The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 732, Marching into Castle Castle

The bureaucratization of the aristocracy is actually the aristocracy, that is, the further division of labor. The empire has already completed this, and Ryan has already started to do it. Father-in-law François's Wenford College is actually doing similar work and cultivating students. The aristocratic bureaucrats also managed, but they were not hereditary, they just held positions.

While Ryan was discussing issues with Kalad and Fedmund, the Cathayans were also discussing issues.

"He is the king of Britannia, Mr. Li Ge. This opportunity is rare. If you can open up the important joint of the vast ocean and promote my power, it will be a great achievement." In the corner of the bar, Jing Lu said respectfully He respectfully poured wine for the high-ranking official of Sinian: "Mr. Ge did not hesitate to travel across the ocean to come here. His hard work has made great achievements. This glass of wine is a tribute to you!"

"Oh, it's necessary. This is all due to the Emperor's great blessings. How can I get any credit? Don't mention this matter again!" The Cathay man's face was red, and he touched his beard: "As for that knight King, I don’t think it’s necessary. If we meet here, it’s just some trivial matters such as trade and labor. Our country is rich in products and has everything. Originally, we didn’t use foreign goods to communicate with others. It’s just because the tea and porcelain produced in the country are , Silk is a necessity that is not available in distant countries, so Your Majesty is particularly merciful and allows you to open a foreign trade company in Tilea. Now that we have the emperor's orders, we must not make any mistakes."

"Yes, I am a stupid official." Jing Lu bowed his head obediently and admitted his mistake.

"Slave, please accept your master's teachings!" Qi Shan also bowed his head.

"This time I came to Haimen Pass to buy star iron and valuable goods. I brought ten pounds of good tea." Hong Fuchu said with a smile: "Mr. Li Ge, would you like to try it?"

"Okay, top grade. You can actually cross the ocean without breaking down. Hong Fuchu, I really want to mark your merits this time." Mr. Li Ge lowered his head and took a sip.

"The tea is good tea, but it's a pity that the yield is less." Hong Fuchu said with some embarrassment: "In this way, Mr. Li Ge will get three catties, the dwarf will get four catties, and Lord Jinglu and Qishan will get one catty each. "

"What about yourself?"

Hong Fuchu toasted respectfully: "You're used to it, just drink plain water."

"Hey, look at what Hong Fuchu said? Drinking water? This time, thousands of kilograms of meteorite, obsidian, lead and all kinds of silver were purchased. On such a large scale, he You actually drink plain water? Who are you pretending to?" Mr. Li Ge stroked his beard and joked: "On the other hand, the dwarf, do you really want the number of four kilograms? Can't you tell me more?"

"It doesn't make sense to turn into barbarians and accept death." Hong Fuchu said with a smile: "It was decided before and cannot be changed. Am I not doing my job with all my heart? If Mr. Ge feels that it is really not possible, then let someone else do it. It works."

"That can't be done, then Qingbao Tianzun and the Emperor are not allowed to dismiss me and investigate!" Mr. Li Ge quickly dissuaded him: "Then let's do it like this!"

"Yes! I will make arrangements right away."

"Also, the matter of the Marienburg Joint Hall is a great undertaking of Qingbao Tianzun, and it must be carried out in full swing."

"Yes!" Several people raised their mugs: "The Heavenly Lord has infinite longevity!"

"Infinite longevity!"

…………I am the dividing line that praises Qingbao Tianzun……

Ryan didn't pay too much attention to the Cathay people in the tavern, because looking at those costumes, he felt an instinctive feeling of helplessness and reluctance to approach, so after lunch, he took Kalad with him He and Fedmund rushed to the Dwarf Engineers Association at Haimen Pass.

Even so, they still waited at the door for nearly an hour before being allowed in. When Lane and others, led by the Hammer Warriors, walked through the entire hall of the Engineers Association, several great engineers at Haimen Pass were panting. With their faces flushed, they looked a little depressed. The leader, Master Brooke Gunnarsson, the chief engineer of Haimen Pass, gasped hard, took a swig of dwarf beer, and then burped: "Uh, Welcome, King of Knights in Britannia, what do you want us to do, or do you want to do something for us?”

A drunken dwarf engineer? Ryan noticed that there were still leftovers on the table. The Chief Engineer must be in a tired and drunken state at this time. This made him realize that the tired and drunken dwarf was now easier to flatter and persuade, and he might be able to more easily to achieve his goal, but he must also be careful not to anger the drunken and exhausted dwarf.

"Oh, Brooke, don't be like this. The King of Knights came all the way and led an army to help us pacify the greenskins along the Blackwater Bay. Why are you so serious?" Polly-Ironboots, a great dwarf engineer He said in a friendly manner: "Come, come here, King of Knights of Britannia, sit down, let us have a drink first, there is nothing else here, enough beer and bread tubes, come, come here."

