smell, and roasted with mushroom wine (made by goblins). This kind of food is even legendary. Even Grimgor-Ironhide, the chosen god of furry, can't resist, only in a giant waaagh! After the victory, the greenskins will take out this delicacy to enjoy.

Facing the attack of the expeditionary force, the greenskins would rather destroy these foods than leave them to humans to enjoy... In fact, no one in the human race intends to enjoy the greenskins' food.

This knowledge was told to Ryan by Belegar. In hundreds of years of war with the greenskins, Belegar has become an expert in the culture of the greenskins and ratmen. The dwarf king is very aware of the greenskins and Skaven. habits and know how to deal with them.

But the same is true for his two old rivals, the Eight Peaks Mountain Warlord Skarsnik and the Eight Peaks Mountain God of War Headhunter Quik. Belegar understands them, and they also understand Belegar.

Ryan and Belegar looked at the fire that covered the entire Giant Tower in the distance. The King of Knights nodded with satisfaction. Ryan did not take any action in today's war. He was wearing his own Gray Knight full-body sophisticated power armor and holding Thor's hammer in his hand. , the goddess of revenge hung on his waist, the King of Knights knew that he was the commander-in-chief now, and there was no reason to take the lead in any war: "This battle is very important to us, Brother Belegar, we need such a victory."

"Okay, maybe you are right." Belega lowered his head and thought for a moment: "The Giant Tower is our first target. There are at least a dozen such greenskin strongholds along the entire Blackwater Bay. Maybe we can't harvest so much wealth in every stronghold, but maybe this can give your people confidence... Let me tell you Brother Lane, these soldiers of yours, especially the infantry, are too fragile. They almost collapsed at the first touch. .”

"You can't compare your dwarf army with ours. Every dwarf is a born warrior." Ryan complained: "Even the most ordinary dwarf warriors have gone through at least ten years of training, and our serf infantry regiment has been trained for at least ten years." We spend most of the year plowing the fields, and even training is only during the short slack season, so it is definitely not as good as your army."

"Oh, Brother Ryan, you are very self-aware!" Belega stroked his white beard, and the King of Eight Peaks proudly affirmed Ryan's statement: "Yes, after all, humans are a race that produces defective products. There is no way to compare with the powerful dwarves, but it doesn’t matter, just leave the foot combat to the dwarves! As long as you let the knights charge, we will cooperate and we will be unfavorable!"

"..." Ryan rolled his eyes secretly. He knew that this was what Belega was waiting for. Since Belega wanted it, just give it to him. Anyway, he didn't lose anything.

In front of the two kings, a huge army was sharing their harvest.

The knight nobles gathered in small groups and loudly displayed their harvests. Some harvests were military merits, which meant how many greenskins the knights killed and how many heads they obtained. Some harvests were gold and silver treasures, but Looking at the expressions of the knights, almost all of them were smiling.

Breaking free from the shackles of chivalry, the knights' looting when facing the greenskins was even more crazy than that of the empire and dwarves. They greedily plundered everything they saw, using swords and shields to kill those they saw. Every green-skinned enemy they encountered would knock down and smash the statue of Gorge Mao. Then they would take the mining pick directly from the hands of the dwarf miners and smash Gorge's face into a ball of rubble, just to dig out Gorge's statue. Pair of diamond-encrusted eyes.

The entire expeditionary force greedily plundered everything, just like the Chi Yan Great Expedition hundreds of years ago.

According to regulations, half of the looted property must be turned over, and the remaining businessmen from the Oliver Chamber of Commerce and the Hadrian Chamber of Commerce are already salivating at the loot. The two chambers of commerce also sent many people to participate in the war this time, and they were almost here. Buy all the loot without refusal, and then the merchant ships will transport the loot to Haimen Pass, Lucini, Miragliano, Estalia, Bordeaux, Le-Angoulen and Marienburg for sale , God knows how much profit Oliver and Hadrian can get from it, but looking at their expressions, you know that selling the stolen goods is an extremely profitable business.

For this reason, the entire camp was full of noisy arguments between merchants, knights, nobles, and soldiers. How could many serfs see so much gold and silver in their lifetimes? They argued with the merchants about how much the things they grabbed were worth, how many gold coins they could exchange for them, and how many they could send to their families in Britannia.

Thanks to Ryan's many years of hard work, the postal system of the entire Britannia has been established with the cooperation of the Church of the Fairy of the Lake and the great nobles headed by Francois. As long as the area is not too remote, the postal system is generally All can be delivered.

It’s no wonder that Marienburg merchants look down on the Bafengshan national debt. The profit of only 10% is not comparable to the sale of stolen goods, which has a conservative profit of more than 50%. Ryan noticed Antelm counting the harvest aside. Sulia's cousin, Count Antelm of Kuileu, gained a lot from this robbery. There were dozens of sacks filled with various gold and gemstones alone.

But it doesn’t matter. Ryan knows deeply that the business princes in Marienburg can only do some small tricks on the national debt of Bafeng Mountain and cause some trouble. They will never dare to stand up and confront Ryan head-on. They He didn't even dare to leave Marienburg.

Ryan knows this group of bourgeoisie too well. The bourgeoisie has its own unique weakness and compromise. They will not confront Ryan head-on. Originally, the best way for these business princes is to cultivate a powerful opponent and He pushed to the front desk and confronted Ryan head-on, while they hid behind the scenes and made small moves and provided financial and influential support.

But the question is, who can stand up to Ryan? Who can the business princes of Marienburg support to fight against this king of knights, human hero, and saintly powerhouse?

Representative of the old nobility, Regent of the Kingdom Raun?

Impossible. Raun is the Knight of the Holy Grail. He is the most devout believer of the Fairy of the Lake. Fighting against Ryan is equivalent to facing the Fairy of the Lake. It is impossible for Raun to agree. It is precisely because of this that Ryan can safely appoint him as regent.

Archduke Schulz of Marienburg?


Imperial Emperor Karl-Franz?

It's obviously impossible.

Even if the business princes set their sights on the Chaos Eternal Chosen, they can only come to an untenable conclusion. Of course, the Chaos Eternal Chosen can fight against Ryan, but Chaos never reasons with businessmen. This kind of behavior has no spirit of contract or rules. However, businessmen are most afraid of people who break their agreements suddenly.

snort! By then, if these business princes still cannot see clearly the situation, let alone eat meat, they will not even be able to drink soup. Ryan thought so.

In the camp at night, at the Old Guards Camp, the gorgeously dressed Old Guards gathered together in twos and threes and enjoyed dinner. As an elite army formed by Ryan, the Old Guards' food and rations were obviously the best. Yes, today’s dinner is chicken stew + whole wheat bread, with a lot of extra supplies. Their food is even better than some knights of the principality. Looking at their exquisite weapons and glorious military uniforms, many There is no shortage of jealousy among knights errant.

Mr. Raymond, the company commander of the Old Guards and the knight errant, sat in front of the fire with an iron plate and ate dinner with several Old Guards. In the Battle of Giant's Tower, because the Old Guards were not put into the battlefield, They only played a role in suppressing the formation of the Chinese army, so they did not have the opportunity to show their strength. When they started to plunder the Giant Tower, the Old Guards participated relatively late and did not grab too many good things. These proud The soldiers were angry.

"Company commander, look at how proud those soldiers are!" After Raymond took a few bites, an old guard complained to the commander: "Damn it, what's there to be proud of? We have tens of thousands Man, the opponent only had a few thousand green skins, but he still suffered a thousand casualties, and it was just an green skin stronghold, why didn’t your majesty let us solve it?"

"That's right!" Another old guard said: "Damn it, we were slow, so I just grabbed these few silver ingots. This money is just enough to go to the merchant camp to vent!"

Everyone glanced at the merchant camp. It was extremely hot now. The serfs and knights who had just obtained a large amount of gold and silver in the robbery were spending wildly. Of course, there were many merchants and knights in this great expedition. Various small vendors and even chefs followed. Many chefs were making food on the spot. Some serfs who had made a fortune even ate beef noodles, a delicacy that was almost impossible for serfs to eat before.