Polly Iron Shoes is the president of a local dwarf chamber of commerce in Haimen Pass. This chamber of commerce is responsible for ocean trade. He was the beneficiary of Ryan's series of actions after arriving at Haimen Pass, so he has the best attitude towards Ryan.

"Yes, there is still enough beer. Since you are here, you must follow the rules of our dwarves and drink first!" Chief Engineer Brooke Gunnarsson nodded sharply: "Otherwise, if this gets out, others will Do you think we are neglecting the noble King of Knights? Are you saying that?"

"Come on! It's full." Chief Engineer Brooke said to Ryan and others: "You three masters and apprentices are yelling at us three masters and apprentices! Come on, drink to your heart's content first! Let's talk after you're full!"

"Okay, let's do it." Ryan nodded. Seeing that the king agreed, Kalad and Fedmond had no choice but to sit down.

An hour later.

The drinking fight between the three Holy Grail Knights and several dwarf engineers finally came to an end. Kalad and Fedmund were both dizzy from drinking, Ryan was also red-faced from drinking, and the several dwarf engineers were obviously almost done. Brooke burped: "So, our noble King of Knights is here to place an order? Do you want to order an ironclad ship from us?"

"Is that okay?" Ryan put one hand on the table and hiccupped.

The dwarf engineers whispered in private, discussed for a while, and finally made a decision. Brooke shook his head: "No, at least not now."

"You helped our Haimen Pass clear out the green-skinned bandits in the entire Blackwater Bay, and at the same time, you have to expedition to the Bafeng Mountain. No matter whether you succeed or not, I have to praise you for a job well done." Brooke scratched his red hair , he was drunk and confused: "But we still can't completely trust you, I mean, you guys haven't done a good enough job..."

"Concerning the order for the ironclad ship, we don't trust you enough. It would be best if this expedition succeeds. What if it doesn't succeed? Who should we ask for payment then?" Garok Ginsuya, another dwarf great engineer He hesitated and said: "Also, we are also short of necessary materials now. Those Cathayans ordered a large amount of star iron and other raw materials from us at high prices. We don't have enough raw materials on hand now, so we can't make it. Let’s wait until you return from your expedition to the Eight Peaks Mountains before mentioning this matter. If you can win, you can give Skarsnik and his Evil Moon Tribe a taste of their suffering, and finish off Belegar and his damned things.”

"I think I should have known these things earlier, instead of telling me after spending an hour drinking." Ryan closed his eyes, his voice slightly unhappy: "This is the dwarf's hospitality. Way?"

"It's you who came to us to order iron-clad ships. It's a huge concession for us to let you in!" A dwarf engineer immediately stood up and shouted angrily: "Who do you think you are? Humans? What if? If it weren’t for the selfless gift from us dwarves, how could you still be alive today? We have paid so much for you, why don’t you know how to be grateful?”

"That's enough, Goodson!" Chief Engineer Brooke shook his head repeatedly. Goodson was only 300 years old this year, which was considered very young among the senior engineers. Brooke felt a little regretful and felt that it was really unreliable to let this junior come in ten years ago. After hearing Pu's decision, he signaled to Goodson to calm down, and then he stood up: "Maybe this matter is indeed our negligence, but the dwarves have always told their friends the truth. Our current steel inventory is not as much as the rat droppings in the warehouse. There is no way to replenish such a huge vacancy in the short term. Wait a moment and let us take a breather. You can go on an expedition to Bafeng Mountain first, and we can talk about the ironclad ship after you get back from the expedition, okay?"

"Well, it seems that our trip was in vain. I'm sorry to bother you." Ryan sighed, and spent the whole day in vain: "How long do you want to rest? Ten years? Twenty years? Fifty years or a hundred years?”

He was answered with a silent hum and a sound of gasping in the nostrils. The entire Engineer Guild Hall exuded a smell of wine, rust and gunpowder. The stubborn dwarves never compromised.

"Very good, it seems we have reached a consensus." Ryan finally decided to leave. He motioned for Kalad and Fedmund to follow. The two Holy Grail Knights only felt that their throats were bitter and they were dizzy. The smell of dwarf beer was too strong. It was too thick, bitter and strong. Fedmund, whose strength was inferior to Ryan and Kalad, swallowed desperately to prevent himself from spitting it out.

"Wait a moment, King of Knights." Chief Engineer Brooke thought carefully and decided to retain Ryan: "Listen to my proposal."

"?" Ryan turned around.