In addition, there were one or two hundred women who followed the merchants, also doing business.

"Still venting? I heard that the prices for low-grade goods there have been raised to three silver coins a time, and the time limit is thirty minutes!" An old Guardsman joked: "With the little money you grabbed, If it's not enough for you to vent a few times, you should save it or give it to people from the Oliver Chamber of Commerce to send it back to the kingdom!" Someone complained: "Damn it, we Old Guards will never just watch those serfs get rich. ?”

"Impossible." At this time, Raymond finally spoke. This old Guards officer and knight errant is also a well-known figure in the army. After many years of experience, Raymond now has a strong and powerful character. Momentum: "This Great Expedition will be more difficult than ever before. Being easy at the beginning does not mean it will be easy later on. There will be times when His Majesty needs the old guards. We just need to wait patiently."

"Well, that's right." Raymond's words made everyone sitting around nod in agreement.

At this moment, a group of Old Guards carried several large boxes into the camp. The commander of the Old Guards, Kingdom Knight Bertrand, slammed the boxes several times: "Everyone, listen to the order!"

"Yes!" Almost in an instant, all the old guards stopped what they were doing and stood up collectively. Both knights and serfs were surprised by the prohibitive demeanor.

"In accordance with the decree of His Majesty King Ryan, the best soldiers should deserve the best enjoyment!" Bertrand stretched out his hand to hammer the box. He pulled out his saber, pried open the box, and took out a large wooden box from inside. The barrel was placed on the ground: "This is beer! Imported from the Empire!"

"Yeah!!!" cheers erupted from the Old Guards.

"This is football and rugby for entertainment!" Bertrand said with a serious expression: "Enjoy tonight, Old Guards, this is an order!"

"Thank you, His Majesty the King!"

"Long live His Majesty Ryan!"

The whole night was surrounded by a fiery atmosphere. People celebrated the victory of the war and counted the captures. Through a victory, the expeditionary army officially announced its arrival to the entire bad land!

In this way, throughout December, the expeditionary army carried out just and noble plundering along the entire Blackwater Bay and against all the greenskin strongholds and fortresses along the coast!

More than a dozen greenskin strongholds were brutally destroyed, and all wealth and resources were frantically plundered. The knights let go and slaughtered all the greenskins within their sight, destroying everything they could see. The valuable things were taken for themselves, and everywhere the expeditionary force passed was a scorched earth.

By late December, the time had entered the Winter Veil Festival. Ryan and others led an army to conquer the stone mine sentry tower, the last greenskin stronghold on the coast of Blackwater Bay. Eight thousand wild greenskins under the wild greenskin warlord Snark In addition, tens of thousands of goblins were slaughtered. Facing their ancient enemies, neither the Brittanian knights nor the dwarves of the Angland clan had any mercy. The entire city was once again plundered. Burned to a white ground.

The expeditionary force also suffered more than 3,000 casualties.

Now, Haimen Pass is right in front of us.

One letter after another, news of victory after victory spread from the Badlands to Haimen Pass, to the Border Princely Territory, to the southern countries, across the black and gray mountains, to the empire, and to Breton. Tania! Ship after ship of loot was transported back to the country from the bad land. That was His Majesty Lane's victory, that was the victory of the expeditionary force, that was the victory of the Lady of the Lake and the victory of Britannia!

This news greatly inspired the entire Knight Kingdom. People took to the streets and told the news of victory happily. Large sums of gold, silver, treasures and various resources were shipped back to the Kingdom, allowing the knights, nobles and serfs of the Kingdom to receive Real benefits! Even Hubbard, Duke of Carcassonne, couldn't help but smile when he saw the thousands of bags of salt and dozens of sacks of gold, silver and gems that had been transported back to the country and piled up.

But at the same time, the greenskins deep in the badlands and the greenskins in the Eight Peaks Mountain also heard the news that Belegar and the army of knights had returned again.

"Damn canned shrimp! Kill my ass so that I can't eat happily~ Destroy my tribe so that I can't waaagh!"

——Badlands Greenskin Rumors

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