"I understand your sincerity and your determination. What you have done has benefited Haimen Pass, and the Haimen Pass dwarves will not let you go home empty-handed." The chief engineer thought for a while, and then said: "In this way, our Haimen Pass Thunder Squadron will be sent to assist you in this battle."

"Thunder Squadron?" Ryan asked with some confusion.

"The Thunder Squadron flies four Dwarf gyro bombers, the latest achievement of Dwarf aviation technology. It flies through two propellers and an airship horizontal tail, which can be said to combine the characteristics of a rotorcraft and an airship. In terms of firepower, it is equipped with eleven enemies Buster bombs and a revolver mounted on the nose." Chief Engineer Brooke nodded: "This is our sincerity, but you must find your own way to pay the Thunder Squadron's salary and purchase ammunition supplies."

Dwarf rotor bomber? ! Ryan's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, we accept it."

"Okay, in that case, you can go out." Brooke stretched out his hand to indicate that Ryan and others could go out: "You have brought us dwarves a new issue, and we must continue our discussion now."

"I see, you guys should be busy with a lot of things, so I won't disturb you." Ryan nodded. He, Kalad and Fedmund left the engineer hall. Before closing the door, there was a sound coming from the engineer hall. There were new quarrels and louder voices.

In this way, after about two weeks of rest and replenishment, the Poseidon Fleet once again transported about 50,000 civilians and follow-up troops from Britannia. After receiving sufficient support, the expeditionary army began to move forward. One-step strategy, prepare to attack Junku Fort located on the east side of the Haimen Pass Mountains.

January 2512 in the Imperial Calendar, Old World, Bad Land, Desert Grassland to the west of Haimen Pass.

The expeditionary force of more than 10,000 people led by Belegar-Ironhammer is marching slowly along the hills and ancient roads of the desert steppes. As a master of using and leading dwarf rangers, Belegar has already sent a large number of rangers to Scouting the situation around, he himself led the entire army of the Angrond clan, including Blackheart Lepp's army, Leopold's Leopard Regiment hired by Ryan, and the Kislev Erengrad Sea Soul Guard. And more than a thousand horse archers led by General Ivan slowly advanced.

The cold air of winter blows along the wind of the wasteland. The temperature in the badland does not reach sub-zero in winter, but it can still make Belegar feel a bit chilly. Under the warm winter sun, the sky has returned to the clear blue of the past. This gave the Dwarf Air Force an unobstructed view of the nearby area.

Belegar-Ironhammer greedily breathed the dry air of the Badlands. After many years, Belegar was back. He came to seek back everything he deserved from the greenskins and Skaven. This made the real Eight Peaks The king felt indescribably happy. Although every dwarf yearned for deep mine tunnels and hard rock walls, it felt good to stand in a bad land in winter and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.

"My king, for the time being, there shouldn't be too many green-skinned troops nearby. Maybe they were scared away by us?" Angrond clan engineer Halharver-Gold Digger held a rune long pipe fire in his hand. Gun, he said towards Belegar: "At least in this terrain, the greenskins can't ambush us."

"No, the greenskins just won't ambush us in a place like this." Belegar nodded, and the King of Angrond said roughly: "I know where they will ambush us. This place, Army Castle, is quite special."

"That's right, King Belegar, I have been in the Border Princedom for many years, and I know best that Junku Castle is simply the dividing line between the Badlands and the Border Princedom. It is also the dividing line of precipitation. In Junku Castle Here, the annual rainfall barely guarantees that you can grow something. Once you pass the Military Castle and go south, the climate immediately becomes dry and it is basically difficult to cultivate food." Black-hearted Rep walked beside Belega. He said respectfully: "Therefore, the furthest humans have conquered has only been here."

"But humans still haven't defended this place." Belega snorted with some disdain: "I know what's going on. Junku Castle is located on the east side of Haimen Pass and is not close to the Haimen Pass peak, so every time the green skin craze attacks it We all have to be the first to face it. It’s certain that humans can’t hold on. In the end, you still need the dwarves to act as a barrier for you.”

"Uh, yes, it's true." Black-hearted Lepp was embarrassed by being said, but the mercenary leader was very thick-skinned, so he didn't take it seriously at all: "His Majesty King Belegar taught him a lesson."

After several days of marching, Belegar and his army gradually approached Junku Castle. The city was built between two slender hills. If you want to get close to Junku Castle, you must approach along a trail formed by a low-lying basin.

Belegar did not stop the army's advance. Instead, he ordered the army to continue advancing until the rangers and Dwarf helicopters raised the alarm.

"Enemy found!"

"Enemies found ahead!"

"A large number of goblins appear on the hills to the left!"

"A large number of Goblins were found on the hill on the right!"

"We're surrounded!"

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